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08-20 投稿


cascade 发音

英:[k??ske?d]  美:[k??ske?d]

英:  美:

cascade 中文意思翻译





cascade 网络释义

n. 层叠;小瀑布;喷流vi. 像瀑布般冲下或倾泻v. 使瀑布似地落下

cascade 常用词组

cascade control ─── 串级控制;[计]级联控制

cascade development ─── 梯级开发;干显影

cascade system ─── 串级系统

cascade 同义词

surge | flow | cataract | river | tumble | inundate | gush | spill | force | fall | pour | torrent | shower | chute | overflow |waterfall | drop

cascade 短语词组

1、cascade concentrator ─── [化] 阶式蒸浓器

2、cascade battery ─── [化] 级联电池组; 阶式蒸浓装置

3、cascade cooler ─── [机] 串级冷却器

4、cascade connection ─── [计] 级联

5、cascade chromatography ─── [化] 级联色谱法; 级联层析

6、cascade control ─── [计] 串级控制; 级联控制 ─── [化] 串级控制

7、cascade carry ─── [计] 逐位进位

8、cascade circuit ─── [电] 串级电路

9、cascade cycle ─── [化] 级联循环; 串级循环

10、cascade decoder ─── [计] 级联译码器

11、cascade centripetal ─── [化] 多段冲击采样器

12、cascade control systems ─── [化] 串级调节系统

13、air-cooled cascade blade ─── [机] 空气冷却片列

14、cascade amplifier ─── [电] 串级放大器

15、Benturi cascade tray ─── [化] 本图里阶梯式塔板

16、cascade down ─── 跌落

17、cascade concentration plant ─── [建] 阶式蒸浓装置

18、cascade aerator ─── [化] 阶式曝气装置

19、cascade compensation ─── [化] 串联补偿

cascade 词性/词形变化,cascade变形


cascade 反义词


cascade 相似词语短语

1、arcade ─── n.拱廊;(内设投角子电子游戏机等的)游乐场;有拱廊的街道;vt.使有拱廊;n.(Arcade)人名;(西、法)阿卡德

2、cascabel ─── n.响尾蛇;炮的尾钮;n.(Cascabel)人名;(法)卡斯卡贝尔

3、cascaded ─── adj.[电]级联的;v.使串联(cascade的过去分词);瀑布般落下

4、cascades ─── n.[水文]小瀑布;叶棚(cascade的复数);v.瀑布似地落下(cascade的三单形式);n.(Cascades)人名;(法)卡斯卡德

5、alcade ─── 范围

6、casease ─── n.分解干酪素和蛋白质的酵素;酪蛋白酶

7、caspase ─── n.半胱天冬酶;切冬酶(胱冬肽酶);细胞凋亡蛋白酶

8、cascara ─── n.药鼠李;用其树皮制成的缓泻剂

9、caseate ─── vi.干酪化,发生干酪样变;干酪性坏死

cascade 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The development and trial of neuroprotective drugs have almost been launched in all links of ischemic cascade reaction. ─── 几乎对缺血级联反应的所有环节都已进行过神经保护药物的开发和试验。

2、This successful execution includes all referential cascade actions and constraint checks associated with the object updated or deleted. ─── 判断执行成功的标准是:执行了所有与已更新对象或已删除对象相关联的引用级联操作和约束检查。

3、We demonstrate the scaling law and the bandwidth control by using the serial cascade of multiple QW SOAs. ─── 利用多个量子阱半导体光放大器的串行级联验证了缩放比例原则和带宽控制。

4、The sunk central square is divided into four themes of gardens, including theater, fruit garden, parterre and cascade garden. ─── 中央下沉广场分为四个主题花园,包括阶梯剧场、观赏果园、绿地花坛和叠水园林。

5、Here at Florence, we love not to see a man with his nose projecting over a cascade of hair. ─── 在我们佛罗伦萨这个地方,我们可不喜欢看见一把大胡子上面突出的一只鼻子。

6、CASCAD closes over the contaminants, thereby eliminating outgassing and associated downwind hazards. ─── CASCAD会包围污染物质,使污染物质不会洩漏,于是就不至于造成下风处的灾害了。

7、Do not specify CASCADE if the table will be included in a merge publication that uses logical records. ─── 如果该表将包含在使用逻辑记录的合并发布中,则不要指定CASCADE

8、The hotel is flanked on either side by Pender Harbour and the Cascade Mountain Range. ─── Madeira Park 酒店: The Painted Boat Resort is located in Madeira Park, British Columbia, Canada.

9、A Native American people inhabiting an area of the Cascade Range in south-central Oregon and northern California,with close cultural ties to the Modoc. ─── 克拉马特族在美国俄勒冈州中南部和加利福尼亚州北部的瀑布区的一个地区中居住的北美印第安民族,与莫多克族有密切的文化联系。

10、The number of cascade particles changes according to the incident cosmic ray energy, observation height, etc. ─── 到达地面的簇射粒子数目会随不同因素而改变,包括原初宇宙射线的能量、观测高度等。

11、Translate the following sentence into Chinese, 'but now you are so tightly scheduled that a slip in one project can cascade to many more projects. ─── 但是由于你日程安排的太紧,以至于一个项目上的失误就会引起其他项目一连串的失误。

12、Weiss S,Baumgart R,Jochum M,et al.Systemic regulation of distraction osteogenesis:a cascade of biochemical factors[J].J Bone Miner Res,2002,17:1280. ─── 付振才,何建国,翟向前,等.经皮穿刺注射骨形态生成蛋白治疗股骨骨折骨延迟愈合[J].创伤外科杂志,2006,8(3):240

13、Cascade connection of two same systems is used to obtain 2 Ms/s sampling frequency. ─── 介绍了如何利用两个相同系统级联的方法获得2Ms/s的采样频率.

14、To enhance the tunable photonic delay of a single QW SOA, we explore a serial cascade of multiple amplifiers. ─── 为了提高单个量子阱半导体光放大器的可调光子延迟,我们进一步探讨了多个光放大器的串行级联。

15、Her hair tumbled in a dark brown cascade down her back. ─── 她深棕色的长发瀑布般地披在背后。

16、In recent years, for example, scientists have pinpointed elements of the inflammatory cascade triggered by sepsis, which ultimately leads to shock. ─── 例如,近年来科学家已经找到败血症引起发炎等一连串效应,终致休克的要素。

17、At the center of each plot stands a vivacious, passionate woman who unleashes a cascade of unhappy events. ─── 在中心的每一个情节矗立活泼,热情的女人谁引发一连串不愉快的事件。

18、The input impedance, voltage, and current variation along a transmission line is approximated as cascade of many parallel C and series L circuit model. ─── 以多段并联电容与串联电感串接电路模型近似输入阻抗、电压、电流沿传输线位置之变化响。

19、Then markets went off a cliff in a cascade of crises, upending many of my earlier recommendations, even defensive ones. ─── 之后市场在一系列的危机中急转直下,颠覆了我此前作出的很多建议,甚至是防守性的投资建议。

20、In the infected cell. Apoptosis is a preset cascade of events that, when triggered, leads to cellular suicide. ─── 凋亡是一种事先安排的级联事件,一旦触发便导致细胞自杀。

21、Available microwave switch configurations include a simple single-pole double throw (SPDT) switch, multi-position switch, matrix, and cascade. ─── 可用的微波开关配置包括简单的单刀双掷(SPDT)开关、多位置开关、矩阵和级联开关。

22、Her long hair fell over her shoulders in a cascade of curls. ─── 她长长的卷发像瀑布一样披泻在肩上。

23、In fact, Mount Saint Helens appears to be the youngest, most recently active volcano in the Cascade Range. ─── 事实上,圣海伦斯火山是喀斯特山脉中最年轻又是最近期活动的活火山。

24、A cascade of blood spouted from the hole. ─── 伤口不断冒血。

25、A chute or slope will be erected which is more than ten metres high, looking like a slanting cascade over the river. ─── 冰橇滑道台高10多米,长长的延伸开去,像斜挂的瀑布,直向江心泻去。

26、Beautiful hair fell about her shoulders like a cascade of brown waters. ─── 她解开头发让它披散下来。这美丽的长发像褐色的小瀑布。

27、Cascade, tree, or matrix switching connfigurations can be implemented for microwave signal routing. ─── 在微波信号路由中,级联、树形和矩阵切换配置都可能会使用到。

28、For the key factor influencing quality best-polymerization temperature, cascade with stroke-dividing control algorithm is applied. ─── 对其中影响质量最关键的因素?聚合温度,采用了串级加分程控制方法进行调节。

29、For this reason Access supports the Cascade Update Related Fields option. ─── 因此,Access支持“级联更新相关字段”选项。

30、The calculation time of cascade circuit was reduced by using of the ch ase after method of tridiagonal equations. ─── 对互联电路的计算,可利用三对角线方程组的追赶法,减小了计算量,提高了计算速度。

31、Approximating a transmition line as cascade of many parallel C and series L circuit model. ─── 以多段并联电容与串联电感串接电路模型逼近传输线。

32、She watched the magnificent waterfall cascade down the mountainside. ─── 她看着壮观的瀑布从山坡上倾泻而下。

33、A CMOS serial data output permits cascade connections in applications requiring additional drive lines. ─── CMOS串行数据输出允许需要附加驱动线路的应用的级联连接。

34、Her hair fall over her shoulders in a cascade of curl. ─── 她的头发鬈曲著披垂在肩上。

35、Heavy rains caused a wall of mud to cascade down the hillside. ─── 大雨冲垮了一堵泥墙,从山坡上泻下。

36、The process flows of metallic surface pretreatment and tunnel cascade phosphating were introduced respectively. ─── 分别介绍了金属表面前处理和隧道式喷淋磷化工艺流程。

37、This paper design ed the method of cascade control and seq uence control, based on the temperature and humidity control of pharmacy. ─── 以药厂洁净室的温湿度控制为例,设计了一套基于串级控制和分程控制的洁净室温湿度控制系统。

38、Her hair tumbled in a cascade down her back. ─── 她的长发瀑布般地倾泻在后背上。

39、But the market has been trying to work its way higher here, trying to feel if maybe the European thing won't cascade out of control. ─── 但市场一直在试图走升,尽量在设想或许欧洲局面不会失控。

40、You can, however, choose to update a primary record and all related records in one operation by selecting the Cascade Update Related Fields check box. ─── 但通过选中“级联更新相关字段”复选框可以选择在一次操作中更新主记录及所有相关记录。

41、How to set up reliability targets and cascade reliability targets from product level to system level, and to component level? ─── 如何设置可靠性目标并将可靠性目标逐级从产品分解到系统以及零部件?

42、DENY will fail if CASCADE is not specified when denying permission to a principal that was granted that permission with GRANT OPTION specified. ─── 如果某主体的该权限是通过指定GRANT OPTION获得的,那么,在撤消其该权限时,如果未指定CASCADE,则DENY将失败。

43、Moore H,Gregory-Smith D G.Turbulence and Transition in Secondary Flows in a Turbine Cascade[R].AGRAD-CP-571,1995. ─── 向传国,曾军,康勇.某核心机出口整流支板设计和流场分析[C].//中国航空学会动力分会第十一界叶轮机学术会论文集.沈阳:航空动力研究所2001.

44、Controlling of each tache adopted PID control,forming PID cascade control. The merit of PID cascade control was got. ─── 对每个环节的控制算法都采用PID控制,形成了PID串级控制,得出了PID串级控制的优点。

45、Key word: Coal burning boiler; steam-gas; temperature; cascade control system; DCS control system. ─── 关键词:燃煤锅炉,过热蒸汽,温度,串级控制系统,DCS控制系统

46、Tolerance processes can operate at any of numerous checkpoints throughout the cascade. ─── 在整个级联性反应过程中,在众多检查点中任何一处都可以产生免疫耐受。

47、CSS style rules cascade in the sense that global style rules continue to apply to HTML elements unless local style rules override them. ─── CSS样式规则从一定意义上讲是“级联”的,即全局样式规则会一直应用于HTML元素,直到有局部样式规则将其取代为止。

48、Moreover, cascade compensation of UPFC can be used to improve and adjust transmission power for two phases running, too. ─── 同时还可利用UPFC的串联补偿来提高和调控两相运行时的传输功率。

49、Unwanted packages are often discreetly handed on to others, creating a cascade of calories and goodwill. ─── 不想吃的月饼通常又会被谨慎地转手送给别人,产生持续的热量和人情。

50、Her hair was styled into a cascade of spiral curls. ─── 她的头发被做成了瀑布般的螺旋形鬈发。

51、He crashed to the ground in a cascade of oil cans. ─── 他随着一连串的油桶跌落坠地。

52、Such lavas also once came from the volcanoes in the Cascade Range in Washington. ─── 在华盛顿州的喀斯喀特山脉的火山也喷出过这样的熔岩。

53、RIM did not understand what was wrong until unsent messages accumulated in a global cascade. ─── 直到全球各地的未发送信息堆积如山时,RIM才知道发生了什么事。

54、If the rule is set to Cascade, child rows will be deleted. ─── 如果将规则设置为Cascade,就会删除子行。

55、Kate is tall and slim with a cascade of dark curly hair. ─── 凯特个子高,留着一头瀑布般的深色卷发。

56、There might then be a cascade effect as more and more proteins change shape. ─── 因此,若有愈来愈多的蛋白质改变其形状时,即可能发生级联效应。

57、You can, however, choose to delete a primary record and all related records in one operation by selecting the Cascade Delete Related Records check box. ─── 但通过选中“级联删除相关记录”复选框可以选择在一次操作中删除主记录及所有相关记录。

58、When it rained, water would cascade down the window. ─── 下雨的时候,雨水像瀑布一样沿着窗沿泻下。

59、The spell you play as a result of the cascade ability resolves before the original spell. ─── 你由于倾曳异能而能够使用的牌,会比原本的咒语更早结算。

60、Here at Florence, we love not to see a man with his nose projecting over a cascade of hair. ─── 在我们佛罗伦萨这个地方,我们可不喜欢看见一把大胡子上面突出的一只鼻子。

61、All relations may not involve a cascade deletion. ─── 不是所有的事物都能使用级联删除。

62、But the rarer three-and four-lepton events suggest a complex cascade of transformations that may prove difficult to unravel. ─── 但是,比较罕见的三轻子和四轻子事件却暗含着有一个复杂的级联衰变,这是很难解释的。

63、It can be used as reference for the protection of storage areas and the construction of the other cascade hydropower stations in the Lancang River. ─── 从区域尺度计算漫湾水电站生态供给足迹和生态需求足迹,以为漫湾水电站库区生态环境保护和后续干流水电梯级电站建设提供参考。

64、Cascade design at the front end of the seat helps to reduce pressure on your legs. ─── 椅座前端瀑布式的设计,有助于减少大腿受到的压力。

65、Her hair fell over her shoulders in a cascade of curls. ─── 她的一头卷发一直披到双肩上。

66、When the snow melted in the spring, great rivers and streams cascade downward. ─── 到春天,冬雪一化,大江小河奔流而下。

67、It is possible to block the toxic effects of the clotting cascade pharmacologically , halting edema formation around the clot mass11. ─── 以药物阻断凝血过程中的毒性效应,终止血凝块周围的水肿形成是可能的[11]。

68、The effect of fourwave mixing(FWM) and cascade SRS on multi-order Stokes generation and the influence of inert gas were discussed. ─── 对四波混频和级联受激拉曼散射在氢气多级斯托克斯产生中的作用以及惰性气体对它们的影响进行了讨论。

69、On rivers rich in hydropower potential, multiple-purpose cascade development in planned way shall be practiced. ─── 在水能丰富的河流,应当有计划在进行多目标梯级开发。

70、But how many "diseased" proteins are needed to set off the cascade? ─── 但是究竟需要多少“病变”蛋白质才可引发级联效应呢?

71、Recalling the static forces that helped form the Solar System in its earliest stages, thousands of tiny steel balls cascade through Static Landscape. ─── 在静电景观中,成千上万颗小钢珠如瀑布般倾泻而下,产生电荷,模拟太阳系形成初期的静电力量。

72、Environment Impact of cascade hydropower project is characterized with accumulating, diffusible and potential effects. ─── 分析了梯级水电工程环境影响具有累积性、波及性和潜在性等特点。

73、Topology and Vortex Structures of Turbine Cascade with Different Tip Clearances. ─── 在不同叶顶间隙下涡轮叶栅的拓扑与旋涡结构。

74、He crashed to the ground in a cascade of oil cans. ─── 他随着一连串的油桶跌落坠地。

75、The input impedance, voltage, and current variation along a transmission line is approximated as cascade of many series L and parallel C circuit model. ─── 以多段串联电感与并联电容串接电路模型近似输入阻抗、电压、电流沿传输线位置之变化。

76、The following example uses the Cascade setting of the MdiLayout enumeration for the child windows of the MDI parent form (Form1). ─── 下面的示例对MDI父窗体(Form1)的子窗口使用MdiLayout枚举的Cascade设置。

77、Keywords: Genetic algorithm, Optimization, Cascade three-elements, Feedwater control system. ─── 关键词:遗传算法,优化,串级三冲量,给水控制系统

78、For this reason, Access supports the Cascade Delete Related Records option. ─── 因此,Access支持“级联删除相关记录”选项。

79、The opening day of the conference brought with it a cascade of bad news. ─── 伴随发布会开幕的是一连串坏消息。

80、Then the fruit tendrils of the grapes swelling from the old gnarled vines, cascade down to cover the trunks. ─── 嫩嫩的葡萄藤瀑布般地从老树干上垂延下来。

81、America's invasion of Iraq, meanwhile, produced a cascade of responses that bolstered the resistance front. ─── 与此同时,美国对伊拉克的入侵产生了援助抵抗阵线的反响源源不绝。

82、Theexperimental results show that there are s trong secondary flow and a complex series of vortices in turbine cascade. ─── 实验结果表明:涡轮叶栅中有强烈的二次流动,并存在复杂的涡系;

83、Crater Lake is in the crater of a dead volcano of the Cascade Range. ─── 克瑞特湖在喀斯喀特山脉的一座死火山的火山坑里。

84、Receptors are molecules on the surface of cells that permit the virus to dock with the cell and commandeer it to initiate a cascade of infection. ─── 受体分子是在细胞表面存在的,它可使病毒与细胞结合并引发一系列的感染命令。

85、On-line analysis system of bioprocess consists of in -situ micro sampling,cascade dilution device and micro-biosensors. ─── 发酵过程在线检测系统包含原位微量取样、级联稀释和微型生物传感器。

86、The Cascade Range, to the north, is made up of volcanoes. ─── 北边的喀斯喀特山脉由一群火山组成。

87、If one firm goes under it could provoke a cascade of bankruptcies. ─── 如果一家公司倒闭,可能会引起一连串的破产。

88、When nested triggers is set to 1 (the default), AFTER triggers can cascade to as many as 32 levels. ─── 如果nested triggers设置为1(默认值),AFTER触发器最多能级联32级。

89、The following example revokes REFERENCES permission on the column EmployeeID in the view HumanResources. VEmployee from the user Wanida with CASCADE. ─── 以下示例使用CASCADE,从用户Wanida中撤消对视图HumanResources.vEmployee中列EmployeeID的REFERENCES权限。

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