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08-20 投稿


mycology 发音

英:[ma??kɑ?l?d?i]  美:[ma??k?l?d?i]

英:  美:

mycology 中文意思翻译



mycology 短语词组

1、mycology chae ─── 真菌学chae

2、medical mycology ─── 临床霉菌学;[基医]医学真菌学

3、mycology supplies ─── 真菌学用品

4、apothecium mycology ─── 药膜真菌学

5、Pileus (mycology) ─── 桩(真菌学)

6、mycology sci ─── 真菌学sci

7、mycology now ─── 真菌学

8、mycology internship ─── 真菌学实习

9、mycology progress ─── 真菌学进展

10、mycology online ─── 真菌学在线

11、technological mycology ─── 技术真菌学

12、mycology united states ─── 美国真菌学

13、mycology discord ─── 真菌学不和

14、mycology tent ─── 真菌学帐篷

15、mycology lab ─── 真菌学实验室

mycology 词性/词形变化,mycology变形

形容词: mycological |名词复数: mycologies |名词: mycologist |副词: my-cologically |

mycology 相似词语短语

1、micrology ─── n.显微学,显微科学;拘于细节的研讨

2、muscology ─── n.苔藓学;苔藓植物学

3、arcology ─── n.[建]生态建筑学

4、mythology ─── n.神话;神话学;神话集

5、mycetology ─── n.真菌学

6、phycology ─── n.[植]藻类学

7、macrology ─── n.烦冗;烦冗的话

8、mycologic ─── 真菌学

9、myology ─── n.肌肉学;肌肉系统

mycology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、1.Unknown to him, a spore of a rare variant called Penicillium notatum had drifted in from a mycology lab one floor below. ─── 佛莱明还不认识这种叫做青霉菌属的孢子稀有种,从地下室一楼的真菌室四处吹积成堆。

2、Teaching practice and thinking of mycology ─── 真菌学教学实践与构想

3、Excerpta Medica, Section 4: Microbiology - Bacteriology, Mycology, Parasitology and Virology. ─── 荷兰医学文摘,第4辑:微生物学-细菌学、真菌学、寄生虫学和病毒学。

4、Study on histopathology and mycology of nail mycosis ─── 甲真菌病组织病理学及真菌学研究

5、molecular mycology ─── 分子真菌学

6、veterinary mycology ─── 兽医真菌学

7、Methods Analyzed and summarized the mycology laboratory examination of clinical doubtful onychomycosis on 1036 cases. ─── 方法对近5年临床疑诊的1036例甲真菌病患者的真菌学实验室检查情况进行系统分析、总结。

8、Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Industrial microbiology - Industrial mycology - Fermentation industry - Beverage industry - Stimulant industry ─── 英文版全表。工业微生物学。工业真菌学。发酵业。饮料业。烟酒业

9、applied mycology ─── 应用真菌学

10、Mycology and Medicine (A New Sphere of Traditional Chinese Medicines-Mycomedicine) ─── 菌物与药物(中药新领域-菌物药)

11、Medical mycology in Chinese and English ─── 冷血:医学真菌学

12、One segment of the course was dedicated solely to mycology, which is the study of fungi. ─── 有一节课专门讲述真菌学,就是去研究真菌。

13、The workshop was highly successful, with papers devoted to media and methods development in food mycology, as is usual with these workshops. ─── 专题讨论会非常成功,文件致力于媒介和在食品真菌学方面的方法发展,象这些工场一样。

14、general mycology ─── 普通真菌学

15、The specimens examined are deposited in the Plant Herbarium of Shandong Normal University (SDNU) and the Lichen Section, Herbarium of Mycology, Academia Sinica (HMAS-L). ─── 本研究中所用的标本保存于山东师范大学植物标本室(SDNU)和中国科学院微生物研究所地衣标本馆。

16、Recent advances in medical mycology ─── 真菌与真菌病研究近况

17、The role of antifungal susceptibility testing in medical mycology ─── 抗真菌药物敏感性试验在真菌感染防治中的作用

18、The author makes an amendment of the name of Reeds Fungi on the basis of the archaian document as well as of the Modern Mycology knowledge and fieldwork. ─── 作者在整理古代文献的基础上,结合现代菌物学知识和野外考察,对雚菌的现代菌物名称进行了考订;

19、Keywords WT5BZ]Canesten pregnancy;Candidal vaginitis;Mycology examination; ─── 凯妮汀;妊娠合并霉菌性阴道炎;真菌学检查;

20、active in under - and postgraduate training in the fields of botany, mycology, and plant physiology. ─── 积极参于植物学,真菌学,和植物生理学领域的本科生和研究生训练。

21、ZAN Li-Feng BAU Tolgor BAO Hai-Ying LI Yu Institute of Mycology; Jilin Agricultural University; Changchun 130118; China; ─── 吉林农业大学菌物研究所;吉林农业大学菌物研究所长春;

22、Medical mycology, a branch of mycology, mainly involves studies on canons kinds of pathogenic fungi and fun gal infective diseases. ─── 摘要医学真菌学是真菌学的一门分支学科,它包括了与医学相关的致病真菌与真菌病的研究。

23、The Fifth Workshop was attended by some 35 participants, drawn from among food mycology and related disciplines around the world. ─── 大约35个参加者参加了第5间工场,从全世界的食品真菌学和有关的学科之中汲取。

24、Parasitology or mycology reagents or solutions or stains ─── 寄生虫测试和真菌测试试剂、溶液和着色剂

25、Keywords Recurrence;Monilial Vulvovaginitis;Cervicitis;Mycology Examination; ─── 复发;念珠菌外阴阴道炎;宫颈炎;真菌学检查;

26、marine mycology ─── 海洋真菌学

27、Within the field of infectious diseases, medical mycology has experienced significant growth over the last decade. ─── 临床的真菌学在传染病的领域内,医学真菌学已经在过去十年经历显著的发展。

28、His observations of fungi in their natural habitat and his methods of culturing them enabled him to work out their developemt and life cycles, thus laying down the foundations of modern mycology. ─── 他在真菌的天然栖息地观察真菌,并通过培养真菌的方法来获得有关它们发育和生活史的相关知识,继而建立了现代真菌学的基础。

29、International Society for Human and Animal Mycology ─── 国际人类和动物真菌学学会

30、This medium is used frequently in medical mycology because the antibiotics usually do not inhibit the growth of human fungal pathogens. ─── 在医学真菌学里,这种培养基十分常用,因为通常情况下,这些抗生素并不抑制人类致病真菌的生长。

31、Bioinformatics and Its Application on the Research of Mycology ─── 生物信息学及其在菌物学研究上的应用

32、Introductory mycology / C.J. Alexopoulos, C.W. Mims, M. Blackwell. - 4th ed. ─── 熊映美,1976,台北市空中菌类孢子的季节变化,博士论文,台湾大学

33、K. I. Suhr, I. Haasum, L. D. Steenstrup, and T. O. Larsen Mycology Group, Biocentrum-DTU, S?ltofts ─── 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容

34、With the rapid development of medicine science, medical mycology has drawn great attention from all over the world. ─── 随着医学科学的发展,医学真菌学受到了全世界的广泛重视。

35、Mycology is classified as Basidiomycetes wood ears, ear Division. ─── 真菌学分类属担子菌纲木耳目,木耳科。

36、Medical Mycology lends itself to illustration and as such there are over 40 additional images in this edition. ─── 医学真菌学有助于插图,因此有超过在这版里的40幅附加图像。

37、Medical mycology,a branch of mycology,mainly involves studies on various kinds of pathogenic fungi and fungal infective diseases. ─── 医学真菌学是真菌学的一门分支学科,它包括了与医学相关的致病真菌与真菌病的研究。

38、Optimization and Practice of the Teaching of Plant Pathogenic Mycology ─── 植物病原真菌学的教学优化与实践

39、Algology Mycology and Protozoology Abstracts ─── 藻类、真菌学与原生动物学文摘

40、China has made substantial contribution to the research of medical mycology in recent years.This article summarized the current status of medical mycology research in China. ─── 我国医学真菌学近年来取得了比较大的发展和进步,本文对我国医学真菌学的发展作一介绍。

41、Progress of medical mycology in China ─── 中国医学真菌学的发展

42、Specimens were taken from skin of the patient and then a series of examinations on mycology were done to identify the pathogen.Fungi hyphae were found on direct microscopy. ─── 从皮损处取材做真菌检查,直接镜检发现真菌菌丝,3次培养均为同一菌株生长,依据小培养镜下特征鉴定为茄病镰刀菌。

43、Excerpta Medica, Section 4: Microbiology: Bacteriology, Mycology and Parasitology. ─── 医学文摘,第4部分:微生物学:细菌学,真菌学和寄生虫学。

44、BAO Yai-Ying Zhang Ying TOLGOR LI Yu(Institute of Mycology; Jilin Agricultural University; Changchun 130118); ─── 吉林农业大学菌物研究所;

45、industrial mycology ─── 工业真菌学

46、Subject_Topical_Eng: Jilin Agricultural University; Chinese Traditional Medicine; Medicinal Materials; Bionomy; Officinal Botany; Mycology; Chinese Traditional Medicinal Chemistry; Genetics ─── 吉林农业大学;中药;药材;生态学;药用植物学;真菌学;中药化学;遗传学

47、the mycology of rusts and mildews ─── 锈菌和霉菌的特性

48、With the rapid development of medicine science,medical mycology has drawn great attention from all over the world. ─── 随着医学科学的发展,医学真菌学受到了全世界的广泛重视。

49、Mycology is the study of fungi and their use to humans as medicinals (e.g., penicillin), food (e.g., beer, wine, cheese, edible mushrooms) and psychoactive substances. ─── 真菌学是一门研究真菌类和真菌对人的作用的学科,包括药用(如青霉素)、食品(如啤酒、葡萄酒、奶酪、可食用的蘑菇等)和影响人精神的物质。

50、The Fifth Workshop was attended by some 35 participants, drawn from among food mycology and related disciplines around the world. ─── 大约35个参加者参加了第5 间工场,从全世界的食品真菌学和有关的学科之中汲取。

51、Application of Differential Display Reverse Transcription-PCR in Medical Mycology ─── 差异显示逆转录PCR技术在医学真菌研究中的应用


53、Application of Mycology in the Field of Veterinary Medicine and of Myceplasm to Control Avian Influenza ─── 菌物挺进兽药域菌质制抗禽流感

54、Midgely G, Daniel C R, Miss J. Mycology of nail disorder. J Am Acad Dermatol, 1994, 31:568. ─── 仝建坤谢志宏.霉克指(趾)甲药盒配合霉克霜外用治疗甲癣60例疗效观察[J].临床皮肤科杂志,:.

55、TANG Li-Hua XIAO Yang LI Jian BIANYin-Bing (Institute of Applied Mycology; Huazhong Agricultural University; Wuhan 430070; China); ─── 华中农业大学应用真菌研究所;

56、Cornell's fungi collection, which includes many species that were the first of their kind to be collected and identified, came from Chinese mycology graduate student S. ─── 康奈尔大学所收藏的菌类标本来自于该校一名真菌学专业毕业的中国留学生S.

57、medical mycology ─── 医学霉菌学医学真菌学

58、Discussion on Teaching Content of Evolutionary Mycology ─── 关于进化真菌学教学内容的讨论

59、With the rapid development of medicine science, medical mycology has drawn great attention from all over the world. ─── 随着医学科学的发展,医学真菌学受到了全世界的广泛重视。

60、Bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology are among the fields covered. ─── 后者主要刊登一些微生物学的综述,都是邀请大牛写的,因此影响因子居高不下,相信搞微生物学检验的站友会常常光顾这些杂志。

61、Hyphal form of Candida albicans was thought to be the appropriate object of medical mycology. ─── 念珠菌的菌丝相细胞是进行其病原真菌学研究的适宜研究对象。

62、Indian Type Culture Collection, Division of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute http://www.wdcm.org/CCINFO/CCINFO.xml?430 ─── 印度农业研究所真菌学与植物病理学微生物典型菌种保藏,保藏有2500种真菌(英文)。详细资料

63、The goal of this course is to introduce students the important and current researches in molecular mycology. ─── 本课程之目标,在介绍分子真菌学之重要研究及当今发展现况。

64、Subject_Topical_Eng: GRIN Taxonomy;Germplasm Resources Information Network;Cultivated Plants;Systematic Botany ;Mycology;Agricultural Research;Economic Plants ─── GRIN分类学;胚质资源信息网络;种植作物;植物分类学;真菌学;农业研究;经济作物

65、Subject_Topical_Eng: Plant Biology;Development;Physiology;Reproductive Biology;Evolution;Phycology;Genetics;Mycology;Ecology;Systematics;Molecular Biology;Paleobotany ─── 植物生物学;生理学;生殖生物学;生物进化;藻类学;遗传学;霉菌学;生态学;分子生物学;古植物学

66、Mycology and its Experiments ─── 真菌学及实验

67、keyword(E): Biochemical Engineering;Bioengineering and Manufacturing;Food Chemistry;General Microbiology;Mycolog ─── 生化工程;生物工程学和制造;食品化学;普通微生物学;真菌学

68、Methods A comparative study of psoriatic patients and normal controls in germiculture and medical mycology and the curative effect of triamcinolone acetonide and econazole nitrate cream. ─── 方法对银屑病病人皮损进行细菌培养及真菌真接镜检,并外用派瑞松治疗。

69、Within the field of infectious diseases, medical mycology has experienced significant growth over the last decade. ─── 临床的真菌学 在传染病的领域内,医学真菌学已经在过去十年经历显著的发展。

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