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08-20 投稿


godown 发音

英:[?ɡo?da?n]  美:[?ɡ??da?n]

英:  美:

godown 中文意思翻译



godown 网络释义

n. 仓库;堆栈(用于亚洲某些国家)

godown 短语词组

1、godown entry ─── [经] 入库单

2、at godown ─── [经] 在货栈交货

3、godown risks ─── [经] 仓库险

4、godown rent a/c ─── [经] 仓库科目

5、ex seller's godown ─── [经] 卖方仓库交货价格

6、deliver from godown ─── [经] 出栈, 出货, 出仓

7、godown keeper ─── [经] 仓库管理员

8、godown rent ─── [经] 仓租, 保管费, 贮存

9、godown warrant ─── [经] 仓单

10、deposit godown ─── [经] 存货仓库

11、ex godown ─── [经] 仓库交货

12、godown receipt ─── [经] 仓库收条

13、ex maker's godown ─── [经] 制造商仓库交货

14、godown man ─── [经] 仓库管理员

15、transit godown ─── [法] 临时仓库

16、godown changes ─── [法] 仓储费, 仓租

17、godown charges ─── [经] 仓库费用

18、godown company ─── 干城公司

19、ex buyer's godown ─── [经] 买方仓库交货

godown 词性/词形变化,godown变形


godown 相似词语短语

1、goes down ─── 下跌;降落(godown的第三人称单数)

2、gone down ─── 下降;平静下来;传下去;被接受

3、got down ─── 下来

4、to down ─── 向下

5、go down ─── 下降;平静下来;传下去;被接受

6、do down ─── 欺骗;胜过;说…坏话

7、hoedown ─── n.活泼的土风舞;土风舞会

8、lowdown ─── n.真相;内幕

9、godowns ─── n.仓库;堆栈(用于亚洲某些国家)

godown 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ex godown ─── 卖方仓库交货价卖方仓库交货价格

2、3.A received bill of lading is usually unacceptable to the bank or the importer as the goods may be left on the dock or in the godown for weeks or even months before actual shipment takes place. ─── 银行或进口商一般不愿接受备运待装提单,因为货物可能被滞留于码头几周甚至几个月以后才能装运。

3、Oh, he is not on this floor. He's on the fourth floor. Godown the stairs and turn left. ─── 男:哦,他不在这层楼。他在四楼。从楼梯走下去,然后往左拐。

4、The compradore paid the insurance to cargo until it was stored in the taipan's godown, where it became his responsibility. ─── 买办要付货物保险,直到货物被存放在大班的仓库里,才变成大班的责任。

5、godown man ─── 仓库管理员

6、godown risk ─── 仓库险

7、Then save to godown, waiting for shipment. ─── 接着将产品送到货仓, 等待出货。

8、At times our godown does not have enough space to unloaded two containers at a time, so we request our CHA to first clear only one container and after a day or two, the second one. ─── 有时我们货仓没有足够的空间,卸下两个集装箱的时间,所以我们要求我们查清楚,首先只有一个容器和后一两天,第二次。

9、Quei Chong Godown Limited was established in 1981. It is occupies a key position at the centre of Kwai Chung and is ideally located for air, sea and frieght. ─── 葵中货仓有限公司成立于1981年,位于心脏地带的嘉里货运中心,无疑是海,陆,空货运的必然首选。

10、deposit godown ─── [经] 存货仓库

11、You godown to the bottom of the sea, where the water isn't even blue anymore, where the sky is only a memory... ─── 无论是在什么时候。无论你在什么地方。反正你知道总会有这样一个人。

12、at godown ─── 在货栈交货

13、bonded godown ─── 关栈

14、godown receipt ─── [经] 仓库收条

15、It was achieve warehousing, stock and deliver from godown unify ,help enterprise realize product informatization supervise to into that these system object. ─── 本系统目标是实现入库、库存和出库统一管理,帮助企业实现产品信息化管理。

16、Consisting of a five-storey brick building covering about20 acres. Ground floor with a large clothing store. Large two-storied godown with vault and a garage at the back. ─── 一幢五层楼砖结构大厦,占地面积约20英亩,其底层为一大服装商店铺面,另有宽大的二层楼仓库,其后为天井及一汽车库。

17、ex buyer rs godown ─── 买方仓库交货价格

18、transit godown ─── 码头仓库

19、godown keeper ─── [经] 仓库管理员

20、I heard that some tours actually godown into the canyon. ─── 我听说有的旅游团真正下到峡谷里去了。

21、For wind and measure cloth, which are installed with swivel castors and speed adjustable. Suitable for cloth shop or godown use. ─── 适合各大布商,用于一般布匹量布及捲布,配有调速器及活动辘,方便操作。

22、I suggested that she should look for a job but this suggestion did not godown at all well. ─── 我建议她去找个工作,可是这个主意她根本听不进。

23、For wind and measure cloth,which are installed with swivel castors and speed adjustable.Suitable for cloth shop or godown use. ─── 適合各大布商,用於一般布匹量布及捲布,配有調速器及活動轆,方便操作.

24、Several points in realizing the design of heptafluropropane fire extinguishing system in hazardous goods godown of certain nuclear power station ─── 某单位危险品仓库七氟丙烷气体灭火系统设计的几点体会

25、To develop the waterfront of the Chivas Godown and Kerry Godown into an area like the old typhoon shelter serving seafood on fishing ... ─── 建设柴湾货仓外的海傍成为有香港避风塘特色的艇仔晚饭区,并且 用浮桥或长堤 接东西 岸.

26、Ex quay( warehouse; godown) price ─── 目的地码头(仓库)交货价

27、Then save to a godown, waiting for shipment. ─── 接着将产品送到货仓,等待出货。

28、ex buyer's godown ─── [经] 买方仓库交货

29、deliver from godown ─── 出栈出货

30、godown changes ─── [法] 仓储费, 仓租

31、ex maker's godown ─── [经] 制造商仓库交货

32、Audit godown entry log provided by warehouse; ─── 负责审核仓库提供的采购入库单;

33、He is checking the godown entry of the finished products. ─── 他正在查阅产成品的入库单。

34、Checks godown receipt and co-ordinates with all routine documentation with godown keepers. ─── 检查仓库收条,并与仓库管理员合作,处理一切例行文件工作;

35、godown rent a/c ─── [经] 仓库科目

36、Captain Chapman is remembered by the ruins of his indigo warehouse in a hamlet named after it, Godown. ─── 货仓小村的人记得查普曼上尉,靠的是靛青仓库的废墟,货仓就是以它命名的。

37、The action scene in the godown in the film had been watched by film lovers numerous times and even respectable people started admiring action films. ─── 行动现场,在货仓在电影已观看的电影迷,无数次,甚至尊敬的人们开始钦佩的动作片。

38、6、Audit godown entry log provided by warehouse;; ─── 6、负责审核仓库提供的采购入库单;

39、I suggested that she should look for a job but this suggestion did not godown at all well. ─── 我建议她去找个工作,可是这个主意她根本听不进。

40、godown company ─── 货仓公司

41、godown charges ─── 仓储费用

42、When it godown you will see people screaming unhappy. ─── 如果在此论坛发帖,互联网上的所有人都可以看到您的电子邮件地址。

43、godown entry ─── 货物进栈申请书

44、Godown go out and in product belt conveyor ─── 仓库进出货物皮带机

45、Then he sent a letter to the Spartans in Laconia,and said,“If I godown into your country,I will level your great city to theground. ─── 后来,他给拉科尼亚的斯巴达人送去了一封信。信上说,“假如我开进你们的国家,我要把你们这座大城市夷为平地。”

46、Bales of rubber were being weighed at a godown. ─── 当时大包的橡胶正在货栈被称重。

47、Chivas Godown is strategically located at No. 60 Ka Yip Street, Chai Wan and adjacent to the Chai Wan Cargo Handling Basin. ─── 柴湾货仓位于香港柴湾嘉业街60号,毗邻柴湾避风塘、货物起卸区及鲤鱼门海港。

48、Ex quay(warehouse;godown)price ─── 目的地码头(仓库)交货价

49、ex seeler rs godown ─── 卖方仓库交货价格

50、Most residents of Godown, a huddle of mud and brick huts, are dali, especially chambers and dhobis, of the Hindu washer caste. ─── 货仓,特别是挤满土屋和砖屋的货仓大部分居民都是达利特,特别是查玛尔和印度教徒司洗衣的种姓多比。

51、We waited for the wind to godown. ─── 我们等待风势减弱。

52、A salad and a piece of bread would godown well. ─── 一份色拉和一片面包倒挺配我胃口的。

53、godown warrant ─── 栈单仓单

54、Publishers have godown the app road before. ─── 出版商以前走过应用之路。

55、godown rent ─── 栈租仓库租金

56、Safety Godown Company, Limited ─── 安全货仓有限公司,简称安全货仓

57、Man Sun Godown Ltd has more than 20 years of experience in Warehouse industry and has 300,000 sq. ft. area of space. ─── 民生货仓具有超过20年之贮货管理经验,而货仓面积约有30万平方呎。

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