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08-20 投稿


kleptomania 发音

英:[,klept?(?)'me?n??]  美:['kl?pt?'men??]

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kleptomania 中文意思翻译



kleptomania 短语词组

1、kleptomania dsm-5 ─── 盗窃癖dsm-5

2、kleptomania causes ─── 盗窃癖病因

3、kleptomania definition ─── 盗窃癖的定义

4、kleptomania wiki ─── 盗窃癖维基

5、kleptomania in children ─── 儿童盗窃癖

6、kleptomania symptom assessment scale k-sas ─── 盗窃癖症状评定量表

kleptomania 词性/词形变化,kleptomania变形

形容词: kleptomaniacal |名词: kleptomaniac |

kleptomania 相似词语短语

1、Cleggmania ─── 克莱格躁狂

2、balletomania ─── n.对芭蕾舞的狂热;芭蕾舞狂

3、kleptomaniacs ─── n.有窃盗癖的人

4、cleptomania ─── 偷窃狂

5、cleptomaniac ─── 偷窃狂

6、theatromania ─── 戏剧狂

7、kleptomaniac ─── n.有窃盗癖的人

8、kleptocratic ─── 盗贼的;腐败的

9、eleutheromania ─── 自由狂

kleptomania 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Kleptomania is the disease in which a person has great difficulty resisting the impulse to steal something. ─── 癖是指有人很难抵制偷东西的冲动的一种疾病。

2、The millionaire who was caught shoplifting was found to be suffering from kleptomania. ─── 那个因逛街时顺手牵羊而被捉到的百万富翁,被发现有盗窃癖。

3、At study completion, 7 subjects were very much improved and 2 were much improved on the Clinical Global Impressions Scale and Kleptomania Symptoms Assessment Scale. ─── 在研究结束时,根据临床全面状况印象得分和盗窃癖症状评价得分的标准,有7名患者极大的改善了症状,有2人也显著的改善了症状的发生。

4、Kleptomania is a mania for stealing things. ─── 盗窃癖是一种偷东西的癖好。

5、KLEPTOMANIA N. ─── 燎择?

6、Let us discuss, first, five of the most common manias: kleptomania, pyromania, dipsomania, megalomania, and monomania ─── 首先让我们讨论五种最常见的狂热症:盗窃狂症,纵火狂症,耽酒狂症,妄想自大狂症,偏执狂症。

7、Let us discuss, first, five of the most common manias: kleptomania, pyromania, dipsomania, megalomania, and monomania . ─── 首先让我们讨论五种最常见的狂热症:盗窃狂症,纵火狂症,耽酒狂症,妄想自大狂症,偏执狂症。

8、Kleptomania is a psychological disorder where the individual feels an uncontrollable urge to steal, mostly in stores. ─── 盗窃癖是一种精神疾病,病人无法控制对偷窃行为的渴望,大部分病人在商店里发作。

9、The millionaire who was caught shoplifting was found to be suffering from kleptomania. ─── 那个入店行窃被抓的百万富翁患有盗窃癖。

10、Kleptomania is a mania for stealing things. ─── 盗窃癖是一个偷东西的癖好。

11、People who feel compelled to steal may have kleptomania. Who are all of these friends you're talking about? Do I know them? ─── 有些人迫使自己去偷窃,可能有偷窃癖。你说的这些朋友都是谁啊?我认识吗?

12、In an attempt to overcome his out-of-control kleptomania addiction, he decided the best course of action was to go to work on himself. ─── 后来我们开始买那些做工好又耐用的物品,而不是最便宜的物品,即使要花费更多的钱,我们也在所不惜。事实上这么做,最终反而给我们节省了钱。

13、Kleptomania is treatable, but it takes time. ─── 盗窃癖可以治疗,但需要时间。

14、Kleptomania is a mania for stealing things. ─── 盗窃癖是一种爱偷东西的躁狂症。

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