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08-20 投稿


decocting 发音


英:  美:

decocting 中文意思翻译



decocting 词性/词形变化,decocting变形

动词第三人称单数: decocts |名词: decoction |动词过去式: decocted |动词现在分词: decocting |动词过去分词: decocted |

decocting 短语词组

1、decocting room ─── 煎药室

2、decocting herbs ─── 煎药

3、decocting fre ─── 煎煮fre

4、decocting jar ─── 煎药罐

5、decocting chinese herbs ─── 煎药

6、decocting machine ─── 煎煮机

7、decocting herbal ─── 煎药

8、decocting method ─── [医]煎药法

decocting 相似词语短语

1、decoction ─── n.煎煮;煎熬的药;煮出的汁

2、decorating ─── v.装饰;粉刷;点缀;授给(某人)勋章(或奖章)(decorate的现在分词);n.(对房子进行的)油漆,裱糊

3、decating ─── n.[纺]蒸呢(纺织)

4、decoctive ─── 诱因

5、decoking ─── n.除焦;去焦;脱焦;v.给…除焦(decoke的ing形式)

6、percocting ─── 渗滤

7、decoctions ─── n.煎煮;煎熬的药;煮出的汁

8、decanting ─── v.慢慢倒出(酒等液体);(非正式)卸客;(把液体,尤指酒)倒入(decant的现在分词)

9、decoding ─── n.[通信]解码;[计][通信]译码;v.破译;译解(decode的ing形式)

decocting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As the raw material ,winter-melon and tea were processed,by use of squeezing,decocting,filtrating method and so on. ─── 介绍了以冬瓜、茶叶为原料,经榨汁、煎汁、过滤等处理过程提取其有效成分,配以辅料精制成蔬菜茶汁复合饮料的方法。

2、I knew the smell of herbal medicine, because at home mom had been always decocting medicinal herbs for my dad. ─── 是在一个有钱人的家里吗?我正在奇怪,又闻见一股药味。我知道这是药味,以前娘总是煮给爹喝。

3、Effect of different decocting extractive methods on purgative principles from Chinese rhubarb ─── 不同提取方法对大黄泻下成分的影响

4、strategy to cure the acne. I am learning how to decoct the herbal medicine now. ─── 今天的主题是“如何煎中药”,哈哈,挺有趣的主题吧,你觉得是吗?!

5、(6) pig pancreas half, decoct soup, tone lotus root starch 10 grams, the root of Chinese trichosanthes 10 grams (grind end) , daily two or divide second to be taken orally. ─── (6)猪胰半个,煎汤,调藕粉10克,天花粉10克(研末),每日两次或分三次内服。

6、Drug of on the decoct that add water two gout makes an appointment with 30 minutes, egg issueing sparrow boils 10 minutes again. ─── 加水煎上两味药约30分钟,下雀蛋再煮10分钟。

7、Experiment on the appropriate amount of water to be added in decocting herbs with new type decocting device ─── 应用新型煎药机煎药时对加水量的实验研究

8、Influence of Different Composed Herbs and Decocting Processes on Content of Aconitine in Rhubarb and Aconite Decoction ─── 大黄附子汤中诸药的不同组合及煎法对乌头碱含量的影响

9、Obsenvation and Studies on the Decocting Technique of Shendeng-4 Soup by Way of Direct Cross Test ─── 正交试验法研究森登-4汤煎煮工艺

10、Some people use leach bubble or decoction Chinese traditional medicine, rate rose however, decoct medicine quality sells at a discount greatly however. ─── 有些人用开水浸泡或煎煮中药,速度倒是提高了,煎药质量却大打折扣。

11、But, the dietary habit of most Chinese is, eat dish to eat decoct to fry boil blast, condiment puts joys and sorrows of life. ─── 但是,大多数中国人的饮食习惯是,吃菜吃煎炒烹炸的,调料放酸甜苦辣的。

12、Investigation of Li Shi - Zhen's Methods of Decocting and Taking Drugs of the Prescription for Metrorrhagia and Metrostaxis ─── 时珍治崩漏方煎服法阐微

13、Additional, some medicaments are unfavorable and direct water simmer in water, if appropriate of maltose, honey is in,be entered after decoct is good; ─── 另外,有些药物不宜直接水煎,如饴糖、蜂蜜宜在煎好后去渣兑入;

14、Keywords Qingdan Granules;Orthogonal design;Decocting technology;Baicalin; ─── 关键词清胆颗粒;正交设计;水煮工艺;黄芩苷;

15、Meanwhile, orthogonal test design was adopted to optimize effected factors such as water amount, marinate time, and decoct time. ─── 以浸膏得率、正丁醇提取物量为考查指标,采用正交试验考察了提取时的加水量、浸泡时间、煎煮时间等因素的影响;

16、Objective To analysis the effective ingredients in Huanglianjiedu decoction under different decocting conditions. ─── 目的以黄连解毒汤为例说明不同煎煮条件对中药汤剂有效成分的影响。

17、MethodsSeveral extraction processes were used, such as decocting method, the refluxing method, leakaging method. ─── 方法比较多种提取工艺。

18、Make law use: Grind steatitic, licorice first end, take 10 grams every time, with cloth bag hind puts arenaceous bowl, decoct juice castration is wrapped, join rice to boil congee. ─── 制法用法:先将滑石、甘草研末,每次取10克,用布包后放入砂锅,煎汁去药包,加入粳米煮粥。

19、separate decocting ─── 四煎

20、Keywords NFPL;semi-bionic extraction(SBE);separated decocting;mixed decocting;extractive effect; ─── 新促孕液;半仿生提取;分煎;合煎;提取效果;

21、Keywords Chinese Rhubarb;decocting extract;combined anthraquinones;free anthraquinones; ─── 关键词大黄;提取;结合蒽醌;游离蒽醌;

22、Make law use: First decoct dandelion, honeysuckle, go broken bits takes juice, reentry rice boils gruel. ─── 制法用法:先煎蒲公英、金银花,去渣取汁,再入粳米煮成稀粥。

23、already can decoct medicine can the electric rice cooker of Bao soup? ─── 有没有既可以煎药又可以煲汤的电饭锅?

24、The majority of the poisoning cases were associated with excessive and/or long-term dosage, and improper preparation methods, such as decocting, heating or fumigating. ─── 多数中毒病例为内服剂量过大及用药时间过长所致,其次为用药方法不合理,包括采用煎煮、加热熏蒸等。

25、Usable also dregs of a decoction adds water again decoct, take Shang Chong to wash the vagina. ─── 也可用药渣加水再煎,取汤冲洗阴道。

26、Why the component of Chinese traditional medicine is not identical, but is black after is decoct good? ─── 为什么中药的成份都不相同,但是煎好后都是黑色?

27、Objective: To look for a rapid, simple and rational method to determine the amount of water to be added in decocting herbs. ─── 前言:目的:为把煎药过程中的加水量控制在一定的范围内,寻找到一种简便、快捷、合理的方法。

28、No, never. How do decoct these Chinese medicinal herbs? ─── 从来没有煎过。怎样煎中药?

29、The majority of the poisoning cases were associated with excessive and/or long-term dosage,and improper preparation methods,such as decocting,heating or fumigating. ─── 多数中毒病例为内服剂量过大及用药时间过长所致,其次为用药方法不合理,包括采用煎煮、加热熏蒸等。

30、Keywords myocarditis;arrhythmia;Fufang Sishen Decoct ion; ─── 关键词心肌炎;心律失常;复方四参饮;

31、If often cook, and still like decoct blast food, scope effect is lesser outside should choosing to be opposite enclosed kitchen. ─── 假如经常煮饭,而且还喜欢煎炸食物,则应该选择对外界影响较小的封闭式厨房。

32、decoct later ─── 后下

33、Have you ever decoct Chinese medicinal herbs? ─── 您煎过中药吗?

34、To avoid to produce infection of indigestion and gastric bowel path, appropriate eats the stodgy food such as decoct, blast less, eat dish of cold and dressed with sause and cold meat less. ─── 为了避免发生消化不良及胃肠道感染,宜少食煎、炸等不易消化的食品,少食凉拌菜及冷荤。

35、First decoct Bi ? is boiled take juice, boil congee together with tuckahoe, Yi benevolence, rice again. ─── 先煎萆?煮取汁,再与茯苓、苡仁、粳米同煮成粥。

36、Methods Orthogonal experiment was used to determine the optimal soaking period , water amount, and decocting time with the extract yield and chlorogenic acid yield as markers. ─── 方法采用正交实验的方法,以绿原酸提取率和得膏率为指标,来考查浸泡时间、加水量和煎煮时间对绿原酸提取效果的影响。

37、(2) acute infectivityHepatitisPatient, wild jujube is right amount, the decoct that add water becomes decoction, eat a jujube to drink boiling water. ─── (2)急性传染性肝炎患者,酸枣适量,加水煎成汤剂,吃枣喝汤。

38、Methods The effect of the decoct time,the decoct times and the solvent amount on the chief effective composition in Waishangruyi Ointment were studied by orthogonal design. ─── 方法采用正交试验法对外伤如意膏组方成分进行考查,以药材主要有效成分为指标,考查溶媒用量、提取次数、提取时间等因素的影响。

39、(Cane of 7) sweet potato 150 grams, decoct water 150 milliliter, right amount take. ─── (7)山芋藤150克,煎水150毫升,适量服。

40、RESULTS: As compared with traditional single pot decocting extraction technology, mu. . . ─── 结论:罐组式动态逆流提取工艺适用于丹参工业生产。

41、The breakfast of the family is everybody a cup of milk, egg of a decoct, add two steamed breads again. ─── 一家人的早餐是每人一杯牛奶,一个煎鸡蛋,再加两个馒头。

42、When is decoct Chinese traditional medicine best? ─── 什么时间煎中药最好?

43、At the clinic , decoct medicinal herbs quality of quality influence the patient's result of treatment directly, and it is a very important link to boil the course in the frying of the medicine. ─── 临床上,煎药质量的好坏直接影响到患者的治疗效果,而药物的煎煮过程又是一个非常重要的环节。

44、First because monkshood is poisonous,decoct is, can reduce noxiousness. ─── 中药附子是否先煎。依据。

45、Namely the goose liver sauce that we say normally, heat is fed take liver of whole fat goose to pass commonly souse hind or decoct or bake or evaporate. ─── 也就是我们通常所说的鹅肝酱,热食一般取整块肥鹅肝经过腌制后或煎或烤或蒸。

46、Being in a crockpot and slow cooking for a few hours, you are also decocting these herbs! ─── 把药草放置于克罗克电锅中,然后用慢火熬几个小时,这样你也能把这些药草熬好!

47、Chinese traditional medicine need not of decoct of that what earthenware pot how to meet with ordinary iron bowl simmer in water however? ─── 中药不用那个什么沙锅煎的而是用平常的铁锅煎会怎么样?

48、water soluble ingredients in the medical material were extracted by water decocting method. ─── 采用水煎煮法提取其它药材中的水溶性成分。

49、Rather so, I look to still start work as oneself, him what do oneself like to know, or cold or hot, or sauce or decoct bake our not troublesome others. ─── 与其这般,我看还不如自己动手,自己喜欢什么自己知道,或冷或热,或酱或煎烤咱就不麻烦别人了。

50、Decocting technology ─── 水提工艺

51、But the in maintain and reducing Chinese style cook as far as possible decoct with its good need fries boil blast, with Chang Bao its beautiful beautiful. ─── 但它需要良好的保养和尽量减少中式烹调中的煎炒烹炸,以常葆它的靓丽。

52、Whenever festival day I am here decoct, fry, boil, blast make big meal; ─── 每逢喜庆的日子我在这里煎、炒、烹、炸做出丰盛的饭菜;

53、Korean system automatic packaging machine decocting U. S. colon hydrotherapy instrument. ─── 韩国制全自动煎药包装机,美国结肠水疗仪。

54、5.Some people use leach bubble or decoction Chinese traditional medicine, rate rose however, decoct medicine quality sells at a discount greatly however. ─── 为防止煎药后药液混浊及减少对消化道刺激,要用薄布将药包好,再煎煮。

55、You let magnify Mom first let me, oily boiler cooks the egg such as decoct. ─── 张大妈你先让让我, 油锅烧煎等鸡蛋。

56、Because this 2 flavour are interpose kind reach mineral drug, blame is long decoct cannot be successful. ─── 因此二味为介类及矿物药,非久煎不能奏效。

57、separated decocting ─── 分煎

58、apparatus with spiral-shaped stirrer, infusing and decocting ─── 带螺旋状搅拌棒的药物浸煎器

59、Decocting more lean pork in addition, not only taste good, the effect may be better. ─── 煎药时加些瘦猪肉,不仅味道较好,效果可能也会更好些。

60、Do not eat to consume the decoct blast food of the moisture inside body easily. ─── 不吃易于消耗体内水分的煎炸食物。

61、OBJECTIVE:To select the optimum conditions for the water decocting technology of Guyanning granules. ─── 目的:选择骨炎宁颗粒的最佳水煎工艺条件。

62、Objective To study how and why the lipo-alkaloids changed in decocting the flowers of Aconitum kusnezoffii (FAK). ─── 摘要目的研究草乌花煎煮过程中脂类生物碱的变化。

63、decoct first ─── 先煎

64、apparatus with feather-shaped stirrer, infusing and decocting ─── 带羽毛状搅拌棒的药物浸煎器

65、The distillation fluid can be collected simultaneously by decocting the above drugs and Radix Paeoniae Alba. ─── 桂枝、枳实等药不必单独蒸馏提取挥发油,而采用与白芍等药合煎同时收集馏液;

66、If often boil water, and still like decoct blast food, scope effect is lesser outside should choosing to be opposite enclosed kitchen. ─── 假如经常煮饮,而且还喜欢煎炸食物,则应该选择对外界影响较小的封闭式厨房。

67、The decoct() function converts a decimal number to an octal number. ─── 函数的作用是:将一个十进制数字转换为八进制。

68、Advocate: Culture of our country food is exquisite decoct, fry, boil, blast, and these cook means can produce a large number of lampblack. ─── 倡导:我国饮食文化讲究煎、炒、烹、炸,而这些烹调方式可产生大量油烟。

69、Because the decoct in Chinese meal fries the composition of boil blast,basically be more, a hutch lampblack rise from all directions, need to keep apart so, firm ground is kept apart. ─── 主要是因为中餐中煎炒烹炸的成分较多,一开厨便油烟四起,所以需要隔离,果断地隔离。

70、Chinese herb decocting machine ─── 中药抽出机

71、Before decocting, have the water two to three centimeters above the immersed herbs. ─── 每次煮中药的用水量以液面淹过药材2~3厘米为好。

72、The relationship between variety of TCM decoct and clinic efficacy ─── 中药汤剂煎煮方法对临床疗效的影响

73、Methods The effect of the decoct time, the decoct times and the solvent amount on the chief effective composition in Waishangruyi Ointment were studied by orthogonal design. ─── 方法采用正交试验法对外伤如意膏组方成分进行考查,以药材主要有效成分为指标,考查溶媒用量、提取次数、提取时间等因素的影响。

74、In addition person who decoct medicinal herbs is it boil liquid medicine hygiene of finished product measure index to superior to tradition decoct medicinal herbs method obviously to fry. ─── 另外,煎药机煎煮药液成品的卫生学检测指标是明显优于传统煎药方法的。

75、Make law use: Dish heart is abluent, had picked, add salt into boiler, put a few unboiled oil filter of the fish out after summary decoct is dry, install dish. ─── 制法用法:菜心洗净,摘好,入锅加盐,放入少许生油略煎后捞出滤干,装碟。

76、Effect of the alleviating pain action with the method of semi-bionics decocting medicinal herbs in Qingshang Juantong decoction ─── 半仿生煎药法对清上蠲痛汤止痛作用的影响

77、When the face about after clerk understands goes taking underwear, that cries suddenly first: The young lady waits!!It is decoct pass... ─── 当店员了解后转身去拿内衣时,那位先忽然大叫:小姐等一下!!

78、Skin is protected to enter in autumn in filling, lily uses at hairdressing have a way a lot of, boil, decoct, evaporate, fry, braise, wine, cook over a slow fire, sweet juice all but. ─── 在秋季护肤进补中,百合用于美容的吃法很多,煮、煎、蒸、炒、烩、酿、煨、蜜汁均可。

79、A Research on Reforming the Decocting Method of the Crude-herbs or Shredded-herbs ─── 中药饮片煎煮法改革的研究

80、Methods: The IR of Radix Dipsaci decocting pieces and its confusable varieties Arctium lappa L. was obtained by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrum and OMNI-sampler directly. ─── 方法:采用傅里叶变换红外光谱法并借助OMNI采样器直接测定续断饮片及其伪品牛蒡根的红外光谱。

81、Zhou Xiong, ed. To study the effect of Semen Cuscustae decoct on sperm abnormality, Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Materia Meidca of Jilin 1992;(5):10. ─── 朱金风,等?寿胎丸加味治疗先兆流产的临床观察及实验研究?中西药结合杂志1987;7(7):407.

82、Keywords Rheum of ficinale;Decocting time;Anthra quinones;Extract; ─── 大黄;煎煮时间;蒽醌成分;萃取;

83、Keywords device for decocting herbs;fire heating decocting method;decoction;Saliva miltiorrhiza Bunge;danshensu;protocatechualdehyde; ─── 中药煎煮机;直火煎煮法;汤剂;丹参;丹参素;原儿茶醛;

84、Methods The decoct number was discussed. ─── 方法探讨煎煮次数;

85、Keywords compound drink;winter-melon;tea;squeezing;decocting;filtrating; ─── 复合饮料;冬瓜;茶叶;榨汁;煎汁;过滤;

86、Methods: The extraction process was studied by orthogonal design with the contents of astragaloside A and dried alcohol decocting rates. ─── 方法:采用正交实验法,以提取物浸膏得率和黄芪甲苷含量为指标进行实验。

87、decoct a drug wrapped ─── 包煎

88、Thus, Chinese herbal medicine can only decoct. ─── 如果能够把中药之有效成份纳米微粒化,就可提高水溶解性,这不仅便于服用也便于人体吸收。

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