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08-20 投稿


confrontment 发音

英:[[k?n'fr?ntm?nt]]  美:[[k?n'fr?ntm?nt]]

英:  美:

confrontment 中文意思翻译



confrontment 相似词语短语

1、concernment ─── n.参与;有关之事;忧虑;重要性

2、confronter ─── 对抗者

3、confronted ─── 面对

4、confrontments ─── n.对质;面对;面对面

5、confinement ─── n.限制;监禁;分娩

6、confronting ─── v.面对;对抗(confront的ing形式);对立

7、contentment ─── n.满足;满意

8、controlment ─── n.控制

9、confronte ─── 比较

confrontment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What the difficulties the teacher will confront? Do you think teacher is a going profession? ─── 你有没有担当过老师的角色教过别人?在中国都有什么种类的学校?

2、Shortsighted, they are confused and at a loss when they use limited knowledge and experience to confront vast cosmos. ─── 他们目光如豆,以他们有限的经验学识,面对广漠的宇宙天际时,就完全迷惑而不知所措矣!

3、Make us have enough wisdom to confront lives'dangerous shoals and storm. ─── 使我们有足够的智慧面向人生的风暴和险滩。

4、Let us, therefore, confront the clatter and rigidity we see around us with tolerance, variety, and calm. ─── 因此,让我们怀着容忍、求变和平静的心情来面对四周的喧哗和沉沉死气吧。

5、Perhaps that will get something out of this fine bird-to confront him with his friends. ─── 也许这样可以从这个令人讨厌的家伙身上逼出一些什么来,让他去跟他那些朋友照照面。

6、But if there is one group in Burmese society that the generals might hesitate to confront, itis the clergy. ─── 如果在缅甸还有那么一个群体军政府也许不愿去冒犯的话,那么这个群体只能是佛教界。

7、Cavers in Mexico confront extreme conditions and find extraordinary beauty. ─── 岩洞探秘者在墨西哥最严酷的环境中找到了特别的美丽。

8、The life force is vigorous.The delight that accompanies it counter-balances all pains and hardships,that confront men. ─── 人的生命力是旺盛的。生命的活动力能抗争人们面对的一切艰难困苦.

9、To confront in battle or contention. ─── 对抗在战役或辩论中遭遇

10、Doctors confront such choices often and urgently. ─── 医生经常会遇到这样刻不容缓的抉择。

11、To meet defiantly; confront. ─── 勇敢地面对;面临

12、True horror was to confront Florence as soon as she arrived at a military hospital in Turkey in 1854. ─── 1854年,南丁格尔抵达土耳其的战地医院,这次她开始面对真正的恐惧。

13、How to confront with the CEC system of an armada is an important study content in future war. ─── 如何与舰队CEC系统进行对抗是未来作战的重要研究内容。

14、He will never confront you, he couldn't say bo to a goose. ─── 他不会同你对抗的,他胆子太小了。

15、Any attempt to defend wilderness preservation must confront and attempt to refute this position. ─── 任何为保护荒野而辩护的试图都必须正视并设法驳倒这一论点。

16、With GPS Used comprehensively and the advance of navigation war, it's urgent to study the confrontment technique of GPS. ─── 随着GPS在军事上的广泛应用和导航战的提出,研究GPS的电子攻防对抗已成为当务之急。

17、A principal problem was the flat refusal of the President to confront his advisers directly on the central question. ─── 主要问题是总统根本拒绝让他的顾问们直接面对中心问题。

18、You must confront your fears and doubts and take risks again. ─── 你必须面对你的恐惧和怀疑,并且再次冒险。

19、But, why must you confront him? ─── 但你为什么一定得面对他?

20、He also worried about malpractice suits and the high cost of malpractice insurance that doctors increasingly confront. ─── 他还担心渎职起诉,以及医生在高渎职保险中要付出的高额成本。

21、But then life moves along to confront us with realities, and slowly but surly this second truth dawns upon us. ─── 但是现实往往事与愿违,然后渐渐地这第二条真理必然显现在我们面前。

22、In a new era,youth work must confront reasoningly with such styles of cultural phenomenon. ─── 如何理性对待“超女”等类型的文化现象对青年工作的推动和发展,是一个崭新的时代课题。

23、More must be done to help these people get away from poverty. More arduous tasks confront us. ─── 帮助他们摆脱贫困需要付出更大的努力,今后的扶贫工作更艰巨。

24、She knew she'd have to confront her parents when she got home. ─── 她知道回家时必须面对自己的父母。

25、Throw yourself into your profession.Keep a lookout for any inpiduals eager to confront you with unsavory situations. ─── 天秤座:埋头苦干吧,但是要注意那些急于反抗你的人。

26、She was frustrated be-cause her attempts to confront her in private had only made matters worse. ─── 她尝试私下与那同事对质,结果却令事情更糟,使她十分沮丧。

27、You must confront these difficulties with bravery. ─── 你必须勇敢地正视这些困难。

28、The mayor hid himself indoors and dared not go out to confront the petitioners. ─── 市长藏在屋里不敢出来面对请愿者。

29、To fail to confront a subject directly. ─── 不能直接切入主题。

30、You must confront your problems. ─── 你必须面对自己的问题。

31、It was a new experience for me to confront an impenetrable wall. ─── 对我来说,面对一堵穿不过的厚墙是一种从未有过的经历。

32、He would drive there, and with the assistance of these men confront her. ─── 他得赶到那儿,靠这些人的帮助和她对质。

33、You will never confront him, you couldn't say bo to a goose. ─── 你是不会同他对抗的,你胆子太

34、You confront me for I am the evil! ─── 你对抗我,是因为我是魔!

35、At the same time, to send back screen, formed a new government to confront the regime of the Edo Shogunate. ─── 与此同时,倒幕派组成了新的政府,用以对抗江户幕府政权。

36、To confront and engage in conflict with an imagined opponent or threat. ─── 与假想的对手作战面对假想的敌人或威胁;同假想的敌人或威胁作战

37、He suddenly makes her turn to confront him face to face and kisses her ardently. ─── 他突然把她转过来,面对自己,热烈地吻将起来。

38、It's no use to confront your boss. ─── 对抗你的老板是没有用的。

39、Both writers confront the upbeat and beat them down. ─── 两个作者都正视乐观,并击败了他们。

40、The person is living must, why to confront a few not satisfactory issues? ─── 人活着一定要,为什么遭遇到一些不顺心的事情呢?

41、Live life without fear, confront all obstacles and evince that you can overcome then. ─── 充满活力的生活没有恐惧。

42、I am seething within and cannot relax; Days of affliction confront me. ─── 伯30:27我心里烦扰不安、苦的日子临到我身。

43、To confront people with a glib tongue often makes them detest you. ─── 孔子说,“能说会道有什么用呢?巧嘴利舌地与人争辩,常常被人厌恶。

44、Confront your fears. Overcoming them reaps rich rewards. ─── 勇敢面对恐惧,克服它们你将收获丰厚的回报。

45、Impossibilities vanish when a man and his God confront a mountain. ─── 当人与他的神一起挑战崇山峻岭,不可能的事就会消失。

46、The challenge for educators is to restructure the curriculum to make maximum use of the new technologies so that students can learn better and prepare themselves for the information-rich world they now confront. ─── 对教育工作者提出的要求,就是要调整学校的课程来最大限度地使用新的技术,以便学生能够学得更好,并为他们现在所面临的信息丰富的世界而早作准备。

47、Failing that, his wife will have a sizable dossier with evidence of infidelity to confront him with. ─── 即使这行不通,他妻子也会有一沓与他对质公堂的凿凿证据。

48、He is going to confront the anti-Americanism that is still very strong in some parts of Europe. ─── 他也将直面欧洲一些地方仍旧非常强烈的反美主义。

49、Before you let doubts stop you, confront them with facts. ─── 在疑惑让你裹足不前之前,以事实去说服它。

50、Answer me then, if you can; prepare yourself and confront me. ─── 你若回答我,就站起来,在我面前陈明。

51、He swung round to confront his accusers. ─── 他突然转过身来面对著那些指控他的人。

52、He added: "We will confront this danger before it is too late". ─── 他补充道:“我们将在为时过晚之前,及时对抗这种威胁。”

53、He proclaimed his innocence and challenged his accusers to confront him openly. ─── 他宣称启已是无辜的,并要求与原告们公开当面对质。

54、A soldier often has to confront danger. ─── 士兵常常要身临险境。

55、If it’s fear, it’s time to confront what frightens you. ─── 如果因为害怕,现在是勇敢地面对它的时候了。

56、Yet the politicians who babble about" more bang for the buck" don't confront their own absurd priorities. ─── 可是口口声声说“钱要有效使用”的政客们自己去不管轻重缓急。

57、But why must you confront him? ─── 但是为什么你必须对抗他?

58、The Asian financial turmoil has also exposed areas of weaknesses which we need to confront and to overcome. ─── 亚洲金融风暴也暴露了我们需要面对和克服香港存在的弱点。

59、But then life moves along to confront us with realities, and slowly but surely this truth dawns upon us. ─── 但是,随后而来的生活将现实摆到了我们的面前,我们也慢慢地明白了这个道理。

60、How does positivism confront all kinds of post modernity thoughts? ─── 实证主义如何面对各种后现代性的思想?

61、Sons find it uncomfortable to confront the reality of their father's sexual lives. ─── 儿子们接触到父亲性生活的实际时,总觉得很不自在。

62、Pronunciation is just one of the many problems that confront the language learner. ─── 发音只是学语言的人所面临的诸多问题之一。

63、To oppose treacherous computing, we must join together and confront the situation as a collective choice. ─── 为了反对危险的计算,我们必须联合起来并且以集体的选择来对抗这种遭遇。

64、You will never confront him,you couldn't say bo to a goose. ─── 你是不会同他对抗的,你胆子太小。

65、The Harvey-Jones mantra, both inmanagement and in media, was the need to confront change as the only way tosurvive. ─── 不管在新闻界还是在经营界,哈维-琼斯的批判咒语都是应对变化的唯一幸存之路所必需。

66、Confront the friend about the situation. ─── 侧问您的朋友。

67、She knew that she had to confront her fears. ─── 她心里明白自己必须克服恐惧心理。

68、Simplified Model of Combat Effectiveness of Air Defense Missile System Based on Confrontment ─── 基于对抗的防空导弹系统作战效能简化模型的建立

69、In Nigeria, an Interfaith effort of Christians and Muslims has set an example of cooperation to confront malaria. ─── 在尼日利亚,基督徒和穆斯林所进行的跨信仰努力为抗击疟疾树立了合作的典范。

70、A soldier has to confront danger and death. ─── 军人必须勇敢而冷静地面对危险和死亡。

71、Why don't you confront Chris before you get any angrier? ─── 你为何不在更生气前就和克里斯对抗?

72、Confront and master the inevitable crises of life. ─── 共同面对和掌控生活中不可避免的危机。

73、He had to go to Chicago to see his daughter, confront Made Leine and Gersback. ─── 他得去芝加哥看望他的女儿,去勇敢地面对马德琳和格斯贝奇。

74、When confront with the evidence of her guilt, she confessed. ─── 她面对罪证供认不讳。

75、Was because she couldn't confront the rumors fabricated by people. ─── 因为她无法面对人们捏造出来的谣言。

76、But considering realistically, we have to confront with such a fact that our prospect is not optimistic. ─── 但是现实地考虑一下,我们不得不正视这样的事实,我们的前景并不妙.

77、His heroic deeds called forth my strength and courage to confront the difficulties. ─── 他的英雄事迹给了我面对困难的力量和勇气。

78、If choose some parts only, your love would confront trouble and then misshapes and deteriorates. ─── 你如果有所选择,你的爱就会遇上问题;

79、A soldier has to confront danger. ─── 军人须面对危险。

80、He savages Japan for growing "militarism." He urges his national leaders to actively confront foes. ─── 他痛斥日本军国主义思潮的复辟,强烈要求他的国家领导人积极地对抗这种挑战。

81、You're not gonna confront her? What are you, yellow? ─── 你不去和她当面对质?你这算什么,胆小鬼?

82、Prepare themselves for the information-rich world they now confront. ─── 为他们现在所面临的信息丰富的世界而早做准备。

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