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08-20 投稿


feasibility 发音

英:[?fi?z??b?l?ti]  美:[?fi?z??b?l?ti]

英:  美:

feasibility 中文意思翻译



feasibility 短语词组

1、feasibility planning ─── 可行性规划

2、technical feasibility ─── [计] 技术可行

3、feasibility conditions ─── [法]可行性条件

4、Feasibility Validation Program ─── 可行性验证方案

5、feasibility constant ─── 可行性常数

6、Cometary Feasibility Study Group ─── 彗星可行性研究小组

7、feasibility research ─── [法]可行性研究

8、feasibility report ─── 可行性报告

9、feasibility testing ─── 可行性测定

10、feasibility study ─── [计] 可行性研究 ─── [化] 可行性研究

11、economic feasibility ─── [计] 经济可行性 ─── [经] 经济可行性

12、Feasibility Demonstration Program ─── 可行性论证方案

13、feasibility study report ─── [经] 可行性研究报告

14、feasibility criterion ─── [经] 可行性标准

15、feasibility test ─── [计] 可行性试验

16、feasibility analysis ─── 可行性分析

17、standards of feasibility ─── [经] 可行性标准

18、feasibility evaluation ─── 可行性评估

19、economic feasibility analysis ─── [经] 可行性经济分析

feasibility 常用词组

feasibility study ─── 可行性研究

feasibility analysis ─── 可行性分析

technical feasibility ─── 技术可行性

feasibility 反义词


feasibility 同义词

likelihood |probability | feasibleness | practicability | practicality | possibility | facility | achievability | viability

feasibility 相似词语短语

1、fusibility ─── n.[物]熔度;[物]熔性

2、defeasibility ─── n.可废除性

3、frangibility ─── n.脆弱,易碎;脆弱性

4、defensibility ─── n.防卫的可能性;可防御性

5、tensibility ─── n.伸长性

6、infeasibility ─── n.不可行性,不可能实行

7、sensibility ─── n.情感;敏感性;感觉;识别力

8、feasibilities ─── n.可行性;可能性

9、irascibility ─── n.易怒;脾气暴躁

feasibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It makes a scrutiny to explain the feasibility of track beam support manufactured at home. ─── 以说明轨道梁支座的国产化是可行的。

2、A good feasibility study would have proved that the policy was totally wrong, but that had never been done. ─── 一个好的可行性调查本来可以证明那个政策是完全错误的,但从来没做过可行性调查。

3、A consultancy study on the feasibility of electronic submission of building plans and supporting documents was completed. ─── 以电子形式提交建筑图则和辅证文件的可行性顾问研究已经完成。

4、The experiment indicates feasibility and efficiency of PLOD(superscript +). ─── 实验结果表明了PLOD(上标+)算法的可行性和有效性。

5、If you do it, then it certainly adds to the feasibility of doing more for less. ─── 如果你做,那么它当然加重多做少可行性。

6、Using a simple example, we testify the feasibility of this method. ─── 并结合一个简单的例子,验证了方法的可行性。

7、It's therefore necessary to see the feasibility and effectiveness of this kind of management. ─── 因此有必要看看这种管理方法是否可行,是否有效。

8、Analyzing elaborate and impersonal feasibility of system execute through technology, economic and operation. ─── 对系统实施的可行性方面,从技术上、经济上和实际操作上进行了客观详尽的分析。

9、We shall give further thought to this and, without pre-judging the outcome, we may initiate a feasibility study on it. ─── 我们暂时未有定论,不过会就此再作考虑,亦可能会进行可行性研究。

10、The application of ADRC to time delay system is discussed. The feasibility and control effect are discussed as well. ─── 对自抗扰控制器在时滞系统中的应用进行了探讨,分析了自抗扰控制器在时滞系统中的应用的可能性及控制效果。

11、The paper analyses the need and feasibility of car rent trade developing network in our country. ─── 分析了国内小汽车租赁业发展网络化经营的必要性和可行性。

12、Age is no limitation to the feasibility of practicing law. ─── 从事法律工作并没有年龄限制。

13、The feasibility of its application in this concent... ─── 并对其在包钢选矿厂应用的可行性进行了探讨。

14、To check the quality target, plan and performance ( Inc. Feasibility for Assembly) during the development. ─── 在开发过程中,检查质量目标的内容,计划和性能(其中有可装配型)。

15、Analysis on the Necessity and Feasibility of the Innovation of Middle- plate in Linfen Iron %26 Steel Ltd. ─── 临钢中板改造的必要性和可行性分析。

16、Keywords : MIS ,TextBox, database, DAO, feasibility assay. ─── 关键字:MIS(管理信息系统)、文本框、数据库、DAO、可行性系统。

17、Ere are described the content and method of interest calculationin the financial evaluationfor feasibility study. ─── 介绍了可行性研究财务评价中利息计算的内容和方法。

18、Project Feasibility Report is available and has been approved by experts. ─── 已有可研报告,并通过专家评审。

19、We ealuated the safety and feasibility of same-day discharge after PCI. ─── 我们评价PCI术后当天出院的安全性及可行性。

20、The feasibility is discussed through a case study. ─── 实例分析的结果说明了系统实现的可行性和有效性。

21、The experiment results show the accuracy and the feasibility of this algorithm. ─── 实验结果表明了该算法的准确性和可行性。

22、The feasibility of manufacturing of cactus cake and bread was studied in this test. ─── 对仙人掌蛋糕、包制作的可行性进行了研究。

23、I still have an element of doubt about its feasibility. ─── 我仍然不能肯定其可行性。

24、The feasibility of local microwave hyperthermia used as a whole body heating. ─── 微波局部照射用作全身热疗可能性的初步临床观察。

25、But so far now, the scholars doubt how much feasibility these five modes may have. ─── 但一直以来,学术界对于这五种模式的可行性究竟有多大存在着争议。

26、The feasibility study on deep well injection to cyanide containing wastewater. ─── 含氰废水深井注入技术的可行性研究。

27、The feasibility of it has been analyzed according to its mechanism. ─── 从机理分析其可行性

28、Feasibility Study for HHH Project of the work Bank in Jiangsu pronce of china. ─── 世界银行中国HHH项目江苏省可行性研究;

29、The factory manager is still conferring with the workshop directors on the feasibility of expansion of the factory. ─── 厂长仍在与车间主任商议扩大工厂的可行性问题。

30、What shall be included in the feasibility study report of a Sino-foreign joint venture? ─── 外商投资企业可行性研究报告包括哪些内容?

31、I think we should go ahead with the feasibility study. ─── 我觉得我们应该进行这个可行性研究。

32、The experiments verify the feasibility and effectiveness of this method. ─── 实验验证了这一方法的可行性和有效性。

33、The ease study shows its feasibility. ─── 实例应用表明,该方法是正确可行的。

34、Analysis of feasibility of value added investment. ─── 分析增值投资可行性。

35、I doubt the feasibility of the plan. ─── 我怀疑这个计划的可行性。

36、Vitrification and devitrification tests of cryoprotectants demonstrated the feasibility of vitrification solution EDT. ─── 在抗冻保护剂溶液的玻璃化与脱玻璃化试验中,证明了乙二醇、葡聚糖和海藻糖配制玻璃化溶液的可行性。

37、This method provides evidence for the feasibility of pattern infilling. ─── 实例计算和对比论证表明,该方法合理实用。

38、Could you tell me the difference between possibility and feasibility? ─── 你能告诉我可能和不可能之间的区别吗?

39、He assured me of the feasibility of the plan. ─── 他使我确信这个计划是可行的。

40、The experimental result proved the feasibility of the interferometry. ─── 实验结果证明了该方法的可行性。

41、An accessory of fan electromotor was taken as an example to show feasibility and correctness of this method. ─── 以风机元件为例,验证了该方法的正确性和可行性。

42、Will you please make a feasibility study of this case free of charge? ─── 不知贵方可否免费提供对此一事项的可行性研究?

43、The committee will study the feasibility of setting up a national computer network. ─── 委员会将研究建立一个国家计算机网络的可行性。

44、A good feasibility study would have proved that the policy was totally wrong, but that had never been done. ─── 一个好的可行性调查本来可以证明那个政策是完全错误的,但从来没做过可行性调查。

45、Oban Hospital: CHP feasibility study for a new hospital. ─── 医院:新院自备热电厂的可行性研究。

46、The open competitive design system that exists in Germany has produced numerous feasibility studies. ─── 德国的公开设计竞赛制度产生了多种可能性的研究。

47、Through examples of calculation and an result of contrast simulation by Matlab, verification of its feasibility and effectiveness was given. ─── 通过实例计算和对比仿真,验证模型的合理性和有效性。

48、Study on Feasibility of Transfer from Open-Pit Mining to Underground Mining in Washan Pit of Nanshan Mining Co. ─── 南山矿业公司凹山采场露天转地下可行性研究。

49、Based on thermodynamics principle,the feasibility for melting iron borings in cupola was ana lysed. ─── 从热力学角度分析了在冲天炉内熔炼铸铁切屑的可行性。

50、In addition, a feasibility study on EDI services for processing road cargo manifests will be completed in the first half of 2002. ─── 另一方面,利用电子联通服务处理陆路运输货物舱单的可行性研究将于二零零二年上半年完成。

51、One, the popular business and the inevitability of feasibility. ─── 一、大众化经营的必然性与可行性。

52、Adds risk analysis to feasibility assessment. ─── 增加风险分析到可行性评估中。

53、The South-East Kowloon Development Feasibility Study was completed in 1998. ─── 东南九龙发展可行性研究于一九九八年完成。

54、Report the commercial feasibility of potential products. ─── 4对潜在产品做市场的可行性报告。

55、A feasibility study is a detailed preliminary evaluation of your business idea to see if it is worth pursuing. ─── 可行性研究是一个详细的初步评估您的经营理念,看看是否是值得推行。

56、They doubted of the feasibility of the project. ─── 他们怀疑这个计划的可行性。

57、The government will assess the situation when the feasibility study is concluded in mid-1999. ─── 待可行性研究在一九九九年年中完成后,政府会评估有关情况。

58、We are currently exploring the feasibility of this feature. ─── 我们目前正在探索这一特性的可行性。

59、Reply of the feasibility research repots. ─── 可行性研究报告的批复。

60、We should do a feasibility study before adopting the new proposals. ─── 我们在采用这些新建议之前应进行可行性研究。

61、Experts were divided on the feasibility of the project. ─── 专家们对该计划的可行性意见不一。

62、The next move is to testify the idea's feasibility. ─── 下一步的工作是验证该计划的可行性。

63、Work with designing engineers and adjust the technique feasibility of the model. ─── 与产品设计工程师共同工作,负责协调产品的工艺可行性。

64、Feasibility studies will be made if there is a need to divert water from Lancang and Nujiang rivers in the future. ─── 大西线南水北调只是设想,将来需要从澜沧江、怒江等调水时,另做可行性报告。

65、The feasibility of this kind of decelerator is analyzed. ─── 它由一级外啮合渐开线齿轮传动和一级三曲柄二环传动组成。

66、Strength the Feasibility Study of Energy Conservation on the Government organization. ─── 加强政府机构节能之可行性分析。

67、He said PSA Peugeot Citroen and Dongfeng have launched a joint study group to look into the feasibility of the move. ─── 他说,标致雪铁龙集团和东风汽车已组建了一个联合研究小组,调查此事的可行性。

68、So we suggest to refrence the NDC mode and discuss its necessity and feasibility. ─── 因此,借鉴NDC(名义账户制)模式不失为一种新的思路。

69、We are working on the Feasibility Study now. ─── 我们现在正在进行可行性研究。

70、Project Feasibility Report and primary layout are available. ─── 已有项目可行性报告和初步设计。

71、The economic feasibility of cost-reducing changes will always depend on sustained need. ─── 产品成本降低变动的经济可行性,总是决定于对产品的继续需求情况。

72、The feasibility and lack of new rules and regulations are analysed. ─── 分析了新规则和规程的可行性,指出了存在的不足之处;

73、Practice proves the feasibility and efficiency of this method. ─── 实践表明了该方法的实用性和有效性。

74、Based on analysis and choice,feasibility, goal and DAD are analyzed. ─── 基于以上分析与选择,进行了水产市场信息系统的可行性分析、目标分析及数据流分析等;

75、Stamping/ Extrusion part development includes design, definition, cost analysis and feasibility study. ─── 冲压与拉伸件开发,包括设计,定义,成本分析和可行性分析。

76、Apparent feasibility of introducing a real property operated through mass appraisal methods for the entire nation. ─── 对于全国采用批量评估房地产估价是明显可行的。

77、The Northshore Lantau Development Feasibility Study also started in July 1998. ─── 大屿山北岸发展可行性研究也已于一九九八年七月展开。

78、The feasibility of earthquake can't be excluded by far. ─── 到目前为止,还不能排除地震的可能性.

79、Using this approach, one can test the feasibility of a subsystem and technology in the initial iterations. ─── 使用这种方法,可以在初始迭代过程中测试一个子系统和技术的可行性。

80、Our plan grounds on the result of feasibility study. ─── 我们的计划是建立在可行性研究结果上的。

81、Do feasibility analysis of the requirement for urgent shipping, make up solution to satisfy the customer requirement. ─── 对客户的紧急交货,提前交货要求,进行及时的可行性分析,并提出解决方案,以满足客户的要求。

82、Confirms the feasibility of this method by an example. ─── 并通过算例验证该方法的可行性。

83、Perform technical feasibility study on technical solution. ─── 对技术方案进行可行性分析研究。

84、The 4th Archor chain project feasibility stuches of . ─── 作为院长:1.镇江锚链厂级锚链工程可行性研究。

85、Desirability and feasibility of establishing an independent legal aid authority. ─── 建立一个独立法律援助管理局的可取性及可行性。

86、The Feasibility of Special Vehicle Help the Heavy Duty Truck Market Come out of Sluggish? ─── 专用汽车能否引导重卡市场走出低迷?

87、The Council asked the Commission to carry out a feasibility study into the creation of a school fruit and vegetable scheme. ─── 安理会要求委员会建立一个学校的水果和蔬菜计划的可行性研究。

88、Will developers be able to extend Apollo with native code? We are currently exploring the feasibility of this feature. ─── 开发者可以写本地代码来扩展Apollo吗?我们目前正在探索这一特性的可行性。

89、The spokesman admitted the feasibility of the American proposals. ─── 发言人承认美国的建议是可取的。


投资前的研究 用英语表达 翻译如下: pre-investment studies. 或:preinvestment studies [例句] That is why the feasibility study is necessary and vital before decision. 因此,投资前的可行性研究就显得必不可少又至关重要。

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