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08-20 投稿


tasset 发音

英:[['t?s?t]]  美:[['t?s?t]]

英:  美:

tasset 中文意思翻译



tasset 短语词组

1、tasset 960 ─── 地毯960

2、tasset def tasset ─── 定义

3、tasset mark ─── 接地,

4、tasset ge ─── 儿科使用

5、tasset llc tasset ─── 有限责任公司

6、tasset osrs ─── 黑桃杰克

tasset 相似词语短语

1、tassel ─── n.流苏;缨;穗;vt.用流苏装饰;摘下…穗;vi.抽穗;长出穗状雄花;n.(Tassel)人名;(法)塔塞尔

2、tassets ─── (盔甲的)腿甲;腿罩

3、basset ─── n.露出;矮脚长耳猎犬;vi.露出地表;n.(Basset)人名;(法)巴塞;(英)巴西特;(西、阿拉伯)巴塞特

4、tasses ─── n.腿罩;腿甲(等于tasset)

5、bassets ─── n.露出;矮脚长耳猎犬;vi.露出地表;n.(Basset)人名;(法)巴塞;(英)巴西特;(西、阿拉伯)巴塞特

6、tassels ─── n.[服装]流苏(tassel的复数形式)

7、asset ─── n.资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件;财产;有价值的人或物;n.(法)阿塞(人名)

8、Gasset ─── n.(Gasset)人名;(法)加塞;(西)加塞特

9、tasse ─── n.腿罩(等于tasset);n.(Tasse)人名;(罗)塔塞;(法)塔斯

tasset 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A form of the prima materia (Prime), Mana is likened to the “water” or “liquid” state of that magical substance, as compared to tass, the “earth” or “solid” state. ─── 原初物质(原质)的存在形式。玛那被比喻成魔法本质的“水”或“液体”状态,而塔斯则是“土”或“固体”状态。

2、The distribution pattern of the genus Caragana comprising about 72 species and occurring in 13 areas, was analyzed by using subtree method and TASS procedure in this study. ─── 对锦鸡儿属 (Caragana)植物 72种和 13个分布区的子树分析和TASS程序运算后 ,得到 7个具信息的子树 ,它们分别表达了锦鸡儿属属内组、系所具有的分布区关系。

3、Subtree, TASS and an Analysis of the Genus Caragana ─── 子树分析和TASS程序及其在锦鸡儿属植物中的应用

4、EYE is a three-story tall eyeball sculpture that artist Tony Tasset will install in Chicago's Pritzker Park next month. ─── “EYE”是一个3层楼高的雕塑,艺术家托尼·塔塞特沃下月将在芝加哥的普里茨克公园展出。

5、Prime), tass is likened to the “earth” or “solid” state of that ─── 塔斯:魔法的实质。本原物质(起源)的一种形态。对应着“土”与“固体”。它可以被

6、TASS is not totally effective for hypovascular HCC. ─── TASS对少血管HCC疗效不是很好。

7、The Tass Thebaud stamping however considers: Has made several hundred examples, 80% athletes step the runway, but also has 20% athlete effect not to be obvious. ─── 塔斯特博士坦然相告:做过几百例,其中80%的运动员重新踏上跑道,但也有20%的运动员效果并不明显。

8、ITTA TASS: My question is about the current state of affairs in China-Russia relations. Will the new prime minister in Russia bring any change to China-Russian Relations? ─── 俄塔社记者:请问现在中俄关系如何?俄罗斯有了新的总理,中俄关系会不会有所改变?

9、”Team's center “big z” the Il Gosse Tass speaks. ─── 球队的中锋“大z”伊尔格斯塔斯说到。

10、Professor Masatoshi Kudo: The pathological concept of early HCC is of a hypovascular nature so TASS is not indicated. ─── 早期肝癌病理特征为血管少,因此TASS不是其适应症。

11、TASS towed array surveillance system ─── 拖曳式阵列监视系统

12、Subtree analysis and three area satements (TASS) procedure are used to deal with the area relationship in historical biogeography. ─── 子树分析和三分法 (TASS)程序是历史生物地理学中分布区关系的一种分析途径。

13、In the Fallen World, the prima materia is known in two states,Mana and tass. ─── 在下界的原初物质有两种已知形态:玛娜与塔斯。

14、tactile-auditory substitution system(TASS) ─── 触觉-听觉转换系统(用于聋人)

15、testing and scoring system (TASS) ─── 测验与记分系统

16、prima materia: The Supernal substance, also called Prime. In the Fallen World, the prima materia is known in two states, Mana and tass. ─── 原初物质:上界本质,也被称为原质。在下界原初物质有两种已知形态,玛那和塔斯。

17、Prime: The Arcanum that governs Hallows, illusions, magical imbuement, Mana, resonance and tass. ─── 原质:主宰圣地、幻象、附魔、玛那、共鸣和塔斯的奥秘。

18、That day in the Huashan Hospital, Sun Haiping and Liu Xiang inquired American expert Tass especially doctor specially: how many example such surgery have you undergone? ─── 那天在华山医院,孙海平和刘翔专门询问了美国专家塔斯特博士:“您做过几例这样的手术?

19、Olga Tass ─── 塔斯

20、Prime Tass news agency ─── 俄塔社

21、Once the ideal reduction was obtained, we placed bilateral TASs in prone position (Figure 2). ─── 一旦获得理想的复位,我们在俯卧位放置TAS螺钉(图2)。

22、A form of the prima materia (Prime), tass is likened to the “earth” or “solid” state of that substance. ─── 原初物质的一种形式,塔斯被比喻成魔法物质的“土”或“固体”形态。

23、Agency - Tass, Moscow 2001. 8. 31) Germany for Russia's World War II prisoners of labor and to pay compensation. ─── {俄通社-塔斯社,莫斯科2001。8。31日电}德国为俄国二战劳工和囚犯付赔。

24、Interim Airborne TASS ─── 临时机载拖曳阵列监视系统

25、ITTA TASS: My question is about the current state of affairs in China-Russia relations. ─── 俄塔社记者:请问现在中俄关系如何?

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