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n. 精华;典范;第五元素(被视为地、水、火、风以外之构成宇宙的元素)

quintessence 短语词组

1、quintessence of dust ─── 尘之精髓

2、mandarin collar quintessence ─── 官领精华

3、quintessence of elements eq ─── 元素精髓

4、quintessence definition en francais ─── 法兰西国粹定义

5、quintessence of chinese culture ─── 中国文化精髓

6、quintessence synonym ─── 精粹同义词

7、quintessence of light wow ─── 光之精华哇

8、quintessence audio ─── 精粹音频

9、quintessence sentence ─── 精髓句

10、quintessence blog ─── 国粹博客

11、quintessence definition ─── 精髓定义

quintessence 相似词语短语

1、quinquevalence ─── n.五价

2、quiescence ─── n.静止;沉默

3、in essence ─── 本质上;其实;大体上

4、quintessential ─── adj.典型的,完美的;精髓的

5、unessence ─── 联合国

6、subintelligence ─── 次生的

7、unessenced ─── 未评估

8、quintessentially ─── adv.典型地;标准地

9、unessences ─── 教育

quintessence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、located in the Shanghai South Highway plate Health Mau the park is" both ancient quintessence " the villa, the "imported" into the interpretation of the organic unity of the Chinese culture with "art. ─── 位于沪南公路板块的生茂养园更是“融国学精华”,把别墅这个“舶来品”演绎成同中国文化有机结合的“艺术品”。

2、Thirteen quintessence models are concluded about the coordination relation between fixture and original data, which are synthesized to develop knowledge-based automatic decision-making system. ─── 将工艺装备与原始依据之间的协调关系总结为十三个典型模型,通过这些模型的综合来确定它们之间的协调关系。

3、Harmonious, an important part of traditional culture of China, is philosophical modes and cultural quintessence founded only by Chinese. ─── 和合精神是中国优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,是中华民族独创的哲学观念和文化精粹。

4、He looked at her quite tenderly, for she was the quintessence of a certain type of feminine beauty. ─── 他十分温存地看着她,认为她是某一种女性美的典范。

5、national culture quintessence ─── 国粹

6、"Express T" the quintessence is easy to use and the time of admission to speed faster than five strokes. ─── “快笔”其精华在于易学好用,而且录入速度比五笔字型还快。

7、He was the quintessence of all that Eva most deeply loathed. ─── 他是个典型的伊娃深深憎恶之人。

8、The Quintessence of the Ancient Chinese Instructions for Women and Its Modern Values ─── 中国古代女训的精华及其当代价值

9、Ms Padel seems to have caught the quintessence of the man's character, as if in a butterfly net. ─── 帕黛似乎用一张蝴蝶网捕获了达尔文品质的精髓。

10、To Grasp the Quintessence of the "Three Representatives" Accurately and Completely ─── 完整准确地把握"三个代表"思想的精髓

11、The Quintessence of Russian Piano Performing Art--Russian Pianist E. Murina's Debut in Beijing ─── 俄罗斯钢琴艺术的精髓--写在穆里娜教授的首次访华之后

12、It enlightened the appearance of imago of Mind, and formed the quintessence of the Aesthetics of Living in China with the mobile of Qi. ─── 以气之运动构成中国生命美学的精髓。

13、Eryuehe's Serial Novels of Describing the Emperors in the Qing Dynasty: On the Memory and Imagination of the Quintessence of the Jingchu Culture ─── 二月河清帝系列小说:荆楚文化精魂的记忆与想象

14、The quintessence of Chinese culture; national legacy ─── 中国传统文化中的精华

15、He is the quintessence oftact and politeness. ─── 他处世谦恭得体。

16、The Quintessence and Value Rule of "the Three Representatives" ─── "三个代表"重要思想的精髓和价值准则

17、Consider that dialectal program should transmission to limited area of people, different kind of program should make particular orientation, and set quintessence consciousness. ─── 在改进过程中应该协调处理好一系列的关系。

18、Anyway, a wise book is beneficial, because you know where the quintessence really lies. ─── 总之,好书读了,原有所得,就是可以知道它的好处在哪里。

19、Harmony without Uniformity: Quintessence of Harmonious Society and Political Civilization ─── 和而不同:和谐社会政治文明的精髓

20、The quintessence and significance of the Wen's agricultural industrialization model is summarized at last. ─── 总结出“温氏”农业产业化模式的精髓和意义。

21、National Nature, National Quintessence and Cultural Anti-Confucianism ─── 国性论、国粹论与文化的排孔开新

22、As an imported goods,Chinese opera is not only characterized by opera,but also characterized by Chinese artthrough assimilating the quintessence of Chinese art. ─── 中国歌剧不仅具有歌剧的特征,更重要的是它吸收了许许多多中华民族艺术的精华,成就了具有中国特色的歌剧艺术。

23、He concentrates on the tradition, but can " change the hair clucked ", stores quintessence alone . ─── 他潜心钻研传统,却能“换去毛咕”,独存精华。

24、The quintessence or soul of the said legal culture coming from the Confucianism is the "golden mean". ─── 作为这种法文化传统之内在精神,亦即其灵魂,是儒家思想之精髓的"中道"理念。

25、Both the cosmological constant and quintessence fall into the general category of dark energy. ─── 不管是宇宙常数还是第五元素,都属于暗能量的?畴。

26、Four anti-Christianity reasons, not beyond the scope of such tendencies as obscurantism, nationalism, quintessence, scientism and socialism, are not involved in the whole of facts and the depth of learning. ─── 四种反教理由,大抵不出蒙昧主义、民族主义、国粹主义、科学主义及社会主义几种思想倾向,而很少顾及事实之全部与学理之深入。

27、And thus in the folklore circulating among our relatives, we were pictured as the quintessence of meanness to kith and kin and a warning to the world at large. ─── 在亲戚们口口相传的民间文学里,我们的忘本与小气差不点就成了警世通言。

28、Chinese Wushu or Kungfu is considered as the quintessence of China.It is typical of Chinese traditional culture pursued by Chinese to develop a strong body and a sound mind. ─── 中国武术又称国术,它是中国独有的一种健体强身、培养尚武精神的传统文化。

29、The Significant Thinking of "Three Represents" Is the Quintessence of Construction Theory of CPC ─── "三个代表"重要思想是党建理论的精髓

30、Carrying forward "Wushu Morality" quintessence, serve for the socialist spiritual civilization ─── 弘扬"武德"精华为社会主义精神文明建设服务

31、The compound drugs of Chinese medicine are the quintessence of the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. ─── 中药复方是中医学的精髓,但目前专利法的设置以及专利申请文件的撰写格式不利于中药复方的技术保护。

32、Chinese traditional medicine is the quintessence of China, gaining a great influence and popularity around the world. ─── 中医是我国国粹,在国际上有着重大影响,深受中国人民和世界人民的热爱和欢迎。

33、Most idioms are of figurative language and their images are usually vivid and culture-specific. Idioms are the quintessence of a language. ─── 习语大都是富于生动形象的语言,具有强烈的民族文化特征,是语言的精华。

34、The war preparation thought, "preparations first and then war", is the summary of the thought of "winning first", and is the Sun Wu's quintessence of preparing for attacking too. ─── 孙武“先胜而后求战”的备战思想,是对战争准备的深刻揭示,是“先胜”思想的总结,也是孙武备战思想的精华。

35、Feature: contained in the extraction of natural peach, lavender, Chinese angelica, He Heba plants such as the quintessence. ─── 产品特征:含有萃取于天然水蜜桃、薰衣草、当归,荷荷巴等植物的精华。

36、Packing design of commodities is the quintessence of decoration art, so packing design industry needs the support of culture. ─── 商品的包装设计是装饰艺术的结晶,包装设计产业更需文化的滋润。

37、Tianjin Culture and Its Thought Quintessence ─── 天津文化及其思想精华

38、thinking quintessence ─── 思想精髓

39、Quintessence of human settlement shown in Liu Ji's former residence ─── 从刘基故里看人居佳境的国粹精华

40、quintessence of Chinese culture ─── 国粹研究

41、"Quintessence, Etiquette & Muse"ponders the relationship between Man and Society, drawing out the beauty of discovery and awakening. ─── “诗、礼、乐”思索的是人与??的关系,呈现?现??之美。的是人与??的关系,呈现?现??之美。人与??的关系,呈现?现??之美。

42、Do not shorten the morning by getting up late; look upon it as the quintessence of life, as to a certain extent sared. ─── 不可因起床过晚而缩短了清晨时光;把清晨当成生命的典型,有如某种程度的神圣。

43、Turning round to look at Gumo Ridge it struck me as the quintessence of autumn. ─── 天,也比以前更加高远一些。 回头向古陌岭上望去,秋色更浓了。

44、Sympathy is dear--very dear to me: but the sympathy of a poet, and of such a poet, is the quintessence of sympathy to me! ─── 理解对我总是很珍贵的——非常地珍贵:但是来自一位诗人的理解,却是所有理解之中的极致!

45、is the quintessence of this golf course. ─── 可是这座高尔夫球场的精华所在哦。

46、Chinese painting are three quintessence forms of Chinese culture. ─── 京剧、中医和国画是中国的三大国粹。

47、She is the quintessence of sweetness. ─── 她简直就是甜美可爱的化身。

48、Nearly all showing the quintessence of Chinese calligraphy. ─── 几乎都是中国书法艺术的精华。

49、It was the quintessence of an English manor house. ─── 那是典型的英式庄园宅第。

50、Quintessence of Architecture ─── 建筑精神

51、absorb the quintessence ─── 吸取精华

52、The herbaceous quintessence of natural plant can suppress forming of the melanin effectively. Making the skin beautiful and engaging. ─── 天然植物草本精华,能够有效地抑制黑色素的形成,使肌肤白皙动人,去痘无痕更白皙。

53、At last, we consider a quintessence model with single or double exponential potential under the framework of DGP model. ─── 在前两章理论铺垫的基础上,第三章讨论具有N个标量场的多重指数势的phantom动力学模型,给出了在给定势的条件下,这种模型可以存在所期望的big rip吸引子。

54、local quintessence ─── 地方精英

55、Technically, Ren's preference to condensed, succinct phrasal utterances instead of to drawn-out, grammatically viable sentences shows how well he grasps the quintessence of poetry. ─── 以诗艺论,任兄雅好凝炼,不拘字义文法之桎梏,不落赘词冗句之窠臼,真知诗之三昧者。

56、Like, add quintessence for you! ─── 喜欢,给你加为精华!

57、Books are more than books.They are the life, the very heart and core of ages past, the reason why men lived and worked and died, the essence and quintessence of their lives. ─── 书不只是书,书是以往时代的生活,以往时代的核心,是人们活着、工作和死亡的原因,是人的生命的本质和精华。

58、Beijing opera, such as the quintessence of opera culture, once in its unique artistic charm in history has had its glory years. ─── 京剧,这种被誉为国粹的戏曲文化,曾经以它特有的艺术魅力在历史上有过其辉煌的年代。

59、Ms Padel seems to have caught the quintessence of the man's character, as if in a butterfly net. ─── Padel似乎抓住了达尔文的性格特征,仿佛在一张蝴蝶网中。

60、a painting that captures the quintessence of Viennese elegance ─── 一幅荟萃维也纳典雅之最的绘画

61、The herbaceous quintessence of natural plant can suppress the forming of the melanin effectively, making the skin beautiful and engaging. ─── 天然植物草本精华,能够有效地抑制黑色素的形成,使肌肤白皙动人,净白无瑕看得见。

62、Eight millennium civilized birthplaces, Yulong hometown essence or quintessence of things Tianbao; ─── 八千年文明发祥地,玉龙故乡物华天宝;

63、He looked at her quite tenderly, for she was the quintessence of a certain type of feminine beauty ─── 他十分温存地看着她,认为她是某一种女性美的典范。

64、A Thinking for Development: "Broadening the Field of Vision" and "Absorbing in the Quintessence" ─── "走出去"与"请进来"的发展思路

65、At the same time, "Housing Bank" is the quintessence model : a five win, two three benefited. ─── 同时“房屋银行”模式的精髓是:一个五赢,两个三得利。

66、Daqing spirit is a civilized history of outstanding petroleum culture,which combines the quintessence of Chinese culture. ─── 大庆精神整合了中华民族的文化精髓,是一部优秀石油文化的文明史。

67、charm of the quintessence of the country ─── 国粹韵味

68、Pluralism, compromise, harmony: the quintessence of republican system of government ─── 多元·妥协·和谐:共和政体的精髓

69、If men are indeed trying to regain the quintessence of their sex, then barbershops fit the bill. ─── 如果男性真的想找回男子汉的精髓,男士理发店是个合适的选择。

70、Its avant-garde woody floral spicy composition is the quintessence of ultra-femininity revealing a woman's elegance, beauty and sophistication. ─── 创新的木本辛辣和谐香调是极致的女性魅力精萃,呈现一位女性的优雅、美丽及精致特质。

71、Secondly, during the stage of the enterprise culture conformity, it should adopt the quintessence of each other and emphasize especially the importance of the brand-culture construction. ─── 二是在企业文化整合方面,双方都应该注意吸纳对方的精华,使企业产生较强的凝聚力和向心力,并特别强调了品牌文化建设的重要性。

72、in fact, the quintessence of a mask. ─── 事实上只是一副口罩的精髓。

73、mentality of quintessence of Chinese culture ─── 国粹心态

74、It always receives commendation and attention from people.In fact, we should not only devote our attention to the japan handicrafts and furniture but also grasp their substance and quintessence. ─── 其实我们要关注的不仅仅是具体的漆艺制品,更为重要的是把握其漆艺文化艺术的精髓和实质。

75、But what they are really attacking is the quintessence of Marxism ─── 但是他们所攻击的正是马克思主义的最根本的东西。

76、Whether the fiends still possess quintessence or whether they've used it up long since, it's not been seen or spoken of for many aeons. ─── 恶魔们是否依然占有着原萃,又是否他们早已将它们挥霍殆尽,亿万年来无从了解与回答。

77、Are the quintessence of Fuzhou's history and culture. ─── 就是福州历史文化的精华所在。

78、Her book captures the quintessence of Renaissance humanism. ─── 她的书抓住了文艺复兴时期人文主义的精髓。

79、the quintessence of Japan ─── 国粹主义

80、Beijing opera is the quintessence of Chinese culture. ─── 京剧是中华民族的国粹。

81、the quintessence of a philosophical theory ─── 一种哲学理论的精髓

82、Its ingredients include the quintessence of such precious herbs as ginseng, ginkgo, honeysuckle, herba violae. ─── 含人参、银杏、金银花、紫花地丁等多种名贵草本植物精华。

83、In ancient Greece,3 kinds of orders showed the quintessence of Greek architecture,in an art of personified shape. ─── 古希腊建筑中的 3种柱式(陶立克式、爱奥尼式及科林斯式 )构成了希腊建筑的精髓 ,并将其造型艺术拟人化。

84、Quintessence Fastener Co., Ltd. of Yueqing, established in 1999, is located in the north Bai Xiang town of Yueqing. ─── 乐清市精华紧固件有限公司,成立于1999年,座落于乐清市北白象镇。

85、Activity-based cost management is the method that faced the whole course, reflect the quintessence of TQC and JIT. ─── 作业成本管理是一种面向制造全过程,体现了全面质量管理、准时制思想的全面成本控制方法。

86、They advocate old ideas, social systems and ethics, respecting Confucianism, restoring ancient ways, preserving the "quintessence" of Chinese culture and saving the nation by means of the classics. ─── 他们提倡旧思想、旧制度、旧道德,主张尊孔、复古,保存“国粹”,读经救国。

87、At the same time will be its success in the global system as well as the quintessence of China's ongoing management philosophy localization to better adapt to the Chinese market. ─── 同时将把其在全球成功运作的体系精髓以及经营管理理念不断进行中国的本土化,使之更适应中国市场。

88、Absorb the quintessence of European and American energy-saving window technology with high airtight and watertight performance. ─── 吸取欧美节能窗技术之精华,气密水密性能较高。

89、While creating two immortal characters, A Q and Don Quixote, the authors profoundly revealed the mental sphere philosophically, and had made the characters the artistic quintessence of humanismfamous in literature history. ─── 在塑造阿Q和堂吉诃德这两个不朽的典型时,作家们都深刻地从哲学的高度观照人的精神领域,使他们成为人文主义的艺术结晶。

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