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08-20 投稿


dyestuff 发音

英:[?da?st?f]  美:[?da??st?f]

英:  美:

dyestuff 中文意思翻译



dyestuff 短语词组

1、dyestuff chemistry ─── [化] 染料化学

2、cationic dyestuff ─── 阳离子染料

3、levelling dyestuff ─── [机] 均染染料, 均匀染料

4、leuco vat dyestuff ─── [化] 还原染料隐色体

5、dyestuff blooming ─── 染料开花

6、thiazole dyestuff ─── [建] 唑染料

7、leather dyestuff ─── [机] 皮革染料

8、dyestuff print ─── 染料印花

9、dyestuff lofter ─── 染料放样器

10、dyestuff for flower ─── 花卉染料

11、dyestuff bottle ─── 染料瓶

12、dyestuff for polypropylene fibre ─── [化] 丙纶染料

13、amines in dyestuff ─── 染料中的胺

14、dyestuff intermediate ─── [化] 染料中间体

15、synthetic dyestuff ─── [化] 合成染料

16、ice dyestuff ─── [化] 冰染染料

17、vat dyestuff ─── [化] 还原染料

18、oil-soluble dyestuff ─── [化] 油溶染料

19、trypanocidal dyestuff ─── [医] 杀锥虫燃料

dyestuff 词性/词形变化,dyestuff变形


dyestuff 相似词语短语

1、overstuff ─── vt.装填过度;给(软椅、沙发等)加厚软垫

2、to stuff ─── 塞满

3、stuff ─── n.东西;材料;填充物;素材资料;vt.塞满;填塞;让吃饱;vi.吃得过多

4、restuffs ─── vt.重新填塞

5、dyestuffs ─── n.染料,颜料(dyestuff的复数)

6、feedstuff ─── n.饲料(等于feedingstuff)

7、dyester ─── 染色机

8、restuff ─── vt.重新填塞

9、dyesters ─── 染料

dyestuff 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A reddish - orange dyestuff prepared from the dried and ground leaves of this plant, used as a cosmetic dye and for coloring leather and fabrics. ─── 指甲花染料从该种植物的干的碎叶片中提炼出的一种棕红色染料,用于化妆或为皮革和纤维染色

2、A yellowish-red dyestuff obtained from the seed aril of this plant,used especially to dye fabric and to color food products such as margarine and cheese. ─── 胭脂树红,胭脂树橙从胭脂树果肉中提取的橙红色染料,尤用于给纺织品染色,或给食品如人造黄油和奶酪上色。

3、Anthraquinone dyestuff occapies an important place in the textile industry. ─── 蒽醌染料在纺织工业中占有重要的位置。

4、Study on permeable mechanism with dyestuff during wood dyeing. ─── 木材染色过程中染液渗透机理的研究。

5、And the mechanism and merits of decoloration coagulant used on treating dyestuff wastewater were reviewed. ─── 对脱色混凝法用于染料废水处理的机理,及其优点进行了分析。

6、And a wide range of application of bisphenol S in pesticide, dyestuff and accessory ingredient intermediate etc. are narrated. ─── 概述了双酚S在农药、染料和助剂中间体等方面的应用。

7、Mainly use: Used to produce agrochemical, dyestuff, pigment, surface active agent, insecticide. Also used to produce stabilizing agent, antiseptic, emulsion, etc. ─── 主要用途:本品主要用作农药、染料、颜料、表面活性剂、杀虫剂的中间体,还可用于生产稳定剂、防腐剂、乳化剂等。

8、In this paper the applications of mesitylene in dyestuff, medication and chemical industry etc. were summarized. ─── 本文概述了均三甲苯在染料、医药、化工等领域中的应用;

9、Products of chemical industry and relative industry (including medicine, dyestuff, cosmetic etc. ─── 化学工业及相关工业的产品(包括药品、染料、化妆品等)

10、Welcome to Anyang Qianhe Dyestuff Chemical Co., Ltd! ─── 欢迎来到安阳市谦和染料化工有限责任公司!

11、The reddish dyestuff obtained from any of these organisms. ─── 苔色素由此类植物提出的红色染料

12、Chen Rongqi is senior consultant of delegation of China Dyestuff Technical Experts and Shanghai Dope Dyestuff Trade Association. ─── 本文作者是中国染料工业专家顾问团和上海涂料染料行业协会高级顾问。

13、Started with the structures of the fibers, A one-bath process of Tencel/cashmere blending fabric with Lanasol and Cibacron dyestuff was discussed. ─── 从天丝和羊绒的结构入手,讨论了新型纺织面料天丝羊绒混纺织物的同浴染色;

14、The results show that the retanning agent SAB can fill leather to a certain degree, has good synergistic effect with dyestuff and oil. ─── 结果表明 :SAB复鞣剂具有一定的填充作用 ,与染料、油脂的协同作用好 ;

15、Several kinds of inorganic elements in dyestuff intermediates of naphthalenesulfonic acid series were determined by ICP|AES. ─── 本文用ICP-AES法测定了萘磺酸系染料中间体中的无机元素含量。

16、Diphenyl thiourea is an important intermediate of medicine and dyestuff. ─── 二苯硫脲是重要的医药和染料的中间体。

17、A yellowish - red dyestuff obtained from the seed aril of this plant, used especially to dye fabric and to color food products such as margarine and cheese. ─── 胭脂树红,胭脂树橙从胭脂树果肉中提取的橙红色染料,尤用于给纺织品染色,或给食品如人造黄油和奶酪上色

18、The color matching principle,the performance and the application technique of liquid dyestuff were introduced in the paper. ─── 介绍了调色原理及液体调色染料的性能与应用技术,提出了整体调色方案的思路,强调了液体染料连续加入的重要性。

19、Mainly produce chemical products used in papermaking process, functional chemical products and dyestuff for papermaking, with the production capacity of 10,000 metric tons. ─── 主要拟生产造纸过程化学品、造纸功能化学品、造纸用染料等系列化学品。拟建规模约为10,000吨。

20、The yarn is dyed by advanced dyestuff and compounding chemicals and in the leading position in international market. ─── 产品选用配伍性极好高档染料及配套助剂,环保染色,质量上乘,各项技术指标均达到国际领先水平。

21、It is wide used in foodstuff dusty, dyestuff industry, and so on to mix the raw materials. ─── 广泛应用于食品、化工、制药、饲料、涂料、染料等行业的粉末固体物料的混合。

22、Widely used for mixing powdery additives and micro ingredients in feed, chemical, pesticide, dyestuff, pharmaceutical and food industries. ─── 广泛适用于饲料、化工、农药、染料、医药、食品等行业的粉体添加剂及微量元素的混合。

23、According to the experience of making dyestuff card and using it in leather making,the problems in making dyestuff card was discussed. ─── 根据制作色卡和使用色卡的经验,探讨了制作色卡过程中应注意的技术问题。

24、an important industrial material, the paranitrophenol is widely used in dyestuff, medicine and chemosynthesis plant. ─── 硝基酚是一种重要的化工原料,广泛应用于染料、药物制造及化学品合成等行业。

25、reactive dyestuff CFSE has been widely applied in recent years, and its mechanism has clarified gradually. ─── 近年来活体染料CFSE已被广泛应用,其作用机制也逐渐阐明。

26、The dried aromatic stigmas of this plant, used to color foods and as a cooking spice and dyestuff. ─── 藏红花:原产于东半球的产球茎的一种植物(番红花番红花属),有桔黄色的花柱,柱头上有紫色或白色的花

27、A red dyestuff once prepared from the dried bodies of various female scale insects of the genus Kermes. ─── 胭脂一种红色染料,曾是由胭脂虫属的有鳞屑的雌胭脂虫的干虫体制成

28、Vegetable indigo was the most important and most extensively used dyestuff of antiquity. ─── 在古代,植物靛蓝是应用最广泛和最重要的染料。

29、Basic flow of filtrating primary color dyestuff was obtained. ─── 实验获得了原色染料筛选的基本流程;

30、Methods Dyestuff was infused via different artery by catheter in each group and definite region were dyde. ─── 方法经不同的动脉注入染色剂亚甲蓝。

31、Changshu Shenglong Chemical Plant is a special manufacture of dyestuff intermediate with a production capacity among the largestin China . ─── 常熟市神隆化工厂是专业生产染料中间体的企业,品种生产能力居国内前列。

32、Natural color has given way to such bright-colored artificial dyestuff in effectiveness. ─── 面对如此色彩斑斓的人工染料,自然色彩已俯首称臣。

33、Cationic modification for fiber fabric is an effective method to improve utilization ratio of dyestuff. ─── 摘要对纤维素纤维阳离子改性,是提高染料利用率的有效方法。

34、Mainly use: Used as emulsion, antistatic agent, humectant, dispersant, etc. And also used in agriculture chemical, antiseptic, dyestuff and pigment, textile industry, etc. ─── 主要用途:本品用作乳化剂,抗静电剂、润湿剂、分散剂等。可用于农用化学品、杀菌剂、染料和颜料,纺织行业等。

35、In 2004, Chinas dyestuff production yielded 598300t, and organic pigment production yielded 143600t, increased 10.4% and 13.3% respectively compared to the year of 2003. ─── 摘要2004年,全国染料产量59.83万吨,与上年比增长了10.4%;有机颜料产量14.36万吨,与上年比增长了13.3%。

36、Anthraquinone dyestuff occupies an important place in the textile industry. ─── 蒽醌染料在纺织工业中占有重要的位置。

37、Experiments were conducted for test its performance of decolorization of water containing certain dyestuff with the result of color removal above 90%. ─── 该吸附剂具有投药量少、稳定性高,操作简单、无再次污染等优点。

38、METHODS:Tota lly 20 wet skull samples from 10 patients were fixed with latex mixed of red and blue dyestuff into veins and arteries. ─── 方法:应用10例(20侧)成人头部湿标本,动、静脉系统分别灌注混有红、蓝色染料的乳胶;额颞顶联合切口,逐层解剖、拍照、测量。

39、They didn't affect absorbency of dyestuff, whose absorptivity approached 100%. ─── 在论文第三部分中,以蓝湿猪皮为实验样,用自制润滑型丙烯酸树脂对其进行复鞣加脂,实验表明:材料吸收率都接近100%,与染料同浴,不影响染料吸收;

40、A small dioecious tropical American tree(Chlorophora tinctoria) having wood that yields a yellow dyestuff. ─── 黄木一种可产生黄色染色剂的热带美洲产雌雄异株树木(黄木或染料桑木)。

41、Remove dyestuff of dirt on the surface of printing belt clean. ─── 清除残留在皮带上的染料及导物,维持清洁印花状态的装置.

42、Direct dyestuff is selected to dye cotton component in one bath dyeing process of polyamide/cotton mixture. ─── 选用直接染料作为锦棉交织物中上染棉的染料,以实现锦棉一浴染色。

43、When the anthraquinone ring is led into different group, it changes into a different dyestuff. ─── 将蒽醌环上引入不同的基团则成为不同的染料。

44、Wenzhou Longda Dyestuff Chemical CO., LTD is a comprehensive chemical company integrating research &development, production and sales. ─── 温州龙达染料化工有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售于一体的综合型的化工企业。

45、In the recent years, some factories use chemical dyestuff and the mills adhering to use indigo become estimable and commendable. ─── 近年有的厂家改用化学染料,坚持用植物染料的作坊变得难能可贵。

46、The reddish dyestuff obtained from any of these organisms. ─── 苔色素由此类植物提出的红色染料

47、The plant dyestuff painted batiks is of rich colors and splendidness and it is used for making dress and skirt. ─── 植物染料蜡染制品色彩斑斓、富丽,用于服装、衣裙等。

48、Guangdong Chaozhou Fengxi Tongda Ceramic Dyestuff Co.,LTD was set up in the year 1994, which has 10 years develop experience. ─── 广东省潮州市枫溪通达陶瓷颜料有限公司始建于1994年,迄今已有10年的历史。

49、Never tested cancer dyestuff from what we used dyestuff. ─── 各种不同性质的染料中也未检测出含有致癌染料。

50、The method was used to determine and relate COD and DOC values for dyestuff wastewater, medical sewage and river water. ─── 应用于印染废水、医疗废水、地表水,进行了COD和DOC的联合测定和关联。

51、Characterizing a dyestuff that produces a highly saturated color; brilliant. ─── 鲜亮的:能印染出饱和浓度高的色彩的染料的;鲜亮的。

52、Moreover,the evolution and developing of application of reactive dyes on wool dyeing including dyestuff,auxiliaries and using method were introduced. ─── 同时介绍了活性染料在羊毛染色方面,染料、助剂等方面的沿革与发展趋势。

53、In February 1997 Oxford Chemicals purchased a site in Coburg which was established for the purpose of all forms of colour repacking, dedusting, mixing and liquefying dyestuff. ─── 1997年二月,牛津化工买下位于口坝的基地,用来作为各种形式的色素再包装,去灰,混合和液化染料的工厂。

54、We are professional manufacturer of paperboard barrdl,they aer mainly used for packing of powdery,granule,ointment products of medicine ,Chemical,food and dyestuff industry . ─── 我厂是生产纸板桶的专业厂,主要用于医药、化工、食品、染料等行业的粉状、颗粒状及膏状物的包装。

55、Kyungin-South Korean companies in the production of the classic reactive dyestuff, one of the colors. ─── 韩国京仁公司生产的经典中色活性染料,三原色之一。

56、Fiber reactive dyes are from true chemical bounds between dyestuff and fiber. ─── 纤维活性染料来源于染料与纤维之间形成的真正化学键。

57、Using white rot fungus to decolorizeand degrade dyestuff is viewed an economical and efficient method of eliminating these pollutants. ─── 利用白腐菌进行染料的脱色和降解被认为是去除这些污染物的经济有效的方法。

58、Finally, the market prospect of dyestuff a... ─── 最后,对下半年的市场前景做了预测。

59、The applicable properties of Leather Black GN, which is a replacement dyestuff of benzidine and causes no cancers is investigated in this paper. ─── 皮革黑GN是无致癌毒性的联苯胺的代用染料,本文研究了其在皮革染色中的应用性能。

60、A blue dyestuff can be obtained from the woad plant. ─── 菘蓝属植物可以造蓝色染料。

61、Influence of dyestuff structure and concentration of dye on chlorine colorfastness of reactive dyed cotton fabrics was investigated. ─── 分析了活性染料结构和染色浓度对棉织物耐氯色牢度的影响;

62、Characterizing a dyestuff that produces a highly saturated color;brilliant. ─── 鲜亮的能印染出饱和浓度高的色彩的染料的;鲜亮的

63、A detailed study by means of guantum mechanics CNDO/2 on the UV spectrum of anthraquinone dyestuff has been made. ─── 应用量子化学CNDO/2方法对蒽醌染料的紫外光谱进行研究,算出了各分子轨道的能量及相应紫外光谱吸收峰的位置。

64、Synthetical estimate was made for filtrating result, and reasonable primary color dyestuff was gained. ─── 对筛选的结果进行了综合评价,最终得到合理的原色染料;

65、The expression about color difference and dyestuff concentration were got by multinomial fit. ─── 用多项式拟合色差与染料浓度的表达式。

66、The decoloring effect and feasibility to filtrate dyestuff and their mixture by pleurotus ostreatus culture was discussed. ─── 摘要探讨了用菌糠过滤处理染料溶液可行性。

67、Less absorption of dyestuff,clear in color. ─── 染色剂吸收量小,频色清晰.

68、Five methods of manufacturing thionyl chloride and its application in the fields of medical, pesticide and dyestuff industries are introduced. ─── 介绍了氯化亚砜的5种生产方法,以及在医药、农药、染料工业上的应用。

69、Used for bottom paint in ship manufacture, coatings, dyestuff, metallurgy, chemicals and pharmaceuticals. ─── 主要用于船舶工业富锌底漆,涂料,染料,冶金,化工,制药等工业。

70、The application of pyridine bases in the field of pharmaceuticals, pesticide, aromatics, rubber, and dyestuff are introduced. ─── 介绍了吡啶碱类化合物在医药、农药、香料、橡胶和染料等领域的应用。

71、The measure of colours is very important and widely used in the field of textile, dyeing &finishing and dyestuff etc. ─── 摘要在纺织印染、染料等学科中,颜色的度量有着相当重要的作用和广泛的用途。

72、Our company is a specialized manufacturer of UV luring chemicals and intermediates of pigment, dyestuff, pharmaceutical. ─── 本公司是医药,燃料中间体的专业生产商。

73、Fiber reactive dyes are from true chemical bounds between dyestuff and fiber . ─── 纤维活性染料--染料与纤维之间形成真正的化学键。

74、A small dioecious tropical American tree(Chlorophora tinctoria)having wood that yields a yellow dyestuff. ─── 黄木一种可产生黄色染色剂的热带美洲产雌雄异株树木(黄木或染料桑木)

75、ATM is also widely used in hydrotreating catalyst, Desulfurization catalyst for oilrefinement.In fertilizer catalyst and dyestuff. ─── 四钼酸铵还广泛用于生产加氢、脱硫等石油精炼催化剂,化肥催化剂及染料。

76、The poor light fastness of red component in trichromatic dyestuff always leads to low light fastness of the reactive dyeings. ─── 活性染料耐光牢度问题常见于三原色中的红色组分,其相对较低的耐光牢度,导致三原色组合整体耐光牢度的下降。

77、Other industries: pesticide, feed, fertilizer, pigment, dyestuff and so on. ─── 其它行业的造粒:农药、饲料、化肥、颜料、染料化工等。

78、Abstract: Anthraquinone dyestuff occapies an important place in the textile industry. ─── 摘 要: 蒽醌染料在纺织工业中占有重要的位置。

79、It is suitable for drying liquid raw materials or thick liquid in chemical industry, dyestuff industry, pharmaceutical industry, foodstuff stry, metallurgy industry and so on. ─── 适用于、染料、制药、食品、冶金等行业液体或较粘稠物料的干燥。

80、The article also introduces the trend of woll dyestuff and equipment. ─── 并介绍了毛用染料和染色设备的发展趋向。

81、Other industries: pesticide, feed, chemical fertilizer, pigment, dyestuff and so on. ─── 其它行业的造粒:农药、饲料、化肥、颜料、染料化工等。

82、Kunshan Midstar Dyestuff Chem.Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and sales company dealing in solvent dyes, pigments, colorants and additives. ─── 昆山市中星染料化工有限公司是一家集工贸为一体的溶剂染料、颜料、色料和助剂的制造销售公司。

83、A yellowish - red dyestuff obtained from the seed aril of this plant,used especially to dye fabric and to color food products such as margarine and cheese. ─── 只要购买这种人造黄油,你就会发现这种只用上等配料制成的产品有何等的不同。

84、The reactive dyestuff CFSE has been widely applied in recent years,and its mechanism has clarified gradually. ─── 近年来活体染料CFSE已被广泛应用,其作用机制也逐渐阐明。

85、The substantivity of water soluble dyestuff in pad dyer plays an importand role. ─── 在浸轧机中以水溶性染料染色时,染料的直接上染性起着重要的作用。

86、Used for bottom paint in ship manufacture, coatings, dyestuff, metallurgy, chemicals and pharmaceuticals. ─── 主要用于船舶工业富锌底漆,涂料,染料,冶金,化工,制药等工业。

87、Also applied to plastic coating,shoe crem dyestuff,transparent flash paint,and low-temperature baking finish. ─── 还可以用于塑料喷涂、鞋油染料、透明闪光漆及低温烤漆等。

88、Under the optimal condition,decolor rate of dyestuff on magnesium hydroxide could reach 99%. ─── 在最佳条件下,氢氧化镁对直接墨绿染料及工厂中的印染废水的脱色率可以达到99%。

89、It is suitable for liquid of foodstuff, pharmaceutical, chemical industry, dyestuff, ceramics, agrochemicals, plastic and so on. ─── 食品、医药、化工、、陶瓷、生化、农药、塑料等适用具有相应流动性的液体。









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