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08-20 投稿


conserver 发音


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conserver 中文意思翻译



conserver 反义词


conserver 同义词

maintain | guard | husband | keep | jam | store | go easy on | conserves | economise | reserve |preserve | protect | economize | be careful with | withhold | keep up | safeguard | marmalade | preserves | retain | save

conserver 词性/词形变化,conserver变形

动词过去分词: conserved |名词: conserver |动词过去式: conserved |动词现在分词: conserving |动词第三人称单数: conserves |形容词: conservable |

conserver 短语词组

1、conserver cerise ─── 保留樱桃

2、conserver xl2 ─── 储油器xl2

3、conserver xl-e ─── 储油柜xl-e

4、conserver xl ─── 储油柜xl

5、conserver ship ─── 保护船

6、conserver o2 ─── 保存器o2

conserver 相似词语短语

1、conserves ─── 蜜饯

2、conserved ─── adj.保守的;v.保存;保全(conserve的过去式)

3、construer ─── 建设

4、consorter ─── 配偶

5、conservant ─── 保存剂

6、conservator ─── n.保护者;管理员

7、conserve ─── vt.保存;将…做成蜜饯;使守恒;n.果酱;蜜饯

8、observer ─── n.观察者;[天]观测者;遵守者

9、consenter ─── n.同意者;批准者

conserver 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Base on this concept, we can clarify some misunder standings between the development and conserv ation of urban traditiona blocks. ─── 由此审视当前城镇传统街区保护,更新和开发的棘手问题,可以使我们澄清若干重要的认识上的误区。

2、XIE Yu-lin.The measurement and treatment of painting and calligraphy exhibition environment in shanghai museum[J].Sci Conserv Archaeol,2002,14(suppl):204 -217. ─── [4]解玉林.上海博物馆书画陈列馆环境监测与治理[J].文物保护与考古科学,2002,14(增刊):204-217.

3、tool to help priest (selfcast, shoutcast, mana conserv, bestbuff.. ─── 牧师协助工具(自身施法,施法通知.节法施法,最佳施法...

4、natural conserv ─── 自然保护区

5、Because of its stablity, the technique of EST can be used for identification conserver and management of strains. ─── 实验还说明酯酶同工酶可作为灵芝良种选育的一种有效标记方法,在菌种鉴定、藏和管理方面具有重要作用。

6、the conserver society ─── 较易于生存的社会

7、This article has explored the connotation of Chinese Classic Antique furniture conservation and restoration, and defined the function of classic furniture conserver and restorer. ─── 本文探讨了中国古典文物家具保护和修复的涵义,明确了古典文物家具保护师和修复师的职能范围。

8、Loganiaceae, nom. conserv. ─── n. 马钱科

9、The monthly water balance model for calculating runoff on loess plateau has been used in analyzing the benefits of water reduction by soil and water conserv ation. ─── 借助适合于黄土高原降雨-产流特性的月水量平衡改进模型,计算天然状态下降雨应有的产流量与同期实测径流量求得减水效果。

10、Our conserver on duty got suspicious when this car arrived. he stopped the car and questioned the driver. ─── 当这辆汽车到来时,我们的执勤人员产生了怀疑,将车辆制止,对司机进行盘问。

11、In this approach,the scheme not only conforms to the standards of national environmental protection,but brings in noticeable benefits from conserv... ─── 既达到了国家环保质量标准,又获得了节能、节省化学药品、节省投资与运行费用等显著效益。

12、How to become a smarter consumer, investor, and conserver. ─── 怎样成为更聪明的消费者、投资者和保存者。

13、Keywords Furniture restorer;Furniture conserver;Classic furniture; ─── 家具修复师;家具保护师;古典家具;

14、Nearly the whole dictionary consisted of Conserver, Conservation, Conservateur;to be in good odor,-- that was the point. ─── 保守,保持,保全,这差不多就是全部词典的内容了,问题却在于气味是否好闻。

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