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08-20 投稿


correlate 发音

英:[?k??r?le?t; ?k??r?l?t]  美:[?k?r?le?t; ?k?r?l?t]

英:  美:

correlate 中文意思翻译





correlate 网络释义

vi. 关联vt. 使有相互关系;互相有关系n. 相关物;相关联的人adj. 关联的

correlate 词性/词形变化,correlate变形


correlate 短语词组

correlate with

1. 使相互关联

Research workers find it hard to correlate one set with the other.


1、correlate define ─── 关联定义

2、familial correlate ─── 家族相关

3、correlate in a sentence ─── 句子中的关联

4、macroeconomic correlate ─── 宏观经济相关

5、correlate definition ─── 关联定义

6、correlate with ─── 与…相关

7、correlate to each other ─── 相互关联

8、relate correlate ─── 关联 ─── 关联

9、demographic correlate ─── 人口相关

10、correlate to ─── 相互关联

11、correlate with the difference ─── 与差异相关

12、correlate the data ─── 关联数据

13、correlate with each other ─── 相互关联

14、correlate synonym ─── 关联同义词

15、correlate antonym ─── 关联反义词

16、perinatal correlate ─── 围产期相关

correlate 常用词组

correlate with ─── 找出一一对应的关系;使…与…发生关系

correlate 习惯用语

1、correlate with ─── 使...与...发生关系, 把...与...联系起来 ─── 与...有关系, 与...关联

correlate 相似词语短语

1、corrugate ─── vt.使起皱;成波状;adj.起皱的;波状的;vi.起皱;缩成皱状

2、correlative ─── adj.相关的;有相互关系的;n.关联词;相关物

3、correlated ─── adj.有相互关系的;v.(使)相关联;(使)相互对照(correlate的过去分词)

4、correlator ─── n.[电子]相关器;[物]相关因子

5、corelated ─── v.(使)相互关联;显示(两个或多个事实或数字等)的紧密联系;与……相关(corelate的过去式及过去分词,corelate等于correlate)

6、corelate ─── vt.使…相互关联(等于correlate)

7、corollate ─── adj.有花冠的

8、corelates ─── vt.使…相互关联(等于correlate)

9、correlates ─── 相关

correlate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This bibliography provides references to studies that attempt to correlate cerebral functions to cerebral structures in individuals with abnormalities. ─── 在研究变态个体时企图使大脑皮层官能与大脑的结构相关提供参考。

2、He was puzzled and could not correlate wealth and resources. ─── 他困惑不已,难以将新加坡的富裕和其贫瘠的资源联系在一起。

3、Over 200 trucks were stopped and weighed in order to correlate measured and computed response. ─── 200多辆货车曾停下来过磅,以便确定量测的和计算的反应的相互关系。

4、Various attempts have been made to correlate peroxide values with development of oxidative off flavors. ─── 为了将过氧化值与氧化的异味的发展联系起来,已做了各种尝试。

5、The default settings on an application correlate to the sections in the application configuration (. Config) file. ─── 应用程序的默认设置与应用程序配置(.config)文件的各个节关联。

6、"Not only do adult humans have brown fat, but it is metabolically active and seems to correlate with being thinner," says Kahn. ─── “成年人体内不但拥有棕色脂肪,而且他们的棕色脂肪具有活跃的代谢功能,好象跟身体的胖瘦相互关联,”卡恩说。

7、Low vaginal IL- 27 level may correlate to the increased susceptibility to cand/da albicans in immunosuppressed group. ─── 免疫抑制状态下白念珠菌易感性的增加可能与IL-27局部组织含量减少有一定关系。

8、So the allelic B of gene LH? and GDF-9 was significant positive correlate with the little size. ─── 从而得出LHB和GDF-9基因座上等位基因B与产羔数有很强的正效应, A基因与产羔数存在负效应。

9、Howeer, EBC and BAL markers do not correlate. ─── 但是各标记物在EBC和BAL液中不呈相关性。

10、They are trying to find out if these behavior patterns correlate with particular changes in diet. ─── 他们试图发现这些行为模式是否同饮食的特殊变化有关。

11、According to Jerschow, a low concentration of GAG is known to correlate with the onset of osteoarthritis and other cartilage disorders. ─── GAG也被公认为是骨关节炎和视乳头变性疾病两者的生物标记,而这两种疾病是引起背部疼痛的常见原因。

12、Fiber convolutions also correlate negatively with such physical measurements as bundle tenacity. ─── 天然转曲对成纱强力可能比对纤维束强力起着更大的直接作用。

13、We can use these correlate factors as indicators of distribution. ─── 我们可以使用这些相关的因素作为分配的指示器。

14、In this area the density value of logging response of volcanic rock correlate well with porosity. ─── 同时发现该区火山岩测井响应的密度值与孔隙度之间具有很好的相关性。

15、We can often correlate age with frequency of illness. ─── 年龄的大小往往与发病率有关。

16、In the next paper, the authors will demonstrate how to receive the events and correlate them. ─── 在下一篇文章中,作者将论述如何接收事件并将它们相关联。

17、Adamson PB, Wanoli E, Lazzara R, et al.Short HRV time segments correlate to 24 hour Holter HRV [J]. ─── 刘芳,魏建西,王增春,等.心血管神经机能症的短时心率变异性研究[J].临床心血管病杂志,1998;

18、In 29 cases of ocular adnexal MALT-type, the expression of Ki-67 and p53 gene protein did not correlate with age,sex and location(P >0.05). ─── 29例眼附属器MALT型淋巴瘤在不同的年龄、性别、发病部位Ki-67和p53表达差异无显著性。

19、The expression of FABP correlate well with their clinical stage and degree of pathologic differentiation (P

20、BPEL also addresses the need for businesses to correlate data between their heterogeneous systems. ─── BPEL也处理这种商业需求在异构系统间的关联数据。

21、Long methods and methods with a high number of paths are hard to understand and, interestingly, tend to correlate to defects. ─── 一些长的方法和带有大量路径的方法是难以理解的,有趣的是,这类方法容易导致缺陷。

22、The figures do not seem to correlate. ─── 这些数字似乎毫不相干。

23、Did you ever correlate the episodes with your menstrual cycle? ─── 你有没有把发作联系到月经周期呢?

24、You might find gaps in a less obvious method or in trace entries that don't seem to correlate at all. ─── 您可能会在较为不明显的方法或看起来完全不相关的跟踪条目中发现差距。

25、The mascot should correlate with your business in order to maximize your branding and marketing effort. ─── 吉祥物应该与你的业务相关联,从而使品牌建设和营销努力效果最大化。

26、The Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Service Trace Viewer tool helps you correlate diagnostic traces produced by WCF listeners to locate the root cause of an error. ─── Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)服务跟踪查看器工具可帮助您详细了解WCF侦听器生成的诊断跟踪信息,从而找到错误的根本原因。

27、Participants learn how to recognize and correlate sequence boundaries, flooding surfaces, condensed sections, and system tracts. ─── 学习人员学习如何识别和对比层序边界、水淹表面、致密剖面和体系区块。

28、I cannot correlate these two pieces of information. ─── 我不能将这两条信息联系起来。

29、A person's happiness correlate closely to the family relation. ─── 一个人的幸福与家庭关系密切相关。

30、It is important to define glycan structure and correlate such structure with function. ─── 在研究糖复合物中糖链的功能时,需要解析其化学结构,以便进一步研究结构与功能的关系。

31、Her research results correlate with his. ─── 她的研究成果和他的研究成功相关联。

32、This kind of zonal index correlate with westerly of55° N at0.96. ─── 在高指数环流盛行的年份,我国普遍气温偏高。

33、In the present study,we determined EMT expression in 23 human tumor cell lines in order to verify if EMT expression correlate to SarCNU cytotoxicity. ─── 在本研究中,我们检测EMT 在23 个人类肿瘤细胞系里的表达水平,以证实EMT 的表达是否与SarCNU 的细胞毒性有关。

34、The risk that movements in the price of a futures contract do not correlate exactly with movements in the price of the underlying financial instrument or commodity. ─── 在期货交易中,基准风险指的是因为期货合约的价格变动与合约的基础金融工具或商品的价格变动不能保持完全一致而带来的风险。

35、Researchers are trying to correlate the two sets of figures. ─── 研究人员正试图展示这两组数字的相关性。

36、If you need to control the namespace of elements that correlate to classes, you can apply XmlTypeAttribute, XmlRootAttribute, and SoapTypeAttribute, as appropriate. ─── 如果需要控制与类相关的元素的命名空间,可根据需要应用XmlTypeAttribute、XmlRootAttribute和SoapTypeAttribute。

37、Different response will correlate with persuasion result of the online negative message raiser. ─── 回应的数量与时机对网路负面讯息提出者的说服效果相关;

38、He is clearly a man with a vision. However, his ability to correlate huge quantities of information and discern the underlying trends is indicative of his vision. ─── 他,思路清晰、颇具智慧。然而,他将大量不相干的信息关联起来及洞察事物内在趋势的能力却也正好说明了他的聪明才智。

39、Form and meaning correlate to each other. ─── 形式与意义互有关联。

40、The experimental results show that the performance of the new detector is better than that of linear correlate detector. ─── 实验表明,该调节检测器的性能优于线性检测器的性能。

41、These correlate with a higher rate of recurrent syncope, younger age, and a more benign course. ─── 上述疾病通常与较高的晕厥复发率、年幼和较为良性的病程有关。

42、High copy number of MET seemed to correlate with shorter TTF in patients with gefitinib-sensitive activating EGFR mutations. ─── 对于吉非替尼敏感性激活EGFR突变患者,MET基因的高拷贝数可能是影像治疗失败时间的不利因素(缩短治疗失败时间)。

43、Try to correlate your knowledge of history with your knowledge of geography . ─── 尽量把你的历史知识同你的地理知识联系起来。

44、The primary key is used to correlate index rows with the rows in the base table. ─── 主键用于将索引行与基表中的行相关联。

45、A duplex contract requires a session, because a context must be established to correlate the set of messages being sent between the client and the service. ─── 双工协定需要会话,因为必须建立上下文才能将客户端和服务之间发送的一组消息关联在一起。

46、Before concluding that a poor user experience results from a poorly performing server, it is important to correlate the user issues with observed degradations on the server. ─── 在断定服务器性能差导致用户体验差之前,必须将用户问题与观察到的服务器性能降低情况相关联。

47、In sharp contrast to bulges, the properties of disk galaxies do not correlate with BH masses. ─── 与椭圆星系形成鲜明对比,漩涡星系的特质与黑洞质量没有直接联系。

48、Un ivariate analysis showed that low expression of LKB1 was significantly correlate d with shorter RFS (P=0.048) and low OS (P=0.003). ─── 单因素分析表明LKB1低表达与高复发率(P=0 .002)及总生存率差(P=0. 008)显著相关。

49、Our results suggest that the ERDA1 gene CAG/CTG and (SEF2-1) gene CTG repeated sequence did not correlate with the disease. ─── ERDA1基因CAG/CTG和SEF2 1基因CTG重?

50、There is a unique neuronal correlate of consciousness for seeing a red patch, another for seeing one's grandmother, a third for feeling angry. ─── 像是看见红色方块的意识就有其独特的神经元意识关联,看见自己的祖母则另有一种关联,而感到愤怒则有第三种关联。

51、The following correlate was “knowing little about VCT, such as worrying about high fees for VCT and not knowing where to access HIV testing”. ─── 其次是对检测相关知识信息不足,如担心收费贵、不知道到哪里检测等。

52、An electronic system designed to follow the course of satellites and rockets and correlate radio signals received by a network of ground stations. ─── 卫星跟踪系统设计用来跟踪卫星或火箭的航线并将地面站网接受到的无线电信号相互关联的电子系统

53、The diameter and the circumference of a circle correlate. ─── 圆的直径与圆周有相互关系。

54、Davila said.In general, the highest calcium scores were found in the laminar area, but "these scores did not correlate with a statistically significant increased risk. ─── 一般而言,指数最高的位置在于层状区域,但是这些指数与心血管风险的增加之间并没有显著的关连;

55、You would want to correlate each test case ID with an identified expected result. ─── 您会想将每个测试使用案例ID与一致的期望结果关联起来。

56、Elevated cardiac biomarkers, including cardiac troponins and brain-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), correlate with the presence of RV dysfunction. ─── 包括心肌肌钙蛋白和B型利钠肽(BNP)在内的心肌标志物的升高,都与RV功能障碍有关。

57、Correlate performance counters with a trace to diagnose performance problems. ─── 将性能计数器与跟踪关联以诊断性能问题。

58、His research results correlate with yours. ─── 他的研究成果和你的研究成果有关联。

59、The genotype AA、BD of SW871 were significantly correlate to Intramuscular Fat. ─── 微卫星标记SW871中,基因型AA、BD对肌内脂肪影响显著;

60、You should be able to see how these definitions correlate to what you see when you use SMIT. ─── 您应该能够看到这些定义如何与您在使用SMIT时所看到的内容相互关联。

61、Indeed, the NIRS trend has been shown to correlate with the SVO2. ─── NIRS趋势与静脉血氧饱和度(SVO2)相关。

62、The P gp expression correlate with chemotherapeutic effect in ALL. P gp positive cases are prone to relapsing earlier. ─── P- gp表达阳性与急性淋巴细胞白血病化疗效果有相关性 ,P-gp表达阳性者易早期复发。

63、Paul proposed that these impacts should correlate with extreme diversity and size bottlenecks that would limit life to a handful of small-bodied representatives. ─── 保罗提出,这些碰撞应当与限制生物体进化成少数小个体代表的生物极限多样性和个体大小这一瓶颈密切相关。

64、These positions correlate with odd or even slot numbers, one-layer or two-layer windings of cell motor. ─── 其分布规律与单元电机的槽数或极数是奇数还是偶数、绕组是双层还是单层相关。

65、This article is to evaluate the role of DCC gene alteration in the development and progression of gastric cancer, as well as to correlate with its prognosis. ─── 为了解DCC基因改变在胃癌发生发展中的作用及与临床预后的关系,本文对45例手术切除胃癌组织DCC基因杂合性缺失进行分析。

66、It's easy to set up Perfmon to log to a comma-separated value (CSV) file with time stamps so you can correlate with other logs. ─── 设置Perfmon记录带时间戳的记录逗号分隔值(comma-separatedvalue(CSV))文件很容易,您可以用它关联到其他日志。

67、Dennis and Eckhardt knew long-term trading success did not correlate one-to-one with high IQs. ─── 丹尼斯和埃克哈特知道长期交易成功和高智商没有关系。

68、ECSEmitter makes it easier to emit and correlate events, but it does not address the single content handler limitation of CEI that we discussed earlier. ─── ECSEmitter使发出及关联事件变得非常容易,但是它不能选定我们先前讨论的单一的CEI内容处理器限定。

69、EEC did not correlate with PV patients' serum Epo levels( r=0.518,P =0.125). ─── EEC与血清Epo水平无相关性 (r =0 .5 18,P =0 .12 5 )。

70、They find it difficult to correlate the two sets of figures with the other. ─── 他们发现很难使这两组数字相互联系。

71、It combines "crocodile coefficient" with Willey formula to correlate the development degree of the fractures in different blocks. ─── 将“龟裂系数”和威利公式相结合,对油田不同区块裂缝的发育程度进行对比;

72、MUP and inference patterns of different laryngeal muscles are different, and correlate with their own anatomic and physiologic characteristics. ─── 各喉肌正常运动单位电位及不同收缩力量干扰相波幅-转折数量化分析等参数的正常值不相同,与其各自的解剖生理特点相关;

73、Economists who study the relationship between money and happiness have consistently found that, above a certain income, the two do not reliably correlate. ─── 研究金钱与幸福关系的经济学家们一致发现,在一定的收入之上,两者之间就并没有可靠的关联。

74、The two models for predicting solubilities of solid solutes in a SCF with entrainers correlate the experimental data from literature and this... ─── 利用文献数据和本文实验数据对该模型的适应性进行了考察,并与文献自身模型的计算精度进行比较,取得了令人满意的结果。

75、The element that is used by the client and server to correlate acknowledgements to a particular policy setting. ─── 客户端和服务器用于关联对特定策略设置的确认的元素。

76、Primary purpose is to correlate regularities: for a limited range of experimental date. ─── 主要目的是对有限范围内的实验数据总结出规律来。

77、The earthly viewer attempts to correlate what he sees with what he supposedly knows or imagines possible in the universe. ─── 地球上的目击者试图将他所见到的与他所推测或想象的宇宙中的可能之物相关联。

78、Correl Have you been able to observe how some persons just do not appear right in a suit and tie? ─── 尽量保持乐观的态度,想着如何成功而不是失败。小心消极的态度和引起消极反应的环境。将梦想变为目标。

79、But over the long term there's this point at which increased income doesn't correlate with increased happiness. ─── 但是长远看来,却有这样一种观点:收入的增加并不能使幸福感增强。

80、The regeneration of articular discs had correlate closely with extracellular matrix, especially type I and type II collagen. ─── 关节板组织再生机制与细胞外间质有密切的关联,特别是第一型及第二型胶原蛋白。

81、Central to the success of the asynchronous query pattern is the ability for the Web services client and service provider to correlate requests and responses. ─── 异步请求模式成功的关键在于Web服务客户与服务提供者之间协调请求和响应的能力。

82、It is, of course, nonsense to suggest that a geographical accident of birth might correlate with a congenital inability to learn foreign languages. ─── 不过,暗示出生在哪里与学习语言的先天性能力之间有什么关联,未免有些荒唐。

83、In addi-tion ,compared with the positive method of absorb-tube in sites ,the results correlate well. ─── 并经有动力的溶液吸收管法现场对比测试,两种测试方法结果一致。

84、This bibliography provides references to studies that attempt to correlate cerebral functions to cerebral structures in individuals without abnormalities. ─── 在研究无变态个体时企图使大脑皮层官能与大脑的结构相关提供参考。

85、BOULE transcript levels did not correlate with the serum hormonal parameters. ─── 同时BOULE的转录量与血清荷尔蒙浓度无显著的相关。

86、"We suggest that activation of these regions is the neural correlate of the disembodiment that is part of the out-of-body experience," they write. ─── 他们指出,我们证实这些区域的活化与脱离形体神经上的关连,且这是灵魂出窍经验的一部份。

87、Perturbing or halting any neuronal correlate of consciousness will alter its associated percept or cause that percept to disappear. ─── 干扰或是终止任何一个意识的神经关联,就会改变相关的知觉,或让这个知觉消失。

88、A crucial clue was the appearance of alpha waves, which typically correlate with a state of relaxation. ─── 阿尔法波是一条重要的线索,尤其是处于放松状态时。

89、Before you conclude that a poor user experience results from a poorly performing server, it is important to correlate the user issues with observed degradations on the server. ─── 在您推断用户体验差是由于服务器运行状况差造成的之前,将用户问题与服务器上观察到的性能下降相关联至关重要。

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