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08-20 投稿


quip 发音

英:[kw?p]  美:[kw?p]

英:  美:

quip 中文意思翻译




quip 网络释义

n. 妙语;嘲弄;讽刺语vi. 嘲弄;讥讽vt. 嘲弄

quip 词性/词形变化,quip变形

动词现在分词: quipping |动词第三人称单数: quips |形容词: quippy |动词过去式: quipped |动词过去分词: quipped |

quip 短语词组

1、quip nation ─── 团队国家

2、quip synonym ─── 同义词

3、quip toothbrush ─── 俏皮牙刷

4、quip toothbrush reviews ─── 讽刺牙刷评论

5、quip coupon code ─── 优惠券代码

6、quip crossword ─── 妙语纵横填字游戏

7、quip crossword clue ─── 妙语纵横字谜线索

quip 相似词语短语

1、quep ─── 奎普

2、quim ─── n.女性生殖器

3、quiz ─── n.考查;恶作剧;课堂测验;vt.挖苦;张望;对…进行测验

4、quit ─── vt.离开;放弃;停止;使…解除;vi.离开;辞职;停止;n.离开;[计]退出;adj.摆脱了…的;已经了结的;n.(Quit)人名;(英)奎特

5、equip ─── vt.装备,配备

6、quid ─── n.咀嚼物;一英镑;一镑金币

7、quin ─── n.五个一套;五胞胎(等于quintuplet);n.(Quin)人名;(意)昆;(法)坎;(英)奎因

8、quips ─── n.妙语;嘲弄;讽刺语;vi.嘲弄;讥讽;vt.嘲弄

9、quipu ─── n.古秘鲁人的结绳文字

quip 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One of them, after the end of a lovely dinner, made a quip to me that reverberates 60 years later. ─── 在愉快晚餐的最后时候,他们其中一个对我说了一句双关语,即使60年后它仍然在我脑海中回荡。

2、Then crisis hit, lending weight to the quip “What you see is what you get; ─── 当危机出现时,有句借贷负担的妙语“你看到什么你就能得到什么;

3、These days she is placing large bets on Brazilian bonds, leading to the quip that although Tokyo failed to secure the 2016 Olympics, the Japanese will finance the games in Rio de Janeiro anyway. ─── 近来,她又正往巴西债券大量注入资金,因而有人戏称:尽管日本没有获得2016年奥运会的主办权,但势必要在里约热内卢资助一把奥运。

4、I think that maybe take my romantic sensibility a little far. Because of love, I must go away. It'd be just a quip in itself. ─── 我的情感就如我电脑里的文档,杂乱、等待处理,我必须学会清理,删除一些不必要的东西,才能重新写入新的。

5、80. If, this, indeed, is the pattern of history, we are tempted to paraphrase Shaw's deadly serious quip and say. ─── 如果这确实是历史发展的一种模式,那么我们禁不住要对肖伯纳的警言妙语进行诠释。

6、a smart quip; a lively, smart conversation. ─── 有趣的俏皮话;一次活泼,机敏的谈话

7、8.He ended his speech with a merry quip. ─── 他以十分风趣的话结束了演讲.

8、The doctors are not entirely sympathetic: "If there was a surgery to enlarge brains, we would offer him a free trial, " they quip. ─── 医生们并不太同情这个家伙,他们讽刺说:“如果有个手术能加大脑瓜的话,我们很愿意给他免费试用。”

9、"There's no hurry, little Nell, no hurry at all," said Quip. ─── “不忙,小耐尔,绝对不忙,”奎尔普说。

10、To quip working Christians to grow spiritually and be able to serve the Lord in churches and Bible study Groups. ─── 帮助平常上班的弟兄姐妹不仅在主里有长进,也能在教会或查经班有效的服事主。

11、He ended his speech with a merry quip. ─── 他以十分风趣的话结束了演讲。

12、Bolton stems from his blunt criticism of the United Nations, including a quip several years ago that the U.N. could get along fine without the top ten floors of its New York headquarters, which house its top officials. ─── 几年前,他曾讽刺说,如果联合国纽约总部高层官员办公的最上面的10层楼都没有了的话,联合国可以照样运作。

13、In characteristic style he did so with a politically incorrect quip that drew criticism even from his supporters. ─── 贝卢斯科尼先生以特有的方式抛出一句不正确的隽语,从而招来甚至是他的支持者的批评。

14、to make a quip ─── 说俏皮话

15、Most of us finding a colleague asleep at work would probably make a quip about laziness. Yet some companies take a very different stance on workplace napping. ─── 如果发现有同事在上班时睡觉,我们中的大多数人可能都会嘲笑他们的懒惰。然而有些公司对在工作场合打盹采取了迥然不同的态度。

16、"If, this, indeed, is the pattern of history, we are tempted to paraphrase Shaw's deadly serious quip and say." ─── 如果这确实是历史发展的一种模式,那么我们禁不住要对肖伯纳的警言妙语进行诠释。

17、A new idea is delicate.It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn;it can be stabbed to death by a quip and worried to death by a frown on the right man's brow. ─── 一个新的想法是非常脆弱的,他可能被一声耻笑或一个呵欠扼杀,可能被一句嘲讽刺中身亡,或者因某位权威人士皱一下眉便郁郁而终。

18、Sir Alex also awaits Anderson's first United goal after 72 games but his press conference quip of “We're all lighting candles for that!" suggests that's not a serious concern! ─── 弗格森爵士也在等待安德森的第一个曼联进球,他已经打了72场。在记者会上他说“我们都烧香拜佛的等着这天!”这也说明他进不进球其实不重要!

19、But then he made an ill-judged quip that those huddling in tent cities should think of themselves as being on a “weekend of camping”. ─── 但随后他竟然打趣说,那些寄居在帐篷里的灾民应该把这场经历当成是周末的野营度假,这是一个愚蠢的错误。

20、So, when do I start? A slightly obnoxious quip Don't invite yourself into the job. ─── 那我什么时候来上班?问得妙,但有点招人讨厌.不要不请自来.

21、The doctors are not entirely sympathetic: “If there was a surgery to enlarge brains, we would offer him a free trial,” they quip. ─── 医生们并不太同情这个家伙,他们讽刺说:“如果有个手术能加大脑瓜的话,我们很愿意给他免费试用。”

22、HILLARY CLINTON’S most effective quip, in her long struggle with Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination last year, was that the Oval Office is no place for on-the-job training. ─── 希拉里在去年为民主党提名与奥巴马的长期竞争中,最有利的地点是在椭圆形办公室而不是在培训的地方。

23、As I quip in Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids, "No one asks to be born, but almost everyone would if he could. " ─── 正如我在《儿女满堂的自私原因》中笑谈:“没有人要求降生,但如果可以要求的话,几乎所有人都希望这样。”

24、Indeed, some quip that PAG really stands for “Please Ask the General”. ─── 而实际上,有人讽刺说政策执行组织真正的行动准则是“请问将军”。

25、Ms. Merkel responded with a quip of her own: 'And you could look after marketing. ' ─── 默克尔用自己的妙语回应道,你可以负责市场营销。

26、HILLARY CLINTON'S most effective quip, in her long struggle with Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination last year, was that the Oval Office is no place for on-the-job training. ─── 在去年她与奥巴马争夺民主党提名的漫长纠缠中,希拉里克林顿最管用的一句俏皮话就是“椭圆形办公室可不是现学现用的地方”。

27、12 Hearing Shentu Jia beat about the bush to quip him as a bad mirror, Zichan got angrier. ─── 子产对申徒嘉拐弯抹角地骂自己不是一面好镜子,更加深了他的恼怒。

28、quip n. ─── 妙语;双关语;

29、For example, if a grandparent offers a picture of a grandchild, we'll often counter with either a picture of our own or a quip about doting grandparents, hoping to put an end to our discomfort. ─── 若有祖父母展示孙儿的照片,我们便立刻以自己的回敬,或语带双关地批评溺爱孙儿的祖父母,以致我们不必再勉为其难听下去。

30、a smart quip;a lively,smart conversation. ─── 有趣的俏皮话;一次活泼,机敏的谈话

31、Much of the opposition to Mr.Bolton stems from his blunt criticism of the United Nations, including a quip several years ago that the U. ─── 很多人反对博尔顿出任驻联合国大使,是因为他过去发表了很多对联合国直言不讳的批评。

32、Ridicule scorn sneer quip flout hack jape ─── 挖苦,为消遣取乐或嘲笑而模仿

33、deride mock ridicule scorn sneer quip flout hack jape persiflage taunt mordant spoof badinage banter等等。 ─── 中文同样是“嘲讽,嘲笑”,英文却有几十个单词:

34、Oscar Wilde's quip now sounds hopelessly out of date. ─── 奥斯卡·王尔德此言虽妙,而今听来却彻头彻尾过时了。

35、” was the quip Vatican aides say he scrawled on a piece of paper after he woke up following surgery to ease his breathing problems. ─── 是梵谛冈助理们说教宗在缓和呼吸问题的手术完醒来后,在一张纸上潦草写出的俏皮话。

36、Harry's quip that he wonders what it'd be like to have a difficult life is funny. ─── 哈利自嘲说他想知道一下难过的日子是什么滋味,这样的玩笑还是蛮有趣的。

37、The unforgettable debate quip that can deflate a candidacy is the worst nightmare of any presidential hopeful. ─── 那些人们津津乐道的令候选人感到灰心丧气的讽刺挖苦,对于任何有可能成为总统的人,都是一场噩梦。

38、This was his quip encapsulating his strong opposition to industrial policy. ─── 这是他强烈反对工业策略的说法。

39、a smart quip ─── 有趣的俏皮话

40、In characteristic style he did so with a politically incorrect quip that drew criticism even from his supporters. ─── 贝卢斯科尼先生以特有的方式抛出一句不正确的隽语,从而招来甚至是他的支持者的批评。

41、quip socket ─── 四列直插式组件插座

42、Oh, that Ken Jennings, always quick with a quip. ─── 噢,那个总是机敏而幽默的肯詹宁斯。

43、A family of five in Springfield quip the life and the culture of the today's America by their absurd experience. ─── 春田镇上的这个五口之家用他们荒诞的经历讽刺着当代美国社会的生活和文化。

44、"I promise you this knavish quip touched the Duke closely -- I saw him change colour and bite his lip. ─── “少得不能再少,”丹伯古回答道,“只有二十一二个苏格兰卫士以及王室的几名骑士和贵族。

45、Absorbed in his own thoughts, Tu Hsuehshih did not hear the quip meant for him. ─── 沉浸在自己思想中的杜学诗却是什么也没有听到,什么也没有看见。

46、To make quips or a quip. ─── 说妙语,说俏皮话

47、"In the early 1960s, for instance, it was still possible for an American to quip that "in the U.S., we take a shower every day and go food shopping once a week - In Europe, they do the other way around." ─── 譬如60 年代初,美国人还可以说这样的俏皮话:"在美国,我们每天淋一次浴,每周采购一次食品; 但在欧洲,他们正好倒过来做。"

48、quip about sth ─── 说妙语, 说俏皮话

49、a speech that was full of witticisms.A quip is a clever, pointed, often sarcastic remark: ─── 充满诙谐语句的演说。指一句机智的、一针见血的、常常是讽刺性的语句:

50、Keywords Two co m ponent adhesive E quip ment Application; ─── 双组分胶粘剂;设备;应用;

51、If it chanced to attract a girl of sixteen like Lin Pei-shan -lively, innocent, and free from worldly cares-it was simply because of its well-shaped lips, always parted in a mysterious smile and always ready with an amusing quip. ─── 然而假使也能够博得活泼天真不知世上有愁苦的十五六岁少女们的喜欢,那是因为在这脸上还有很会说俏皮话的两片薄嘴唇,常常是似笑非笑地嘻开着。

52、He responded with a quip: "I love free speech. ─── 那时他在澳大利亚议会发表演说遭到诘问,就风趣地回应道:“我喜欢自由言论。”

53、Some mostly research work are introduced and compared at home and abroad, such as QuIP, KBIT and QATP. ─── 综合比较分析了国内外数字参考咨询规范化方面的研究工作,阐明了QuIP、KBIT、QATP等研究成果的内容和特点。

54、I like this little quip by author, Jim Dalrymple, referring to some of the poor presentations he's seen: " ─── 我喜欢这篇讽刺短文的作者,Jim Dalrymple,对他所看到过的一些差劲演讲的讽刺。

55、“You're halfway through eating it when the Ukrainians take it away and say the rest belongs to them,” came an instant quip in return. ─── 回答几乎不假思索而且语带嘲讽:“就是吃到一半却被乌克兰人拿过去,还说剩下的都是他们的。”

56、My advice is to ride it out,make an occasional smart-aleck quip. ─── 我的意见就是出去旅行,并时不时地说些自作聪明的俏皮话。

57、With the benefit of hindsight, his quip marked the high point of fiscal fine-tuning. ─── 事后看来,这番话堪称财政政策的绝唱。

58、It was now Fan Po-wen's turn for another quip. ─── 范博文立刻又来了一句俏皮话:

59、Harry, characteristically, prefers to lighten the tension with a sarcastic quip. ─── 而哈利喜欢用开玩笑来减轻压力。

60、Isaacs adds that Palin threw in a bit of French with a quick quip of "Merci beaucoup" while leaving one of the centers. ─── 萨克斯还说,佩林法国扔在一个位与中心的快速妙语“谢谢博库”的同时使之一。

61、At first it sounded like the sort of clever quip that might have been scripted months in advance, but then no one laughed. ─── 在一次采访中,米歇尔说玛丽娅,她更文静的大女儿,和她很相似,而活泼的小萨莎则完全是爸爸的好女孩。

62、The doctors are not entirely sympathetic, "If there was a surgery to enlarge brains, we would offer him a free trial," they quip. ─── 医生们并不太同情,他们讽刺说:“如果有个手术能使大脑变大的话,我们很愿意给他免费试用。”

63、To joke or quip. ─── 开玩笑或讽刺


65、Europe, to repeat the quip of the day, had lost a mistress and gained a master. ─── 再用当时的一句妙语来说,欧洲失去了一个主妇,却得到了一个主人。

66、One of them, after the end of a lovely dinner, made a quip to me that reverberates 60 years later. ─── 在愉快晚餐的最后时候,他们其中一个对我说了一句双关语,即使60年后它仍然在我脑海中回荡。

67、A joke or quip. ─── 玩笑或讽刺

68、Ten thousand coins for a cask of wine, with many a laugh and quip. ─── 斗酒十千恣讙谑。

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