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08-20 投稿


expansion 发音

英:[?k?sp?n?n]  美:[?k'sp?n??n]

英:  美:

expansion 中文意思翻译



expansion 同义词

enlargement | extension | increase | elaboration | width | addition |growth | accession | opening out | development | breadth

expansion 短语词组

1、apparent expansion ─── [机] 虚表膨胀, 视膨胀

2、coiled expansion pipe ─── [建] 盘旋膨胀管, 膨胀旋管

3、automatic volume expansion ─── [电] 自动音量膨胀

4、cluster expansion ─── [化] 集团展开

5、after-expansion ─── [机] 残余膨胀

6、coefficient of thermal expansion ─── [化] 热膨胀系数

7、air expansion ─── [机] 空气膨胀

8、air of expansion ─── [医] 呼息气

9、coefficient of linear expansion ─── [化] 线膨胀系数

10、asymptotic expansion ─── [计] 渐近展开

11、coefficient of cubic expansion ─── [建] 容量膨胀系数

12、coefficient of cubical expansion ─── [机] 容积膨胀系数

13、adiabatic expansion ─── [化] 绝热膨胀

14、approximate expansion ─── [计] 近似展开式

15、assembler language expansion ─── [计] 汇编语言扩充

16、bellows expansion joint ─── [化] 波形膨胀接头

17、amalgam expansion ─── [医] 汞合金膨胀

18、coefficient of expansion ─── [医] 膨胀系数

19、automatic expansion valve ─── [化] 自动膨胀阀

expansion 词性/词形变化,expansion变形

名词: expansibility |

expansion 反义词


expansion 相似词语短语

1、expand on ─── 详述

2、expansive ─── adj.广阔的;扩张的;豪爽的

3、expulsion ─── n.驱逐;开除

4、expands on ─── 详述

5、expansions ─── n.[数]扩展(expansion的复数形式)

6、expansional ─── 膨胀

7、explosion ─── n.爆炸;爆发;激增;n.(Explosion)《引爆者》(一部中国动作、犯罪电影)。

8、extension ─── n.拓展;延伸;接发;(医学)牵引;(计算机)拓展名;(逻辑)外延

9、expansile ─── adj.膨胀的,可膨胀的;可扩张的

expansion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The company has not yet firmed up its plans for expansion. ─── 公司的扩大计划尚未最后落实。

2、Do you need to own the expansion to play with friends who have it? ─── 如果要和朋友一起玩资料片的话,自己需要买么?

3、Is the Expansion of Enrollment a Good Thing? ─── 大学扩招利弊谈?

4、As for the beef supply, she adds that "cattle herds are in contraction worldwide and with feed prices like this, don't expect expansion" . ─── 至于牛肉供应,她补充表示:“世界各地的生牛存栏数量都在减少,像这样的饲料价格,就别指望数量会增加了。”

5、Post-war: the post-war period of economic expansion. ─── 二战后的经济发展期。

6、Poor trading figures put back our plans for expansion. ─── 不佳延缓了我们的扩张计划。

7、After only one day, rumors have been the impact of rapid expansion. ─── 中英文对照:仅仅一天后,传闻的影响已经迅速扩大。

8、When will the expansion be released? How much will it cost? ─── 什么时候发行?多少钱?

9、Where is the company going? Expansion plans? ─── 公司的运营计划怎样?扩展计划呢?

10、The company intends a slow-down in expansion. ─── 公司准备放慢扩展速度。

11、A process in which compression is followed by expansion. ─── 在压缩之后接着进行扩展的一种处理过程。

12、Swift expansion of communications and transportation. ─── 交通运输业突飞猛进。

13、There is no such check on the expansion of distant future outputs. ─── 对较远将来的产量而言,其扩充并不受这种限制。

14、Industrial expansion is a very sound investment in present society. ─── 在当今社会,发展工业是一种可靠的投资。

15、Oliver Burkeman on Greenland and a London airport expansion. ─── 奥利弗 •布克曼详述格陵兰与伦敦机场扩建。

16、A qualified plan for expansion. ─── 合乎条件的扩张计划

17、An upright posture in bed also aids lung expansion. ─── 以直立姿势躺在床上也有助于肺部舒展。

18、The company is forging ahead with its plans for expansion. ─── 公司的拓展计划正顺利进行。

19、Look, by my side, everyone is working busily to ensure the Changxing Island Port expan sion project progresses smoothly. ─── 你看我旁边,大家都在紧张地进行施工,以确保长兴岛港口的扩建的顺利进行。

20、An overriding national goal is the expansion of nuclear power. ─── 国家压倒一切的目标是发展核电。

21、The company can finance its expansion by issuing more stock. ─── 公司可以通过增加股票发行量来融资,扩大经营规模。

22、Their economic policy pave the way for industrial expansion. ─── 他们的经济政策为工业发展铺平了道路。

23、Two types of direct expansion coil are used. ─── 使用了两种类型的直接蒸发盘管。

24、I'm against a major savings expansion. ─── 我反对大量扩充储蓄业务。

25、China does not pursue expansion. ─── 中国不搞扩张。

26、The expansion of the factory will mean the employment of sixty extra workers. ─── 工厂的扩展意味著将增雇六十名工人。

27、The time has come for the firm to consolidate after several years of rapid expansion. ─── 公司经过几年的迅速发展之後,该整顿一下了。

28、Is difficulty in students'employment due to enrollment expansion? ─── 大学生就业难是扩招带来的吗?

29、Ouch - an expansion of 12 characters to 30. ─── 哎唷,12个字符增加到30!

30、The company was forced to reconsider its plans for expansion. ─── 公司被逼重新审议其扩展方案。

31、Rapid maxillary expansion is a method which is often being used to treat the transverse discrepancy of widths of maxilla. ─── 快速上颌扩展是一种常用的矫治上颌横向宽度不调的方法。

32、Designing an UI for the interactive query expansion. ─── 交互式查询扩展用户界面的设计。

33、In Indianapolis, the dedication to expansion was clearly evident. ─── 在印第安纳波利斯,扩项带来的成功是个证明。

34、Credit undergirded our economic expansion. ─── 信用过去加强了我们经济的扩张。

35、We should assist small enterprise expansion. ─── 应该帮助小型企业扩张。

36、Expansion joints of various kinds are fitted on gas mains. ─── 各种各样的伸缩接头被安装在煤气的总管道上了。

37、They formed cliques and carried arms expansion and war preparations. ─── 他们拉帮结派,扩军备战。

38、A book that is an expansion of the author's Ph.D. thesis. ─── 作者哲学博士论文主题延伸的一部书。

39、Build3 rd Refinery on your Expansion Field and sell the Emissary. ─── 在分矿区建造第三精炼厂然后买掉勘探车。

40、The remainder of the power stroke is an adiabatic expansion. ─── 动力冲程的后段是绝热膨胀过程。

41、A Smooth Expansion Model for PKI? ─── PKI的一个平滑扩展模型(英文)

42、We now have rules for sub games. Of course, only Shahrazad, from the Arabian Nights expansion, takes advantage of these rules at the moment. ─── 我们对子游戏现在也有了规定。当然,只有阿拉伯之夜系列的“撒哈拉萨德”才能在那个时候拥有规则上的优势。

43、Our business consultant is here to discuss our new expansion plan. ─── 我们的企业顾问正在这里商讨我们新的扩张计划。

44、His economic policies paved the way for industrial expansion. ─── 他的经济政策为工业的扩展铺平了道路。

45、But this eastward expansion has paused. ─── 但其东扩业已暂停。

46、A nation's practice or policy of territorial or economic expansion. ─── 扩张主义一个国家领土或经济扩张的政策或实践

47、Each of the three new traits fits the warlike nature of the expansion. ─── 三个新特性中的每一种都对应于资料片的战争属性。

48、Que Emissary and set rally to your nearest Expansion Field. ─── 制造勘探车并且将集合点设在最近的分矿区。

49、Due to business expansion,we have vacancies us. ─── 因业务发展需要,我们招聘所述人员。

50、Their desire for expansion has increased. ─── 他们的扩张欲望有增无减。

51、The Managing Director suggested to the Board that the best way of obtaining capital for the expansion program should be to sell me company's headquarters to a finance house and then lease them back. ─── 总经理向董事会建议筹措资金以实现发展计划的最好办法莫过于把公司总部的产权卖给一家金融机构,然后再租回来使用。

52、For Hotels, expansion remains an imperative. ─── 对饭店而言,扩张仍有必要。

53、Future expansion of the business calls for two new factories. ─── 将来业务扩大需要建造两个新工厂。

54、The expansion of the school system. ─── 学校机构的扩大。

55、Economic development is of course a euphemism for an expansion of political influence and a state-endorsed land grab. ─── 当然,发展经济即是扩张政治影响力的托辞,还是占有土地的全民认可的形式。

56、They bought the property with expansion of the business in view. ─── 他们买了这块地产,意在扩大营业。

57、At further expansion of foreign investment. ─── 在国外的投资进一步扩大。

58、The forces of expansion are balanced by forces of contraction. ─── 扩张力和收缩力相互平衡。

59、Do you think the expansion will make me fat? ─── 你觉得资料片会让我变胖嘛?

60、Expansion joints of various kinds are fitted on steam pipes. ─── 各种各样的伸缩接头被安装在蒸气管道上了。

61、Already in use and expansion screen display program. ─── 已经使用与扩展屏幕显示程序。

62、Expansion into new areas of research might be possible. ─── 向新的研究领域拓展或许是可能的。

63、Massive expansion of credit to private sector. ─── 大量扩张对私人部门的信用。

64、Calvarial expansion fractures these microspicules. ─── 但是大多数(85%)属于无症状性的。

65、China will never seek hegemony and never go in for expansion. ─── 中国永远不称霸,永远不搞扩张。

66、Aliases are a simple mechanism that enable you to provide an expansion for a given sequence. ─── 别名是一种简单的机制,允许您为给定的序列提供展开形式。

67、The memory expansion cards are useful adjuncts to the computer. ─── 内存扩充卡是计算机很有用的附件。

68、Power capacity expansion to slow from 2008. ─── 发电量扩大从2008年开始放缓.

69、Toggle metacharacter expansion of local file names. ─── 切换本地文件名的通配符扩展。

70、It went all out for economic expansion abroad. ─── 它拼命在国外进行经济扩张。

71、There is considerable scope for expansion into the export market. ─── 很有可能扩展出口市场。

72、In Europe, BASF continued process development and plant expansion. ─── 在欧洲,BASF继续其工艺研究和工厂扩建。

73、SMTP gateways are frequently used for distribution list expansion. ─── SMTP网关常被用于扩展通讯组列表。

74、Thermal expansion of a monatomic nanochain[J]. ─── 引用该论文 黄建平,吴学忠,李圣怡.

75、His book is an expansion of his article. ─── 他的书是由他的论文扩写而成的。

76、The council's answer to the population expansion is to build high block of flats, but that's where the plan falls down. ─── 会议对人口膨胀问题的答复是建高层建筑,但这正是计划的失败之处。

77、The housing has a higher coefficient of expansion than the ring. ─── 壳体比圆环具有较高的膨胀系数。

78、Expansion Pack wise, too early to talk. ─── 在资料篇里嘛..现在说太早了。

79、The company is forging ahead with its plans for expansion. ─── 公司的拓展计划正顺利进行。

80、Why is expansion necessary to ascend? ─── 为什么扩展需要提升?

81、His big book is an expansion of the little book he wrote before. ─── 他的大部头书是他以前写的小部头的扩充本。

82、We've had to lay aside our plans for expansion. ─── 我们不得不临时放弃扩展计划。

83、Bernanke's plan seems to be to devalue the dollar against gold with huge monetary expansion, causing nominal equity values to rise. ─── 伯南克的计划似乎是用巨大的货币扩张来相对黄金地贬值美元,导致名义上的股价将上升。

84、The distance or amount of expansion. ─── 扩展的数量或距离

85、The thermostat is based on the fact that different metals have different coefficients of expansion. ─── 恒温器是以不同的金属有不同的膨胀系数这一事实为根据的。

86、The expansion of tools, applications, operation skills. ─── 扩展工具,应用软件,操作技巧等.

87、But these could not keep up with the expansion of the factory. ─── 但这些都跟不上工厂的发展。

88、The expansion of the canton has endanger the wildlife animals. ─── 市区的伸展危及到野生动物.

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