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08-20 投稿


effendi 发音


英:  美:

effendi 中文意思翻译



effendi 网络释义

n. 先生,阁下n. (Effendi)人名;(英、印尼)埃芬迪

effendi 词性/词形变化,effendi变形

名词复数: effendis |

effendi 短语词组

1、effendi means ─── 爱芬迪的意思是

2、effendi md ─── 埃芬迪医学博士

3、effendi bap ─── 埃芬迪bap

4、effendi def effendi ─── 定义

5、effendi meaning effendi ─── 意思

6、effendi md tahir effendi md ─── 塔希尔

effendi 相似词语短语

1、offending ─── v.冒犯;令人不适;犯罪;违反(常规)(offend的现在分词);adj.令人不快的;违法的

2、offended ─── adj.不舒服,生气;v.冒犯(offend的过去分词)

3、reoffends ─── 再次犯罪

4、effed ─── v.咒骂;滚开;abbr.效应(efficiency);n.(Eff)(美)埃夫(人名)

5、offender ─── n.罪犯;冒犯者;违法者

6、reoffending ─── 再次违反(reoffend的变体);再次冒犯(reoffend的变体)

7、offends ─── vt.冒犯;使…不愉快;vi.违反;进攻;引起不舒服

8、effendis ─── n.先生,阁下;n.(Effendi)人名;(英、印尼)埃芬迪

9、offend ─── vt.冒犯;使…不愉快;vi.违反;进攻;引起不舒服

effendi 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I heard a voice calling my name, 'Abdullah Effendi.' I looked around but saw no one. ─── 我听到一个声音在叫我的名字:“荣耀的阿卜杜拉啊!”

2、Effendi looked at the King and answered ,"But how can I know? ─── 阿凡提看着国王答道:“我怎么会知道呢?

3、Nasrul Abit diruang kerjanya pagi tadi.Pada kesempatan itu juga turut menyaksikan Setkab Pesisir Selatan H.Rosman Effendi dan Asisten I Setkab Nazwir,SH. ─── 听听听听听听听听听听听 TUJUH orang Sekretaris Desa/Nagari di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan terima SK PNS yang diserahkan Bupati Pesisir Selatan H.

4、Zulfan Effendi, a 36-year-old palm-oil farmer from the western island of Sumatra, says he used to struggle to make ends meet. ─── 印尼西部苏门答腊岛36岁的棕榈种植户埃芬迪(ZulfanEffendi)说,他以前只能勉强维持生计。

5、He called to me and said, 'Abdullah Effendi, come. ─── 他叫了我,并说到:“荣耀的阿卜杜拉啊,你过来。”

6、I saw my shaikh in a brilliant vision, standing on the hill.He called to me and said, 'Abdullah Effendi, come. ─── 于是我飞奔了出去,甚至连鞋子和羊毛外衣都没有顾上穿,我看见我的谢赫处在光辉中,站在那座山顶上。

7、Once Effendi had a joke with the Prime Minister . ─── 一旦分区区会有笑话变卖首相。

8、I heard a voice calling my name, 'Abdullah Effendi. ' I looked around but saw no one. ─── 这时我听到一个声音在叫我的名字:“荣耀的阿卜杜拉啊!”

9、Effendi laughed as he recalled having to tell his teacher that he lost his homework in the river. ─── 跟老师说自己的家庭作业丢到河里了,伊芬迪笑了。

10、When the King heard this, he got angry and set his men to catch Effendi at once. ─── 国王听说这件事情以后,非常恼怒,马上派人逮捕阿凡提。

11、Effendi Gazali, the show's creator, says Mr Bakrie will have to endure being sent up on his own station, “or we'll quit!” ─── 该节目的创办人EffendiGazali说Bakrie先生必须能忍受他出现在自己的电视台上,“否则我们退出。”

12、Beginning 2 January, all products originating from local organic farms will bear the ‘Malaysia Organic’ certification logo, said the Agriculture Minister, Datuk Dr Mohd Effendi Norwawi. ─── 马来西亚农业部长近日宣布,从明年1月2日起,当地有机农场生产出的所有产品将贴上“马来西亚有机产品”的认证标识。

13、Although Suharto's authoritarianism is a distant nightmare, Indonesia is not yet a dream republic, hence the ironic title of Mr Effendi's show. ─── 尽管苏哈托的独裁统治已是逐渐远去的噩梦,但印尼还不是一个美梦般的共和国,Effendi先生的节目名字正是这样得来的。

14、Once Effendi had a joke with the Prime Minister(首相 ).He said the Minister would die the next day. ─── 有一次,阿凡提跟首相开玩笑说首相第二天就会死。

15、He called to me and said, 'Abdullah Effendi, come.' I did not even think to put shoes on;I walked on the snow and could feel warmth from the Divine Love emanating from his spirit. ─── 他呼喊我说:“阿卜杜拉阁下,你到我这儿来,”我顾不上考虑去穿鞋子,就直接去了,我赤脚在雪地里感觉不到冷,确能感受到从我的谢赫的灵魂发出的神圣之爱的暖意。

16、And now esteemed effendi we feast. ─── 现在,尊敬的先生,我们尽情享受吧。

17、's death, Zubeyde Hanim settled down in Huseyin Effendi 's house, who worked as a steward in Rapla farm near Salonika. ─── 阿里·热扎·艾芬迪去世后,祖布德·哈尼姆住在萨洛尼卡附近的拉普拉农场的一个管家乎塞尼的家里。

18、Greenomics Indonesia executive director, Elfian Effendi, says the government of Indonesia should use the country's potential for reducing emissions to benefit economically. ─── Greenomics印尼主任Elfian Effendi说,印尼政府应该发挥本国的减排潜能来提高经济效益。

19、When Effendi came ,the King shouted angrily, "Effendi, you knew when my Minister would die, you must also know the date of your own death. ─── 阿凡提被抓来后,国王很生气的向他吼道:“阿凡提,你知道首相什么时候会死,那你也应该知道你的死期是什么时候。

20、Effendi Gazali, the show's creator, says Mr Bakrie will have to endure being sent up on his own station, "or we'll quit! " ─── 该节目的创办人EffendiGazali说Bakrie先生必须能忍受他出现在自己的电视台上,“否则我们退出。”

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