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08-20 投稿


wencher 发音


英:  美:

wencher 中文意思翻译



wencher 词性/词形变化,wencher变形

动词第三人称单数: wenches |动词过去式: wenched |名词: wencher |动词过去分词: wenched |动词现在分词: wenching |

wencher 相似词语短语

1、wrenchers ─── 扳手

2、welcher ─── n.骗人,诈欺者;哪个;n.(Welcher)人名;(英)韦尔彻

3、wincher ─── 温切尔

4、wrencher ─── 扳手

5、blencher ─── 搅拌机

6、wenched ─── n.少妇;乡下姑娘;vi.通奸

7、bencher ─── n.法官;(英)下院议员;坐凳子的人;n.(Bencher)人名;(英)本彻

8、benchers ─── n.法官;(英)下院议员;坐凳子的人;n.(Bencher)人名;(英)本彻

9、wenches ─── n.少妇;乡下姑娘;vi.通奸

wencher 常见例句(双语使用场景)

2、Probably this is the feature with due wench. ─── 或许这就是乡下姑娘应有的特征吧。

3、 双语使用场景

4、a drab of a kitchen wench tramped backwards and forwards through the yard in pattens, looking as sulky as the weather itself; ─── 一个肮脏的厨娘拖着木屐,迈着沉重的步子在院子里进进出出,它那郁郁不欢的神色,就像阴沉的天气一样。

5、please do not select the No131 from GuganDong, who often play tricks on the wencher! take care! ─── 公布以下违反规则名单-如果你自己不是十分遵守规则,请不定时浏览此名单。可能你也会在名单之内!

6、She was as dead as Caesar, poor wench, and as cold as a church. ─── 这可怜的少女,已死得直挺挺的,周身冰冷了。

7、TRANIO. Husht, master! Here's some good pastime toward; That wench is stark mad or wonderful froward. ─── 特拉尼奥:少爷,咱们有好戏看了。那个女人倘不是个疯子,倒泼辣得可以。

8、Am I a wench in a brothel who is called upon to lift her skirts or take off her chemise at the bidding of the first snan in a tailored suit who comes along? ─── 难道我是妓院里的婊子,一听到头一个来嫖妓的、穿着考究的男人来了便纷纷赶忙撩起裙子,脱下衬衣?

9、Is a Country Wench, that is so far from making herself beautiful by art that one look of hers is able to put all face-physick out of countenance. ─── 她是一个乡下姑娘,从不靠妆扮美饰自己,但她的美目流盼能使所有的美容术黯然。

10、A good face needs no band, and a pretty wench no land. ─── 英俊的小伙子无需吹鼓手,漂亮的村姑无需田地.

11、His life became miserable after his marriage to the wench ─── 与这个荡妇结婚後,他的日子过得很惨

12、7. How can you know, wench? Facts bear strong against him. ─── 你怎么会知道呢,姑娘?事实证明对他非常不利。

13、Bought her and her little wench, Prissy. ─── 买了她和她的小女儿百里茜。

14、What else can a strapping chap of twenty-one mean with a fine wench of seventeen?" ─── 一个身材魁梧的二十几岁的小伙子,对一个漂亮的十七岁的少女还能有什么别的想法呢?”

15、Where is that simple-minded little wench? ─── 那个傻小娼妇哪里去了?

16、You're the old serving wench. ─── 你是那个老的女招待。我是新的女招待。

17、I am all black and blue, wench; trust me never, if I be not black and blue. ─── 现在我浑身还青一块、紫一块呢,小姐;要是我身上没有青一块、紫一块,你就永远别相信我。

18、shouted Gerald rhetorically. "Prissy is a likely little wench and so--" ─── "杰拉尔德用幽默的口吻喊道:"百里茜是个蛮可爱的小女儿,所以----"

19、Ah, that same pale hard-hearted wench, that Rosaline. Torments him so, that he will sure run mad. ─── 嗳哟!那个白面孔狠心肠的女人,那个罗瑟琳,一定把他虐待得要发疯了。

20、She was no sooner gone but came a wench and a child, puffing and sweating ─── 她刚一走开,立刻就来了一个姑娘同一个小孩,喘着气,流着汗。

21、A serving wench brought us our ale. ─── 一个女仆给我们端来了麦芽酒。

22、Wench J. The effective doses of pethidine and doxapram in the treatment of post-anaesthetic shivering. Anaesthesia, 1997 ;52:32 ─── 杨冬,等.麻醉后寒战及其预防.国外医学麻醉学与复苏分册,2003;24(1):20

23、I was cheated of all my money by that lamb-like wench. ─── 我的钱全部被那个说起话来像羔羊似的小美女给骗走啦。

24、Whoa, whoa! Don't blame me! It's that nit Musashi's fault, sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. He even took the water wench. ─── 喔,喔!这与喔无关!是武藏那个小家伙的错,他走错了地方。他甚至带走了那个水娘们儿。

25、stabbed with a white wench's black eye; ─── 他已经死了,一个白女人的黑眼睛戳破了他的心;

26、Get off those steps, you trashy wench! Get off this land! ─── 滚下这些台阶去,你这个下流货,滚出这片土地!

27、Iago. A good wench; give it me. ─── 伊阿古好妻子,给我。

28、8. The officer retired, and introduced, upon his return a tall, strapping wench of eighteen or twenty, dressed fantastically. ─── 官吏退了出去,回来时带进一个个儿高高的,身材匀称的,十八或二十岁光景的女子,打扮得奇形怪状。

29、Scarlett dropped Prissy's arm and the wench sank whimpering to the steps. ─── 思嘉放开百里茜的胳臂,这女孩便呜呜咽咽地在楼梯上坐下了。

30、Toward evening we're sitting around a big table with the curtains drawn and some fool two headed wench is rapping for Jesus Christ. ─── 临近傍晚时分,我们围坐在一张大桌子旁,放下了窗帘,有一个傻呼呼的小妞儿在大谈耶稣基督。

31、Wine and wench empty men 's purses. ─── 酗酒嫖妓,囊空如洗。

32、Am Ia wench in a brothel who is called upon to lift her skirts or take off her chemise at the bidding of the first snan in a tailored suit who comes along? ─── 难道我是妓院里的[我讲脏话我是坏银],一听到头一个来嫖妓的、穿着考究的男人来了便纷纷赶忙撩起裙子,脱下衬衣?

33、His life become miserable after his marriage to a wench. ─── 与这个荡妇结婚后,他的日子过得很惨。

34、I am all black and blue, wench; trust me never, if I be not black and blue ─── 现在我浑身还青一块、紫一块呢,小姐;要是我身上没有青一块、紫一块,你就永远别相信我。

35、'tis now at best but the Reverse of what was, a Tree turn'd upside down, the Branches on the Earth, and the Root in the Air; 'tis now handled by every Dirty Wench, ─── 结果是枉费心机,不过颠倒了它原来的位置,使它枝干朝地,根梢朝天,成为一株头朝下的树,然后落在干脏活累活的女仆们的手里使用。

36、What! She didn't send help? That wench! Well, so long as you've come! That's all that matters now! That beast killed my friends! ─── 什么!她没有找人来救我?那个婊子!可不管怎么说你还是来了!现在这就够了!那头野兽杀死了我的朋友们!

37、"A sharp little wench," she thought, and said aloud: "Thank you, Dilcey, we'll see about it when Mother comes home." ─── "好一个机灵的小娼妇,"她想,于是便大声说:"迪尔茜,谢谢你了,等嬷嬷回来之后咱们再谈这事吧。

38、Who cares what that wench said! Well done my friend, well done! Freedom at last! ─── 谁管那个荡妇说什么!干得好我的朋友,干得好!终于自由了!

39、How can you know, wench? Facts bear strong against him ─── 你怎么会知道呢,姑娘?事实证明对他非常不利。

40、Gandrake: Meddlesome wench! ─── 多管闲事的婊子!

41、"Some day, I'm going to take a strap to that little wench," thought Scarlett savagely, hurrying down the stairs to meet her. ─── "总有一天我要给你这小娼妇拴上一根皮带。 "思嘉在心里恶狠狠地说,一面急急忙忙跑下楼去接她。

42、Go away from me, you wench. ─── 走开,你这个少妇。

43、Happened she was a Negress, a powerful wench from Martinique, and beautiful as a panther.Had a lovely disposition too. ─── 这个姑娘正巧是个黑鬼,是来自马提尼克岛的一个力大无比的婊子,漂亮得犹如一只豹子,而且性情也很可爱。

44、In one tantalising diary entry , Tolstoy wrote:” Quarrelled with Turgenev, and had a wench at my place. ─── 正如托尔斯泰曾在一则颇具逗引性的日记中写:“和屠格涅夫争辩,就像我的家中来了为美丽的少妇。”

45、Failure) What? 100gp? That's it? That wench! We can afford ten times that! ─── 失败)什么?100枚金币?才那么点?那个婊子!我们能付十倍以上!

46、She was no sooner gone but came a wench and a child, puffing and sweating. ─── 她刚一走开,立刻就来了一个姑娘同一个小孩,喘着气,流着汗。

47、His life become miserable after his marriage to a wench . ─── 与这个荡妇结婚后,他的日子过得很惨。

48、" "Some fine, flowery bonneted wench! ─── “一定是个什么美美妹妹花花帽子!

49、I looked them over coolly and picked out a plump young wench who seemed full of feathers. ─── 于是我不慌不忙地审视她们一番,挑出一个身段很丰满的年轻小妞,看来她的身体不错。

50、His life became miserable after his marriage to a wench. ─── 与这个荡妇结婚後,他的日子过得很惨。

51、TRANIO. What said the wench, when he rose again? ─── 特拉尼奥:牧师站起来以后,那女人怎么说呢?

52、Now Jonathan and Ahimaaz stayed by En-rogel; for they might not be seen to come into the city: and a wench went and told them; and they went and told king David. ─── 撒下17:17那时约拿单和亚希玛斯在隐罗结那里等候不敢进城、恐怕被人看见.有一个使女出来、将这话告诉他们、他们就去报信给大卫王。

53、it is now handled by every dirty wench, condemned to do her drudgery, and ,by a capricious kind of fate, destined to make other things clean,and be nasty itself ; ─── 它现在被肮脏的婢女所操纵,被迫去做那些苦差事,并且变化莫测的命运驱使它去清洁其它东西,而自己却变得肮脏;

54、6. As is usually the case among such people, that the servant she sent me would have been more impudent brazen wench of Drury Lane breeding. ─── 象她这种人通常派来的女仆大概是德鲁立巷里长大的一种轻浮无耻的下流女子。

55、It would have been barbarous to have taken the poor wench, and have turned her away as soon as I came to town ─── 如果把这可怜的姑娘带去,一到都城又把她打发走,未免显得野蛮。

56、Affectionate childe:Ha ha.This wench is too interesting. ─── 多情公子:哈哈。这丫头太有意思了。

57、In a few minutes he's dancing with a naked wench, a huge blonde with creases in her jowls. ─── 没过几分钟他就在同一个光屁股姑娘跳舞了,这是一个大块头金发女郎,肥得下巴上尽是皱榴。

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