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08-20 投稿


gamopetalous 发音


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gamopetalous 中文意思翻译



gamopetalous 短语词组

1、gamopetalous definition ─── 合子定义

2、gamopetalous corolla ─── 合瓣花冠

3、gamopetalous meaning ─── 合欢意义

4、gamopetalous plants ─── 合子植物

5、gamopetalous flower ─── 合瓣花

gamopetalous 相似词语短语

1、apetalous ─── adj.[植]无花瓣的

2、octopetalous ─── 八瓣的

3、stenopetalous ─── adj.[植]狭瓣的

4、gamophyllous ─── adj.(总苞,花被等)合叶的

5、sympetalous ─── adj.[植]合瓣的

6、antipetalous ─── adj.[植]对瓣的

7、monopetalous ─── adj.(花)单瓣的

8、dialypetalous ─── adj.离瓣的

9、gamosepalous ─── adj.合萼的

gamopetalous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Baggage and cargo to the tail through the door into the gamopetalous. ─── 行李和货物能经过机尾的合瓣门装入。

2、The lower,cylindrical part of a gamopetalous corolla or a gamosepalous calyx. ─── 合瓣花冠或合瓣萼的下部管状部分。

3、Corolla gamopetalous, campanulate, tubular, or rotate; ─── 合萼,附属物的有时窦。

4、Equipped with large side sliding doors and the tail door gamopetalous type. ─── 装有侧大滑动门和机尾合瓣式舱门。

5、Reserve cargo through the tail gate can be put into the gamopetalous. ─── 储货经过机尾的合瓣门能被装入。

6、gamopetalous flower ─── 合瓣花

7、gamopetalous corolla ─── 合瓣花冠

8、42. a group of families of more or less advanced trees and shrubs and herbs having either polypetalous or gamopetalous corollas and often with ovules attached to the walls of the ovary; ─── 或多或少比较高级的树、灌木和草本植物的集合,有离瓣或连瓣的花冠,胚珠通常附在子房壁上;

9、gamopetalous irregular corolla ─── 合瓣不整齐花冠

10、Loading and unloading helicopters to quickly and easily through the machine side of large sliding doors and tail gate for gamopetalous. ─── 直升飞机的装载和卸载能很快地和容易地通过机侧大滑动门和机尾合瓣门进行。

11、Loading and unloading helicopters to quickly and easily through the machine side of large sliding doors and tail gate for gamopetalous. ─── 直升飞机的装载和卸载能很快地和容易地通过机侧大滑动门和机尾合瓣门进行。

12、The lower, cylindrical part of a gamopetalous corolla or a gamosepalous calyx. ─── 管状部分合瓣花冠或合瓣萼的下部管状部分

13、Baggage and cargo to the tail through the door into the gamopetalous. ─── 行李和货物能经过机尾的合瓣门装入。

14、irregular gamopetalous corolla ─── 不整齐合瓣花冠

15、Corolla gamopetalous, actinomorphic or zygomorphic, rotate to funnelform or salverform; ─── 花冠合瓣,辐射对称的或左右对称,辐状的到漏斗状或高脚碟状;

16、gamopetalous corona ─── 合瓣副冠

17、Corolla gamopetalous, zygomorphic, rarely actinomorphic; ─── 花冠合瓣,左右对称,很少辐射对称;

18、gamopetalous regular corolla ─── 合瓣整齐花冠

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