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08-20 投稿


saddletree 发音

英:[['s?dltri:]]  美:[['s?d?l?tri:]]

英:  美:

saddletree 中文意思翻译



saddletree 短语词组

1、saddletree fire ─── 马鞍火

2、saddletree dr wesley chapel fl saddletree wesley chapel ─── 佛罗里达州

3、saddletree homes ─── 马鞍树之家

4、saddletree apt ─── 马鞍树公寓

5、saddletree horse ─── 鞍马

6、saddletree cog ─── 鞍形齿轮

7、saddletree nc ─── 鞍座nc

8、saddletree hoa ─── 马鞍树

saddletree 相似词语短语

1、mantletree ─── 壁炉树

2、sad tree ─── 伤心树

3、saddletrees ─── n.鞍架;百合树

4、candle-tree ─── 蜡烛树

5、saddlebred ─── 乘骑用马种;消遣用马种;乘骑或消遣用马种的

6、saddleries ─── n.马具;马具业;马具店

7、saddlebreds ─── 乘骑用马种;消遣用马种;乘骑或消遣用马种的

8、axletree ─── n.轮轴

9、saddler ─── n.马具商,制造马鞍的人;乘坐用的马

saddletree 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Saddletree, who entered immediately afterwards, overwhelmed him with questions, which he answered without understanding them. ─── 随后进来的萨德尔特里铺天盖地问了他许多问题,他却答非所问。

2、Mrs. Saddletree was an observing, shrewd, notable woman ─── 萨德尔特里太太是位有见识的、精明的、会当家的女人。

3、He had his own reasons for avoiding the remarks of Mrs. Saddletree, whose shop-door opened at no great distance from that of the jail. ─── 他有意避免萨德尔特里太太的闲话,而她的店门却离牢门不远。

4、Saddletree, who entered immediately afterwards, overwhelmed him with questions, which he answered without understanding them. ─── 随后进来的萨德尔特里铺天盖地问了他许多问题,他却答非所问。

5、This reproach induced Mr. Saddletree, on all occasions, to assume rather a haughty and stately tone towards his good woman. ─── 这种讥讽使萨德尔特里先生经常用装模作样的腔调对老婆讲话。

6、Mrs. Saddletree was a woman of kindness, nay, of feeling, but not of delicacy. ─── 萨德尔特里太太为人宽厚而富于感情,但细致体贴不够。

7、If anything could have added gall to bitterness, it was the choice which saddletree made of a subject for his prosing harangues ─── 如果说黄连还会加进苦胆,那就是萨德尔特里为他的高谈阔论所选定的题目。

8、Mrs Saddletree was a woman of kindness, nay , of feeling, but not of delicacy. ─── 萨德尔特里太太为人宽厚而富于感情,但细致体贴不够。

9、If anything could have added gall to bitterness, it was the choice which Saddletree made of a subject for his prosing harangues. ─── 如果说黄连还会加进苦胆,那就是萨德尔特里为他的高谈阔论所选定的题目。

10、7. Mrs. Saddletree saw the house freed of her importunate visitors, and the little boy reclaimed from the pastimes of the wind to the exercise of the awl. ─── 萨德尔特里太太看到那些讨厌的客人走光了,小男孩从隔壁胡同里玩够了,回来重新拿起了锥子。

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