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Aegean 发音

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Aegean 中文意思翻译




Aegean 网络释义

adj. 爱琴海的n. 爱琴海(地中海的一部分)

Aegean 短语词组

1、aegean sea baby ─── 爱琴海宝宝

2、aegean coast ─── 爱琴海岸

3、Aegean numerals ─── 爱琴海数字

4、Aegean civilization un. ─── 爱琴文化 [网络] ─── 爱琴文明; ─── 爱琴文明时期; ─── 爱琴海文明

5、Aegean civilizations ─── 爱琴海文明

6、Aegean island ─── [网络] 爱琴岛;爱琴海;爱琴海岛屿

7、sunk off the aegean coast ─── 在爱琴海海岸沉没

8、Aegean Airlines ─── 爱琴海航空公司

9、aegean sea angel ─── 爱琴海天使

10、Aegean culture ─── [网络] 爱琴文化;爱琴文明

11、aegean teal ─── 爱琴海青色

12、aegean blue ─── 爱琴海蓝

13、Aegean Sea n. ─── 爱琴海(地中海的一部分, 在希腊和土尔其之间)

14、aegean civilizationppt ─── 爱琴海文明PPT

15、Aegean Islands n. ─── 爱琴群岛(希腊一行政区, ─── 爱琴海中的群岛)

16、Aegean Sea Plate ─── 爱琴海板块

17、aegean sea island ─── 爱琴海岛屿

18、Aegean Airlines destinations ─── 爱琴海航空公司目的地

19、Aegean civilisation ─── [网络] 爱琴海文明

Aegean 常用词组

aegean sea ─── n. 爱琴海(地中海的一部分,在希腊和土尔其之间)

Aegean 相似词语短语

1、bemean ─── v.降低身份;贬低;使(自己)言行举止特殊化(同demean)

2、Aegean ─── adj.(与)爱琴海及其海岸和岛屿(有关)的;n.爱琴海,爱琴海(地区)

3、Jamesean ─── 詹姆森

4、Neogaean ─── 新大陆

5、Nemean ─── n.尼米亚河谷人;尼米亚河谷语;adj.尼米亚河谷的;尼米亚河谷人的;尼米亚河谷语的

6、demean ─── vt.贬低...的身份;使...失去尊严

7、regear ─── regear公司

8、Augean ─── adj.奥吉厄斯的;(任务、问题)极难的;极脏的

9、apogean ─── adj.远地点的

Aegean 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A dialect of ancient Greek spoken in the Peloponnesus, Crete, certain of the Aegean Islands, Sicily, and southern Italy. ─── 多立斯方言古希腊一种方言,伯罗奔尼撒、克里特岛、爱琴群岛一部分和西西里岛以及意大利南部讲此方言

2、Spyros Latsis started his career as a humble fisherman in the Aegean. ─── 拉齐斯最初的职业是爱琴海的一名地位低微的渔夫。

3、Angered, Darius determined to conquer Athens and extend his empire westward beyond the Aegean Sea. ─── 大流士感到愤怒,决心要征服雅典,把他的帝国向西扩展到爱琴海。

4、For nearly 2 years he wandered about Greece and the Aegean Islands. ─── 将近两年当中,他漫游了希腊和爱琴海群岛。

5、The Aegean Sea is Mediterranean Sea an easternpart big bay, is located northeast Mediterranean Sea, Greece with Turkey between, also is located the Greek peninsula andbetween the Asia minor peninsula. ─── 地质地貌:爱琴海海域中岛屿众多、星罗棋布。海岸线曲折,有无数海湾、港口和避风小港。

6、The Aegean coast is the cradle of early civilization in Crete and Greece. ─── 主要港口:沿海主要港口有萨洛尼卡、比雷埃夫斯(希腊)和伊兹密尔(土耳其)。

7、A city of western Turkey on theGulf of Izmir, an inlet of the Aegean Sea. ─── 士麦那:又名伊兹密尔,土耳其西部一城市,位于伊兹密尔海湾,是爱琴海的一个海湾。

8、Greek Aegean Sea, the White Chunchun, Chunchun the blue, feel the sea breeze comes in the face, it is a completely relaxed allows you to a place.Aegean Sea are the legends, all I want. ─── 希腊爱琴海,纯纯的白,纯纯的蓝,感受着迎面而来的海风,那是一个可以让你全身心放松的一个地方.还有爱琴海的传说,都令我向往.

9、C.Probably the most advanced prehistoric (15th century BC and before) system of baths and plumbing are to be found in the excavated town of Akrotiri, on the Aegean island of Thera. ─── 常用语预设 访客在线咨询企业常见问题的时候,客服只需要在已经设定好的常用语上找到相应的答案,发送给访客,以提高相应速度,减少访客等待的时间。

10、TradeAegea.com is an innovative Mediterranean B2B Marketplace designed to help Aegean (Turkish, Greek, Cypriot) Manufacturers and Suppliers find new business partners from all over the world. ─── 东方贵宾网 - 宁波地区生活消费互动社区。中国企业贸易网 - 面向国内外生产商、供应商、采购商、贸易商的B2B电子商务网站。

11、A group of islands of southeast Greece in the southern Aegean Sea. The name was used in ancient times for the islands surrounding the small island of Delos. ─── 基克拉泽斯希腊东南一群岛,位于爱琴海南部。这个名字用于古代,指得洛斯小岛四周的群岛。

12、Our tenancy in the Aegean has hitherto caused the enemy to divert considerable forces in attempting to turn us out. ─── 我们在爱琴海坚守不退,而敌人想把我们赶走,这就使他们的很大一部分兵力受到了牵制。

13、of or relating to or characteristic of the prehistoric Aegean civilization. ─── 属于或关于史前爱琴文化的,或有其特点的。

14、of or relating to or bordering the Aegean Sea ─── 属于或关于爱琴海的,或爱琴海沿岸的

15、For nearly 2 years he wandered about Greece and the Aegean Islands. This was the shaping time of his imagination. ─── 将近两年当中,他漫游了希腊和爱琴海群岛。这是他的想象力形成的时期。

16、Oia is famous for its cliffside houses and hotels.Most of these hotels offer rooms with balconies that face the beautiful Aegean Sea. ─── 伊亚以建在峭壁旁的房屋及旅馆闻名,多数旅馆房间都有阳台对著美丽的爱琴海。

17、Good, every, and Aegean are adjectives. ─── “好的”,“每一的”,和“爱琴海的”是形容词

18、is still fresh in my mind that I was considered the apple of my former boyfriend's eyes during our stay in Aegean Sea. ─── 我还清楚地记得,在爱琴海的时候,前男友视我作心中挚爱。

19、By windmill marking's Mi Qi Long Shidao is the Aegean Sea archipelago pronoun. ─── 以风车作标志的米其龙士岛是爱琴海群岛的代名词。

20、Kratos appears on a ship in the Aegean Sea, ready for battle, ─── 克瑞托斯出现在爱琴海的一条船上,准备战斗

21、A member of a people living in the region of the Aegean Sea before the coming of the Greeks. ─── 佩拉斯吉人在希腊人到来以前生活在爱琴海地区的人

22、A country of southeast Europe on the southern Balkan Peninsula and including numerous islands in the Mediterranean, Aegean, and Ionian seas. ─── 希腊:欧洲东南部国家,位于巴尔干半岛南部,包括地中海、 爱琴海和爱奥尼亚海上无数的小岛。

23、The General Secretariat of Aegean Exporters'Unions ─── 土耳其爱琴海出口商联合会

24、Our tenacy in the Aegean has hitherto caused the enemy to divert considerable forces in attempting to turn us out. ─── 我们在爱琴海坚守不退,而敌人想把我们赶走,这就使他们的很大一部分兵力受到了牵制。

25、They spend may cruise in the aegean. ─── 他们在5月航游了爱琴海。

26、Dalian Aegean Yacht Sales Co. Ltd ─── 大连爱琴海船艇销售有限公司

27、Athens built up its naval supremacy in the Aegean under the guidance of Themistocles. ─── 在特米斯托克洛斯的指导下,雅典在爱琴海建立了它海上霸主的地位。

28、She that broad, the soaring singing sound led us to the testimony pure affection Aegean Sea, that day side sea flow bay emotions, the gathering islands were returning to the beautiful harbor. ─── 她那宽广、高昂的歌声把我们带到了见证着纯真恋情的爱琴海,那天边的大海流淌着一湾情思,汇聚的岛屿回到美丽的港湾。

29、A sea, such as the Aegean, containing a large number of scattered islands. ─── 多岛屿的海包含有大量分散岛屿的海,如爱琴海

30、Probably the most advanced prehistoric (15th century BC and before) system of baths and plumbing are to be found in the excavated town of Akrotiri, on the Aegean island of Thera. ─── 如果考不过,对以后的备考也会有帮助。而中国政法大学的黎英暑假就打定主意,大四时一定不错过考试机会。部分大四学生希望参加司法考试来'练兵'。

31、By the seventh century BC a new series of cities had grown up in the valleys and islands of Greece, forgetful of the Aegean cities and civilization that had preceded them; Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Thebes, Miletus among the chief. ─── 到公元前7世纪,一系列新的城市在希腊的山谷里、岛屿上形成,先于它们的爱琴海城市和文明早已不见踪影,主要城市有雅典、斯巴达、科林斯、底比斯和米利都。

32、Leto flew away from Hera's anger and asked, one after another, the islands of the Aegean to give her a place of rest, but they were all afraid of the queen of heaven. ─── 勒托逃避着赫拉,一一恳求着爱琴海的岛屿,希望能给她一席容身之地,但他们都害怕天后。

33、Their social life differed in many interesting points from the social life of the Aegean and river-valley civilizations. ─── 他们的社会生活比起爱琴海文明和河谷文明有着许多令人关注的不同之处。

34、Our tenacy in the Aegean has hitherto caused the enemy to divert considerable forces in attempting to turn us out. ─── 我们在爱琴海坚守不退,而敌人想把我们赶走,这就使他们的很大一部分兵力受到了牵制。

35、These would be the names of certain barbaric tribes, armed with iron weapons and using horsechariots, who were becoming a great affliction to the Aegean and Semitic civilizations on the northem borders. ─── 他们是一些野蛮人部落,备有铁制武器,使用战马,他们逐渐成为一个巨大的灾难,折磨着北部边境的爱琴海人和闪米特人的文明古国。

36、by 800 BC the entire Aegean had adopted this style of pottery. ─── 到公元前800年整个爱琴海都采用这种样式的陶器。

37、In the east they were still only borderers and raiders, but in the west they were taking cities and driving out the civilized Aegean populations. ─── 在东部,他们仍然只是边境居民,只不过常常侵袭城市; 但是在西部,这些人却不断占领城市,驱逐文明的爱琴诲人。

38、To speak of convenience, we call them the Aegean Seas, the times they are blond and blue eyes, standing. ─── 为了说话的方便,我们把爱琴海的她们称为西洋,她们的显像都是金发碧眼、人高马大。

39、For nearly 2 years he wandered about Greece and the Aegean Islands. This was the shaping time of his imagination. ─── 将近两年当中,他漫游了希腊和爱琴海群岛。这是他的想象力形成的时期。

40、An island of northeast Greece in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Turkey northwest of Lesbos. ─── 利姆诺斯希腊东北部一岛屿,位于爱琴海中,远离土耳其海岸,莱斯博斯岛的西北方向。

41、An island of eastern Greece in the Aegean Sea off the western coast of Turkey. It was noted in antiquity for its school of epic poets. ─── 希俄斯岛希腊东部岛屿,位于土耳其西海岸外的爱琴海中。在古代因有一群史诗诗人而著名

42、A city of western Turkey on the Gulf of Izmir, an inlet of the Aegean Sea. Settled during the Bronze Age, Izmir is now a major port and an industrial center. Population,757, 854. ─── 伊兹密尔,士每那土耳其西部一城市,位于伊兹密尔海湾,是爱琴海的一个海湾。在青铜石器时代就有人居住,伊兹密尔现在是一个重要的港口和工业中心。人口757,854

43、A mountain range of northern Greece near the Aegean coast. It rises to 2,918.9 m(9,570 ft) at Mount Olympus,the highest point in Greece and home of the mythical Greek gods. ─── 奥林匹斯山希腊北部靠近爱琴海海岸的一列山。其主峰奥林匹斯山海拔2,9189米(9,570英尺),是希腊境内最高点,也是希腊诸神的家园。

44、Geological landform: In the Aegean Sea sea area the islands multitudinous, spread all over. ─── 地质地貌:爱琴海海域中岛屿众多、星罗棋布。

45、With the loss of Leros all our hopes in the Aegean were for the time being ended. ─── 勒罗斯岛既已陷落,我们在爱琴海的一切希望暂时也就破灭了。

46、An island group of southeast Greece in the Aegean Sea between Turkey and Crete. ─── 多德卡尼斯群岛:位于爱琴海土耳其和克里特岛之间的希腊东南部群岛。

47、Greek, referred to in southeastern Europe, Greece, on the Balkans, southwest near the Aegean sea Ionian sea and the Mediterranean's love. ─── 希腊共和国,简称希腊,位于欧洲东南部巴尔干半岛南端,濒临爱琴海,西南临爱奥尼亚海及地中海。

48、Paul is clearly not laboring for a retirement package that will allow him to live out his old age in a cottage on the Aegean Sea. ─── 保罗的劳苦,显然并非为了日后优厚的退休福利,让他可以在爱琴海的别墅安享晚年。

49、An ancient country and Roman province of southwest Asia Minor on the Aegean Sea. Ruled from early times by Persia and Syria, it was annexed by Rome in the first century a.d. ─── 利西亚一古国,曾为罗马帝国行省,位于小亚细亚西南部,靠爱琴海。早期为波斯和叙利亚所统治,于公元1世纪被罗马帝国兼并

50、A city of western Turkey on the Gulf of Izmir, an inlet of the Aegean Sea. ─── 伊兹密尔,士每那土耳其西部一城市,位于伊兹密尔海湾,是爱琴海的一个海湾。

51、An interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. ─── 不久之前,在爱琴海的基亚岛上,考古工作者有一项有趣的发现。

52、A peninsula of southeast Europe bounded by the Black Sea, the Sea of Marmara, and the Aegean, Mediterranean, Ionian, and Adriatic seas. ─── 巴尔干半岛:欧洲东南部的一个半岛,以黑海、马尔马拉海、爱琴海、地中海、爱奥尼亚海和亚得里亚海为边界。

53、But a continued territorial dispute between Turkey and Greece over the Aegean Sea may make it difficult for the two to find common ground. ─── 然而土耳其和希腊在爱琴海上的持续性的领土争端可能很难让双方找到彼此之间的共同立场。

54、To the west of Asia Minor there would be little Aegean states like Lydia, whose capital was Sardis, and Caria. ─── 在小亚细亚的西部有几个爱琴海的小国,像吕底亚 (首都在萨迪斯)和凯利亚。

55、Organic Stop (Aegean Coast) - Service halted in June. Please note our latest announcements of the estate management office or on this site. ─── 2007有机菜站(海琴海岸)-6月服务暂停,请留意屋苑管理处或本站最新消息。

56、A mountain range of northern Greece near the Aegean coast. It rises to 2,918.9 m (9,570 ft) at Mount Olympus, the highest point in Greece and home of the mythical Greek gods. ─── 奥林匹斯山希腊北部靠近爱琴海海岸的一列山。其主峰奥林匹斯山海拔2,918.9米(9,570英尺),是希腊境内最高点,也是希腊诸神的家园

57、Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaelogists on the Aegean island of Kea. ─── 不久以前,在爱琴海基亚岛上,考古学家创造(有)一个(项)非常有趣的发现

58、The Greek island of Santorini inthe Aegean Sea is a popular vacation spot, unparalleled in its beauty, but with a violent past. ─── 多少世纪以来,探险家们走遍世界各地,寻找这个神秘消失的国度,但收获甚微。那么,亚特兰蒂斯究竟是一个真实的存在,还是人类的杜撰?

59、An island of southeast Greece in the southern Aegean Sea. It is the smallest of the Cyclades Islands and was traditionally considered sacred to Apollo. ─── 得洛斯岛:希腊东南部一岛屿,位于爱琴海南部。它是基克拉迪群岛中最小的岛,传说中被视作阿波罗的圣地

60、A mountain range of northern Greece near the Aegean coast. It rises to2, 918.9 m(9, 570 ft) at Mount Olympus, the highest point in Greece and home of the mythical Greek gods. ─── 奥林匹斯山希腊北部靠近爱琴海海岸的一列山。其主峰奥林匹斯山海拔2,918。9米(9,570英尺),是希腊境内最高点,也是希腊诸神的家园

61、I'd love to go diving in the Aegean. ─── 我很想到爱琴海去潜水。

62、Cyclades:a group of islands of southeast Greece in the southern aegean Sea. The name was used in ancient times for the islands surrounding the small island of Delos. ─── "基克拉泽斯:希腊东南一群岛,位于爱琴海南部.这个名字用于古代,指得洛斯小岛四周的群岛."

63、The son of Daedalus who, in escaping from Crete on artificial wings made for him by his father, flew so close to the sun that the wax with which his wings were fastened melted, and he fell into the Aegean Sea. ─── 伊卡罗斯代达罗斯的儿子,他乘着他父亲做的人工翅膀逃离克里特时,由于离太阳太近以致粘翅膀用的蜡溶化了,而掉进了爱琴海

64、Not long ago,an interesting found was made by archeologists on a Aegean island of Kea. ─── 前段时间,考古学家在一个名为凯尔的爱琴海小岛上有了一个有趣的发现.

65、Xia Men Aegean Oil painting manufacture Co., Ltd ─── 厦门爱琴海油画制作有限公司

66、They had come down among the Aegean cities and islands some centuries before 1000 BC. ─── 公元前 1000年之前的几个世纪里,他们与爱琴海城市、岛屿一起延续下来。

67、After three harrowing weeks on a ramshackle boat, he and 72 fellow Africans were dumped in the sea by their captain off Turkey's Aegean cast. ─── 他和另外72名非洲人在一张破船上苦挨了三周后,他们的船长将他们扔进靠近土耳其海岸的爱琴海里。

68、Sail the Aegean in a cruiser ─── 乘游艇在爱琴海上旅游

69、After the tribal invasion by the North backward, Aegean Civilization decline. ─── 后因北方落后部落侵入,爱琴文明衰落。

70、We had booked to go on a sailing holiday in the aegean. ─── 我们已预订到了爱琴海的驾船度假旅游。

71、By the time of Herodotus (c. 475 BC) the Persian Royal Road ran some 2,857 km from the city of Susa on the lower Tigris to the port of Smyrna (modern Izmir in Turkey) on the Aegean Sea. ─── 希罗多德(公元前475年)时期,波斯御道从底格里斯河下游的苏萨城出发,途经2857公里,直到爱琴海的港口士麦那(今天土耳其境内的伊兹密尔)。

72、In the afternoon board the Cruise line and set your sights for the Aegean. ─── 下午专车前往港口,即登上豪华客轮,开始爱琴海之游。

73、On the Aegean, Stone and Steel Surrender to the Breeze ─── 关于爱琴海,石头和钢铁投降招展

74、The old Norwegian who had died in the Hotel Aegean must have been a big man, because his clothes fit Thomas comfortably. ─── 死在爱琴旅馆的那个挪威人一定是个大块头,他的衣服托马斯穿着都挺合适。

75、of or relating to or bordering the Aegean Sea. ─── 属于或关于爱琴海的,或爱琴海沿岸的。

76、Greece on Monday became the first EU country to report a case of bird flu, in a turkey on an Aegean island. ─── 希腊星期一成为报告发现禽流感病例的第一个欧盟国家,在爱琴海一个小岛的一只火鸡体内发现这种病毒。

77、Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea: including the Adriatic, Aegean and Black Sea, Portugal and Senegal. Has also been reported from southern Morocco, Mauritania, and Angola (Ref. 10813). ─── 东大西洋与地中海:包括亚得里亚海,爱琴海与黑海,葡萄牙与塞内加尔。已经也被记录自摩洛哥南部,茅利塔尼亚与安哥拉。(参考文献10813

78、Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. ─── 前不久,考古学家们在爱琴海凯尔岛上发现了一件令人感兴趣的东西。

79、The numerous Aegean Islands dotting the sea include the Cyclades, the Dodecanese, and the Sporades.Most of the islands belong to Greece. ─── 包括基克拉迪群岛、多德卡尼斯群岛以及斯波拉泽斯群岛在内的爱琴群岛之无数岛屿点缀于海上。

80、I want to go three places were London's Tower Bridge. Provence in France. There are the Greek Aegean Sea. ─── 三个我最想要去的地方分别是英国伦敦的塔桥.法国的普罗旺斯.还有希腊的爱琴海.

81、Athens fought long and hard, in conflicts on the sea and on land, to become leader of all Aegean city-states by the early 5th century BC. ─── 公元前5世纪,雅典经过海洋和陆地长期艰苦的征战成为爱琴海所有城市国家的霸主。

82、Island of Greece, the largest of the Dodecanese group and the most easterly in the Aegean Sea. ─── 希腊岛屿。

83、The Greek oil tanker Aegean Sea, carrying 80,000 tonnes of crude oil, runs aground in a storm while approaching La Coru ña, Spain, and spills much of its cargo. ─── 1992年,装载着8万吨原油的“爱琴海”号希腊油轮在接近西班牙的拉·科鲁尼亚时搁浅,造成大量船上货物的溢出。

84、Our main concern is to purchase the scrap vessels for demolition purposes all over the world especially lying Mediterranean Aegean and Black Sea. ─── 我们主要关心的是购买废船拆卸的目的在世界各地尤其是躺在地中海爱琴海和黑海。

85、A city in northeastern Greece on an inlet of the Aegean Sea,the 2nd largest city of Greece. ─── 希腊中北部的一个城市,位于爱琴海入海口,希腊第二大城市。

86、Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archeologists on the Aegean Island of Kea. ─── 不久之前,在爱琴海的基亚岛上,考古工作者有一项有趣的发现。

87、It surprises us with unexpected changes in its landscape and architecture, from the severe stone settlements of Mani in the Peloponnese, to the sparkling white settlements of the Aegean. ─── 从伯罗奔尼撒马尼地区那酷烈的石头碉楼民居,到爱琴海上明艳洁白的小岛房屋,希腊的自然风物和人居建筑以其超乎想象的变化带给我们不断的惊奇。

88、We have a large demolition shipyard in town of Aliaga Izmir located Aegean Sea on Turkeys west coast. ─── 我们有一个大型船厂拆卸镇阿利亚加伊兹密尔位于爱琴海的土耳其西海岸。

89、The Aegean Conifer Resort Sanya is a distinctively contemporary resort on Yalong Bay overlooking the most spectacular pristine beach in China. ─── 一线海滩最后一块可开发用地。享有南中国海的无限魅力的阳光,跨步可达海天相连的纯白粉末沙滩。

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