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08-20 投稿


declination 发音

英:[,dekl?'ne??(?)n]  美:[,d?kl?'ne??n]

英:  美:

declination 中文意思翻译



declination 短语词组

1、declination vernier ( ─── 罗盘仪)游标

2、magnetic declination ─── [电] 地磁偏角

3、declination arc ( ─── 罗盘仪上的)磁偏角弧

4、declination needle ─── 磁针

5、grid declination ─── 格网偏角,方 ─── 格偏向

6、line of no declination ─── [电] 无倾线

7、angle of declination ─── [医] 偏角, 偏倾角(股骨)

8、absorbed declination ─── [经] 已分配吸收的跌价, 已承担的跌价

9、declination error ─── 罗盘变动误差

10、declination axis ─── 赤纬轴

11、declination meter ─── 倾斜度计

12、declination chart ─── 磁偏图

13、gross declination ─── [经] 跌价毛额

14、declination constant ─── 赤纬常数

15、circle of declination ─── 赤纬度盘, ─── 赤纬圈

16、declination circle ─── 赤纬圈; ─── 赤纬; ─── 赤纬盘

17、Declination of Launch Asymptote ─── 发射渐近线的声明

18、apparent declination ─── 视赤纬

19、declination compass ─── 磁偏计

declination 词性/词形变化,declination变形

形容词: declina-tional |

declination 相似词语短语

1、codeclination ─── n.(天文导航学用语)[水运]余赤纬;同轴磁偏角

2、deamination ─── n.去氨基;脱氨基作用

3、desalination ─── n.(海水的)脱盐,淡化

4、reclination ─── 针拔术

5、declaration ─── n.(纳税品等的)申报;宣布;公告;申诉书

6、decimation ─── n.大批杀害;每十人杀一人;大量毁灭

7、declinational ─── adj.偏差的;下倾的;赤纬的

8、declinations ─── n.倾斜;偏差;衰微;下倾;赤纬;磁偏角

9、declamation ─── n.雄辩;朗诵

declination 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Discuss for MFE Testing Technology with Big Declination ─── 大斜度井MFE测试工艺探讨

2、From the year of the greatest declination of the moon and the disaster chain of typhoon and earthquake,the prediction of the Jiujiang earthquake(M_S5.7) on November 26 of 2005 is discussed. ─── 从月亮赤纬最大年和台风地震灾害链讨论了2005年九江5.7级地震的预测问题。这是灾害链预测地震的指标之一。

3、Field trips with instruction in map, compass, and Global Positioning Systems. Teaches bearings, triangulate, plot co-ordinate grids, compensate for declination and read topographic maps. ─── 在地图,指南针,和全球放系统与指令回答旅行。教轴承,分成三角形,情节坐标格子,补偿偏斜并且读地志的地图。

4、Units Used to Display Long , Lat , Declination , Ecliptic. ─── 单位长常常显示,拉特,偏差,黄道。

5、declination arc ─── (罗盘仪上的) 磁偏角弧

6、a declination of 15 degrees 15 ─── 度的偏角

7、celestial Declination ─── 天体赤纬

8、There are 4 Hipparcos stars among the 11 stars. The mean internal errors of proper motions of them in right ascension and declination are 0. 024ms/a and 0. 21mas/a, respectively. ─── 其中有4颗是依巴谷星,它们的赤经和赤纬自行精度的平均值分别为0.024ms/a和0.21mas/a。

9、A Comparison of the Characteristics of Co- seismic Lunar- solar Declination and Ecliptic- longitude Difference between Yunnan and Sichuan ─── 川滇地区地震时的月日赤纬及黄经差特征比较

10、magnetic declination ─── n. 磁偏角

11、From the perspective of the development of literature itself, the declination of traditional verse after Yuan had been irreparable, and the efforts of later generations were fundamentally short of innovation. ─── 从文学自身的发展规律来说,元以后的传统诗文已经呈现出不可挽回的颓势,后世的努力也缺乏根本意义上的创新。

12、Jiang Kui's “artificial” refined Ci is a culture specimen, which records the delication, achievement and declination of the Southern Song Dynasty. ─── 姜夔的“人工”雅词是一桢文化的标本,记载着当时文化的精致、辉煌和渐趋衰落。

13、an imaginary line connecting points on the Earth's surface where the magnetic declination is zero. ─── 一条在地球表面上连接磁偏为零的点的假想线。

14、The local Magnetic Declination needs to be entered MANUALLY into the Settings/Units page. ─── 当地磁偏角需要手工输入到设置/单位网页。

15、Any reference star that if found to show larger residual in either Right Ascension or Declination will be rejected from the astrometric solution. ─── 任何一个参考星的赤经或赤纬偏差超过这个值将被拒绝进行天文测量处理。

16、Of course, the ancient rishis were aware of the tropical, season-based cycles of northern and southern declination paths of the Sun and used them also when appropriate. ─── 当然,古代的印度圣哲是知道热带的,在适当的时候也使用以季节为基础的太阳偏角(太阳赤纬)南比变化周期。

17、angle of declination lofting ─── 偏角放样

18、On the Earth's surface where the magnetic declination is zero. ─── 一条在地球表面上连接磁偏为零的点的假想线。

19、Now you can get the declination of the sun with the next formula. (On some calculators "asin" will be labeled "sin -1 ". ─── ) 现在,你就可以得到衰落的太阳与未来的公式。(对某些计算器" ,在asin ",将标记的"罪恶-1 ") 。

20、Keywords raise boring method;pilot hole drilling;declination;declination correction; ─── 反井钻井法;导孔钻进;偏斜;纠偏;

21、declination of zenith ─── 天顶赤纬

22、A large reflect meridian circle is an instrument for the absolute determination of the declination and right ascension of a star. ─── 大型反射子午环是用来绝对测定恒星赤经和赤纬的仪器。

23、On the Declination of the Rugged School of Tang Poetry ─── 唐代怪奇诗派之衰变探微

24、The degree of difference between the positions of these two poles when seen at various locations is called magnetic declination. ─── 在不同地点所观测到的这两个极位置之间的差异度数,被称为磁偏角。

25、astrometric declination ─── 天体测量赤纬

26、Dominant Industries: Fundamental Theory, Current Declination and Developmental Approaches ─── 主导产业:基本理论、现实偏差及近期发展思路

27、plus declination excyclophoria ─── 外旋转隐斜视

28、Clan force in our country has stepped into a turbulent age when development and declination of the clan force transferred each other since last century. ─── 从上世纪开始,我国村落宗族势力的发展进入了一个动荡分化的时期,消长趋势间替。

29、Declination of Launch Asymptote ─── 发射渐进线的偏差

30、Keyword:Compare in front and back, wave soon width, declination Cape, the antenna increases a benefit, turning very much ─── 关键词:前后比,波速宽度,下倾角,天线增益,极化

31、Keywords cementing;small clearance;big declination;horizontal well;liner cementing;cement slurry;pad fluid;balanced pressure; ─── 尾管固井;小间隙;大斜度;水平井;水泥浆;前置液;平衡压力;

32、The invention relates to a growth device of the crystal with visible small-angle declination, in addition to its growing method. ─── 晶体的可视小角度倾斜区熔生长装置及其生长方法,涉及一种晶体材料的生长装置及其生长方法。

33、Two japonica rices, Wuyujing 3 and 97 7 were used to study changes in contents of soluble protein, free amino acids and endopeptidase activity during photosynthetic declination. ─── 以两个粳稻品种武育粳3号和97-7作材料研究了光合功能衰退进程中叶片中可溶性蛋白质、游离氨基酸和内肽酶活力的变化。

34、The degree of difference between the positions of these two poles when seen at various locations is called magnetic declination . ─── 在不同地点所观测到的这两个极位置之间的差异度数,被称为磁偏角。

35、minus declination ─── 内旋转隐斜视

36、Match Relations Between Sunrise and Sunset Hour Angles of Slope Surfaces and Solar Declination ─── 坡面日出日没时角的配置关系与太阳赤纬

37、It is an generalization of former theories from equatorial to mid-latitude regions.From this model one can see the influence of magnetic strength,inclination and declination. ─── 从该三维模型中可以看到地磁场的大小和位型的影响(包括磁倾角和磁偏角的效应)。

38、Now you can get the declination of the sun with the next formula. ─── 现在,你就可以得到衰落的太阳与未来的公式。


40、declination of the sun ─── 太阳偏角太阳赤纬

41、"The Surge of Running Water, the Lost Down- and-Out"--Exploring the Artistic Charm of the Texts of Occupation Declination in Modem and Contemporary Literature ─── "滚滚横流水,茫茫末世人"--现当代文学中职业没落文本艺术魅力探寻

42、A point that Majiatian tailings fill dam might induce earthquake and rainfall water might result in declination of shear strength of tailings sand soil once the reservoir is closed has been put forward. ─── 并初步提出了马家田尾矿库可能会诱发地震和封库停运后大气降雨会导致坝体尾矿砂土抗剪强度降低的观点。

43、After the rebellion of An lushan and Shi siming, Tang dynasty was from prosperity to declination when the central regions of economy transferred to the South and the eunuchs domineered in the palace. ─── 安史之乱以后,唐朝国势由盛而衰。经济上,北方经济遭到空前的破坏,经济重心转移至南方;政治上,内有宦官专权,外有藩镇割据;

44、Nothing can be done if the optical tube is not perpendicular to the declination axis or if the R.A. and Dec axes are not perpendicular, because these problems are next to impossible to fix. ─── 但没有避光学镜筒没有垂直于赤纬轴,或是赤纬轴与赤经轴没有互相垂直更糟的情况,因为这需问题会导致根本无法固定住要观测的目标。

45、An Analysis on The Cause of Declination of Jiaohe, The Site of An Ancient City ─── 交河故城衰落的原因分析

46、geomagnetic declination ─── 地磁偏角

47、declination flying ─── 偏向飞行

48、an imaginary line connecting points on the Earth's surface where the magnetic declination is the same. ─── 在地球表面上连结具有相同磁偏角各点的一条联线。

49、Based on geometrical optics, plane layered model and sphere layered model are used to analyze the laser transmission path and the declination angle from direct path. ─── 基于几何光学的方法,用球面分层和平面分层两种大气分层模式对激光在对流层中传输路径以及产生的仰角误差进行分析。

50、The Prosperity, Declination and Surpassing of the Traditional Moral Education ─── 传统德育的繁荣、式微与超越

51、He thought painfully.He reflected the thought origin of racialism in the 20th century, May-Fourth movement, declination now days and the separation between academy and thought. ─── 他痛苦的思索着,反思二十世纪激进主义的思想根源,反思"五四"运动,反思现实变得格外的功利、支离和媚俗,反思思想与学术的分离等等。

52、The key of difficulty in employment is inkling of self-cognitive ability ,confidence and the declination of self-expectation but too many graduates and declination of educational level. ─── 就业难的关键,也不是因为毕业生多,教育水平下降,而是自我认知的能力模糊,就业信心和自我价值期望的下降。

53、In order to avoid vicious price competition, enterprises in this industry wish to execute together the agreement price by establishing price alliance to prevent the declination of profits. ─── 为了避免恶性价格竞争,同行企业希望通过建立价格联盟,共同执行协议价格来阻止利润下滑。

54、The declination of baroreceptor reflex function is one of the important factor causing orthostatic intolerance after space flight. ─── 压力感受器反射功能下降是引起飞行后航天员立位耐力下降的重要起因之一。

55、Besides, least square fitting is employed in finite fringe moire deflectogram to eliminate declination error caused by inclination between two grating lines. ─── 对有限宽莫尔条纹图因栅线夹角引起的倾斜项误差采用最小二乘法加以剔除。

56、Analysis of observation error of the declination with bias current by vector proton precession magnetometer ─── 分量核旋仪偏置电流对磁偏角测量的影响分析

57、an imaginary line connecting points on the Earth's surface where the magnetic declination is zero ─── 一条在地球表面上连接磁偏为零的点的假想线

58、Keywords Geomagnetic declination;Magnetic guide position system;Realtime automatic correction technical of geomagnetic declination.; ─── 地磁偏角;磁导向定位系统;地磁偏角实时自动修正技术;

59、declination constant ─── 固有偏磁

60、His declination was all for me, he still loved me...I cried. ─── 他偏角是所有对我来说,他仍然爱我...我叫道。

61、Monarchs met to form alliances and strived for supremacy was an outstanding social phenomenon in the Eastern Zhou dynasty,and it also experienced a development process from prosperity to declination. ─── 会盟争霸是东周时期突出的社会现象,并经历了一个由盛而衰的发展演变过程。

62、A method of automatically computing magnetic declination via the geomagnetic declination map ─── 一种利用磁偏角地磁图自动计算磁偏角的方法

63、Arbitrary magnetized declination ─── 任意磁偏角

64、line of no declination ─── [电] 无倾线

65、Study on the influence of the directional error of the vector coil on the declination of FHD vector proton precession magnetometer ─── FHD磁力仪分量线圈装置误差对磁偏角观测的影响分析

66、Moral obligation prohibits declination of the call;duty-bound ─── 义不容辞

67、declination mechanism ─── 冒落机理

68、The sum of the area of trellis pores and the declination of particle distribution are defined as characteristic parameters of microstructure related to seismic subsidence of loess by authors. ─── 为此,作者将架空孔隙面积与粒径偏斜度之和定义为表征黄土震陷性大小的“微结构特征参数”。

69、Turning to the Red Cross conference, he says he is concerned about the focus on climate change in the final declination declaration, which is still under discussion. ─── 关于红十字会议,他称他很关心在最后的宣言中的气候变暖的焦点,这仍然在讨论中。

70、angle of declination ─── 偏角偏斜角俯角

71、The declination course started in the left ventricle prior to the rightventaide. ─── 心室舒张功能的减退左室先于右室。

72、the growth and declination of the strength ─── 力量消长

73、Magnetic field, auroras,magnetic declination and magnetic field reversals. ─── 地球的磁场、极光、磁偏角和地磁极倒转。

74、Quantitative Declination of Chinese Bee Colonies and Its Causes. ─── 中华蜜蜂群体数量缩减及其原因的探讨

75、The present era intensely summons the university innovation,but a phenomenon of declination of university spirit is appearing in our country. ─── 当今时代强烈呼唤大学创新,而我国正在出现一种大学精神衰微现象。

76、absorbed declination ─── 已吸收跌价

77、The unequally wear of the friction material, is also an important factor for the declination of the braking ability. ─── 制动时的摩擦材料的不均匀磨损,也是造成制动性能下降的重要的因素。

78、declination angle ─── 偏角偏向角

79、At that time of year the winter solstice was coming, and the Sun was moving into a lower declination in the sky. ─── 这是逐渐临近冬至的一段时间,太阳的赤纬也是不断地缩小。

80、Pasolini paid attention to the new declination of cinema, which set up a crucial question of modern films with great significance. ─── 帕索里尼在论文中提出了电影的新倾向,提出了现代电影的关键问题,具有重大的前瞻性意义。

81、Reason of the declination of the Chinese traditional realistic painting ─── 中国传统写实绘画衰微的原因

82、declination of Chiang Kai - shek's request to dispatch troops ─── “拒蒋出兵”

83、Is the accumulation and development of thousands years?experiences reflect the declination of literary painting? ─── 千百年来的累积、凝聚,发展,文人画到了今天,是否式微了呢?

84、The declination and its reasons of the Jia's family condensed and epitomized those of the reigns of Kangxi and Qianlong. ─── 贾府的衰败过程和衰败原因是“康乾盛世”衰败凝缩和缩影。

85、"ruo(若)" is at the beginning of declination. ─── “若”初现衰微;

86、solar declination ─── 太阳赤纬

87、The Winter Solstice occurs in the northern hemisphere when the sun reaches its most southerly declination. ─── 冬至发生在北半球,当太阳到达最南赤纬的时候。

88、Causes and conservation strategies of amphibian population declination ─── 两栖类种群数量下降原因及保护对策

89、There would be great difficulties in working on structural bolts, purline bolts, and girt bolts if there is any declination in embedding the anchor bolts. ─── 在施工过程中,我们要着重控制地脚螺栓的平面位置,垂直度及螺栓钉标高,以尽可能减少上述误差。

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