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08-20 投稿


felicities 发音

英:[fi?l?s?tiz]  美:[f??l?s?tiz]

英:  美:

felicities 中文意思翻译



felicities 同义词

aptness | content | delight | glee | joy | relevance | cheer | luck | festival | fortune | appropriateness | blessedness | blessing | good | gladness | contentment | choiceness | appositeness | good fortune |happiness | pleasure | skill | suitability | felicitousness | bliss | timeliness | ingenuity | enchantment

felicities 反义词

misery | infelicity

felicities 短语词组

1、felicities definition ─── 幸福的定义

2、felicities happy bassets ─── 幸福快乐的巴塞特

3、felicities def ─── 幸福定义

4、felicities friday harbor ─── 费利西蒂星期五港

5、felicities meaning ─── 幸福的意义

6、felicities felines ─── 猫科动物

felicities 词性/词形变化,felicities变形

名词复数: felicities |

felicities 相似词语短语

1、cyclicities ─── n.周期性;循环性

2、helicities ─── n.[物]螺旋性

3、felicitous ─── adj.恰当的;善于措辞的;幸福的

4、feliciter ─── 祝贺

5、velocities ─── n.[力]速度(velocity的复数)

6、solicities ─── 至点

7、ferocities ─── n.凶猛;残忍;暴行

8、infelicities ─── n.不幸;不适当;不吉利(复数infelicities)

9、felicitates ─── v.庆贺;庆祝;为……庆幸

felicities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities. ─── 这是好政府的最高点,也是我们完全过上幸福生活所必需的。

2、This is the sum of a good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities. ─── 这是一个良好政府的标志,而这也是为我们幸福圆满之所必需的。

3、Yet, even in the Old Testament, if you listen to David's harp, you shall hear as many hearselike airs,as carols: and the pencil of the Holy Ghost hath laboured more, in describing the afflictions of Job, than the felicities of Solomon. ─── 然而即在《旧约》之中,如谛听大卫底琴音,就一定可以听见与欢颂一般多的哀歌; 并且圣灵的画笔在形容约伯底苦难上比在形容所罗门底幸福上致力得多了。

4、modern testing methods and felicities. ─── 平、现代化的检验检测手段及军检设施。

5、The knowledge of future evils mortified the present felicities. ─── 未来苦难的了解压抑了目前的喜悦。

6、The knowledge of future evils mortified the present felicities. ─── 对未来苦难的了解压抑了目前的喜悦。

7、the star around which this angel gravitates,--few felicities equal this. ─── 并正因为那种黑暗,自己成了这安琪儿归宿的星球;人生的乐事很少能与此相比。

8、all said at once. Virtue is the link of all perfections, the center of all the felicities. ─── 都重要。美德是集众善之链,是一切幸福的中心。

9、This is the sum of a good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities. ─── 这是一个良好政府的标志,而这也是为我们幸福圆满之所必需的。

10、and the pencil of the Holy Ghost has labored more, in describing the afflictions of Job, than the felicities of Solomon. ─── 并且圣灵的画笔在形容约伯的苦难上比在形容所罗门的幸福上致力得多了。

11、These felicities are the true ones.There is no joy outside of these joys. ─── 这幸福是真实不虚的,除了这一欢乐外没有其他的欢乐。

12、Yet,even in the Old Testament,if you listen to David's harp,you shall hear as many hearselike airs,as carols: and the pencil of the Holy Ghost hath laboured more,in describing the afflictions of Job,than the felicities of Solomon. ─── 然而即在《旧约》之中,如谛听大卫底琴音,就一定可以听见与欢颂一般多的哀歌;并且圣灵的画笔在形容约伯底苦难上比在形容所罗门底幸福上致力得多了。

13、and the pencil of the Holy Ghost has laboured more in describing the afflictions of Job than the felicities of Solomon. ─── 其圣灵之笔用于描述约伯的痛苦,多于描述所罗门的幸运。

14、So often as she had heard then wish for a ball at home as the greatest of all felicities! ─── 她过去常听她们说,她们盼着能在家里举办个舞会,认为那是最大的快乐。

15、So often as she had heard then wish for a ball at home as the greatest of all felicities! ─── 她过去常听她们说,她们盼着能在家里举办个舞会,认为那是最大的快乐。

16、and the pencil of the Holy Ghost hath labored more in de- scribing the afflictions of Job, than the felicities of Solomon. ─── 并且圣灵的画笔在形容约伯底苦难上比在形容所罗门底幸福上致力得多了。

17、the many felicities of her language ─── 她言辞中妙语如珠

18、1、The knowledge of future evils mortified the present felicities. ─── 对未来苦难的了解压抑了目前的喜悦。

19、It will be one of the felicities of heaven that saints shall no longer misunderstand each other. ─── 如果天堂禁止欢笑,那我可不想去那里。

20、So is all said at once.Virtue is the link of all perfections,the center of all the felicities. ─── 此句话比什么都重要。美德是集众善之链,是一切幸福的中心。

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