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08-20 投稿


Byron 发音

英:[?ba?r?n]  美:[?ba?r?n]

英:  美:

Byron 中文意思翻译



Byron 短语词组

1、byron scott ─── 拜伦·斯科特

2、the byron bay english language ─── 拜伦湾英语

3、byron in hebrew ─── 希伯来语中的拜伦

4、Sixth Baron Byron of Rochdale ─── [网络] 罗奇代尔第六男爵拜伦

5、by byron ─── 拜伦(byron)

6、Lord George Gordon Byron ─── [网络] 乔治·戈登拜伦爵士

7、byron lars ─── 拜伦·拉尔斯

8、byron york twitter ─── 拜伦·约克推特

9、george gordon byron ─── 乔治·戈登·拜伦

10、byron barton ─── 拜伦·巴顿

11、Lord Byron ─── 拜伦勋爵

12、byron in cursive ─── 拜伦草书

13、george byron ─── 乔治·拜伦

14、James Byron Dean ─── [网络] 詹姆斯·迪恩;占士甸;詹姆士狄恩

15、byron donalds ─── 拜伦·唐纳德

16、george gordon noel byron ─── 深黄色雪棕色

17、Byron Pang ─── [人名]彭冠期

18、byron white ─── 拜伦·怀特

19、byron jones ─── 拜伦·琼斯

Byron 相似词语短语

1、byroad ─── n.侧道;间道;小路

2、bicron ─── n.毫微米

3、Styron ─── n.肉桂塑料(一种抗蚀性聚苯乙烯塑料);n.(Styron)人名;(英)斯蒂伦

4、baron ─── n.男爵;大亨;巨头;n.(Baron)人名;(英、汤)巴伦;(匈)鲍龙;(法、俄、德、意、捷、荷、罗、以、瑞典、印尼)巴龙

5、Myron ─── n.树汁;n.(Myron)人名;(英)迈伦

6、gyron ─── 滴滴涕

7、Byron ─── n.拜伦(男子名)

8、boron ─── n.[化学]硼;n.(Boron)人名;(法、意、捷、波)博龙

9、buron ─── n.(Buron)人名;(法)比龙

Byron 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Charles Babbage & Ada Byron (Lady Lovelace) worked on programmable mechanical calculating machines. ─── Charles Babbage和Ada byron发明了可编程的机械式计算器(差分机)。

2、The routine procedure scarcely registered surprise on Byron. ─── 对于惯常的一套工作程序,拜伦几乎未加注意。

3、His reputation among his contemporaries rivaled that of Byron and Walter Scott. ─── 他的名声可以和拜伦与司各脱媲美。

4、In 2000, the Nets hired him as an assistant to Coach Byron Scott. ─── 2000年,篮网聘用了弗兰克,他成为拜伦·斯科特的副手。

5、Back to reality, Byron - Davis is gone, though the Braves have an impact strength, but is back with the Buick Atsu, this is not a bad child. ─── 回到现实中来,拜伦-戴维斯走了之后,虽然勇士队的实力有影响,但是对于同是后卫的阿祖别克来说,这并不是件坏事儿。

6、There were injuryproblems, relationship with Byron Scott problems, and his days in New Orleanswere numbered. ─── 他有伤病的问题、有和拜伦-斯科特教练的关系不好的问题,而他在新奥尔良已经时日无多了。

7、Today's reading is excerpted from a collection of poetry by Byron. ─── 今天的阅读材料摘自拜伦的一本诗集。

8、Pug had used considerable severity to cure Byron of that habit. ─── 帕格曾相当严厉地纠正过拜伦的这个习惯。

9、In the summer of 1822 Leigh Hunt came out to Italy to discuss a new periodical, proposed by Byron, in which Shelley was to take part. ─── 1822年夏,利·亨特动身来意大利,讨论有关一份新的期刊的事宜,这是由拜伦倡议的,要雪莱参加创办。

10、Democrat senator Byron Dorgan is proposing a broader measure to exclude most foreign-made manufactured goods when the package reaches the Senate. ─── 当这个计划被送到参议院时,民主党参议员拜伦多根则提议进一步扩大使用美国产品的范围。

11、His next symphony draws on this experience. Harold in Italy is based on Byron's poem Childe Harold. ─── 他的下一部交响曲《哈罗德在意大利》即是取材于这段经历,根据拜伦的长诗《蔡尔德·哈罗德》创作而成的。

12、Yes, go ahead, let me collect myself-oh, and Byron, tell Maria I'd like some strong tea right away. ─── 去吧,去吧,让我镇静一下。噢,拜伦,你告诉玛丽亚说我现在想要一点浓茶。

13、Did you attend the concert last night, Byron? ─── 你昨晚出席音乐会没有,拜伦?

14、To this period, too, Belong his Lines written in the Euganean Hills and Julian and Maddalo, an autobiographical poem Based on a happy visit to byron in Venice. ─── 在这一时期,他还写了《尤根尼山上的札记》和《裘利安和麦代洛》,后者是根据他在威尼斯和拜伦一次愉快的会晤而写的自传体诗篇。

15、The next few years were spent mostly in Venice, where Byron established himself with a menagerie of strange animals and conducted various love-affairs. ─── 以后几年他主要是在威尼斯度过的,在那儿他驯养了一群珍奇动物,也搞了不少风流韵事。

16、Frontcourt depth has always been a big worry for coach Byron Scott, even when Tyson Chandler is healthy. ─── 前场深度一直令主教练斯科特麻烦不已,即便钱德勒保持健康。

17、Two divers work to capture a shark, July 16, 2008, so a grappling hook can be removed from its mouth near Byron Bay, Australia. ─── 7月16日,在澳大利亚拜伦湾,两名兽医潜入海中努力抓住一条鲨鱼,从它口中取出误吞的吊钩。

18、The new Byron Bay Northern Rivers Center is flourishing, judging from the radiant faces of the initiates and Convenient Method practitioners in the local group. ─── 从本地同修和方便法准同修容光焕发的脸庞,我们可以明显看出北河拜伦湾的新小中心正欣欣向荣!

19、Dan Evans: You're so sure that your crew's comin'to get you? Byron McElroy: They're lost without him, like a pack of dogs without a master. ─── 丹·埃文斯:你就那么肯定你的人会来救你吗?拜伦·迈克埃尔罗伊:他们没有他会迷路的,就像是一群没有主人的狗。本·维德:他们肯定会来。

20、A few weeks earlier, Byron Whizzer White had announced his retirement after thirty-one years on the High Court. ─── 几个星期之前,拜伦.怀特宣布退休,他已担任了31年最高法院法官了。

21、I wasn't there to see it, but I hear Byron Hadley was sobbing like a little girl when they took him away. ─── 当时我没在场,但我听说拜伦。哈雷被带走时哭的像个小姑娘。

22、Mean- while, he founded a highly successful Academy and even Lord Byron became one of his pupils. ─── 同时,他建立了一所拳击学校,办得很成功,连拜伦勋爵也成了他的学生。

23、Scott was contemporary with Byron. ─── 史考特是与拜伦同时期的。

24、Byron reluctantly admits that this is an imperfect world filled with all sorts of vices, hypocrisies, and absurdities. ─── 尽管人的有限,却不断在险恶的环境中奋斗;

25、He spent a week with Byron touring shipyards and factories. ─── 他花了整整一个星期时间跟拜伦一起参观船坞和工厂。

26、He had obviously never heard of Byron, but the uniform impressed him. ─── 他显然从未听过拜伦的名字,但是拜伦那军官制服赢得了他的刮目相看。

27、Most comparisons of Austen and the Romantic poets have focused on Wordsworth and Byron, whose works we know she read. ─── 奥斯汀和浪漫主义诗人的比较大多集中在华兹华斯和拜伦身上,我们知道她读过他们的作品。

28、Hart stared at Byron and shook his head in a tired way. ─── 哈特盯着拜伦看,不耐烦地摇了摇头。

29、But the key returnee is likely to be Byron Scott, who seems to have a genuine connection to his point god. ─── 但是最关键的回归莫过于斯科特,他看起来才是那些天才们的联系纽带。

30、Sweetie, do you honestly expect Byron Henry to materialize in the bar of this hotel at eleven o'clock? ─── 乖乖,难道你真以为今天十一点拜伦·亨利准会在这家旅馆的酒吧间出现吗?

31、Another student, whose family name was Huang and given name Po-lun, had the poet's name "Byron" as his English name. ─── 一个姓黄名伯仑的学生,外国名字是诗人“摆伦”(Byron),辛楣见了笑道:“假使他姓张,他准叫英国首相张伯伦(chamberlain);

32、She liked Byron better because he seemed, in this respect, more like her upright father. ─── 她比较喜欢拜伦,因为拜伦在这方面更象她为人正派的父亲。

33、He will also be running AKA Tires, Team Orion motors, batteries and electronics, KO Propo radio gear, and Byron’s fuel. ─── 他还将运行抗体轮胎,团队猎户座马达,电池及电子产品,正酚无线电设备,和拜伦的燃料。

34、At this epoch when Waterloo is only a clashing of swords, above Blucher, Germany has Schiller;above Wellington, England has Byron. ─── 当滑铁卢剑声铮铮的时代,在布吕歇尔之上,德国有哥德,在威灵顿之上,英国有拜伦。

35、Byron was back aboard the cramped Devilfish. ─── 拜伦又回到了狭窄的乌贼号上。

36、Byron awoke one morning to find himself famous. ─── 一天早上拜伦醒来,发现自己成了名。

37、Byron, as you know, died of fever three years later. ─── 拜伦,你们都知道的,三年之后死于发烧。

38、Now the rat of Panic was gnawing at Byron's spirit. ─── 如今恐慌正象耗子一样在啃啮拜伦的心灵。

39、Mary's stepsister, Claire, was pregnant by Byron, who was now tired of her. ─── 她的继母是“一个想起来就不寒而栗的女人“,玛丽曾经这样写道。

40、His poetry,and the main female characters lack realism,refraction of Byron female ambivalence. ─── 他的诗歌中的女性人物缺乏主体性和真实感,折射出拜伦对女性的矛盾心态。

41、She often quotes several lines of Byron in the class. ─── 她经常在课堂上引用几句拜伦的诗。

42、As soon as the question was asked, New Orleans Coach Byron Scott leaned back in his chair and laughed. ─── 当新奥尔良黄蜂队的主教练拜伦-斯科特被问到这个问题的时候,他只是靠着椅子,然后笑了笑。

43、His father died of drink and debauchery when Byron was 3, and when he was 10 his great-uncle --- the 'wicked' Lord Byron --- also died. ─── 他三岁时,父亲死于饮酒过度和生活腐化。他十岁时,他的叔祖--即"邪恶的"拜伦勋爵--也去世了。

44、He claims to be an admirer of Byron. ─── 他宣称是拜伦的仰慕者。

45、"And musing there an hour alone,/I dreamed that Greece might still be free" (Byron). ─── “在那默想一个钟头,/我梦见希腊也许仍然自由” (拜伦)

46、Was Brooke transmigrated Byron? ─── 他就是布鲁克。

47、Professor Knight has also written three studies of Byron, and a book on Principles of Shakespearian Production (1936) . ─── 奈特教授曾写过三篇关于拜伦的论文,和一部论述“莎士比亚剧作的原则”(1936)的书。

48、Sweetie, do you honestly expect Byron Henry to materialize in the bar of this hotel at eleven o'? ─── 乖乖,难道你真以为今天十一点拜伦·利准会在这家旅馆的酒吧间出现吗?

49、In the 19th century alone his influence may be seen in the poems of the Romantic poets Byron,Shelley and Keats. ─── 仅19世纪就有浪漫主义诗人拜伦、雪莱、济慈分别用斯宾塞诗体写出了传世佳作。

50、Harry Reid, the Senate's Democratic leader, Mr Bingaman and Byron Dorgan of North Dakota have offered three of the most prominent proposals. ─── HarryReid(参议院民主党领袖)、Bingaman先生和北达科他州的ByronDorgan已提交三个有份量的提案。

51、But the key returnee is likely to be Byron Scott, who seems to have a genuine connection to his point god. ─── 但是最关键的回归莫过于斯科特,他看起来才是那些天才们的联系纽带。

52、Home for New Years in Byron Bay with all my family, and then on to my home town of Brisbane for some catching up with old friends. ─── 回家和我的家人在拜伦港过新年,然后到我的故乡布里斯班和老朋友见面。

53、Bulwer-Lytton and not the poems of Lord Byron, as had been suggested by a young and, Melanie privately feared, very fast bachelor member of the Circle. ─── 他们把南方的姑娘们当作女王来看待,小心翼翼地避免伤害她们的自尊心,这就使得姑娘们心里想,为什么不和他们交往交往呢?

54、And musing there an hour alone, / I dreamed that Greece might still be free (Byron). ─── 在那默想一个钟头,/我梦见希腊也许仍然自由(拜伦)

55、He coached South Korea in the last World Cup when they beat Italy [in the quarter-final] with help from the Ecuadorian referee [Byron] Moreno. ─── 上一届世界杯他是韩国队的教练,他们在四分之一决赛靠厄瓜多尔裁判莫雷诺的帮助战胜了意大利。

56、"I thought you said they were all storming the embassy," Byron remarked to Slote. ─── “我记得你好象说他们都冲到大使馆去了,”拜伦对斯鲁特说。

57、Meanwhile,he founded a highly successful Academy and even Lord Byron became one of his pupils. ─── 与此同时,他建立了一个极为成功的拳击学校,甚至拜伦勋爵都成了他的学生。

58、His father's second wife, Byron's own mother, was a proud, irascible, Calvinistic Scotswoman named Catherine Gordon of Gight. ─── 他父亲的第二个妻子,即拜伦的亲生母亲,是一个高傲的、性情暴躁的、卡尔文教派的苏格兰盖特这个地方的妇女,名叫凯瑟琳·戈登。

59、Professor Knight has also written three studies of Byron, and a book on Principles of Shakespearian Production (1936). ─── 奈特教授还写过三篇关于拜伦的论文,和一部论述“莎士比亚剧作的原则”(1936)的书。

60、But in the release of long tension, Byron did want to talk about it, though the words came hard. ─── 可是经过长期的紧张之后,拜伦现在松弛下来,倒愿意谈谈这件事,虽然这些话很难说出口。

61、A 16-year-old surfer, Peter Edmonds, died after being attacked by a shark near Byron bay, on the New South Wales coast, in April. ─── 今年四月份,16岁的冲浪者,彼特. 艾德蒙兹,在新南威尔士海岸的拜伦湾附近遇袭身亡。

62、Lord Byron's, for example, incorporated beds, dining facilities and a library. ─── 例如,拜伦贵族将床、餐具、一个图书馆放在马车中。

63、And so you will see the differences between Byron's image in Europe and Byron's image in China. ─── 从而可以看出与欧洲的拜伦形象的异同及其变异。

64、Although Byron did use his own life as the material for much of his poetry, it is by no means purely autobiographical. ─── 虽然拜伦确曾利用自己的生活经历作为素材写了很多诗篇,但这些诗篇决不纯粹是自传性质的。

65、Justice Byron Whizzer White sent me a note from the bench saying that Joe had done a good job. ─── “奇才”拜伦.怀特法官从法官席给我递了张便条,说乔的业务水平很好。

66、Byron and his friends led a loose life when they were young in protest against the old customs. ─── 他听说他的前女友过着一种放荡的生活,他感到很抱歉;他觉得如果当初没有选择和她分手,她的生活也不会是这样了。

67、If there was, was he the Byron transmigrate Byron or transmigrate Brooke? ─── 如果真的有的话,他是拜伦的转世还是布鲁克的转世呢?

68、A sonnet by Byron might score high...on the vertical, but only average on the horizontal. ─── “一首拜伦的十四行诗“或许在纵轴上的得分很高”“但在横轴上得分普通”

69、The nature poems by William Wordsworth , George Gordon Byron's Isles of Greece and the sonnets and ling poems by JOHNLEATS have long been favorite . ─── 华兹华斯的自然诗、乔治、戈登·拜伦《哀希腊》以及约翰·济慈的十四行诗和长诗一直都有是人们所喜爱的诗歌。

70、Janice sat up talking with Byron long after Aster left. ─── 埃斯特走后,杰妮丝和拜伦促膝长谈。

71、have any trouble?" Byron asked, driving into a small parking lot and changing the subject in the same neat manoeuvre. ─── 有什么麻烦吗?”拜伦问道,同时把车开进了一个小停车场并用同样干净利落的手法转换了话题。

72、To lighten the atmosphere, Byron asked Slote about the workings of the embassy. ─── 为了缓和一下空气,拜伦问起斯鲁特大使馆里的工作情况。

73、Experts have authenticated the writing as that of Byron himself. ─── 专家鉴定这字迹是拜伦的亲笔。

74、Meanwhile, he founded a highly successful Academy and even Lord Byron became one of his pupils. ─── 同时,他建立了一所拳击学校,办得很成功,连拜伦勋爵也成了他的学生。

75、Knowing nothing of Byron's action at the White House, Natalie had written to thank Slote in effervescent pages. ─── 娜塔丽对拜伦在白宫干的事一无所知,所以她写了一封热情洋溢的信来感谢斯鲁特。

76、From Byron they drew a system of ethics in which the two great commandment were to hate your neighbour and to love your neighbour's wife. ─── 从拜伦那里,他们引伸出一种伦理体系,其中的两条金科玉律:憎恨你的邻人,爱上邻人的老婆。

77、Byron sat with his head thrust down and forward, his face white, the muscles in his jaw working. ─── 拜伦朝前俯着身子,低着头,脸色苍白,下巴的肌肉直抽动。

78、Poems by Wordsworth , Gorge Gordon Byron and John Keats have long been favorites. ─── 华兹华斯,拜伦,济慈的诗歌一直为人们所钟爱。

79、The arrows and the pins on the military maps were closing in day by day, from all directions, on Warsaw and Byron Henry. ─── 军用地图上的箭头和小针,从四面八方,一天一天地向华沙和拜伦·亨利逼近。

80、Don Juan is Byron's masterpiece, a great comic epic of the early 19th century. ─── 他的代表作《唐璜》是19世纪初期的著名讽刺史诗。

81、His main claim to fame was that he spent a few unhappy months as Lord Byron's personal physician. ─── 他之所以小有名气,主要还在于他曾是拜伦爵士的私人医生,并与其相处了不甚愉快的几个月时间。

82、Lutz, Byron F." Taxation with Representation: The Incidence and Efficiency of Intergovernmental Grants in a Plebiscite Democracy." MIT mimeograph, September2004. ─── 〈税收及表现形式:在一个全民公决的民主社会里政府间拨款的发生率与效率〉麻省理工油印,2004年9月。

83、George Cordon Byron (1788-1824) was born in London in an old aristocratic family . ─── 巴斯德(1822-95)是法国的化学家和微生物学家。

84、I wasn't there to see it, but I hear Byron Hadley was sobbing like a little girl when they took him away. ─── 当时我没在场,但我听说拜伦。哈雷被带走时哭的像个小姑娘。

85、"Anybody who marries one of us needs the patience of an elephant," said Byron. ─── “谁要是跟我们家的人结婚,就得有大象般的耐性,”拜伦说。

86、In the summer of 1822 Leigh Hunt came out to Italy to discuss a new periodical, proposed by Byron, in which Shelley was to take part. ─── 1822年夏,利·亨特动身来意大利,讨论有关一份新的期刊的事宜,这是由拜伦倡议的,要雪莱参加创办。

87、Yes, go ahead, let me collect myselfDoh, and Byron, tell Maria I'd like some strong tea right away. ─── 去吧,去吧,让我镇静一下。噢,拜伦,你告诉玛丽亚说我现在想要一点浓茶。

88、And let us not forget that the world’s very first computer programmer was a woman in her 20s named Ada Byron Lovelace. ─── 世界上第一个计算机编程员是一名女性,她当时才20岁,她生活在150年前。

89、Lord Byron Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it you can make it so. ─── 不要害怕梦想和现实的距离,只要梦想存在,终将成为现实。


If I should see you,after long year.How should I greet,with silence,with tears.——George Gordon Byron上面这两句诗出自英国著名诗人拜伦的《春逝》,被很多文青追捧。翻译过来,大概是这个样子:事隔经年,你我重逢,我该如何面对你?以眼泪,以沉默。这首诗充分描述了多年不见的老情人意外相逢之后的微妙感觉,既有潸然泪下的感动,又有相对无言的沉默。我们再来看唐朝诗人罗隐的一首诗:赠妓云英锺陵醉别十余春,重见云英掌上身。我未成名君未嫁,可能俱是不如人?首先介绍一下作者。按唐朝标准,罗隐一生很失败,按现在的话说,就是个屌丝。关键是长得还非常非常丑。《唐才子传》说他“少英敏,善属文,诗笔尤俊”,却考了十次科举都名落孙山。后来投靠地方军阀,十分潦倒。罗隐当初以屌丝身分赶考赴举,路过锺陵县(今江西进贤)时,认识了当地娱乐场所中一个颇有才思的歌妓,名字叫云英。两人大概谈了一次恋爱,实现了生命的大和谐。罗隐少不了跟云英描绘自己金榜题名后灿烂的前途。可是,理想是丰满的,现实却是残酷的,罗隐一直默默无闻,一次次榜上无名,一次次受人奚落。可谓是尝尽了世态炎凉,看惯了人情冷暖。十二年后,他再度落第后,又路过锺陵,与云英不期而遇。见她仍在娱乐场所工作,仍然是一个失足妇女,罗隐不胜感慨。谁知云英一见面却惊诧地说道:“这么多年过去了,罗秀才你怎么还是个屌丝?”罗隐便写了这首诗赠她。自从上次锺陵分别,一晃十几年了,没想到今天又见到你了,你还是徐娘半老、风韵犹存,拥有魔鬼身材,天使脸孔;我呢,依然是个屌丝,没有一举成名,你呢,也依然是个失足妇女,还没从良嫁人。咱俩呀,也就这回事,都是不如人家啊!这首诗可谓是一黑黑俩的典范了,既有自嘲,也有嘲讽对方,无奈、尴尬、自卑、愤慨,可谓五味杂陈。

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