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08-20 投稿


eddied 发音

英:[?edid]  美:[?edid]

英:  美:

eddied 中文意思翻译






eddied 短语词组

1、eddied meaning ─── 旋涡意义

2、eddied crossword ─── 艾迪纵横填字游戏

3、eddied crossword clue ─── 艾迪纵横字谜线索

eddied 常用词组

eddy current ─── 涡流;[电学]涡电流

eddy current testing ─── 涡流检测;涡流探伤

eddy current loss ─── 涡流损耗

eddied 词性/词形变化,eddied变形

动词现在分词: eddying |动词过去式: eddied |名词复数: eddies |动词第三人称单数: eddies |动词过去分词: eddied |

eddied 相似词语短语

1、neddies ─── n.驴;马;n.(Neddy)人名;(英)内迪

2、caddied ─── 卡迪拉克(Cadillac)

3、buddied ─── n.伙伴,好朋友;密友;小男孩;vi.做好朋友,交朋友;n.(Buddy)人名;(英)巴迪

4、muddied ─── adj.泥泞的;模糊的,混乱的;v.使污浊,使沾上泥;使难理解,把……弄糊涂(muddy的过去式和过去分词)

5、teddies ─── 连衫衬裤(teddy的名词复数)

6、reddier ─── 更红

7、giddied ─── adj.头晕的;眼花的;令人眼花缭乱的;轻浮的;vt.使晕眩;使眼花缭乱;vi.眼花;眩晕;n.(Giddy)人名;(英)吉迪

8、eddies ─── n.[流]旋涡;[流]涡流(eddy的复数);v.使起旋涡;起旋涡(eddy的三单形式)

9、readied ─── 准备好的

eddied 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The waves swirled and eddied around the rocks. ─── 波浪翻滚着在岩石周围打旋。

2、The wind eddied around the tower. ─── 风在塔周围回旋。

3、Below the waters eddied and swirled etching a secret language on the surface. ─── 水下激起漩涡和涡流,在水面画出神秘文字。

4、The pictures eddied and rushed. ─── 这些画面旋转着,涌动着。

5、His mind eddied over the lazy sensual memories of striding a horse and looking down a hill into a sunlit valley beneath ─── 于是思绪又袅袅地回到了当年,他觉得仿佛又懒洋洋,美滋滋地跨马立在上坡高处,望着底下阳光灿烂的山谷。

6、When he had finished he moved upstream a short distance to a place where the stream eddied out into a pool, and the turbulent waters were smoothed. ─── 他喝够了水,顺溪而上,走了不远的一段路,就来到了溪水打着旋、积成的一个小水坑,在这里,刚才那汹涌的溪水已经平静下来。

7、My mind had nothing in it but hot vapour, and vapour-filled bubbles frothed and eddied round a vortex of lazy fancy, aimless and unmeaning. ─── 我没有把它们放在心上,但是热蒸汽以及充满气泡的蒸汽在懒惰的幻想的漩涡周围发着泡和打着旋,毫无目的,也没意义。

8、The mist eddied round the old house. ─── 雾气回旋在这栋老房子的四周。

9、The light eddied and shifted as though refracting through the intricate vaults of a cathedral ─── 那淡淡的光线缥缈不定,袅袅似烟,象是透过大教堂结构奥妙的圆顶折射下来的一般。

10、and leaves eddied over the earth's scars. ─── 树叶在大地的伤口上旋转。

11、The crowd eddied about in the supermarket. ─── 人群在超市里打转。

12、1.Why are you dressed like that, Eddied? ─── 埃迪,为什么你穿成那样?

13、The mist eddied round the old castle. ─── 薄雾在那座古老的城堡的周围打转转。

14、Here was Sol hunched over the breakfast table.The pictures eddied and rushed.The more frantic they grew, the clearer my voice became, tolling like a bell: 'Sol! ─── 我将那些除翻译外还提供语言培训或本地化服务服务的公司也包含在其内。

15、Here was Sol hunched over the breakfast table. The pictures eddied and rushed. ─── 一会儿是爸爸牵着两头奶牛,一会儿是索尔俯身面向餐桌。


17、The pines rocked, the storm eddied and whirled above the miserable group, and the flames of their altar leaped heavenward , as if in token of the vow. ─── 松树摇摆,风雪在这群可怜人的头上旋舞;他们“圣坛”上的火焰跃向天空,仿佛代表盟誓似的。

18、The wind eddied around the tower. ─── 风在塔周围回旋。

19、Storm clouds eddied overhead. ─── 乌云在头顶翻滚。

20、My mind had nothing in it but hot vapour, and vapour-filled bubbles frothed and eddied round a vortex of lazy fancy, aimless and unmeaning. ─── 我没有把它们放在心上,但是热蒸汽以及充满气泡的蒸汽在懒惰的幻想的漩涡周围发着泡和打着旋,毫无目的,也没意义。

21、The rising waters eddied about her feet. ─── 上涨的河水绕着她的脚打转转。

22、The pines rocked, the storm eddied and whirled above the miserable group, and the flames of their altar leaped heavenward, as if in token of the vow ─── 松树摇摆,风雪在这群可怜人的头上旋舞;他们“圣坛”上的火焰跃向天空,仿佛代表盟誓似的。

23、The pictures eddied and rushed.The more frantic they grew, the clearer my voice became, tolling like a bell: 'Sol! ─── 这些影像反反复复地出现着,越是凌乱,我叫得越大声,如鸣钟一般:“索尔!

24、waters eddied and swirled etching a secret language on the surface. ─── 激起漩涡和涡流,在水面画出神秘文字。

25、The waves swirled and eddied around the rocks. ─── 波浪翻滚着在岩石周围打旋。

26、It went on and on..The splash of warm color in the sitting room eddied and moved. ─── 可是有一天从小说里看到了一句话,那正是我要说的,可它说得漂亮极了。于是你就记信这句话了。

27、handrail of eddied ladder ─── 旋转楼梯

28、If the sonic contrast eddied in the non-echo structure in adnexa area and no waterfall-like echo was observed in the area adjacent to the ipsilateral ovary,the non-echo structure was diagnosed as communicating hydrosalpinx. ─── 如果附件区液性暗区可见声学造影剂呈旋涡状流动,且在卵巢附近无瀑布状回声,提示该液性暗区为交通性输卵管积水。

29、The crowd eddied about in the market place. ─── 人群在市场中打转。

30、Here was Sol hunched over the breakfast table.The pictures eddied and rushed. ─── 一会儿是爸爸牵着两头奶牛,一会儿是索尔俯身面向餐桌。

31、At this moment, a beautiful and dazzling crystal column abruptly emerged from the lava, and as the lava swirled and eddied, splashed fiery sparks in all directions. ─── 就在这时,熔浆中突然冒起一丛亮丽炫目的晶柱,激荡之馀,火星四溅。

32、The light eddied and shifted as though refracting through the intricate vaults of a cathedral . ─── 那淡淡的光线缥缈不定,袅袅似烟,象是透过大教堂结构奥妙的圆顶折射下来的一般。

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