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08-20 投稿


depiction 发音

英:[d??p?k?(?)n]  美:[d??p?k?n]

英:  美:

depiction 中文意思翻译



depiction 词性/词形变化,depiction变形


depiction 短语词组

1、depiction synonym ─── 描写同义词

2、depiction meaning ─── 描写意义

3、depiction of scenery ─── 风景描绘

4、rape depiction ─── 狂犬病

5、graphic depiction ─── 图形描绘

6、depiction of satan in inferno 《 ─── 地狱》中撒旦的描写

7、depiction thesaurus ─── 描述叙词表

8、depiction of mary ─── 玛丽的画像

9、depiction mean ─── 描摹意味

depiction 相似词语短语

1、depictive ─── adj.描写的;描述的

2、depictions ─── 描写;叙述(depiction的名词复数)

3、defection ─── n.背叛;缺点;变节;脱党

4、dejection ─── n.沮丧;粪便

5、depilation ─── n.脱毛

6、decoction ─── n.煎煮;煎熬的药;煮出的汁

7、depicting ─── 描绘

8、depictor ─── 描绘者

9、deduction ─── n.扣除,减除;推论;减除额

depiction 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But the picture it paints of happy, content wives is propaganda negating that more realistic depiction. ─── 丈夫被其父亲所击退,但是这副描述着幸福、满足的妻子们的画面正否定着更为现实的情形。

2、Also keep in mind that NO film is entirely accurate in its depiction, not even a documentary. ─── 也必须注意“没有”一部电影在描述上是完全准确的,即使是记录片也不例外。

3、Huang Zhou's paintings vividly depict people's life situation, attracting viewers to be involved in his artistic work. ─── 他画的景象,使你身临其境,他画中的人物,好像可以呼之欲出。

4、Esthetically, they depict what is really happening in the society with the author hiding in the background. ─── 在思想价值取向上主要是平面化解构意识下的世俗体验与主体消解;艺术上采取原生态还原的零度叙事策略。

5、Applying other odorant with similar quality to avoid olfactory attention decrease can not promote depiction of activation in primary olfactory cortex. ─── 应用性质相近的另一种气体防止嗅觉注意降低,并不能更好地显示初级嗅觉皮层的激活。

6、Most of them depict the labour, life and religious activities of people in primitive society. ─── 大多描绘先民们在原始社会中劳动、生活、宗教活动的情况,

7、The Diurnal Cycle and Its Depiction in the Community Climate System Model. ─── 公共气候系统的日循环和描述。

8、The water flowing from his locks is a depiction of the River Ganga considered to be a goddess in Hinduism. ─── 从他的锁上被描绘成恒海,被认为是印度教的一位女神。

9、Its graphic depiction of racism and the injustice of slavery helped lead to the start of civil war. ─── 书中清晰描绘种族主义和不公平的奴隶制度,促使美国爆发南北战争。

10、Women are constantly depict as inferior to men. ─── 女人常常被描写成不如男人。

11、The halo resembles a golden mist, much like painters depict the haloes of ‘saints' and of Christ. ─── 光晕好象是金色的云雾,很像画家们用来表现“圣人”和耶稣的那种光晕。

12、The LRA has used the peace talks to depict itself as an army fighting for the rights of the north. ─── 上帝抵抗军已经在使用和平谈判来将自己描绘成一个为了北方利益而奋战的军队。

13、The depiction is therefore all you've got. ─── 因此你所有得到的只是描述。

14、In the classical Jungian framework, the tail-biting Uroborus is the symbolic depiction of the self. ─── 在经典的荣格主义框架中,咬住尾巴的咬尾蛇是对自我的一种象征性的描绘。

15、Rembrandt's depiction of his own eyes classically served as the windows to his soul, revealing his years and his wariness. ─── 林布兰把自己的眼睛视为灵魂的窗户,透露了他的年龄和谨慎。

16、Many Jews have been troubled by Shakespeare's depiction of Shylock. ─── 许多犹太人被莎士比亚对夏洛克的描述所困扰。

17、They object to the movie's depiction of gay people. ─── 他们反对这部影片对同性恋者的刻画。

18、It is widely used in the fissure detection, pressure prediction, dynamic reservoir monitor, oil-gas prediction, stratum's non-uniform depiction. ─── 在裂缝检测、压力预测、油藏动态检测、油气预测、储层非均质性描述方面得到广泛应用。

19、Mr. Bush's portrait of Mr. Cheney reaffirms many reporters' depiction of him as a steamrolling force for military intervention in Iraq. ─── 布什对切尼的描写再次证实了许多记者笔下切尼极力主张对伊拉克进行军事干预的架势。

20、At the same tune, he blended depiction, reasoning and expressing emotion in his epitaphs. ─── 同时,曾巩在创作墓志铭的过程中,往往融叙事、说理、言情于一炉,含情于铭,情深意远。

21、One relief stood out from the others: a richly detailed depiction of Gith, the warrior who led the revolt. ─── 一幅浮雕与众不同:对领导起义的战士吉斯的特写。

22、The words of a sentence cannot depict all the meaning in that sentence . ─── 从来没有一句话能说清楚它本身包含的意思。

23、One was a visual depiction of a novel. ─── 一部全然是小说的视觉化描述;

24、Writers depict life with their pen. ─── 作家用笔来描述生活。

25、One would have to know all the more relevant physical and biotic factors and be able to depict their interactions. ─── 人们必须知道所有有关的物理因子和生物因子,并能描述其相互影响。

26、Munch used thick brushstrokes and deep colors to depict his state of mind. ─── 孟克以浑厚的笔触和深沉的颜色来描绘他的心理状态。

27、He thought the Iranians were right to see 300's depiction of the Persians as "an example of cultural denigration" . ─── 他觉得伊朗人肯定把《300勇士》一片中对波斯人的描绘看作“文化毁谤的典型”。

28、The sky and sea depict a harmonious scene. ─── 天空和大海构成了一幅和谐的画面。

29、She went on to depict the confusion of departure. ─── 她继续描述离开时的混乱情景。

30、They object to the movie's depiction of gay people. ─── 他们反对这部影片对同性恋者的刻画。

31、These approving contemporary critics were particularly alert to each writer's contribution to the depiction of American social life, especially to regional differences in manners and character types. ─── 这些持肯定态度的当代批评家尤其注意到每个作家对美国社会生活描写的贡献,特别是风俗习惯和性格类型的地域差异。

32、An academic depiction of scenes from mythology, history, or the Bible. ─── 以神话、历史或圣经为题材的传统绘画。

33、The following sections use diagrams that depict cable adapter connections using a unit誷 transponder connector. ─── 下面的章节都用图形展示了使用应答器连接器进行的电缆适配器连接。

34、The following table describes the colors that are used to depict execution status. ─── 下表介绍用于描绘执行状态的各种颜色。

35、Soon a depiction of the oceans and continents emerge, and the acrobats continue their movements. ─── 很快海洋和大陆升起的描述,杂技演员继续他们的舞动。

36、In dictatorship, artists who wish to keep their pants must depict life in optimistic terms. ─── 在独裁制度下,艺术家们要想保持其地位就必须从乐观的方面去描写生活。

37、IVC seals depict animals, perhaps as the object of veneration, comparable to the zoomorphic aspects of some Hindu gods. ─── 印度河流域文明的图案也描绘动物,也许是所崇拜的对象,相当于一些印度教神的动物形象。

38、A gripping, powerful motion picture -- arguably the most forceful depiction of Jesus'death ever to be committed to film. ─── 一部吸引人的,强有力的好电影--可论证地成为迄今为止以电影的手法表现耶稣牺牲的最强有力的叙述。

39、The depiction of a single composite system definition showing uses of either application definitions or a system definitions. ─── 对单个复合系统定义的描述,显示应用程序定义或系统定义的使用。

40、MRI+MRU can depict abundant information of soft tissue pathology to direct the surgery therapy. ─── MRI+ MRU可显示更多软组织病变信息,指导临床治疗方案的选择实施。

41、Depiction for main cost of energy in nitrochlorobenzene process. Expatiate on the technique and fact effect of integrated steam using. ─── 叙述了硝基氯苯生产的主要能耗,并阐述了蒸汽综合利用的方法和产生的实际效果。

42、To depict or represent in the form of an animal. ─── 以动物形状描述,以动物形状表示

43、They have remoulded themselves in struggle or are doing so, and our literature and art should depict this process. ─── 他们在斗争中已经改造或正在改造自己,我们的文艺应该描写他们的这个改造过程。

44、The design view of a solution or project, which you see in Solution Explorer, is a logical depiction of the contents of a solution or project. ─── 您在解决方案资源管理器中看到的解决方案或者项目的设计视图是解决方案或者项目内容的逻辑描述。

45、An exte ion of photorealism in which depiction of subject is indistinguishable from reality. ─── 20世纪末兴起的一种绘画流派。照相现实主义的延伸,强调对现实的临摹。

46、It is showing a letter embracing a woman and the depiction to emphasize emotion filled letter is simply unparallel. ─── 它描绘了一个由字符组成人拥抱着一位女子,以此来表达“一封充满情感的信所产生的作用是无可匹敌的”。

47、He even wrote a poet to depict the event. ─── 为此他还写了一首诗。

48、To make, weave, or depict in a tapestry. ─── 在一块挂毯中制作、织出或描绘。

49、Contemporary Realism is the depiction of modern art. ─── 当代写实,是现代艺术的文本叙述。

50、Leonardo kept Judas within the company of his fellow Apostles within his depiction. ─── 在达文西的描绘中,他让犹大混在门徒当中。

51、It earns its tears through the artful 35)depiction of 36)plausible events and honest feelings. ─── 它通过巧妙地描述一些看来真实的事件和流露真挚的情感来赚取你的眼泪。

52、Exception: members of the media may use the photos on publications for positive depiction of Hong Kong. ─── 以下除外:大众传播媒介及旅游业界可用图片作正面描述香港的出版用途。

53、Her depiction of a 1930s Shanghai movie star Ruan Linyu, won her the best actress award in 1992 Berlin Film Festival. ─── 她扮演的三十年代上海电影明星阮玲玉还为她赢得了1992年柏林电影节最佳女演员奖。

54、But to depict the diverse natural beauty of Jiuzhaigou in one or two words is not nearly enough. ─── 九寨沟的风光,因它的内涵丰富,很难以一字穷述,还须继续探幽发微。

55、A realistic depiction of inanimate objects, esp. flowers, fruit, or domestic items. ─── 以写实的手法描绘无生命的物体,比如花、果、什等。

56、It is the earliest archeological culture in China to feature jade artifacts and to depict dragons. ─── 它也是在中国发现最早的表现“龙”和发现玉器制件的文化遗址。

57、The cartoon vividly depict the relationship between wealth and happiness. ─── 参考译文这些漫画生动地描述了财富和快乐的关系。

58、Finally, poesy works should be depict earthliness life . ─── 三、向民歌学习使他的作品富有世俗气息和民歌风味。

59、In clinical electrocardiography, of course, one does not begin with a depiction of electrical actors arising in the heart. ─── 在临床心电图上,人们自然不是首先描绘从心脏中产生的电向量。

60、Although the penetrating judgment and easily historical depiction, it had its nameless oppression and suffering, and the antinomy and gap. ─── 但在真知灼见和历史叙述的从容背后,也有难以言说的压抑和痛苦,有文本的矛盾和缝隙。

61、Moreover, forest was introduced to depict the vasculature in view of the complexity of real angiograms. ─── 攷虑到实际图像的复杂性,进一步引入森林来完全描述血管树。

62、The entrance has a depiction of Buddha asking after the ill. ─── 大门入口处左手边塑有佛陀问病图。

63、The ceiling is painted with frescos, among which the four larger-sized depict the ecumenical councils. ─── 屋顶绘满壁画,较大四幅描绘了教会会议的情景。

64、Some depict story-book characters, others suggest the sponsor's hallmark, and some represent abstract ideas. ─── 彩车中,有的再现了小说中的人物,有的显示了主办者的标志,还有一些表现了抽象的概念。

65、In clinical electrocardiography, of course, one does not begin with a depiction of electrical actors arising in the heart. ─── 在临床心电图上,人们自然不是首先描绘从心脏中产生的电向量。

66、Other paintings depict Chinese and foreign musical performances, dancing and acrobatics. ─── 其它绘画描绘了中国和外国的音乐,舞蹈和杂技表演。

67、His richly coloured lyrical paintings depict objects and people in unusual juxtapositions , often floating in space. ─── 他的色彩斑斓的抒情油画将人物和事物不同寻常地加以并置,并经常漂浮在空中。

68、However, a great number of the rest have been angered by his "soft" depiction of Japanese invaders. ─── 但是,很多其他人则为他对日本侵略者的“柔和的”描述感到气愤。

69、Can say him to use the own pen oneself misery that suffer is with the nation perishes , the woe depict thoroughly. ─── 可以说他用自己的笔把自己遭遇的不幸和亡国的悲哀刻画得淋漓尽致。

70、The following sections use diagrams that depict cable adapter connections using a unit transponder connector. ─── 下面的章节都用图形展示了,使用组合应答器进行的电缆适配器连接。

71、Her works are famous for the depiction of the life of the middle-class working women, particularly governesses. ─── 她的作品擅长于描写中产阶级的职业女性,尤其是家庭教师。

72、Relationship lines depict strength of relationship. ─── 意指:用关连线描绘出强弱关系。

73、The work shows the rurality living style of two aged artists by details. The iconographic depiction shows an idyllic and peaceful mood. ─── 作品表现了两位老艺术家田园般的生活状态,画面上的细节烘托了田园气息。通过肖像式的描绘,流淌着一种宁静致远,怡然自得的平和心情。

74、Analyze from many examples,"shape" of the Animation for toddlers helps its "shape" in depiction, giving it more lively. ─── 举例分析,儿童题材动画的“神”有助于“形”的刻画,使它更加有生命力。

75、Among these simulations, GARP seems to well depict the spatial pattern of potential distributions of community-species. ─── 其中GARP能模拟出物种潜在分布的空间格局;

76、The crowd ripped down posters depiction their political opponents. ─── 人群中的人将宣扬他们的政敌的标语撕了下来。

77、We shall use various schemes, none of them wholly satisfactory, to depict vector fields in this book. ─── 在本书中我将用不同的图样画出矢量场,但没有一种是完全令人满意的。

78、I am afraid I can scarsely depict for you, my dear reader, the feeling I had when i first met her. ─── 我亲爱的读者,我恐怕不能很好地向你描述我见到她时的感觉。

79、It was a chilling depiction of one potential side effect of the critical donor shortage. ─── 书中描述的由于捐献器官紧缺引起的潜在恶果着实让人不寒而栗。

80、The question is whether this depiction should be replaced with a network, or Web of Life (5) (see the figure). ─── 值得疑问的是,这种表述是否应该被网络或者网型的生命演化模式替代(5)(看它的形状)。

81、A visual depiction of the complete value stream, including material, product, and information flow. ─── 一个目视化以描述整体价值流,包含原材料产品及咨訊流分析图。

82、An animated depiction of Pangea Ultima demonstrates a bold exercise in futuristic thinking. ─── 动画呈现终极盘古大陆显示,未来学想法的大胆运作。

83、Liu's fictions depict the perseverance and tragic fate of coal miners. ─── 刘在邦的小说书写了煤矿工人的坚忍与悲命。

84、A brief shot that interrupts the visual continuity of the main action of a film, often to depict related matter or supposedly concurrent action. ─── 切换镜头一种中断电影的主要情节画面的连续性的简短镜头,通常用来描绘相关事件或可能同时发生的情节

85、A depiction of natural land forms, sometimes allegorical. ─── 以自然风景为主题,有时含有讽喻意义的作品。

86、An extension of photorealism in which depiction of a subject is indistinguiahable from reality. ─── 20世纪末兴起的一种绘画流派。照相现实主义的延伸。强调对现实的临摹。

87、In mythic legends,the depiction of the dead Ymir is quite similar to that of the dead Kronos . ─── 在神话传说中,对伊米尔死后的描绘与克罗诺斯极为相似。

88、The author tried to depict the splendor of the sunset. ─── 作家试图摹写落日的光彩。

89、Archaeologists said the throne was an exceptional find; furniture of its type had previously only been seen in artistic depiction. ─── 考古学家说,这个宝座是一个惊喜的发现;这类的摆设之前仅出现于艺术表现中。

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