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08-20 投稿


sofa 发音

英:[?so?f?]  美:[?s??f?]

英:  美:

sofa 中文意思翻译




sofa 网络释义

n. 沙发;长椅n. (Sofa)人名;(塞)索法

sofa 短语词组

1、sofa bed n. ─── 坐卧两用的长沙发

2、bed table sofa ─── 床桌沙发

3、get kids off sofa ─── 让孩子们离开沙发

4、lay an egg on the sofa ─── 在沙发上下蛋

5、sofa-beds (sofa-bed ─── 的复数) 坐卧两用沙发;沙发床

6、grilling guests on the sofa ─── 在沙发上烤客人

7、sofa-bed ─── 坐卧两用沙发;沙发床

8、are they on the sofa ─── 他们在沙发上吗

9、sofa spud ─── 沙发土豆泥

10、couch sofa settee ─── 沙发 ─── 沙发长椅

11、on sofa ─── 在沙发上

12、get kids off the sofa ─── 让孩子们离开沙发

13、couch sofa lounge ─── 沙发休息室

14、in sofa ─── 在沙发上

15、couch sofa armchair ─── 沙发 ─── 沙发扶手椅

16、sleeper sofa ─── [体]可睡沙发

17、sectional sofa ─── 分段沙发

18、sofa beds ─── 坐卧两用的长沙发( sofa bed的名词复数 )

19、in the sofa on the sofa ─── 在沙发上 ─── 在沙发上

sofa 词性/词形变化,sofa变形


sofa 常用词组

sofa bed ─── 沙发床,坐卧两用的长沙发

sofa 相似词语短语

1、softa ─── 神学及宗教法学学生

2、soma ─── n.体细胞;躯体;身体;n.(Soma)人名;(意、西、刚(金)、斯里、阿富、布基)索马

3、sofas ─── [家具]沙发

4、sola ─── n.粗糙田皂角;n.(Sola)人名;(英、俄、芬、西、葡、意、罗、瑞典)索拉

5、soft ─── adj.软的,柔软的;温柔的,温和的;软弱的;笨的;adv.柔软地;温和地;n.柔性;柔软的东西;柔软部分

6、soba ─── n.荞麦面;n.(Soba)人名;(日)岨(姓);(西、几、肯)索巴

7、sofar ─── abbr.水底测音装置(soundfixingandraging)

8、soda ─── n.苏打;碳酸水;n.(Soda)人名;(意)索达;(日)曾田(姓)

9、soca ─── n.(Soca)人名;(罗)索卡

sofa 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To-gether they were able to lift the sofa. ─── 他们一起动手才抬起了那张沙发。

2、The salesperson talked me into buying the expensive sofa. ─── 售货员说服我买这个很昂贵的沙发。

3、Tired from her walk she slumped down onto the sofa. ─── 她走累了,一屁股坐到沙发上。

4、She draped some velvety material over the old sofa. ─── 她把丝绒般柔软的织物罩在旧沙发上。

5、He laid his arm on the back of the sofa behind her and left it there for a few minutes, but then he took it away again. ─── 他胳膊放在她身后的沙发背上,有好几分钟这样搁着,但还是挪开了。

6、A cat lay coiled up on the sofa. ─── 一只猫卷成一团地躺在沙发上。

7、Have you seen the fashion magazine on the sofa? ─── 你见过沙发上的那本时装杂志吗?

8、Cuddle on the sofa and watch a movie. ─── 在沙发上一边互相拥抱一边看电影。

9、She was reclining on a sofa. ─── 她倚靠在沙发上。

10、He had a good rummage inside the sofa. ─── 他把沙发内部彻底搜寻了一翻。

11、Jori: She's sitting on the sofa over there. ─── 乔瑞:那边,坐在沙发上的就是。

12、She turned a sofa in the sitting room. ─── 她转身坐到了单间的一个沙发上。

13、He had his seat in the sofa and lit a cigar. ─── 他坐在沙发上,点燃了一只香烟。

14、She snuggled up to him on the sofa. ─── 她依偎着他坐在沙发上。

15、They made up a bed for me on the sofa. ─── 他们给我在沙发上铺好被褥当作床.

16、He reclined on the sofa reading a magazine. ─── 他躺在沙发上看杂志。

17、Croon her, leaned on the sofa, reading a COVEN. ─── 她轻哼着,斜靠在沙发中,看了COVEN一眼。

18、He settled himself on the sofa to watch TV. ─── 他舒舒服服地坐在长沙发上看电视。

19、He was sprawling on the sofa. ─── 他手脚张开地躺在沙发上。

20、He leant on the back of the sofa . ─── 他斜靠在沙发的背上。

21、Children like bouncing up and down on a sofa. ─── 孩子们喜欢在沙发上蹦蹦跳跳。

22、He came home and just sprawled out on the sofa. ─── 他回到家就四肢舒展地倒在沙发上。

23、A rollaway can be moved into a room to sleep an extra person, and a hide-a-bed is a sofa that folds out to make a bed. ─── 滚动式折叠床可随时推人房内,为客人加铺,而暗床则是一种沙发式折叠床、摊开后可作床用。

24、He lay on the sofa with a cushion under his head. ─── 他躺在沙发上, 头底下枕了一个靠垫。

25、She slumped, exhausted, onto the sofa. ─── 她疲惫之极地倒在沙发上

26、He flung off his coat and collapsed on the sofa. ─── 他随手脱掉大衣,倒在沙发上。

27、A lazy cat is sleeping on the sofa. ─── 一只懒猫正睡在沙发上。

28、You can kip on the sofa, if you like. ─── 你想睡可以睡在沙发上。

29、They nestled together on the sofa. ─── 他们一起依偎在沙发上。

30、Do you prefer the sofa or chair? ─── 你喜欢坐沙发还是椅子呢?

31、Edith walked to the sofa and sat down. ─── 伊迪丝走到沙发前,坐下。

32、I bargained with her to come and sleep on my sofa for a dollar a night. ─── 我让她来我家沙发上睡,经过讨价还价每晚付她一美元。

33、He stretched himself out on the sofa. ─── 他伸开手脚躺在沙发上。

34、She is lolling on a sofa,with nothing to do. ─── 她懒洋洋地躺在沙发上,无事可做。

35、She plumps up the sofa cushion. ─── 她把沙发垫子拍得鼓鼓的。

36、She stood up from the sofa, and then reached me the book. ─── 她从沙发上站起身来,把那本书递给了我。

37、Thus went my meditation on green sofa. ─── 就这样,我坐在绿色的沙发上沉思着。

38、A large sofa, often convertible into a bed. ─── 坐卧两用沙发大沙发,经常可变换成床

39、She lay down on the sofa for forty winks. ─── 她在沙发上躺下,打个盹儿。

40、You let me stand on sofa and compare our height. ─── 你让我站在沙发上与你对比身高。

41、I decided to ditch the sofa bed. ─── 我决定把沙发床扔掉。

42、A three piece suite has two chairs and a sofa. ─── 三件一套的家俱有两把椅子和一个沙发。

43、He lay down on the sofa and soon fall asleep. ─── 她躺在沙发上很快就睡著了。

44、he would stretch out on his laboratory sofa and let fantasies flood his mind. ─── 他都要舒展四肢躺在他实验室的沙发上,让幻想任意在脑际流淌。

45、He moved the sofa two metres to the left. ─── 他把沙发往左移了两米。

46、The kitten was sleeping curled up on the sofa. ─── 小猫在沙发上蜷作一团睡觉。

47、She flung herself down on the sofa. ─── 她一下扑倒在沙发上。

48、He sat in the chair; Graham sat on the sofa. ─── 他坐在椅子上,格雷厄姆坐在沙发上。

49、The large sofa would be out of place in a small room. ─── 这张大沙发放在一个小房间里很不相称。

50、She watches TV on the sofa with me every night. ─── 她每天晚上在沙发上和我一起看电视。

51、Help me to shift the sofa away from the fire. ─── 帮我把这沙发挪得离炉火远些。

52、If you want to sell your old sofa, why not put an advertisement in the local paper? ─── 你若打算卖掉旧沙发,何不在本地报纸上登个广告呢?

53、She nestle down into the big sofa and begin to enjoy music. ─── 他舒服地坐进大沙发,开始欣赏音乐。

54、He plumped the bundle down on the sofa. ─── 他把包袱噗通一声放落在沙发上。

55、He had been lucky enough to pick up a sofa at the auction which was as good as new and cost him under£50. ─── 他在拍卖行买到了一个完好如新的沙发,花了还不到50英镑。他真是走运。

56、He had fallen asleep on the sofa. ─── 他在沙发上睡着了。

57、They were snogging on the sofa. ─── 他们正在沙发上接吻。

58、Don't jump up and down on the sofa. ─── 不要在沙发上跳上跳下。

59、I'm usually a sofa spud on Sunday. ─── 在星期天,我通常看电视。

60、Both sofa and the working dest are facing wall. ─── 异于常理的空间安排桌子跟沙发全部面墙

61、She sat in the sofa, swathed in a blanket. ─── 她坐在沙发上,身上裹着一条毛毯。

62、He lay on a sofa, reading a book. ─── 他躺在沙发上看书。

63、The preparations meanwhile went on, and Lady Bertram continued to sit on her sofa without any inconvenience from them. ─── 舞会的准备工作正在进行,伯特伦夫人依然坐在沙发上,全都不用她操心。

64、He was sprawling in the sofa in front of the TV. ─── 他伸开手脚坐在电视机前的沙发上。

65、Together they were able to lift the sofa. ─── 他们一起动手才把那张沙发抬了起来。

66、She spread a sheet on the sofa for me. ─── 她为我在沙发上铺了一条单子。

67、She bought the sofa at the department store. ─── 她在百货公司买了这沙发。

68、He nestled himself into the sofa for a nap. ─── 他倒身躺在沙发上小睡了一会儿。

69、She step into the room and sit down in a sofa. ─── 她走进屋子在沙发上坐下。

70、She raised higher and higher in the sofa. ─── 她的身子在沙发里越挪越高。

71、His cat tears his sofa with scratches. ─── 他的猫把他的沙发的漂亮的表面抓破了

72、She must secure the entire use of a sofa. ─── 她必须有一张沙发供她专用。

73、He was lying on the sofa watching TV. ─── 他躺在沙发上看电视.

74、On a sofa, in shadow, was Roscoe Heyward. ─── 在背光处的沙发上,坐着罗斯科·海沃德。

75、She sat in the sofa with her legs propping on a small stool. ─── 她坐在沙发上,双腿搁在一张小凳上。

76、We lounged on the sofa and watched TV all day. ─── 休闲地消磨时光。

77、She sleeped soon when lied on sofa. ─── 她躺在沙发上很快就睡着了。

78、"He is coming," interjected Tobias from the sofa. ─── “他要来了。”坐在沙发上的托拜厄斯插嘴说。

79、"Easy does it, " said the landlady when we moved the sofa upstairs. ─── 当我们把沙发往楼上搬时,女房东说:"慢慢来,小心点。"

80、He planked himself into the sofa. ─── 他迅速坐沙发上了。

81、In the portrait he is shown lying on a sofa. ─── 在这张画像中画着他躺在沙发上。

82、A sofa consisting of two end modules. ─── 一个由两端组合部件构成的沙发

83、You'd better make sure how much the sofa is. ─── 你最好弄清楚那沙发到底多少钱。

84、He had been lucky enough to pick up a sofa in a secondhand shop which was as good as new and cost him under£50. ─── 他很幸运,在一家旧货店里买到了一个像新的一样的沙发,用的钱连50镑还不到。

85、He sat on the sofa, drinking coke. ─── 他坐在沙发上,喝着可乐。

86、On the sofa, we began to watch television. ─── 坐在沙发上后,我们开始看电视。

87、He'll be sleeping on the sofa, according to Gawker. ─── 就这种情况而言,看来他只好睡沙发了。

88、He found her sprawled on the sofa. ─── 他发现她四脚朝天地躺在沙发上。

89、Arriving home, I collapsed at the sofa. ─── 一回到家,我累得倒在沙发上。


sofa意思是:n. 沙发;长椅造句:

1、The sofa functions as a bed at night.这沙发在夜里可以当床。

2、There's little spring in this sofa.这张沙发几乎没什么弹性。

3、She sat down next to him on the sofa. 她紧挨着他在沙发上坐下了。

4、The kitten was curled on a cushion on the sofa. 那只小猫在沙发垫子上蜷缩成了一团。

5、He is sitting beside her on the sofa 他挨着她坐在沙发上。

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