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jolly 发音

英:['d??l?]  美:['d?ɑli]

英:  美:

jolly 中文意思翻译






jolly 网络释义

adj. 愉快的;欢乐的;宜人的adv. 很;非常vt. (口)用好话劝某人做…;(口)用好话使高兴vi. (口)开玩笑n. (Jolly)人名;(法)若利;(英、印)乔利;(德)约利

jolly 同义词

hugely | josh | breezy | gleeful | moderately | tremendously | happy | merry | bright | chaff | good-humored | pleasant | carefree | fun | pretty | cheery | banter | friendly | joyful | somewhat | boon | middling | really | ebullient | buxom | comic | passably | terribly | brisk | kid | extremely | festive | very | jovial | gay | mirthful |cheerful | reasonably | fairly | jolly boat | gala | terrifically | jocund

jolly 反义词

gloomy | melancholy

jolly 短语词组

1、Howell-Jolly bodies ─── [医] 豪-若二氏体, 豪威耳氏体

2、jolly boat n. ─── 大船上所携带的小艇

3、jolly-up n. ─── 舞会, 豪饮, 酒宴, 跳 ─── 舞

4、Jolly spring balance ─── [化] 约利弹簧秤

5、tame jolly ─── 自卫队员,民兵

6、jolly's apparatus ─── [机] 乔利仪

7、Jolly's sign ─── [医] 若利氏征(前臂屈曲、肩外展时,上臂不能内收,见于脊髓第七颈节病灶)

8、dinner show jolly holiday ─── 欢乐假日晚宴

9、jolly along ( ─── 用哄、捧等方式)使…高兴(以达到某种目的); ─── 用乐趣鼓励(某人):;[俚语]鼓励…加快行动

10、the jolly Roger ─── 海盗旗

11、jolly hockey sticks ─── [网络] 快乐曲棍球棒

12、jolly Roger ─── 海盗旗

13、jolly with sb ─── 同某人开玩笑

14、Jolly's reaction ─── [医] 约利氏反应(检肌无力)

15、a jolly dog ─── 快活的人

16、jolly well ─── 实在; 的确; 一定; 最好

17、Jolly's bodies ─── [医] 若利氏体, 豪威耳氏体(成熟红细胞核片)

18、Jolly balance ─── [化] 约利比重秤

19、jolly up ─── 鼓励…积极起来:

jolly 词性/词形变化,jolly变形

形容词最高级: jolliest |形容词比较级: jollier |动词现在分词: jollying |副词: jollily |动词过去式: jollied |动词过去分词: jollied |名词: jolliness |动词第三人称单数: jollies |名词复数: jollies |

jolly 相似词语短语

1、colly ─── v.把……弄脏;n.锅灰;煤灰;n.(Colly)(法、美、英)科利(人名)

2、golly ─── int.天哪(表示惊讶);n.一滩唾沫;黑脸短发布娃娃;v.吐口水;n.(Golly)(美、法、德、波、加)戈利(人名)

3、jelly ─── n.果冻;胶状物;vi.成胶状;vt.使结冻;n.(Jelly)人名;(英)杰利;(俄)叶利

4、folly ─── n.愚蠢;荒唐事;讽刺剧;n.(Folly)人名;(匈)福伊;(法)福利

5、Polly ─── n.波莉(女子名,等于Mary);鹦哥(鹦鹉的通称,等于pollparrot)

6、Molly ─── n.莫利(女子名)

7、jolty ─── adj.摇动的;颠簸的

8、Dolly ─── n.洋娃娃;滑动台架;移动式摄影车;洗衣搅棒;(板球)易接球;有魅力的时髦女郎;v.用移动车移动;移动摄影车;adj.(女孩)时髦的;(板球)易接的

9、Holly ─── n.冬青树(等于holmoak);adj.冬青属植物的;n.(Holly)人名;(英、德、捷、罗)霍利;(西)奥利

jolly 习惯用语

1、J-Roger ─── 海盗旗(骷髅旗)

2、get one's -ies ─── [俚]作乐; 玩个痛快

3、tame jolly ─── [俚]民兵; 自卫队队员

jolly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He can cook, and he does it jolly well. ─── 他会做饭,并且做得特别好。

2、The jolly light did not shine out on the snow, for by law every window must be black against the bombers. ─── 温和的灯光不能让它照在雪地上,法律规定窗上都要涂黑以防飞机。

3、For he's a jolly good fellow. Nobody can deny. ─── 因为他是个快乐的小家伙,没有人能否认。

4、With an almost insane jolly grin, Leslie Slote said,"You tell me, Captain Henry. ─── ”莱斯里·斯鲁特几乎在点神经失常似的得意地咧嘴一笑,说道:“你倒说说看,亨利上校。”

5、Full of high - spiritedgaiety; jolly. ─── 兴高采烈的;愉悦的。

6、The Jolly Bargemen might take it as a compliment. ─── 三船酒家说不定还会当作一件体面事呢。

7、They enjoyed a jolly good time. ─── 他们度过了一段极快乐的时光。

8、He needs a party of jolly boys to play with, or somebody young and lively. ─── 其实他很需要一班快乐的小伙子来陪他玩,需要活泼有朝气的年青人作伴。

9、Jolly good to be with your guys here, today. ─── 今天能和你们在此相聚感到很愉快。

10、You're a jolly open-hearted fellow. ─── 你是个愉快而心胸开朗的人。

11、Ebenezer: Bye! [removing the earmuffs] My, what a jolly young girl. ─── 再见!我的天,多快活的女孩!

12、The driver seems jolly enough, given that I am a mainlander. ─── 司机看起来很快乐,也许因为我是大陆人。

13、For he`s a jolly good fellow.Which nobody can deny. ─── 因为他是个欢快的家伙,这一点没有人可以否认.

14、Their dog snuffed it last week---that's a jolly good thing. ─── 上星期他家的狗死了,那倒是件大好事。

15、He had a loud, jolly voice which rumbled round the room. ─── 他那欢快高昂的声音在房间里回荡。

16、She had a very jolly time in Korea. ─── 她在韩国过得很愉快。

17、"Oh, jolly!Have they?" cried Lola, running to her."That's all right," she said, looking. ─── “我不喜欢我们剧团里的男演员,”一天她告诉萝拉,“他们都太自负了。”

18、He is pictured as a fat,jolly old man with a white beard,dressed in a furtrimmed red suit. ─── 圣诞老人通常被描述为一个胖胖的,愉快的老头,有白胡子,并穿着修边的红外套。

19、I jolly well told him what I thought of him. ─── 我真的跟他讲了我对他的看法。

20、Full of high-spirited gaiety; jolly. ─── 兴高采烈的;愉悦的

21、In jolly spirits, they urged the donkeys on. ─── 他们欢快地赶着驴子往前走。

22、With an almost insane jolly grin, Leslie Slote said, "You tell me, Captain Henry. ─── ”莱斯里·斯鲁特几乎在点神经失常似的得意地咧嘴一笑,说道:“你倒说说看,亨利上校。”

23、When the jolly sunshine come to stay , then I slowly melt away. ─── 可是每当太阳升起来,我就慢慢地融化了。

24、He is a jolly good man. ─── 他是一个大好人。

25、We had a jolly time last weekend. ─── 上周末我们过得很快活。

26、Laura is a jolly girl; she laughs a lot. ─── 劳拉是个开心的姑娘,她总是笑哈哈的。

27、Only this time, it didn't seem like the jolly foot-tapping Cossack ditty it has always seemed before. ─── 但这次,这音乐听上去并不太像它一直给人们传递的形象:一个快乐地跳俄罗斯传统舞蹈的哥萨克人。

28、And they made things as jolly for me as ever they could, right up to the moment I left. ─── 可我总觉得不是滋味,因为我看得出,尽管他们竭力掩盖,他们实际上很不开心。

29、In jolly spirits, they urged the horses on, whip in one hand and reins in the other. ─── 他们欢快的一手拿着鞭子,一手扯着缰绳,催马向前。

30、To have a jolly, noisy celebration. ─── 举行欢闹的庆祝

31、He was the same jolly, enlivening soul. ─── 他仍然是那么欢乐,令人开心。

32、Sunday morning, the sky cloudless, I and my father talked and laughed to go to jolly. ─── 一个星期天早晨,天空万里无云,我和爸爸有说有笑地去菜市场买菜。

33、Even if you can't keep your mood jolly, watch your words so you don't come across as standoffish or distracted. ─── 即便你无法使你的心情开朗起来,也要注意说话的用词,不要显得冷淡或心不在焉。

34、Though we do have to work, we make fun for ourselves, and are a pretty jolly set, as Jo would say. ─── 咱们虽然不得不工作,却还会自找乐趣,照裘的说法,咱们是一帮瞎开心的人。

35、''Tis no use for you to be in love with him any more than me, Retty Priddle, ' said jolly-faced Marian, the eldest, silly. ─── “你跟我一样,爱他是没有用的,莱蒂·普里德尔,”说话的人名叫玛丽安,年纪最大,长着一张快活脸。

36、Raise Jolly Roger: Boldly declare your independence from all European nations. ─── 升起海盗旗:大胆地宣布从所有的欧洲国家中独立出来!

37、In fact, the photograph flashed around the world of jolly uniformed Hitler. ─── 事实上,在那张立即传遍世界各地的照片上,人们看到的是兴高采烈的身穿戍装的希特勒。

38、He did not mean to be loud and jolly towards Professor Godbole. ─── 他不是故意在戈波尔教授面前大呼大叫,随随便便。

39、It is possible that more inducements and flexibility from outsiders might help to jolly such an agreement along. ─── 可能更多的外来刺激和灵活的处理能帮助这一协定顺利进行下去。

40、Full of high - spirited gaiety;jolly. ─── 兴高采烈的;愉悦的

41、My servant is a jolly good servant , I shall miss him.Death has no right to give him the twitches. ─── 他可是一个快活的好仆人,他要真死了,我肯定会想念他的,死亡没有权利突然夺走他。

42、It is jolly expensive and inefficient and a ludicrous waste of effort, especially when you think of all that commuting. ─── 它成本高昂,效率低下,会愚蠢地浪费精力,尤其是在想到所有那些交流的时候。

43、Sing sing sing a song,come and sing a song.Jolly jollyjollyjolly,life is like a song! ─── 唱唱唱支歌,唱歌多欢乐,快乐啊快乐啊快乐啊快乐啊,生活像支歌!

44、He is a jolly dog and everybody enjoys his company. ─── 他很风趣,人人都喜欢跟他呆在一起。

45、They have had a jolly time of it. ─── 他们痛痛快快地玩了一阵。

46、One is a jolly fellow and fond of company,and the other is a quiet and rather unsociable sort of chap. ─── 一个是快乐的人,喜欢交朋友,另一个是沉没寡言不喜欢交际的人。

47、Paddy was always cheerful and jolly. ─── 帕迪总是很高兴,很开心。

48、The manager was fat and jolly. ─── 经理胖乎乎乐呵呵的。

49、He was big and hearty, a great beer drinker, a jolly companion on a pub crawl. ─── 他高大,强健,喜好喝啤酒,是一位有趣的酒伙伴。

50、He adored the life of the German University with its happy freedom and its jolly companionships. ─── 他对德国大学的生活赞不绝口认为德国大学的生活非常自由自在,人们的交往也令人愉快。

51、You will jolly well have to do sth. ─── 你非得去做某事。

52、He is pictured as a fat, jolly old man with a white beard, dressed in a furtrimmed red suit. ─── 圣诞老人。

53、He attempted a jolly voice to boost his own flagging spirit. ─── 于是,他试图用一种快活的声音来为自己低落的精神打气。

54、Once a jolly swagman camped beside a baillabong. ─── 从前有个快乐的流浪汉,

55、Corporation identity design for jolly travel group. ─── 嘉士商旅集团形象设计。

56、King: [to Cromwell] Jolly good! Fascinating! Carry on... ─── 国王:[对克伦威尔]:太好了!迷人!继续。

57、Jolly might be at home, and the memory of their dark encounter was still fresh within him. ─── 乔里也许在家,那次不快的交手在他脑子里记忆犹新。

58、Dear old pals, jolly old pals. ─── 亲爱的老朋友,快乐的老朋友。

59、Jolly and I are looking forward to seeing you,so don't disappoint us! ─── 乔利和我盼望你们来,千万不要使我们失望!

60、They held whip in one hand and reins in the other and urged the horses on in jolly spirits. ─── 他们一手持鞭,另一手持缰绳,逼迫马匹快奔。

61、The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live. ─── 圣诞老人之所以受到欢迎,是因为丫知道所有的坏女孩都住在什么地方。

62、He is always kind and jolly, and will put me to rights. ─── 他总那么和善有趣,会使我心情舒畅的。

63、It's all about where you know you jolly well need to let go versus where you're jo0lly well too darned scared to do any such thing. ─── 这是关于你知道自己在某些方面该放手了却又害怕不敢这么做之间的冲突。

64、They are making a jolly life of it. ─── 他们生活得非常愉快。

65、We'll make a jolly night of it. ─── 什么都不缺,一切都井然有序!

66、They were promptly reassured on hearing a jolly voice shouting a boisterous hurrah. ─── 他们马上就放心了,因为他们听到了一个快乐的嗓门大叫了一声“乌拉

67、Jolly factor nursing method was used in the experimental group, while the traditional group was used in control group. ─── 2组在饮食搭配上均充分考虑患者的喜好。对照组进行常规治疗,实验组在常规治疗的同时将愉快因子反复作用于患者。

68、For He's a Jolly Good Fellow. ─── “他真是个大好人。”

69、Tom was honoured with the appellations of a brave lad, a jolly dog, and an honest fellow. ─── 人们夸奖汤姆是个勇敢的小伙子,性格爽快,为人诚实。

70、A jolly crowd attended the reunion. ─── 兴高采烈的人群参加了重聚联欢会。


72、Why not make a jolly day of it,with lots of good clean fun and memories of old time? ─── 为何不把它定为一个欢庆日,怀着对旧日的记忆开开心心地乐一乐?

73、What jolly old fellow arrives every Christmas Eve with a sack of presents? ─── 一个多么快乐、满脸白须的老翁每年的圣诞夜晚携带一筒袜子的礼物降临你家呢?

74、If you don't come now, you can jolly well walk home! ─── 你要是还不来,那就步行回家吧!

75、He's going to be a jolly tough candidate to beat. ─── 他会成为很难击败的候选人。

76、He made friends too with jolly fat Schuj.panzigh, whose chamber group performed many of his string quartets. ─── 他与非常富有的舒潘齐交上了朋友,后者的室内小乐队演奏了很多他的弦乐四重奏。

77、Welch, Jack. "Four E's (a Jolly Good Fellow)." The Wall Street Journal, Friday, January 23, 2004. ─── 四个E(一个有趣的好同伴〉,华尔街日报,一月23日星期五,2004。

78、Your mother is a jolly, easy-going woman. ─── 你妈妈是个乐呵呵的容易相处的人。

79、"Come in! I am the Ghost of Christmas Present," said a loud, jolly voice. ─── “进来!我是现在圣诞节的鬼魂,”一股宏亮、愉快的声音说道。

80、Well, lads, friends of my youth, we have had jolly sprees together.Eh? ─── 喂,伙伴们,我的青年时代的朋友们,我们都饮酒作乐,过了逍遥快活的日子,饮酒作乐,是不是?

81、I am more than just a jolly friar,for I can have both a sword and an arrow! ─── [我不只是个欢愉的修道士因为我能驾驭利剑和长弓!

82、One is a jolly fellow!"he added. ─── 一个是风流院士!"他补充说。

83、Everything seems so jolly at home, even this stuffy old London. ─── 国内什么事似乎有趣极了,连这个沉闷的老伦敦也是一样。

84、It' s jolly nippy today, isn' t it ? ─── 今天可够冷的,是吧?

85、He had a red face and a loud voice and jolly ways. ─── 他红脸膛儿,大嗓门,一天到晚乐呵呵的。

86、The evening after his release, he took a shower, dressed up, and went down to Jolly Hotel. ─── 在他被释放后第二天晚上,他洗了把澡,穿戴整齐,去了Jolly宾馆。

87、It's jolly nippy today, isn't it? ─── 今天可够冷的, 是吧?

88、It is a jolly good job that you came. ─── 你来了真好极了。

89、From a legendary saint over fifteen hundred years ago, to a jolly fat man flying in a sleigh, the legend of Saint Nicholas continues to evolve. ─── 从一千五百年前的传奇圣者,到一个开心的胖老公公,坐著雪橇飞行。属于圣尼可拉斯的传奇还是会继续的流传下去。











乐观、开朗,爱自由爱大海爱黑珍珠号。船长说喜欢过自由自在的生活,可以想怎么样就怎么样,随心所欲的活着,做个快乐潇洒的海盗。关键我也喜欢这种自由洒脱的生活!因为,有一种人生叫做—Jack Sparrow.


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