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08-20 投稿


brazenly 发音

英:[?bre?znli]  美:[?bre?znli]

英:  美:

brazenly 中文意思翻译



brazenly 短语词组

1、brazenly example ─── 厚颜无耻的例子

2、brazenly definition ─── 厚颜无耻的定义

3、brazenly define ─── 厚颜无耻地

4、brazenly confident ─── 厚颜无耻地自信

5、brazenly means ─── 厚颜无耻地

6、brazenly bold ─── 厚颜无耻

7、brazenly synonym ─── 厚颜无耻的同义词

brazenly 词性/词形变化,brazenly变形

动词过去分词: brazened |名词: brazenness |动词现在分词: brazening |动词过去式: brazened |动词第三人称单数: brazens |副词: brazenly |

brazenly 相似词语短语

1、brazening ─── adj.厚颜无耻的;无所顾忌的;黄铜制的;黄铜色的;(声音)响而刺耳的;vt.厚着脸皮;硬着头皮;n.(Brazen)(美)巴森(人名)

2、bravely ─── adv.勇敢地;华丽地

3、frozenly ─── 冷冰冰的

4、brazens ─── adj.厚颜无耻的;无所顾忌的;黄铜制的;黄铜色的;(声音)响而刺耳的;vt.厚着脸皮;硬着头皮;n.(Brazen)(美)巴森(人名)

5、cravenly ─── adv.胆怯地;胆小地

6、brazen ─── adj.厚颜无耻的;无所顾忌的;黄铜制的;黄铜色的;(声音)响而刺耳的;vt.厚着脸皮;硬着头皮;n.(Brazen)(美)巴森(人名)

7、brazened ─── adj.厚颜无耻的;无所顾忌的;黄铜制的;黄铜色的;(声音)响而刺耳的;vt.厚着脸皮;硬着头皮;n.(Brazen)(美)巴森(人名)

8、brazenry ─── 厚颜无耻

9、brokenly ─── adv.断断续续地;不规则地

brazenly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A lurid brazen light in the east proclaims the approach of day, while the western landscape is dim and spectral still, and clothed in a sombre Tartarean light, like the shadowy realms. ─── 东方流泻出耀眼的古铜色光辉,宣告着新一天的来临。移目西边,景象黯淡依旧,鬼影幢幢,陷于昏暗的地狱之光,有如阴森异域。

2、In hundreds of brazen -- and sometimes violent -- incursions this summer, the bears are bursting into homes, ripping open cars, ravaging trash bins and strolling insouciantly down busy streets. ─── 今年夏天发生了数百起黑熊入户的事情,有时候甚至比较狂野。黑熊冲进居民住宅,扯裂车子,把垃圾桶翻得乱七八糟,还优哉游哉地在繁忙的街道上漫步。

3、He was brazenly running a $400,000-a-month drug operation from the prison. ─── 他那时肆无忌惮地在监狱里经营着每个月$400000的毒品交易。

4、He preferred to brazen it out rather than admit defeat. ─── 他不愿承认失败,却宁愿厚颜无耻地干下去。

5、For Fergus rules the brazen cars. ─── 因黄铜车由弗格斯驾驭[41]。

6、Iran brazenly insisted on continuing its nuclear program despite international objections. ─── 伊朗不顾国际社会的反对,公然表示要继续进行核项目

7、In the neighbouring province of Shenzhen, touts selling counterfeit luxury goods are so brazen that they hand out business cards. ─── 在毗邻香港的深圳,兜售假冒奢侈品的行径到了厚颜无耻的地步,他们甚至散发名片。

8、There is still something of the petulant 3-year-old here, brazenly pursuing something that is decidedly not in her interests. ─── 这就像一个三岁的小孩子使性子一样,厚颜无耻的追求一些她不感兴趣的东西。

9、Thus far, few banks have had the political chutzpah to exploit that situation too brazenly. ─── 迄今为止,很少有银行有政治胆气厚着脸皮利用这种局面。

10、On the instructions of the reactionaries, they burned down houses and made arrests, and quite brazenly too. ─── 他们依照反动派的指示,烧屋、捉人,十分勇敢。

11、Perhaps the most brazen case occurred when the ITC investigated allegations that Canadian companies were injuring the United States salt industry by dumping rock salt, used to de-ice roads. ─── 也许最著名的案例发生于当ITC调查声称加拿大公司通过倾销岩盐损害了美国的盐工业时,岩盐被用于去除路上的冰。

12、Your behavior is extremely brazen. ─── 你的这种做法真是无耻之尤,让人不齿。

13、Be in only the person with this seasoned respect, just have right such brazenly ground are arbitrary he talks. ─── 只有在这方面经验丰富的人,才有权这样明目张胆地武断他说话。

14、A 22)lurid brazen light in the east proclaims the approach of day, while the western landscape is dim and 23)spectral still, and clothed in a sombre 24)Tartarean light, like the shadowy realms. ─── 东方露出一种奇幻的古铜色的光彩,表示天快要亮了;可是四面的景物,还是模模糊糊,一片幽暗,鬼影幢幢,疑非人间。

15、Local officials had "brazenly rigged" the survey by ordering citizens to give set answers and offering them money to comply, a state broadcaster has revealed. ─── “当地的官员肆无忌惮的作弊,调查的对象和回答都是被安排好的并且给他们提供了金钱”一个省播音员揭露。

16、To solicit customers, votes, or patronage, especially in a brazen way. ─── 兜售、招徕、拉生意诱惑以得到顾客、选票或帮助,尤指以一种厚颜无耻的方法

17、That man smoked on the airplane in brazen violation of the non-smoking rule. ─── 一个人不顾禁烟规定居然在飞机上抽烟

18、A brazen attack on Sri Lanka's cricket team was caught on tape.Gunmen opened fire on the squad's convoy as they drove through a traffic circle near an eastern Pakistani stadium. ─── 对斯里兰卡板球队进行无耻的袭击被相机捕拍,持枪人在车队途径东巴基斯坦体育馆的环形交叉口向他们开火。

19、Change of a gang outlaw comes Guilin is not the landscape of covet beauty, however brazenly does " big company " . ─── 一帮不法之徒窜至桂林并不是贪图美丽的山水,而是明目张胆办起“大公司”。

20、Even a country the size of a booger brazenly criticized Taiwan and former president Lee Teng-hui in the United Nations. ─── 新加坡就像鼻屎一样小,还在联合国耀武扬威,批评台湾及前总统李登辉,这根本就是在捧中国的卵葩。

21、You didn't see how brazen she was. ─── 你是不知道她脸皮有多厚。

22、Karadzic was so convinced of his disguise he regularly contributed to a health magazine as he brazenly built up his profile as an alternative medical practitioner, The Associated Press reported. ─── 卡拉季奇的伪装是那么使人信服,他定期给健康杂志写稿,厚颜无耻地树立自己开业医生的形象,美联社报道。

23、The Chinese expressed their anger in unusually strong terms, saying the test was "flagrant and brazen. ─── 中国人通过异乎寻常的强硬措辞表达了他们的愤怒,说这次实验“不能容忍、厚颜无耻。

24、Another picture shows Danae in the brazen tower in which her father had imprisoned her. ─── 另一幅描述了达那厄被她父亲关在一座铜塔里。

25、MUMBAI "AFP" - Indian police have provided new details about the brazen militant attacks in Mumbai, releasing the names of the gunmen and their hometowns across the border in Pakistan. ─── 孟买"法新社""-印度警方在孟买(已经)提供关于引人注目的激进分子袭击的新的资料,在巴基斯坦在整个边境公布了这些持枪歹徒和他们的家乡的名单.

26、Gentlemen, I have lost all patience with this brazen character. ─── 先生们,我对这个无耻的家伙完全失去了耐心。

27、A pair of brazen attacks in Iraq is raising new questions about the security crackdown in the capital. ─── 在伊拉克发生的两起令人发指的袭击让人对首都实行的安全措施产生了新的疑问。

28、How dare he distortthe facts so brazenly! ─── 他怎么敢如此肆无忌惮地歪曲事实!

29、The eyes of the world as an adventure and mystery of the incarnation of how piracy can be brazen with AK47 then on the sudden chug it! ─── 作为世人心目中冒险和神秘化身的海盗怎么能厚颜无耻的拿着AK47就那么的突突突呢!

30、"I don't know," he answered, looking her brazenly over. ─── “我也不知道,”他厚颜无耻地打量着她。

31、But the pirates continue to brazenly attack vulnerable vessels. ─── 但是海盗仍然肆无忌惮地攻击容易受到攻击的船只。

32、You brazen hussy! ─── 你这个不要脸的婊子!

33、In this war, each of the belligerents will brazenly declare its own cause to be just and that of its opponents unjust in order to delude people and win the support of public opinion. ─── 在战争中,为了欺骗人民,为了动员舆论,战争的双方都将不顾羞耻地宣称自己是正义的,而称对方是非正义的。

34、Differences in materials aside, however, Gehry surely was influenced by the brazen forms brought into being by his earlier employer. ─── 在不同的材料面前,盖里在他早期雇佣时期显然受到了很多铜质外观的影响。

35、Ha! What a brazen dog you are! Lively too! I bet you would be fun to watch roasting on a spit! ─── 哈!多么厚颜无耻的行为!实在是太无耻了!我打赌看着你被众人嘲笑一定很好玩!

36、A wildly successful poet, notorious lover, politcal radical, wit and foreign adventurer, Byron was a figure who defined the romantic spirit of the early19 th Century in the most reckless and brazen terms. ─── 他是一夜成名的诗人,也是恶名昭彰的情人,他是激进派份子,也是爱好异国冶游的冒险份子。

37、How can you believe such a brazen lie? ─── 你怎能相信如此厚颜无耻的谎言?

38、She brazenly flirting colleagues, suggesting that spend the night with her would be "not fair" of pleasure, and then superimpose the requirements of each of the men meet again another woman a card. ─── 她肆无忌惮地同人调情,暗示与她共度一夜将会得到“不一般”的乐趣,然后塞给每一位要求再次相会的男人一张别的女人的名片。

39、Someone's gender, their apparent willingness and even time elapsed since the favor was performed, can all change a selfless act into something brazenly transactional or vice versa. ─── 一个人的性别、他要求别人回报的意愿度,甚至这个人情已经过去了多长时间,这一切都能将一个无私的行动转化为某种厚脸皮的交易,反之亦然。

40、Global economy has not given industry of science and technology firmly to cheat a shadow surely, and the war makes pair of Yi that American brazenly starts more case is added on its snow. ─── 全球经济不稳定已经给科技行业蒙上了阴影,而美国悍然发动的对伊战争更令其雪上加箱。

41、It was brazen of you to be a dog!!!!!! ─── “当日本人的狗是不是很爽?”

42、They prefer to brazen it out rather than admit defeat. ─── 他们宁愿厚颜无耻地硬顶而不愿承认失败。

43、The children were brazenly stripping off and leaping into the sea. ─── 这些孩子们那时正无所顾忌地脱掉衣服,跳进海里。

44、Rub him as one polishes a brazen mirror, and you will find that there is still corrosion. ─── 你对他要像一个擦亮镜子的人;你将会看见锈的下面有什么东西。

45、He made eyes at her, was taken with sudden coughs and 'hems', smiled, smirked, and went brazenly through the impudent and contemptible litany of the 'masher'. ─── 他对她送秋波,清嗓子,哼哼哈哈,嬉皮笑脸,把小流氓所干的一切卑鄙无耻的勾当表演得维妙维肖。

46、I'm at the third one today: Brazen Careerist.Throughout my career, I have always been a writer. ─── 你写简历时必须采取同样的做法,因为一份简历就是一个推销资料。

47、Several of the women report in interviews that Copperman hugged them too tightly, made inappropriate comments about their bodies, and in the privacy of the exam room, was often brazen. ─── 在采访中几位妇女诉说科佩尔曼曾紧紧的拥抱过她们,对她们的身体做出不合适的评论。在无人干扰的诊断室里,常常肆无忌惮地骚扰她们。

48、"Receipts, receipts" they brazenly shout, trying to hawk fake paid invoices from hotels, restaurants or office supply companies. ─── “发票,发票”,她们厚颜无耻地大声吆喝着,试图兜售宾馆、饭店或办公用品公司开具的假发票。

49、Her brazen contempt for authority angered the officials. ─── 她那蔑视当局的傲慢态度激怒了那些当官的。

50、And don't even get me started on New York City brazenly popping up in the path of a hurricane. ─── 甚至也不会让我从纽约市开始,在飓风的轨迹上突然出现了。

51、It was brazen of him to say so! ─── 他这样说真是无耻!

52、"She hath good skill at her needle, that's certain," remarked one of her female spectators; "but did ever a woman, before this brazen hussy, contrive such a way of showing it? ─── “她倒做得一手好针线,这是不用说的,”一个旁观的女人说,“这个厚脸皮的荡妇居然想到用这一手来显白自己,可真是从来没见过。

53、The red-light runner, however, shows no respect whatever for the social rules, and society cannot help being harmed by any repetitious and brazen display of contempt for the fundamentals of order. ─── 但是,闯红灯者对于社会的规章是毫无顾忌的,他们一犯再犯、明目张胆地藐视社会秩序基本要求,迫使社会蒙受其害。

54、Brazen boldness;presumptuousness. ─── 厚颜无耻厚颜无耻的冒失;狂妄的样子

55、How dare he distort the facts so brazenly! ─── 他怎么敢如此肆无忌惮地歪曲事实!

56、Real wood floor is natural material, affirmative coloured is so poor, can this reason let off color " brazenly " exist? ─── 实木地板是天然材料,所以肯定有色差,这个理由就可以让色差“明目张胆”存在吗?

57、Most countries (including Britain and America) have well-worn laws against touting on street corners, against the more brazen type of brothel and against pimping. ─── 大多数国家(包括英国和美国)仍然使用著陈旧的法律,它们禁止在街角挑逗,禁止较为无耻的妓院和拉皮条。

58、Therefore the showers have been withheld, and no spring rains have fallen. Yet you have the brazen look of a prostitute; you refuse to blush with shame. ─── 你向净光的高处举目观看.你在何处没有淫行呢.你坐在道旁等候、好像亚拉伯人在旷野埋伏一样.并且你的淫行邪恶玷污了全地。

59、You forced me to stay to brazen it out, if possible, in the box by absurd and silly perjuries. ─── 你逼我留下来,可能的话在审判席上靠荒唐愚蠢的谎言伪证顶住。

60、The punishment was brazenly performed as a public demonstration. ─── 刑罚明目张胆地公开进行以供观瞻。

61、She had become brazen about the whole affair. ─── 她对整件事已经不感到羞耻了。

62、To brazen things out only provokes greater suspicion and hostility. ─── 厚着脸皮干下去只会引起更大的怀疑和敌对行为。

63、They believe that the security forces must, at the very least, have connived at the brazen attack. ─── 他们认为,至少是安全武装纵容了这一厚颜无耻的袭击。

64、Obviously, the judiciary here was too lenient toward those in power.It could be expected that they would abuse power even more brazenly in the future. ─── 司法对掌权者显然宽待,日后执政者的滥权必将更为明目张胆。

65、Brazenly you have disregarded powers beyond your understanding. ─── 你竟然无耻的漠视你面前的力量。

66、The Ukrainians claim that Russian tinkering with the gas pressure caused the shortages;Moscow retorts that Ukraine is brazenly "stealing" gas. ─── 乌克兰要求俄国补足短缺的份额,而莫斯科反驳说对方正在无耻的“偷窃”天然气。

67、Undisguisedly bold;brazen. ─── 公然自傲的;厚颜无耻的

68、They want to reclaim the Bundesliga crown from last season's surprise package Stuttgart and have spoken brazenly about also winning the UEFA Cup and the German Cup. ─── 他们想从上赛季意外夺冠的斯图加特手中收回德甲桂冠,也厚脸皮地提及,同时赢得联盟杯和德国杯。

69、They showed a brazen disregard for her privacy. ─── 他们明目张胆地无视她的隐私权。

70、A Brazilian was talking brazenly about bras. ─── 一个巴西人正在厚脸皮地谈胸罩。

71、I'm at the third one today: Brazen Careerist.Throughout my career, I have always been a writer.Often unpaid, always obsessively interested in which media is best for which writing. ─── 可是当我点击进入他的博客时发现他像我混淆事业与性别一样,他混淆事业与宗教,这让我对他立刻产生了兴趣。

72、In fact, as democracy has engendered federalism in Mexico, critics say many PRI state governors have gotten even more brazen than their 20th-century forerunners. ─── 事实上,民主导致了墨西哥的联邦主义,批评人士称,许多革命制度党执政州的州长比他们20世纪的前辈还要胆大妄为。

73、Most countries( including Britain and America) have well-worn laws against touting on street corners, against the more brazen type of brothel and against pimping. ─── 大多数国家(括英国和美国)然使用著陈旧的法律,它们禁止在街角挑逗,禁止较为无耻的妓院和拉皮条。

74、He made eyes at her, was taken with sudden coughs and ‘hems,’ smiled, smirked and went brazenly through the impudent and contemptible litany of the ‘masher. ─── 他对女子挤眉弄眼,突然一阵咳嗽与“哼哈”,嬉皮笑脸,厚颜无耻地说了“色鬼”调戏妇女的许多脏话。

75、Mexican authorities are investigating the violent deaths of eight soldiers, whose decapitated bodies were found after one of the most brazen attacks yet by the country's drug cartels. ─── 墨西哥当局正在调查八名士兵的惨死.他们被斩首的尸体在该国贩毒组织一次最无耻的袭击后被发现.

76、During the Trade Federation siege of Naboo, the scheming Neimoidians tried to force the strong-willed Amidala to sign a treaty that would legitimize a brazenly illegal occupation. ─── 在贸易联邦围困纳布期间,诡计多端的内莫迪亚人妄图逼迫意志坚定的阿米达拉签署一份条约,想把无耻的占领合法化。

77、It's wondered how he had managed to brazen the scandal out. ─── 人们真不知道他是怎样厚着脸皮把这件丑闻对付过去的。

78、Bold and brazen in chili red. ─── 大胆和无耻的红辣椒。

79、TO ITS opponents, it is a brazen attempt by a crafty monopolist to lock up some of the world's most valuable intellectual property. ─── 在竞争对手看来,谷歌如同一只精于垄断的老狐狸,厚颜无耻到竟然想把世界最宝贵的知识财富锁进自家柜里。

80、Her toleration of his brazen attitude is enough to show her great tolerance. ─── 她容忍了他厚颜无耻的态度,足以显示她的宽容。

81、ART movements that are launched with manifestos often seem both brazen and naive. ─── 宣言和后号发起的艺术运动往往会显得有些幼稚和无耻。

82、She had brazenly admitted allowing him back into the house. ─── 她恬不知耻地承认了让他回到屋里的事。

83、Less than a month before, a similar group had brazenly attacked a bus carrying the Sri Lankan national cricket team in Lahore. ─── 不到一个月前,一个类似的组织在拉合尔公然袭击了一辆载有斯里兰卡国家板球队的大客车。

84、You are so brazen as to have done so many bad things behind me.I'll banish you far away and see if you can still smile! ─── 你胆子太大了,竟然背着我做了这么多坏事。我把你流放远远的,看你还笑得出来。

85、Unfortunately, that's not the case, and lots of other people (including some just plain beautiful women) brazenly eye my man when we're out together. ─── 不幸的是,事情并非如此,许多其他人(包括一些美丽的女人)公然看我的男人,当我们一起出去时。

86、Trunk might not have been able to make a case for her current venture, Brazen Careerist (BrazenCareerist.com), an online professional network for Generation Y. ─── 她说,这个世界并不利于作家的发展;尽管我陷入了重重债务,最后还牺牲了我的婚姻,但重要的是我将职业把握在了自己手里。

87、He was startled by the brazen notes of the horns. ─── 喇叭洪亮的声音把他吓了一跳。

88、administration legislation brazenly violates the legislative authority of the legal reservation on private property right. ─── 职权立法公然侵犯法律保留对私有财产权的立法权限。

89、The factory director brazenly harbors evildoers. This has evoked the strong indignation of the workers. ─── 厂长明目张胆地包庇坏人,这激起了工人们的强烈义愤。

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