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08-20 投稿


grappled 发音

英:[?ɡr?pld]  美:[?ɡr?pld]

英:  美:

grappled 中文意思翻译





grappled 常用词组

grapple with ─── v. 扭打;努力克服

grappled 短语词组

1、grappled with many lists ─── 纠结于许多清单

2、grappled with a grim ─── 与冷酷的

3、grappled definition ─── 抓取定义

4、grappled with v. ─── 扭打;努力克服

5、grappled condition pathfinder ─── 抓斗条件探路者

6、grappled dnd ─── 抓斗式dnd

7、grappled condition ─── 抓斗状态

8、grappled 5e ─── 抓斗5e

9、grappled define ─── 抓住定义

grappled 词性/词形变化,grappled变形

动词第三人称单数: grapples |动词现在分词: grappling |名词: grappler |动词过去式: grappled |动词过去分词: grappled |

grappled 相似词语短语

1、graphed ─── n.图表;曲线图;vt.用曲线图表示;n.(Graph)人名;(英)格拉夫

2、grapples ─── vi.抓住;格斗;抓斗机;vt.抓住;与…格斗;n.抓住;格斗

3、dappled ─── adj.斑纹的;有斑点的;花的;v.起斑纹(dapple的过去式和过去分词)

4、grabbled ─── vi.搜索;爬;匍匐;vt.抓住

5、crippled ─── v.使跛足,使残疾,使伤残;严重毁坏或损害;给……造成严重问题(cripple的过去式和过去分词)

6、thrappled ─── 颠簸

7、graveled ─── n.碎石;砂砾;vt.用碎石铺;使船搁浅在沙滩上;使困惑;n.(Gravel)人名;(英、法、西)格拉韦尔

8、grappler ─── n.抓东西的人或物;格斗者;手

9、grapple ─── vi.抓住;格斗;抓斗机;vt.抓住;与…格斗;n.抓住;格斗

grappled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In Malaysia, one regular patient at Tzu Chi's Penang dialysis center is Xie Furong who has grappled with kidney disease now for eight years. ─── 马来西亚槟城洗肾中心有一位肾友谢福荣,这八年来对抗肾病的痛苦。

2、My idol, in this regard, is dear departed Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter, who loved reptiles unabashedly and unilaterally, even as he grappled and sidestepped to avoid their violent attacks. ─── 这方面,我的偶像是鳄鱼捕手StevenIrwin。他就是执着地喜欢爬行动物,甚至在和它们扭打和躲避袭击时也如此。

3、The two wrestlers grappled together. ─── 两个摔交手扭在一起。

4、Still, America lacks several advantages Japan had as it grappled with the aftermath of its burst bubbles. ─── 然而,如今的美国缺乏日本昔日在应对泡沫破裂时具备的几项有利条件。

5、Any sense of true operating independence was badly undermined last year, however, when the government imposed price caps on electricity, even as the utilities grappled with rising coal and oil prices. ─── 但在去年煤电价格上涨导致发电企业效益降低之际,政府却强制限制电价,发电企业真正意义上的独立运作大打折扣。

6、The reforms of the past few decades have, in fact, grappled with the rich world's farm programmes but only timidly. ─── 过去几十年里,政府采取了很多改革措施,试图扭转发达国家的农业政策,但力度不大。

7、They realized many international tradition and grappled many advanced technology of drilling location by cooperate.This article reflect status of technology in international markets now. ─── 通过合作了解了许多国际惯例和掌握了许多应用于作业现场的先进技术,反映了目前国际市场的技术现状。

8、One of the corner cases that file systems have grappled with revolves around how journal file systems function. ─── 比如围绕日志文件系统的工作方式,文件系统不得不应对日志出错的问题。

9、The two boys grappled with each other. ─── 那两个男孩互相揪打。

10、They grappled with the problem of connecting the electricity and water supplies. The former proved simple compared with the latter. ─── 他们设法解决供电和供水的连接问题。前者与后者相比证明很简单。

11、Mr Bashir grappled to understand and reluctantly concluded that it could only be explained as a deliberate and provocative mocking of everything the soldiers knew he stood for. ─── 巴希尔在困惑许久后才慢慢了解,并且相信,这只能被解释为是以色列士兵刻意挑衅的举动,狠狠羞辱了他所相信的一切价值。

12、Grappl Accident and Using Mechanism Expedite GanSu CDM Item Empolder ─── 抓住机遇,利用机制加快甘肃CDM项目开发进程

13、"The cashier grappled with the bank robber, but was thrown to the ground." ─── "出纳员与抢劫银行犯格斗,但是被摔倒在地上。"

14、She grappled with the bank robber, but was thrown to the ground. ─── 她与抢劫银行的强盗扭打, 被强盗摔倒在地上。

15、He grappled with the problem for an hour before he solved it. ─── 他费了一个小时才解出了那道题。

16、and the stoats grappled with the weasels, and the weasels fought to get away, and they wrestled and wriggled and punched each other, and rolled over and over, till most of ‘em rolled into the river! ─── 于是白鼬揪住黄鼠狼不放,黄鼠狼拼命想挣脱逃跑,互相扭打在一起,用拳头狠揍对方,在地上滚来滚去,多数都滚到了河里!

17、We grappled with the problem. ─── 我们设法去解决那个问题。

18、10.She grappled with her assailant but her husband got away. ─── 她与袭击者扭打,而她丈夫却逃走了。

19、Along with the economic head winds, the 787 Dreamliner has faced production delays and the company has grappled with nasty union problems. ─── 该公司的787梦想飞机除了遭遇经济环境的逆流,还面临着交付推迟的窘境。此外,波音公司还在设法应付棘手的工会问题。

20、Passers-by grappled with the man after the attack. ─── 袭击之后过路人便与这男人扭打起来。

21、Engulfed creatures are automatically affected by Garr's lava sear ability each round they remain engulfed, and are considered to be grappled and trapped within his body. ─── 加尔必须移动到敌人所处的位置,让熔岩躯体影响尽可能多的目标。敌人可以在加尔移动的时候对它进行借机攻击,但是如果他这么做的话就没有权利进行对抗喷涌的豁免检定。

22、The situations that might interrupt the manifestation of a power include a sudden injury, another spell or power affecting you, being grappled or pinned, or vigorous or violent motion. ─── 可能会干扰到异能展现的状况包括:突发性的伤害、受到另外一道异能或法术的影响、被擒抱或是被压制、颠簸震动或是剧烈震动等等。

23、He grappled wildly with a big tough. ─── 他与一个大个子流氓拼命格斗。

24、Simon was after him at a sprint, but was barely through the doorjamb when he felt himself grappled around the waist by a pair of bearlike arms. ─── Simon飞跑着追了上来,他刚刚穿过门框,就觉得被一双熊一般结实的胳膊,揽住了腰。

25、He finds it truly remarkable that Chen Qing-shan had, more than half a century ago, already grappled with the perplexing issues of 'native land', 'adopted land', cultural identity and the notion of who we are. ─── 他认为陈晴山在半个多世纪以前就能够论述“故乡”、“新乡”、文化身分等复杂课题以及自己究竟是谁的概念,是非常难得的。

26、As Georgia grappled with two separatist regions, Abkhazia was always the bigger prize: it occupies a strategic position of the Black Sea coast and was a beloved seaside resort in Soviet days. ─── 乔治亚在应付两个寻求分离独立地区的问题时,一向更重视阿布哈兹。阿布哈兹地处黑海沿岸战略要津,且是前苏联时代深受欢迎的滨海度假胜地。

27、At this meeting we grappled with the most important, strategic issues in our economic relationship. ─── 在本次会议期间,我们重点讨论了两国经济关系中最重要的战略问题。

28、"The cashier grappled with the bank robber,but was thrown to the ground." ─── "出纳员与抢劫银行犯格斗,但是被摔倒在地上。"

29、The soldiers grappled with the enemy at close quarters. ─── 士兵短兵相接地同敌人格斗。

30、A creature scooped up by a plague brush is considered grappled. ─── 被瘟疫藤球包卷的生物处于被擒抱状态。

31、"The cashier grappled with the bank robber, but was thrown to the ground. ─── "出纳员与抢劫银行犯格斗,但是被摔倒在地上。

32、The thug grappled him around the neck ─── 那个歹徒抓住了他的脖子。

33、The brave captain grappled with the enemy's ships and boarded them. ─── 那勇敢的船长用铁钩钩住敌船,随后登船攻击。

34、3. She grappled with her assailant but he got away. ─── 她与袭击者扭打而他却逃走了.

35、He grappled with the bank robber, but was thrown to the ground. ─── 他与抢劫银行犯格斗,但是被摔倒在地上。

36、Big cities have long grappled with the issue, and say they are making progress. ─── 大城市关注无家可归者已经很久了,并称它们在不断取得进步。

37、Junior grappled the family mutt with a wrestler's stranglehold ─── 朱尼尔以一个摔跤运动员的勒颈手法紧抓住家里的小狗。

38、The loyal servant grappled with the thief, but he got away. ─── 皇室仆人与窃贼打斗起来,但窃贼还是逃跑了。

39、She pushed the thought firmly back into her mind and grappled with the more pressing emergency. ─── 她极力把这种想法压在心里以求解决目前更加紧急的问题。

40、This time, though, the U.S. and other nations believe they can produce a different result having grappled with the deepest recession since the Great Depression. ─── 但美国和其他国家这一次相信,面对自大萧条以来的最严重经济衰退,他们能够谈出一个与以往不同的结果来。

41、For months attention has focused on the travails of GM, as it grappled with losses, overcapacity, job cuts and huge liabilities for pensions and health care. ─── 数月来,苦苦挣扎的通用一直是关注的焦点,它始终与巨额损失,过量生产,员工裁减以及在养老和医疗津贴方面的庞大债务进行顽强的抗争。

42、Nevertheless, I have grappled with the contentious issues surrounding the Olympics and which are being raised daily by human rights and environmental activists. ─── 然而,我尽力去克服围绕着奥运会每天都发生的人权和环保人士的有争议的事件。

43、This week saw another round of bloodletting as they grappled with the effects of the credit crunch. ─── 就在他们竭力解决信贷危机影响的时候,本周又现新一轮的放血。

44、It's the eternal question every moutaineer has grappled with,and to which few have given coherent replies. ─── 这永远是每一个登山者要竭力解答的问题,很少有人能给出一个明确的答复。

45、He finds it truly remarkable that Chen Qing-shan had,more than half a century ago,already grappled with the perplexing issues of''native land'',''adopted land'',cultural identity and the notion of who we are. ─── 他认为陈晴山在半个多世纪以前就能够论述“故乡”、“新乡”、文化身分等复杂课题,以及自己究竟是谁的概念,是非常难得的。

46、Grappled with their consciences; grapple with the political realities of our time. ─── 与他们的良知抗争;与我们这个时代的政治现实抗争

47、And other countries have grappled with this question;now, so must we. ─── 其他国家都已努力著手解决这个问题,我们也必须这样做。

48、She grappled with her assailant but he got away. ─── 她与袭击者扭打而他却逃走了。

49、There was little appetite for deals as executives grappled with potential scandals, new regulations and a difficult economic environment. ─── 在高管们应对潜在的丑闻、新的监管规定以及艰难的经济环境之际,各方对并购交易几乎毫无兴趣。

50、Passers-by grappled with the man after the attack. ─── 袭击之后过路人便与这男人扭打起来。

51、Obama grappled with the phenomenon on Tuesday, when a reporter at his primetime news conference asked him about the "tent cities sprouting up across the country". ─── 周三在总统奥巴马新闻发布会上,一个记者问及到帐篷城方面问题。记者表示:由于经济危机美国各地帐篷城不断增加。

52、She grappled with the bank robber single-handedly. ─── 她孤身一人与那银行抢劫犯搏斗。

53、Our soldiers grappled with the enemy at close range ─── 我们的战士和敌人短兵相接地搏斗。

54、Personally I've grappled which of these mindsets at different times, so it was helpful to have each of them explained. ─── 就我个人而言,曾经在不同的时期经历过这些类型,所以有助于我解释这些类型。

55、'Just a year ago, wages were rising steadily as we grappled with labor shortages, ' Ms. Zhou said. ─── 周芳说,仅在1年前,由于面对劳动力短缺的困境,工资还在不断提高。

56、The cashier grappled with the bank robber, but was thrown to the ground. ─── 出纳员与抢劫银行犯格斗,但是被摔倒在地上。

57、Over the past decade there have been occasional funding crunches as the site has grappled with its rapid growth. ─── 过去十年该网站发展迅速,偶尔会出现资金紧缺。

58、two wrestlers grappled together. ─── 两个摔交手扭在一起。

59、We grappled with the enemy at close range. ─── 我们和敌人短兵相接。

60、said Evan. He hit Hermann Drosselmeier in the jaw. The two men grappled in the garden, among the silvery-white, creamy-white, ivory-white, bluish-white, snow-white flowers. ─── 埃文说着,一拳打中了海曼的下巴,在园于里的银白、乳白、象牙白、粉白、雪白的鲜花丛中,两个男人扭打了起来。

61、The two men grappled with each other for several minutes. ─── 这两个人扭打在一起有几分钟。

62、To be sure, nearly all players in the global economy have grappled with the question of how open borders should be. ─── 当然,几乎所有全球经济的参与者都受到这样一个问题的困扰:边境的开放程度应该有多大。

63、At the Earth Summit in Brazil in 1992, delegates grappled with issues of environment and development. ─── 1992年在巴西召开的地球问题首脑会议上,代表们设法解决环境和发展问题。

64、Lenin once Grappled "God Seekers" and "God Creators" ─── 列宁与"寻神派"和"造神派"的斗争


grapple ['gr?p(?)l] vi. 抓住;格斗;抓斗机 vt. 抓住;与…格斗 n. 抓住;格斗 例句:And we must also grapple with the issue of anonymous speech. 我们还必须解决匿名发表言论的问题。 grab [gr?b] n. 攫取;霸占;夺取之物 vt. 攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引 vi. 攫取;夺取 例句:What ever you desire you should find out opportunity for it and grab those opportunity. 不论期望是什么,你应该找出机会并抓住这些机会。 区别:grapple是全身心的抓,类似于手脚一起上让对方不能动的那种抓。而grab就只是用手抓,另外grab的解释比较多。



v.吸引; 抓紧; ( grip的过去式和过去分词 ) 引起; 使感兴趣;

[网络]紧咬; 紧握;

[例句]The French political class has also been gripped this month by a trial

over the “ Clearstream ” smear-campaign.


[其他]形近词: snipped chipped skipped

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