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08-20 投稿


billowed 发音

英:[?b?l??d]  美:[?b?lo?d]

英:  美:

billowed 中文意思翻译



billowed 反义词


billowed 同义词

sea | balloon | wallow | fill | curl | waft | catch the wind | rush | bulge | rise | puff |surge | cloud | flow | inflate | wave | heave | swell | swirl

billowed 词性/词形变化,billowed变形

名词: billowiness |形容词: billowy |动词过去式: billowed |动词过去分词: billowed |动词第三人称单数: billows |动词现在分词: billowing |

billowed 相似词语短语

1、allowed ─── v.允许,认可;给予,酌留(机会、时间);允许进入(或出去、通过);使可能;承认,接受;(非正式)断言,认为(allow的过去式和过去分词)

2、bellowed ─── vt.(人、动物)惨叫;(公牛等)吼叫;(对某人)大声吼叫;大声地不和调地唱歌;n.吼叫声;(公牛的)吼叫声;风箱;n.(Bellow)(美)贝洛(人名)

3、billowier ─── adj.汹涌的;巨浪似的(billowy的变形)

4、billeted ─── n.部队临时营(尤指民宅),停留或小住的地方;金属坯料;错齿式粉刷线脚;直立长方形图形;v.为(部队)安排宿营地(尤指民宅),给……安排临时住处;n.(Billet)(法、美)比耶(人名)

5、pillowed ─── n.枕头;vt.垫;枕于…;使…靠在;vi.枕着头;靠在枕上;n.(Pillow)人名;(英)皮洛

6、billow ─── n.巨浪;vi.翻腾;vt.使翻腾;n.(Billow)人名;(瑞典)比洛

7、bellower ─── 炮手

8、billed ─── n.[法]法案;广告;账单;[金融]票据;钞票;清单;vt.宣布;开账单;用海报宣传

9、billows ─── n.巨浪;vi.翻腾;vt.使翻腾;n.(Billow)人名;(瑞典)比洛

billowed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dense smoke swirled and billowed, its rank fumes choking her. ─── 浓密的烟雾盘旋翻腾,刺鼻的烟味使她窒息。

2、to billow the smoke ─── 使浓烟滚滚

3、If compare the world situation now surfy sea, just of this Chinese regular boat is in billow pointed a place with a draught. ─── 假如将今日之世界格局比喻成波涛汹涌的大海,中国这艘航船恰恰处于浪尖风口。

4、Hundreds of flags billowed in the breeze. ─── 几百面旗帜在微风中飘扬。

5、From billow to billow you still called and sang.Standing like a sailor in the prow of a vessel. ─── 你依旧在浪涛上歌唱呼唤端立于船舷像一个水手。

6、Page 81: Hellfire billowed from the demon's mouth toward father and daughter. ─── 恶魔口中翻腾着的地狱般的火焰,向父亲和女儿冲去。

7、A group of glittering Wu Jiaoxing Goodies, towing a long tail, to the billowed into the sky, a thousand miles to step aside Yishun moon, the missing. ─── 一团闪闪发光的五角形的东东,拖着长长的尾巴,往天空上直冲,一瞬千里地靠边月亮,不翼而飞了。

8、In the house a door shuts with a bang, curtains billow into the room.I rush to close the windows, empty the clothesline, secure the patio furnishings.Thunder begins to grumble in the distance. ─── 房子里的门“砰”的一声关上了,翻滚着的窗帘伸进了屋子,我冲过去关上窗户,清空晾衣绳,保护院子里的家居,雷声开始轰隆隆地从远处传来。

9、" when you be overcautious dare be not stridden when even if be dinky one pace,be being moved, the exchequer of billow is falling to escape stealthily from your foot. ─── 当你畏首畏尾不敢迈动哪怕是极小的一步时,滚滚的财源正在从你的脚下悄悄地溜走。

10、As smoke billowed below the rocket, her relatives gasped and her mother clasped her hands in front of her chest. ─── 当火箭底部冒出滚滚浓烟即将升空时,安萨里的亲戚们都屏住了呼吸,她的妈妈双手紧握胸前。

11、billow forth; as of smoke or waves. ─── 向外翻滚;有如浓烟或波浪。

12、Screams were heard and black smoke billowed from the century-old edifice. ─── 尖叫声响起,这座百年建筑浓烟滚滚。

13、The sails billowed out in the wind. ─── 帆在风中张满。

14、In the house a door shuts with a bang, curtains billow into the room.I rush to close the windows, empty the clothesline, secure the patio furnishings. ─── 屋内的房门呯的一声关上,窗帘被风吹得如波涛般翻滚,我冲过去关上窗户,收起晾衣绳,固定好阳台上的东西。

15、Steam billowed out from under the hood. ─── 蒸汽从机罩下冒了出来。

16、Be in with in post, great majority netizen is right " billow of the affection in the dream " behavior puts forward to condemn, the netizen call this group " profanatory close affection " . ─── 在跟帖中,绝大多数网友都对“梦中情浪”的行为提出谴责,有网友称这一行为“亵渎了亲情”。

17、Steam billowed and wheels screeched as the train crawled to a stop.Edward scanned every window looking for Ingrid's glowing hair and smile. ─── 当火车喷着蒸汽,车轮发出刺耳的尖叫声徐徐驶进车站的时候,爱德华怀着激动的心情翘首向每一扇车窗里张望着,期待着能再见到英格里德那长长的秀发和迷人的微笑。

18、Controls how many cells are imbedded in the medium used by the Billow noise type. ─── 在波涛杂色类型中控制有多少单元被嵌入到介质中。

19、Long locks of blond hair flowing behind her, her silk dress billowed around her dainty running feet; ─── 在她后面流动的金发头发的长锁, 她的丝洋装在她的适口食物流动的脚周围像巨浪般汹涌;

20、Smoke billowed from the top of a Chicago high-rise this afternoon. ─── 今天下午一座芝加哥的高层建筑浓烟滚滚。

21、One stone arouses 1000 billow, the tentative idea causes a mighty uproar very quickly in the whole nation, nod eulogist has, shake one's head the person that oppugn has. ─── 一石激起千层浪,设想很快在全国引起轩然大波,点头称赞者有之,摇头质疑者有之。

22、8. Thick black smoke billowed over the well-preserved ruins of Olympia, on the Peloponnese. The blaze crept up a hillside, engulfing surrounding pine and cypress woods. ─── 大火从希腊北部燃烧至冰山伯罗奔尼撒半岛南部,山坡、森林被烧焦,西班牙人的城镇和村庄被摧毁,造成空前破坏.收藏指正

23、I watched the sails billow and the ship heel over slightly. ─── 我看到船帆扬起,船有一点倾斜。

24、House price climbs the reality that rise ceaselessly will how the difficult problem of demand of housing of low income family in cogent safeguard pushs needle of aweather head billow further. ─── 房价不断攀升的现实将如何切实保障中低收入家庭住房需求的难题进一步推向风头浪尖。

25、The hope can protect the old villa on island bosomy billow through this kind of means. ─── 希望能够通过这种方式来保护鼓浪屿上的老别墅。


27、One stone arouses 1000 billow. ─── 一石激起千层浪。

28、I see honours, happiness, success, shining upon every billow of the dark gulf beneath which I must sink at last. ─── 我最后得葬身于黑暗的深渊,可是在那深渊的滚滚波涛上都闪烁着荣誉、幸福和成就。

29、In the past, the stone chiliad sleep deeply here, the farmer acting generation here is impoverished, but in recent years here " wheel billow " , "Boil " gave a rich village. ─── 在位处浙西边陲的江山市大陈乡有个遍山是石头的“小山窝”,叫大陈村。过去,这里的石头千年沉睡,这里的农民代代贫困,可近年来这里“车轮滚滚”,“滚”出了一个富裕村。

30、Four skirts billowed modestly, eight small feet were daintily placed on low hassocks. The quiet breathing of Wade, Ella and Beau came through the open door of the nursery. ─── 四个人的裙子轻轻飘动,八只小巧的脚轻轻地搭在脚凳上,育儿室的门开着,可以听到从里面传出韦德、爱拉和小博的轻微的呼吸声。

31、Japan Broadcasting Change's Billow from CATV ─── 从CATV所见的日本广播变革波澜

32、Together they would travel on boat with billowed sail ─── 他们要一起驾船旅行

33、The soldiers billowed across the muddy riverbed. ─── 士兵们翻腾过泥泞的河床。

34、Controls the density randomization of individual cells used by the Billow noise type. ─── 控制波涛杂色类型各别的单元随机化密度。

35、As it burst into flames, smoke billowed up from the below. ─── 开始着火时,浓烟从底部滚滚冒出。

36、He stood by her side at the window, watching sharp gusts of snow billow, then swirl and drift to the ground. ─── 他站在她身旁,倚在窗边,看着雪花在强风中翻腾、回旋,缓缓飘落到地面。

37、The words in these introductory pages connected themselves with the succeeding vignettes, and gave significance to the rock standing up alone in a sea of billow and spray; ─── 插图特别强调出傲然屹立在海边,承受着浪花飞溅和惊涛骇浪的岩石;

38、1.Fig3. Some briefcases have concertina sections. Remember to clear this out when you come back from trips to avoid your unwashed briefs billow out onto the boardroom table. ─── 图三:有的包是有那种手风琴夹层的,记得出差回来清空检查一下,避免在会议上找文件时把你未洗的内裤抖出来。

39、One stone arouses 1000 billow, this action caused a harangue on Internet, the proponent is not little, but anti is more. ─── 一石激起千层浪,此举在互联网上引起了热烈的讨论,支持者不少,但反对者更多。

40、Hellish flames billowed upward, blackening the groaning roofbeams. ─── 地狱般的火焰向上翻滚着巨浪,烧黑了房梁,发出嘎吱声。

41、Columbus in navigate , is east originally seek a billow of treasure have thrown just seek on bed have fun joyfully Columbus. prostitute cry out , mistake . ─── 哥伦布在航行时,本来是去东方寻找宝藏的,一个巨浪掀翻了正在床上寻欢作乐的哥伦布。

42、Among them, dress things is the billow pointed thing of popular agitation forever. ─── 其中,服饰用品永远是流行风潮的浪尖事物。例如:鞋。

43、A sudden wind billowed the tent alarmingly. ─── 一阵狂风使帐篷令人惊恐地鼓起了。

44、He exhaled a billow of cigar smoke. ─── 他吐出一股雪茄烟。

45、Her skirt billowed out like a parachute. ─── 她的裙子像降落伞般鼓起。

46、"Thick black smoke billowed everywhere," said a man who answered the telephone at the Weng'an County People's Hospital, where he said about a dozen injured people were taken. ─── “厚厚的黑烟,到处说: ”一名男子谁回答了电话,在瓮安县人民医院的,在那里他说,大约12名受伤人员被采取。

47、And the brooklet has found the billow, ─── 尽管相隔得这么远

48、Clouds of thick black smoke billowed from the car's exhaust. ─── 从汽车排气管冒出一股股黑色浓烟。

49、The billow of the atlantic dash high on the rock during a storm. ─── 暴风雨时,大西洋的巨浪冲撞岩石掀得很高很高。

50、The towns were built of plywood, cardboard, plastic sheets that billowed in the wind, and the bodies of dead vehicles. ─── 贫民窟是靠胶合板、硬纸板和废弃的车辆搭起来的,到处都有盖遮的塑料布在风中摇曳。

51、As darkness falls, I often stroll in the garden, enjoying the gentle breeze caressing my face, hearing the billow sound, and feeling an angel comforting my soul. ─── 傍晚,我在园中散步,只觉微风拂面,涛声回荡,仿佛是天使抚慰着我的灵魂。

52、An angry billow almost swallowed the ship. ─── 怒涛几乎吞没了这条船。

53、quiet billow ─── 微波

54、till billow ─── 冰碛波状丘陵

55、A door shuts with a bang and curtains billow into the room. ─── 房门砰地一声关上了,窗帘被风翻卷着吹向屋内。

56、Among them a speech says: "As an essayist and this group of companionate spokesman, I must say bluntly to you, your behavioral clumsiness is ugly, your back bends bend, of round billow uneven. ─── 其中有一位发言说:“作为一名评论家和这群伙伴的代言人,我必须坦率地对您说,你的动作笨拙难看,你的背部弯弓,圆滚滚的凹凸不平。

57、An angry billow almost swallowed that ship. ─── 怒涛几乎吞没了那条船。

58、billow up in the form of a cloud. ─── 以烟雾的形式向上翻腾。

59、Although can decide none exaggeratively, of Brazilian team seize chief to will overcome a company to bring billow source of revenue to be able to bear or endure. ─── 巴西队战胜德国队捧走大力神杯并不意味着耐克品牌就击败了阿迪达斯品牌。虽然可以毫不夸张地确定,巴西队的夺魁将为耐克公司带来滚滚财源。

60、Smoke billowed from the leader, and erupted into a ball of flame that smeared through the air. ─── 烟从前面一架战机上翻腾出来,爆炸成一个明亮的火球,污迹撒满天空。

61、Hair post person " billow of the affection in the dream " write in the card: "I am very poor really now, think invite applications for a job does father. ─── 发帖人“梦中情浪”在帖子中写道:“我现在真的很穷,想招聘一名干爹。

62、Catch a cold, n&v snuffle, dizzy billow, want to open cap only, deeply a few more inspiratory menthene makes you immediately mental display vigour, the symptom is reduced greatly. ─── 伤风,鼻塞,晕浪,只要打开瓶盖,深深地吸入一些薄荷油即时令你精神振作,症状大为减轻。

63、The driving east wind that publicizes thought job makes ginger lasher earth emerges move a billow spring tide, rouse every bits of bit sail that swinging economic progress. ─── 宣传思想工作的强劲东风使姜堰大地涌动起滚滚春潮,鼓荡着经济发展的点点风帆。

64、Smoke still billowed from Ground Zero and the putrid smell of burnt flesh and melted steel continued to haunt me. ─── 世贸中心倒塌现场的烟雾仍未散去,人体烧焦的腐臭和钢筋熔化的气味还在不断刺激我的嗅觉。

65、Look down at from Beijing nation trade the billow wagon flow on road, can see China yearns for to petrolic. ─── 从北京国贸俯瞰道路上的滚滚车流,就可以看见中国对石油的渴望。

66、Chun Chao takes pluvial billow to come season of early spring of Han day plum, northland earth still cold wind chilly. ─── 春潮带雨滚滚来韩天梅早春时节,北国大地依然寒风料峭。

67、Perhaps, at come of on the road, I tainted with dirty, but you certainly rinse my dust with your billow. ─── 也许,在来的路上,我沾染了污秽,但你一定会用你的巨浪荡涤我的尘埃。

68、curtains billowed in the breeze. ─── 微风吹得窗帘鼓了起来。

69、No matter outer the vicissitudes of life that how many has and cross, it can stroke smooth pain for you, add the passion that defeats billow with the wind and courage for you. ─── 无论在外有多少的沧桑与磨难,它都能为你抚平伤痛,为你增添迎风破浪的激情与勇气。

70、2 of 4: Ash and steam billow from Karymsky Volcano in Russia’s dramatic Kamchatka Peninsula. ─── 2/4:丽姆斯卡火山坐落于美丽的俄罗斯堪察加半岛,爆发时形成的巨大尘埃与蒸汽团喷腾如海。

71、As smoke billowed below the rocket, her relatives gasped and her mother clasped her hands in front of her chest. ─── 当火箭底部冒出滚滚浓烟即将升空时,安萨里的亲戚们都屏住了呼吸,她的妈妈双手紧握胸前。

72、Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sails, ─── 他们常乘船扬帆出航

73、From the mountain a giant mushroom cloud billowed into the sky. ─── 一团巨大的蘑菇云直冲云霄,越滚越大。

74、Screams were heard and black smoke billowed from the century-old edificeon Mumbai's waterfront. ─── 尖叫声响成一片,孟买海滨地区这座有着百年历史的地标性建筑黑烟滚滚。

75、Chlorr of the Mask hissed as she thought of those orders, and fog billowed around what passed for her head. ─── 戴面具者克罗思考着命令,口中嘶嘶作声,雾气翻腾着从头顶飘过。

76、It is almost startling to hear this warning of departed time sounding among the tombs, and telling the lapse of the hour, which, like a billow, has rolled us onward towards the grave. ─── 坟墓间回荡着的钟声,听来令人悚然惊惧,它警告你又一个钟头业已过去,而时光的消逝,就像一个大浪,在不停地把我们卷向坟墓。

77、On a mountain stretched beneath a hoary willow /Lay a shepherd swain and viewed the rolling billow ─── 在山上一棵古老的柳树下,伸展躺着年轻的牧羊人,眺望着翻腾的巨浪

78、Actually, the figure floated there; the hem of its robe billowed gently an inch or two above the ramp. ─── 实际上,那个身影是漂浮的。长袍的底边在坡道地面上方一两英寸的地方轻拂波动。

79、Smoke billowed from a shopping center overrun by the insurgents just a few yards from the presidential palace. ─── 距总统府仅数米之遥的购物中心被武装分子占领,浓烟如巨浪般翻涌而出。

80、I see honors, happiness, success, shining upon every billow of the dark gulf beneath which I must sink at last. ─── 我最后得葬身于黑暗的深渊,可是在那深渊的滚滚波涛上都闪烁着荣誉、幸福和成就。

81、Three miles farther on steam began to billow out of the radiator ─── 大约又走了三英里,水箱开始沸腾,蒸汽翻滚着冒出车外。

82、One has squared body from the back, yellow sanded billow. ─── 一具具摆平的尸体后面,黄沙滚滚。

83、Smoke billowed up from an area where the city’s main mosque is located. ─── 一些商铺十五日晚八时还在冒烟。

84、The house lives slow-witted long, decorate afresh money is wasted again between billow take time already, start work as oneself transform, let furniture replay extraordinary splendour. ─── 房子住呆久了,重新装修既浪费时间又浪费金钱,不如自己动手改造,让家具重放异彩。

85、So intense was his penance that a smoke billowed from his head and the entire world was in the danger of annihilation. ─── 他的修行功力十分强大,从他的头上喷出的烟柱会使整个世界处于被毁灭的危险之中。

86、Legend of the city because there are wells, wells Baiwu vacant, its shape like a Bailong, billowed into the Jiuxiao, therefore Gongsun Shu claimed Baidi, the city also renamed Baidicheng. ─── 因为传说城中有井,井中白雾腾空,其形状宛如一条白龙,直冲九霄,于是公孙述自称白帝,城也改名白帝城。

87、Terrified locals watched as thick smoke and flames billowed from 10 flats in the 50-storey building, bringing back shocking memories of 9/11. ─── 受到惊吓的当地居民看着这栋50层楼高的大楼,从10层飘出的滚滚浓烟以及窜动的火苗,回想到了9.11事件。

88、Plumes of smoke billowed from the island of 1, 300 people but it was not immediately clear how much damage was incurred. ─── 滚滚浓烟飘在这个拥有1300人口的岛上,具体的损失暂时无法准确估计。

89、Steam and sulfides billow from the James River Corporation pulp and paper mill on the Androscoggin River in Berlin, New Hampshire. ─── 在新罕布什尔州的柏林,位于安德罗斯科根河旁的詹姆斯河公司的制浆造纸厂向外排放着滚滚的含有硫化物的蒸汽。




Puffe the magic dragon



Peter, Paul & Mary



Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea

And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee

Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff,

and brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. Oh!

(Chorus, twice)

Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail

Jackie kept a lookout perched on Puff's gigantic tail,

Noble kings and princes would bow whene'er they came,

Pirate ships would lower their flag when Puff roared out his name. Oh!


A dragon lives forever but not so little boys

Painted wings and giant rings make way for other toys.

One grey night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more

And Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.

His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain,

Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.

Without his life-long friend, Puff could not be brave,

So Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. Oh!

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