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08-20 投稿


cinnamone 发音


英:  美:

cinnamone 中文意思翻译



cinnamone 相似词语短语

1、cinnamon bear ─── 肉桂熊

2、cinnamonic ─── adj.肉桂的;来自肉桂的

3、cinnamic ─── adj.含苯乙烯基的

4、cinnamon ─── n.樟属的树,肉桂;肉桂色;肉桂皮;adj.肉桂色的,浅黄褐色的;n.(Cinnamon)人名;(英)辛纳蒙

5、cinnamons ─── n.樟属的树,肉桂;肉桂色;肉桂皮;adj.肉桂色的,浅黄褐色的;n.(Cinnamon)人名;(英)辛纳蒙

6、cinnamon fern ─── 桂皮蕨

7、cinnamene ─── n.苯乙烯;肉桂烯

8、cinnamon teal ─── 肉桂红鸭

9、cinnamony ─── 肉桂

cinnamone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Add scallion, pepper, ginger, star anise, cinnamon, broth, soy sauce, salt, Shao liquor, cage steam to the Su Lan. ─── 先将汤汁滗入碗中,再拣出调料渣,将肘肉扣在汤盆(碗)上。

2、The chemical composition of Xijiang and Dongxing Cinnamon Oil were identified by means of GC technique. ─── 利用分子蒸馏技术对肉桂油分离提纯肉桂醛工艺技术条件进行了研究。

3、Sieve the flour into a separate bowl, add the oats, baking soda, nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla sugar and salt and blend well. ─── 去另一盆,把面粉过筛,然后加入燕麦,小苏打,豆蔻粉,肉桂粉,向草糖和盐。

4、He spiced the biscuits with cinnamon. ─── 他在饼干里加了肉桂。

5、The addition of cinnamon improved the flavor. ─── 加入桂皮后,气味更好了。

6、Combine ingredients given in a shaker half-filled with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Sprinkle cinnamon on the top. ─── 在盛有半杯冰块的摇壶里混合所有原料.滤入冰过的鸡尾酒杯,顶部洒入肉蔻.

7、He spicedthe biscuits with cinnamon. ─── 他在饼乾里加了肉桂。

8、Add breadcrumbs to pan and stir over medium heat until golden brown. Stir in almond meal, cinnamon. ─── 3把面包屑以中火炒至金黄色,加入杏仁碎、肉桂粉。

9、Leaf blade elliptic to lanceolate; abaxial surface indumentum cinnamon. ─── 叶片椭圆形到披针形;背面毛肉桂色。

10、Add in the sifted flour, cinnamon, baking powder and hazelnut powder into the butter mixture. Then add in chocolate drops and mix. ─── 加入过筛后的面粉,肉桂粉,烤粉和榛子粉拌匀即可。最后加入巧克力拌匀。

11、Product Description: Cinnamon is the peeled and curled inner bark of a tropical evergreen tree. ─── 产品描述:桂皮是从常青树上剥落的一层树皮,将里层清洁干净后,气味芬芳,用做调料。

12、It can contain dark or milk chocolate and have whipped cream and a dusting of either cinnamon or cocoa powder. ─── 它可以包含浓巧克力或牛奶巧克力,加上生奶油,最后撒上肉桂粉或可可粉。

13、Wu Ling San, which consists of poria, polyporus, alisma, atractylodes, and cinnamon bark, is implied to have diuretic effects. ─── 五苓散由茯苓、猪苓、泽泻、白术和桂枝5味中草药组成,是临床上具有代表性的消肿利水方剂。

14、Add some cinnamon and the ingredients. ─── 加入一些肉桂,把原料搅拌一下。

15、When done, sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on the top. ─── 做好了以后,撒肉桂粉和糖在表面。

16、Add zest of 1 lemon, cardamom, salt, and cinnamon. ─── 加入一只柠檬榨的调料,盐和肉桂。

17、Line 2 baking trays with baking paper. Mix icing sugar and cinnamon together. Set aside. ─── 取2个烤盘铺好烤纸。糖粉和肉桂粉混合备用。

18、Another really yummy Romanian treat..it's a hollow dough with sugar &cinnamon coating. It's so good when freshly baked! ─── 另一美味罗国小食, 外裹砂糖和肉桂粉的中空面包, 刚出炉热呼呼超赞!

19、Cinnamaldehyde and cinnamyl acetate is the main component of cinnamon bark oil. ─── 其中肉桂醛和肉桂酯为肉桂树皮精油中主成分。

20、Chinese seasoning made by grinding star anise and fennel and pepper and cloves and cinnamon. ─── 中国调味品,由磨碎的星形大茴香、茴香、胡椒粉、丁香和桂皮制成。

21、On the palate, the aroma has intense berry, plum and a rich oak note interspersed with a touch of cinnamon. ─── 入口有强烈的浆果、洋李和丰厚的橡木味和肉桂香味。

22、A wonderful blend of cinnamon, allspice and cloves makes this a holiday favorite. ─── 作者:佚名文章来源:本站整理点击数:更新时间:2007-9-15

23、How to eat: Mix with a little butter, cinnamon and nutmeg. ─── 如何吃:混合少许奶油,肉桂及肉豆蔻。

24、Add the meat, coriander, cumin, turmeric, ginger root, chilies, cardamon, cinnamon, cloves, bay leaf, and salt and pepper to taste.Stir. ─── 加入肉,香菜,小茴香,姜黄,生姜,辣椒,小豆蔻,肉桂,丁香,月桂叶,盐和胡椒调味,搅动。

25、Some people like beets prepared simply in butter. Others like to cook them with cinnamon and ginger. ─── 一些人喜欢甜菜和黄油的简单搭配,一些喜欢将其和桂肉,姜一起煮。

26、Fried Milk made with milk mix with sugar, egg yolks, cinnamon, vanilla. ─── 大良炒鲜奶以牛奶加入蛋白、糖、香草及肉桂快炒而成。

27、Discard the cinnamon,thyme and bay leaves. ─── 去掉肉桂,百里香和月桂树叶。

28、Ok. Do you want some chocolate or cinnamon powder in your coffee? ─── 好的。您要不要在咖啡里加点巧克力粉或肉桂粉呢?

29、Strip soil found only in Hilly ease Okazaki, mainly yellow or yellow cinnamon brown earth soil. ─── 地带性土壤仅见于低丘缓冈,主要是黄棕壤或黄褐土。

30、Ginger,nutmeg,cinnamon,pepper and cloves are common spices. ─── 姜、肉豆蔻、肉桂、胡椒、丁香都是常用的香料.

31、A coffee with frothy milk on top, sprinkled with cinnamon and grated chocolate. The hot milk can be replaced by whipped cream. ─── 咖啡加起泡奶油上撒肉桂及巧克力片。

32、The cinnamon some of us dash in our cappuccino today was once used by ancient Egyptians to embalm the dead. ─── 今天我们在卡布其诺上添加的肉桂,曾被古埃及人用来防止尸体腐坏。

33、Stir in chili powder, cumin, oregano, tomatoes (with juice), cornmeal, cinnamon, bay leaves, and 2 cups water. ─── 加入辣椒粉,小茴香,牛至,番茄(连汁一起),玉米粉,肉桂,月桂叶和2杯水。

34、Tastes like a mix of cinnamon and vanilla. ─── 尝起来好像是肉桂和香草的混合物。

35、Small pieces of a dense pita bread had been dipped in egg and fried, served with sauteed bananas and cinnamon ice cream. ─── 一块小小地厚厚地皮塔饼浸泡在鸡蛋里然后放入油锅中炸一下,再和炒过的香蕉、桂皮味的冰激凌混合在一起。

36、They ate little biscuits made with flour and honey, spiced with cinnamon. ─── 他们吃那种由面粉和蜂蜜,加上含桂皮的香料制成的小饼干。

37、The smells included cinnamon, black pepper, chocolate, heit (paint) thinner , and smock (smoke). ─── 其中包括桂皮,黑胡椒,巧克力,油漆稀释剂和烟。

38、Palate: The aroma has intense berry, plum and a rich oak note interspersed with a touch of cinnamon. ─── 口感:入口有强烈的浆果、洋李和丰厚的橡木味,以及肉桂的香味。

39、It starts to express its complexity with notes of flint, leather, and spices such as cinnamon, clove or musk. ─── 嗅觉上有火石,皮革和香料(肉桂,丁香,麝香)。

40、Chinese tree with aromatic bark; yields a less desirable cinnamon than Ceylon cinnamon. ─── 中国肉桂树种;气味亚于印度肉桂。

41、A tropical Asian evergreen tree (Cinnamomum cassia) having aromatic bark used as a substitute for cinnamon. ─── 一种亚洲常绿热带乔木(山扁豆属肉桂树)有可作肉桂皮替代品的芳香树皮。

42、Sliced onions, green chilies, black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg and saffron are used to add flavors. ─── 切洋葱,绿辣椒,胡椒,肉桂,小豆蔻,丁香,肉豆蔻和红花是用来增加风味.

43、Asia cooks also use cinnamon flower buds, leaves, and dried berries. ─── 亚洲厨师也使用肉桂花芽、叶子,和乾燥莓果。

44、Its flavor is sharper and less subtle, and the bark is thicker than that of the Ceylon cinnamon tree. ─── 它的味道是更加强烈和较不纤细的,并且树皮是比那锡兰桂香树更加厚实。

45、Goldschlager is a cinnamon schnapps produced in Switzerland containing 24-carat gold flakes. ─── 它是一种瑞士出产的肉桂甜酒,酒瓶中含有24克拉金箔。

46、Keep cinnamon in a sealed container stored in a dry, dark place. ─── 保留肉桂在一个被密封的容器并且存放在一个乾燥,黑暗的地方。

47、Cinnamon and cinnamon extracts, for example, have been shown to lower blood sugar in mice. ─── 例如,肉桂及肉桂提取物,已经在老鼠身上证明有降低血糖的作用。

48、Right. We don't have any cinnamon. ─── 对。我们没有肉桂了。

49、Ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, pepper and cloves are common spices. ─── 姜、 肉豆蔻、 肉桂、 胡椒、 丁香都是常用的香料。

50、In a medium-sized bowl combine flour, sugar, cinnamon, spices, soda and baking powder. ─── 在一个中等大小的碗中,把面粉、糖、桂皮、香料、小苏打和发酵粉搅拌好。

51、Spikenard and saffron; Calamus and cinnamon, With all the trees of frankincense; Myrrh and aloes, With all the chief spices. ─── 14有哪哒和番红花,菖蒲和肉桂,并各样乳香木、没药、沉香,与一切上等的香料。

52、My pet cockatiel, Cinnamon, was out of her cage and sitting with me and Mom in her bedroom. ─── ) 我的宠物鸟澳洲鹦鹉,跑出了他的笼子要在母亲的卧室里和我呆在一起.

54、Combine all-purpose flour, semolina, baking powder, ground hazelnut and cinnamon powder and sift into the egg mixture. Blend in milk and raisins. ─── 中筋粉,粗麦粉,烤粉,榛子粉和肉桂粉混合过筛到鸡蛋混合物里。倒入牛奶和提子拌匀。

55、The flavour is rounded,concentrated,slightly spiced,with dark chocolate and cinnamon notes. ─── 入口圆润浓郁,略有辣味,有巧克力和桂皮香味。

56、 双语使用场景

57、Stir in chili powder, cumin, oregano, tomatoes( with juice), cornmeal, cinnamon, bay leaves, and2 cups water. ─── 加入辣椒粉,小茴香,牛至,番茄(汁一起)玉米粉,肉桂,月桂叶和2杯水。

58、They brewed it in large metal pots, producing a thick, dark liquid to which spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, and anise were added. ─── 他们用大型的金属锅把咖啡煮成浓稠的黑色液体,并在里面加上肉桂、豆蔻和茴香等调味料。

59、Black cherry, plum and currant flavors combine with spicy white pepper, cinnamon and clove characters in this Hardys Cabernet Sauvignon. ─── 具有黑樱桃、李子和加仑子的香味并结合了辛香白胡椒、肉桂和丁香的味道。

60、Transfer liquid into a deep container and add star anise seeds, cinnamon and bay leaf. ─── 将上述混合后的部分转移到一个深的容器中,再加八角,桂皮和香叶。

61、Other recommended herbs for sinus trouble are ginger, cinnamon and anise. ─── 其它为窦病患者推荐的食品有生姜、肉桂和茴芹。

62、Combine all-purpose flour, semolina, baking powder, ground hazelnut and cinnamon powder and sift into the egg mixture. ─── 中筋粉,粗麦粉,烤粉,榛子粉和肉桂粉混合过筛到鸡蛋混合物里。

63、Add the lemons, garlic and cinnamon;cook for 2 minutes, stirring;crush the lemons slightly. ─── 加入柠檬,蒜头,桂皮,煮2分钟,边煮边搅,轻轻将柠檬压烂。

64、Ripe cherry and plum characters are supported with coffee, cinnamon and black olive nuances. ─── 入口后酒香马上充满整个口腔,能感觉到优雅又不失平衡的酸度。

65、TASTING NOTES: A deep ruby colour with violet hints.A nose of cherry, marasca, walnut husk, wild berries, vanilla, cinnamon, mint, sage and tobacco. ─── 产品特征:深红宝石色中透着紫罗兰色,混合樱桃,欧洲酸樱桃,坚果,野浆果,香草,肉桂,薄荷和烟草的味道。

66、Guangxi province is rich in cinnamon resource, so studies on biodegradation of cinnamon oil into natural benzaldehyde have important significance. ─── 依靠广西丰富的肉桂资源,进行桂油生物降解为天然苯甲醛的研究具有重要意义。

67、A tropical asian evergreen tree (Cinnamomum cassia) having aromatic bark used as a substitute for cinnamon. ─── 一种亚洲常绿热带乔木(山扁豆属肉桂树),有可作肉桂皮替代品的芳香树皮。

68、For example: Black pepper, brown cardamom, green cardamom, caraway seed, clove, cinnamon, bay leaves, mace, cumin seeds, saffron. ─── 例如:黑胡椒、 棕色的小豆蔻、 绿色的小豆蔻、 香菜籽、 丁香、 肉桂、 月桂叶、 肉豆蔻、 小茴香、 番红花。

69、For over 4,500 years, cultivators have harvested cinnamon by slicing the branches and drying the bark. ─── 在4,500年之间,栽种者藉由切开树枝和乾燥树皮而获得了肉桂。

70、Whole wheat flour, wheat flour, rolled oats, wheat bran, apples, canola oil, cinnamon, molasses, natural vegetable extract (to maintain freshness). ─── 低脂肪,苹果燕麦片全麦面粉,燕麦,苹果,糖蜜,肉桂,天然植物提取物(保持鲜度)

71、They are Eucalytus, Fennel, Mint, Catechu, Cinnamon, Commiphora, Glycyrrhiza, Ratanhia, Myrrhis, Clove, Salvia, Anise , Chamomila , Echincea. ─── 对口腔问题和牙龈的溃烂均有绝佳的功效),甘草,秘鲁灌木,茴香属,丁香,鼠尾草,回芹,德国甘菊,紫锥花等。

72、Soil is mostly alluvial flood formation, mainly cinnamon, tidal soil two broad categories. ─── 土质多为洪水冲积形成,主要有褐土、潮土两大类。

73、Aldehydic and phenolic compounds are found in cinnamon and mustard. ─── 在肉桂和芥菜中含有醛类和酚类化合物。

74、The palate caresses by subtle hints of spice (cinnamon) and more animal hints of leather. ─── 入口充满了精致的如肉桂等香料的香味,又有丝丝皮革味道。

75、Ylang-Ylang, Fennel seed, Cinnamon, ginger, Evening Primrose oil and so on. ─── 依兰、茴香、肉桂、姜、月见草油等。

76、This Puerto Rican rum is flavored with a blend of clove, allspice and cinnamon. ─── 哪一种波多黎各朗姆酒含有丁香和肉桂的味道?

77、Wheat flour, Rye ,Raisin,Cinnamon,Yeast, ,Salt, Without to bleach sugar. ─── 主要成分:小麦面粉,裸麦,肉桂粉,葡萄乾天然酵母,天然海盐,未漂白二砂糖.

78、Stir with crushed ice. Strain into glass filled with ice. Top with soda water, grated nutmeg, and ground cinnamon. ─── 在调酒杯中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,倒入苏打水,搅动后倒入加冰的高球杯,用豆蔻、桂和柠檬角装饰。

79、Okay,I see a Dutch fudge torte with cinnamon swirls! ─── 好的,我看见一个荷兰蛋糕,还浇着肉桂酱汁呢!

80、Whisk together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, allspice, cloves, and salt in a bowl until combined. ─── 候机连同面粉,烘焙苏打水,桂皮,生姜, allspice ,丁香,和盐在一个碗,直到结合起来。

81、Add the cinnamon and the cocoa. ─── 加入肉桂和可可粉。

82、Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, mix together oats, almonds, pumpkin seeds, brown sugar, cinnamon and salt. ─── 将烤箱预热到350度。然后将燕麦,杏仁,南瓜子,红糖,桂皮和盐放入一个大碗内进行混合;

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