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08-20 投稿


convolution 发音

英:[?kɑ?nv??lu??n]  美:[?k?nv??lu??n]

英:  美:

convolution 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 卷积


convolution 词性/词形变化,convolution变形

形容词: convolutional |

convolution 同义词

convene |congress

convolution 反义词


convolution 常用词组

convolution integral ─── 卷积积分;褶合积分

convolution 短语词组

1、anterior central convolution ─── [医] 中央前回

2、circular convolution ─── [计] 圆周卷积

3、convolution principle ─── [化] 卷积原理

4、complex convolution integral ─── [计] 复卷积积分

5、ascending parietal convolution ─── [医] 中央后回

6、annectant convolution ─── [医] 连结回

7、continuous convolution ─── [计] 连续卷积

8、abrupt convolution ─── [医] 楔叶(大脑)

9、convolution of Broca ─── [网络] Broca卷积

10、Broca's convolution ─── [医] 左额下回

11、convolution kernel ─── [计] 卷积核

12、angular convolution ─── [医] 角回

13、circuit convolution ─── [计] 循环卷积

14、convolution operation ─── [计] 卷积运算

15、callosal convolution ─── [医] 扣带回

16、ascending frontal convolution ─── [医] 中央前回

17、convolution code ─── [电] 回旋码

18、convolution integral ─── [计] 卷积积分

19、Brissaud's convolution ─── [医] 布里索氏回, 顶横回

convolution 相似词语短语

1、convoluting ─── 回旋,卷绕,盘旋(convolute的现在分词)

2、convocation ─── n.召集;集会;教士会议;评议会

3、involution ─── n.退化;纠缠(的事物);乘方;卷入,内卷

4、obvolution ─── 反进化

5、convolutional ─── adj.卷积的;回旋的;脑回的

6、convolutions ─── 肠曲

7、coevolution ─── n.共同进化(指两个以上相互依存的物种共同进化)

8、nonsolution ─── 非解决方案

9、coevolutions ─── n.共同进化(指两个以上相互依存的物种共同进化)

convolution 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Meantime, the convolution arithmetic was used to decode the received ultrasound signal in order to ensure that the axial image resolution was not decreased. ─── 同时,采用相关算法对接收的超声信号解码,保证图像的轴向精度不会下降。

2、convolution back-projection (CBP) algorithm ─── 卷积反投影算去

3、Double convolution bellows type air spring ─── 双曲囊式空气弹簧

4、Discrete convolution is applied to verify that the result of repeated convolution of a distribution function will approach to Gaussian distribution. ─── 以离散迴旋积验证任意分布函数之重覆迴旋积会随重覆次数之增加而趋于常态分布。

5、Application About Convolution Integral in Circuit Analysis ─── 卷积积分在电路分析中的应用

6、For the generation of a BOC signal, the data signal, which can be encoded with a convolution code and interleaved, is spread with ranging codes and then an offset carrier is added. ─── BOC 信号的世代,能与一个回旋密码一起改为暗码并且插入纸的数据信号与排列密码一起传布,然后一个抵销运送者被增加。

7、In this paper,Some results of convolution sequence in a completely simple. Semigroup are excen-sions to Semigroups ;S has a completely simple kernel k. ─── 将完全简单半群上概率测度序列淡收敛的某些结果推广到更一般的某类局部紧拓扑半群上。

8、Study on Circular Convolution of Digital Signal Process ─── 基于数字信号处理的循环卷积教学探讨

9、just a matter of convolution. ─── 仅仅是个卷积上的问题。

10、The TCQ algorithm takes advantage of convolution code, and enlarges the Euclidean distances among quantized data by expanding data dimensions. ─── TCQ算法充分利用了卷积码的特性,采用信号空间扩展的方法来增大量化信号的欧式距离,从而达到提高量化性能的目的。

11、In order to raise compress ratio while accelerating encoding process,an algorithm combining fast convolution with quadtree partitioning based on neighbor search is adopted. ─── 为了在加速编码过程的同时提高压缩比,将快速卷积算法与基于四叉树分割的邻域搜索算法相结合。

12、The convolution of a functions of wide and narrow pulse width shows that the narrow pulse has similar effect of a impulse weight by its area. ─── 一脉宽甚宽与一脉宽甚窄两脉波之迴旋积,则脉宽甚窄之脉波具有其面积所加权之脉冲效应。

13、Mathematical Theory Of Convolution On Image Processing ─── 图像处理中卷积理论的数学基础

14、The Analyzing to One Kind of Fast Convolution Algorithms ─── 卷积的一种快速算法分析

15、Under this kind of situation,the partition convolution is an effective solution. ─── 在这种情况下,分段卷积是一种有效的解决方案。

16、homographic system for convolution ─── 卷积同态系统


18、Basic Computational Methods of Convolution Integral ─── 卷积积分的基本计算方法

19、Determination of Oxaprozin Tablets by Convolution Spectrometry ─── 奥沙普秦片的褶合光谱法测定

20、Zhang Muxiang,Xiao Guozhen.Structure of invertible linear transform with convolution property in finite field[J].Acta Electronica Sinica,1994,22(4):20-23. ─── [2]张木想,肖国镇.有限域上具有卷积性质的可逆线性变换的结构[J].电子学报,1994,22(4):20-23.

21、I had heard that a warrior of masterful skill was sighted traveling with you, , but even I could not guess at such a convolution! ─── 我听说有一位技巧高超的战士和你一起旅行,,但我从来没有猜到竟是如此复杂!

22、Discussions on How to Introduce the Convolution Integral ─── 关于卷积积分概念引入方法的讨论

23、However, resampling from 4:2:0 format into 4:2:2 or 4:4:4 format involves vertical sampling as well, necessitating a two-dimensional convolution kernel. ─── 不过,从4:2:0格式转换再采样为4:2:2或者4:4:4格式,则还需要用到垂直采样,于是就有必要采用二维卷积内核。


25、For the microscopy by off-axis lensless Fourier transform holography, Fresnel reconstructing method is better than the convolution method. ─── 对于离轴无透镜傅里叶变换全息显微来说,菲涅耳近似重建方法优于卷积方法。

26、convolution morphological operator ─── 卷积形态变换

27、Theoretically, nearest neighbor, linear, cubic convolution and image interpolation based on wavelet are analyzed and compared on interpolation effect, computational complexity and hardware cost. ─── 从理论上研究分析并比较了最近邻域法、线性插值法、三次卷积插值法及基于小波的图像插值法的插值效果、插值计算量及硬件开销。

28、Study on approach of convolution integral in signal system ─── 卷积积分的方法探讨

29、Introduction the Fourier series, Convolution,Laplace transform, Z-transform, Discrete time and fast Fourier transform, Adaptive filter,digital filter. ─── 介绍傅立叶,拉式,Z转换之数学运算,同时应用于离散与计算快速傅立叶转换,而此数学运算使用时数位滤波器之应用

30、Fresnel Zone Plate (FZP) non-movable convolution scanning holography is based on the FZP scanning holography. ─── 基于菲涅耳波带板扫描全息术,提出了无运动卷积菲涅耳波带板扫描全息术。

31、Convolution Surface Modeling for Cubic B-Spline Skeletons ─── 三次B样条曲线骨架卷积曲面造型

32、Singular integral equation of convolution type ─── 卷积型奇异积分方程

33、The Notes of Convolution Formula and Its Applications ─── 卷积公式的应用注记

34、A convenient variation upon the process of superposition thus described is a mathematical operation designated as convolution. ─── 对于上面描述的叠加过程,有一种方便的变形,它就是称为褶积的一种数学运算。

35、When BMD is under 0.6 g/cm2,the trabecula is destroyed in both transverse and longitudinal orientation,while the collagen fiber emerges the convolution and rupture. ─── 在骨密度

36、The Construction of Refinable Function Based on Convolution ─── 加细函数的卷积构造算法

37、In this text,a algorithm of extrapolation from mid-field to far-field is put forward by convolution . ─── 中场是指源与目标的距离介于近场和远场之间的范围。

38、The convolution of a step exponential pulse with a rectangular pulse and the variation with the pulse width ratio of the pulses. ─── 一单边递减波及一方波之迴旋积随两脉波脉宽比之变化。

39、In a two-dimensional convolution, the calculation performed for a given pixel is a weighted sum of intensity values from pixels in its immediate neighborhood. ─── 在二维卷积中,针对特定像素执行的计算是在其附近的像素点的亮度值的加权和。

40、convolution method for divergent beams ─── 发散束卷积法

41、Fast Line Integral Convolution with Triangular Filter Kernels ─── 基于三角形滤波卷积核的快速线积分卷积算法

42、bicubic convolution interpolation ─── 二维三次卷积

43、Convolution is the single most imp ortant technique in Digital Signal Processing,but the real-time applicatio n of convolution is limited for its large computing. ─── 卷积是数字信号处理中一种简单但非常重要的技术,但它的计算量较大,这限制了它的实时应用。

44、The output of a linear time invariant system is the convolution of the input and the system impulse response. ─── 线性非时变系统之输出为输入与脉冲响应之迴旋积。

45、Unsteady flow Line Integral Convolution(UFLIC) ─── 二维非稳定场的可视化方法

46、multidimensional cyclic convolution ─── 多维循环卷积

47、Single convolution bellows type air spring ─── 单曲囊式空气弹簧

48、Discrete convolution is applied to verify the properties of convolution of two continuous waveforms. ─── 以离散迴旋积验证两连续波形迴旋积之特性。

49、"No. " The first to speak was the Cloud Guardian, in a cold and determined tone, not leaving even a slit of space for convolution. ─── “不行。”最先开口拒绝的是云守,语调冷漠果决,没有丝毫回旋余地。

50、Neighborhood, also known as convolution operations, convolution and correlation analysis of signals and systems is a basic operation. ─── 邻域运算也叫卷积运算,卷积与相关是信号与系统分析中的基本运算。

51、the convolution considering angle or wavelength resolution is better than the convolution considering scattering vector. ─── 波长、角度分辨分别考虑法优于散射矢量整体考虑法。

52、With convolution integral, a new formulation for describing the relation of soft X-ray reflectivity of multilayer with the different energy Monochromaticity of incident light is deduced. ─── 利用数学卷积积分,理论上推导出一个在入射光不同单色性下精确计算多层膜反射率的公式。

53、Finally, the arbitrary input's response was gained by the method of recursive convolution(RC). ─── 利用递归卷积法求得任意激励下的电路响应。

54、piecewise linear recursive convolution method ─── 分段线性电流密度递归卷积方法

55、On the mean value of a new arithmetic function and its convolution ─── 一个新的数论函数及其他对合式的均值

56、In intensity-modulated radiotherapy,how to choose the radiation cut-off radius is very important to the precision and computational efficiency in convolution based dose calculation. ─── 在调强放射治疗中,为了保证剂量计算的精确度和避免不必要的时间耗费,采用微分卷积积分方法进行剂量计算时,选择一个合适的散射截止半径是非常重要的。

57、Convolution type of wavelet packet transformation ─── 卷积型小波包变换

58、This method discards the coherent oscillator used in traditional processing method and avoids to perform convolution which must do in DSU method. ─── 传统的信号处理多采用相干振荡器实现相干检波,而相干振荡器的初相是由发射主波确定的。 由于发射主波的前后缘一般很差,故定相精度很不理想。


60、A single turn, coil, or fold; a convolution. ─── 一次转动、卷缠或折叠;回旋

61、A Video Image Convolution coprocessor based on SIMD architecture. ─── 3、基于SIMD结构的可重构图像卷积器。

62、Based on analyzing the control principle in stepping motor, a kind of new convolution algorithm is proposed and corresponding convolution coefficient is also deduced. ─── 在分析步进电机控制原理的基础上,提出了一种新的卷积算法,并推导了卷积系数。

63、Convolution type of wavelet packet ─── 卷积型小波包

64、convolution wavelet packet transformation ─── 卷积小波包变换

65、The mechanism of vibration source convolution is analyzed,and a method for bispectra-blind source separation for convolved signals is proposed. ─── 分析了振源卷积混叠机理,提出了一种双谱解卷积方法,并从盲源分离和波形恢复的角度对新方法的实用背景进行了概括。

66、Analytics of Convolution Integral on Causal Signals ─── 关于因果信号卷积积分的解析法浅析

67、sound surface wave convolution device ─── 声表面波卷积器

68、Other Extensions to Line Integral Convolution ─── 其他线条整体卷绕扩展技术

69、All impulse responses can be exported in high resolution for use in convolution reverbs. ─── 所有脉冲响应可以出口,在高分辨率的使用在卷积混响。

70、Traditional wavelet transformation is calculated by convolution operation that needs a great lot of calculation and room. ─── 传统的小波变换是利用卷积计算的,它需要大量的计算及存储空间。

71、Mid-line shift(81%), lateral cerebral ventricle allaxis due to be compressed(67%), plica of cerebral convolution gather together and ingression(89%) and grey matter of brain ingression(78%) were seen in the cases. ─── 并中线结构移位占81%,侧脑室受压变形占67%,脑回皱襞聚拢内移占89%,脑灰白质内移占78%。

72、Texture based visualization for vector field, such as Line Integral Convolution (LIC), can effectively depict the global features of the vector data without losing local information. ─── 基于纹理图像的矢量场可视化技术能够清晰有效地揭示整个矢量场的全局特征,不会造成局部信息的丢失。

73、Research on a SIMD-Based Image Convolution Processor Architecture ─── 基于SIMD技术的图像卷积处理器体系结构研究

74、Two-dimensional cubic convolution interpolation ─── 二维三次卷积插值

75、The convolution of a function with an impulse results in the same function with a time shift equal to the time shift of the impulse. ─── 一脉波与一脉冲迴旋积之结果为相同脉波之时域位移,位移量等于脉冲之时域位移(即迟延或超前)。

76、Convolution method for parallel beams ─── 平行束卷积法

77、With multi-path (hence multi-tap), in time domain, it appreads like a convolution / filter, in frequency domain, it leads to freqyency selective fading. ─── 信道就是一个系统,它在时域表现为卷积滤波(因为多径时延),

78、Broca discovered that the faculty of speech is localized in the third left frontal convolution. ─── 卜洛卡发现说话的机能位于左大脑第三额回。

79、Global water challenge is a convolution coalition of 22 groups working for change in water and sanitation. ─── 全球应对水问题促进会是由22个小组组成,致力于改变水和卫生设施。

80、The invention relates to a device used for the decoding of convolution-coded received symbols (50). ─── 本发明涉及用于对卷积编码接收符号(50)进行译码的装置。

81、Convolution Window Weighted Algorithm for Dielectric Loss Factor ─── 介质损耗因数的卷积窗加权算法

82、So we can use the convolution of Laplacian operator to compute the gradientdescent. ─── 因此,可以利用有向拉普拉斯算子的卷积来计算梯度下降迭代公式。

83、Three convolution bellows type air spring ─── 三曲囊式空气弹簧

84、This paper describes a sensitive method for the determination of trace estrogen and androgen by second derivative convolution voltammetry. ─── 二阶导数卷积伏安法应用于水稻中痕量雌雄激素的检测,具有快速、灵敏、干扰少的特点。

85、In the case of horizontal layered-medium model, we can express a discrete resistivity function as a form of convolution filtering, whose filtering coefficient can be calculated by using first order Bessel function. ─── 在水平层状介质模型条件下,离散的电阻率函数可用一种褶积滤波形式表示,此滤波系数利用一阶贝塞尔函数求出。

86、Convolution, correlation. Firing rate. Spike-triggered average. ─── ?旋积分、相关性、活化频率、被触发的突波平均。

87、Let's paint a picture using convolution. ─── 让我们用卷积法来画一幅图。

88、The Precondition of the Associative Property in Convolution ─── 卷积结合律成立的条件

89、Hadamard product(or convolution) ─── Hadamard乘积

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