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subclass 发音

英:['s?bklɑ?s]  美:['s?bkl?s]

英:  美:

subclass 中文意思翻译



subclass 词性/词形变化,subclass变形

第三人称单数:subclasses 名词复数形式:subclasses

subclass 短语词组

1、subclass Archaeornithes ─── [网络] 亚类Archaeornithes

2、subclass Branchiopoda ─── [网络] 鳃足亚纲

3、subclass Archosauria ─── [网络] 亚纲龙属

4、subclass Caryophyllidae ─── [网络] 石竹亚纲

5、subclass Anapsida ─── [网络] 亚类Anapsida

6、subclass Arecidae ─── [网络] 亚科科

7、subclass Asteridae ─── [网络] 菊亚纲

8、subclass Actinopoda ─── [网络] Actinopoda子类

9、decidable subclass ─── [计] 可判定子类

10、subclass Cirripedia ─── [网络] 蔓足亚纲

11、proper subclass ─── [计] 真子类

12、subclass Acnidosporidia ─── [网络] 子类孢子虫属

13、subclass Commelinidae ─── [网络] 小科

14、subclass Cnidosporidia ─── [网络] 极球孢子亚纲

15、subclass Alismatidae ─── [网络] 亚纲科

16、subclass Copepoda ─── [网络] 桡足亚纲;桡脚亚纲

17、subclass Crossopterygii ─── [网络] 子类Crossopterygii

18、subclass Amphineura ─── [网络] 子类Amphineura

19、subclass Diapsida ─── [网络] 双孔亚纲;恐龙亚纲

subclass 相似词语短语

1、subclassed ─── n.亚纲;子集;子类;v.把……划入亚纲;将……编入子集

2、outclass ─── vt.远高于;远胜于

3、sunglass ─── n.太阳眼镜;聚集日光引火的凸透镜

4、subclasses ─── n.基类,小类;亚纲;子集(subclass的复数)

5、subclaims ─── 子条款

6、subclassify ─── vt.将…归入亚纲

7、subclans ─── 亚类

8、subclaim ─── 子条款

9、subclan ─── 子计划

subclass 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Also, each subclass inherits methods from the superclass. ─── 同时, 每个亚纲继承来自总纲的方法。

2、Application of Fractional Calculus on Certain Subclass of Analytic Functions ─── 分数次微积分算子在一类解析函数上的应用

3、However, the ability to project arguments in this way is limited among nouns to a subclass that I will refer to as process or event nominals. ─── 不过,以这种方式投射论元的能力在从名词到我称为过程或事件名词的子集中是受到限制的。

4、A Subclass of Certain Starlike Functions with Negative Coefficients ─── 一类负系数星像函数类

5、Equivalence Structure of a Subclass of Minimal Unsatisfiable Formulas ─── 一个极小不可满足公式子类的等价结构

6、coextensive with the genus Sphagnum; in some classifications isolated in a separate subclass. ─── 与泥炭藓目同延;在一些分类中是单独的一个亚纲。

7、If a subclass of one of these classes needed to override the default behavior, it could do so by overriding the method. ─── 如果这些类中的任何一个的子类需要覆盖默认行为,那么可以通过覆盖这个方法实现。

8、In our study, 15 of the 23 participants were of the B subclass pattern. Actual LDL particle size was not significantly different between egg treatment groups at baseline (initial) or at the conclusion (final) of the study. ─── 在此实验中,23位参与者有15位是B型。试验中实际的ldl粒子的大小在不同的蛋处理组之间没有显著差异,无论是基线水平(起始)或是结论(终止)数据。

9、TTF_SUBCLASS If you use this flag, it means you tell the tooltip control to subclass the window that the tool is on so that the tooltip control can intercept mouse messages that are sent to the window. ─── SUBCLASS如果你使用这个标志,它意味着你告诉工具提示控件子类化工具所在的窗口,以便让工具提示控件能够窃听发送给窗口的鼠标消息。

10、Task instances can be customized. The easiest way to do this is to create a subclass of TaskInstance. ─── 创建一个任务实例的子类。

11、For example, the OrderService could have an operation to add any subclass of Item to an existing Order. ─── 例如,OrderService可以有为现有订单添加任何Item子类的操作。

12、You will learn that all classes are derived from the Object class, and how to modify the methods that a subclass inherits from superclasses. ─── 你将学到从对象中提取的所有类,并且学会如何修改一个从超类中继承的子类的方法。

13、A true object-oriented approach would define a class representing a sprite, possibly as a subclass of ─── 如果是按真正面向对象的方法,应该定义一个类代表一个子图形,可能是作为

14、Such sources are believed to be either quark stars or neutron stars, and a subclass of these are already observed by conventional means as pulsars or X-ray emitting celestial objects. ─── 一般认为这些信号源就是夸克星或中子星,其中一些已经通过传统的方法观测到,称为脉冲星。

15、Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,we detected the levels of total IgE,cad-dis fly specific IgE and caddis fly specific IgG subclass in 60 patients with caddis fly allerglc rhini-tis. ─── 为了解毛翅蝇变应性鼻炎病人的免疫状态,观察60例毛翅蝇变应性鼻炎病人的总IgE,特异性IgE,总igg及特异性igg亚类水平。

16、Sole constructor. (For invocation by subclass constructors, typically implicit. ─── 唯一的构造函数。(通常由子类隐式调用)

17、Pain-sensing neurons, however, possess a subclass of voltage-gated sodium channels, known as the T TX -resistant type, that do not occur in the CNS. ─── 不过,痛觉受器却拥有一种特别的电位控制钠离子通道,称为河鲀毒(tx)敏感型,而中枢神经系统里并没有这一型。

18、If your application needs to process user entry forms you might subclass ─── 如果应用程式需要处理用户输入表单,那么可以继承

19、What is the class and/or subclass of the primary antibody. ─── 什么是工人阶级和/或亚纲的主要抗体。

20、In AIHA,the basic predominant IgG subclass is IgG 1.IgG 3 has a greater potential for red cell destruction than IgG 1 and C 3d . ─── IgG 亚型中以IgG1 +IgG3 为主。 IgG3 阳性的患者临床表现及溶血程度严重,治疗效果差

21、If the application wants to subclass a window from this ID, it news up the appropriate object and returns the new pointer back to the window. ─── 如果程序想要根据ID为一个窗口生成子类,新建一个适当的对象并把新指针返回给窗口。

22、For example, the class Person could be stated to be a subclass of the class Mammal. ─── 例如,可以成声明“人”为“哺乳动物”的子类。

23、Before a subclass constructor performs its own initialization, it is required to call the superclass constructor. ─── 在子类构造函数进行其初始化之前,它必须调用基类构造函数。

24、Karyotype analysis shoved that the chromosome mode was 91. The immunodif fusion test showed that ANl McAb belongs to IgGl subclass. ─── 其染色体众数为91,所分泌抗体属IgG1亚类。

25、Replace Type Code with Subclass ─── 以子类取代型别码

26、A taxonomic category of related organisms ranking below a subclass and above an order. ─── 下纲生物等级分类中的一个层次,在亚纲之下,目之上

27、Results in differentiation of subclass of ABO blood groups ─── ABO血型亚型鉴定结果分析

28、Sampled. Spi Supplies abstract classes for service providers to subclass when offering new audio devices, sound file readers and writers, or audio format converters. ─── 为采样数字音频的捕获、处理、重放提供接口和类。

29、It is ok if you subclass only a few controls but it's going to be a nightmare to subclass a dozen or so controls. ─── 如果你子类化的控件仅有几个,那么这种方法仍可行。但是当你子类化一打(十二个)左右的控件时它将是一个恶梦。

30、If one did a search for a term contained in the ontology, the query could be expanded with subclass information in order to find more relevant answers. ─── 如果某人对本体中包含的术语进行搜索,查询就可能根据子类的信息进行扩展从而找到更多相关的答案。

31、relating to or characteristic of fungi of the subclass Discomycetes. ─── 关于或具有盘状菌类特征。

32、If one interface describes a component that has an "is-a" or "has-a" relationship to another component, you can let interfaces subclass or reference each other. ─── 如果一个接口描述一个部件“是一个”或“有一个”关联和其他部件,你能子类化该接口后让它们相互引用。

33、'SSS' indicates the error message subclass. ─── ' SSS '指出了错误消息子类。

34、Recently renamed" subclass" to" derived class"( on7/00). Click here to go to the next FAQ in the" chain" of recent changes. ─── 如何才能在改变类的内在部分时,保护其派生类不被破坏?

35、If the application needs to subclass a window, it fills in the function pointer with the address of its own function. ─── 如果程序需要为一个窗口生成子类,就在函数指针里填上自己函数的地址。

36、If a component class is a subclass of another component class, then it inherits that base class' message catalog. ─── 如果一个组件类是另一个组件类的子类,那么它继承那个基类的信息目录。

37、Whenever you define a new class as an extension of an existing one, the new class is said to be a subclass of the original. ─── 任何时候你定义一个新类继承自已有的类,这个新类就叫做已有那个类的子类。

38、Directly, they are actually designed for you to subclass and fill in your specific behavior. ─── 但实际上它们被设计为可以子类化也可以加入特定行为。

39、The DelegatePaintPanel subclass allows any image to be the background of any other (partially transparent) component. ─── DelegatePaintPanel子类允许任何图像作为任何其他(部分透明)组件的背景。

40、Q-quadratic Convergence for A Subclass of Nonlinear ABS Algorithms ─── 一类非线性ABS算法的Q-二阶收敛性

41、keyword operator that allows a subclass to invoke it's superclass's method. ─── 允许子类触发它的超类中方法的关键字操作符。

42、It is ok if you subclass only a few controls but it's going to be a nightmare to subclass a dozen or so controls. ─── 如果你子类化的控件仅有几个,那么这种方法仍可行。但是当你子类化一打(十二个)左右的控件时它将是一个恶梦。

43、Matter leaching and chemical weathering are weak. The main mineral element moving is less obviously. The soils belong to 2 soil class,2 subclass,3 soil great group and subgroup. ─── 供试土壤共分属2个土纲,2个亚纲,3个土类和3个亚类,其中YW-2、4属于钙积暗厚干润均腐土,YW-3、5属于普通简育干润雏形土,YW-6属于钙积暗沃干润雏形土。

44、A large subclass of diapsid reptiles including: crocodiles; alligators; dinosaurs; pterosaurs; plesiosaurs; ichthyosaurs; thecodonts. ─── 双窝类爬行动物的一个大的亚纲;包含鳄鱼;短吻鳄;恐龙;翼龙;蛇颈龙;鱼龙;槽齿类。

45、I monitor the individual methods being executed in these dispatch actions by matching any methods with the signature of a Struts action in a subclass of a. ─── 子类中所有具有Struts操作签名的方法监视在这些分派操作中执行的各个方法。

46、relating to or characteristic of fungi of the subclass Discomycetes ─── 关于或具有盘状菌类特征

47、Investigators therefore hope that drugs able to block this subclass could be administered systemically (throughout the body) without ill effects. ─── 因此,能够阻断这一型钠离子通道的药物,就能够施予全身,而不至于有不良作用。

48、When applied to a method, it means that the method cannot be overridden by a subclass. ─── 应用于方法时,意味着该方法不能被子类覆盖。

49、What visa subclass do you currently hold ─── 你现在持有的是哪种签证

50、A class that passes properties and methods to another class is called a superclass.A class can be both a subclass and a superclass. ─── 一个超越其他类别的类别被称为超级类别,一个类别可以既是最高类别又是超级类别。

51、Once the superclass constructor is done, the subclass constructor completes initialization and turns the superclass object into a subclass object. ─── 一旦父类构造函数完成上述工作,子类的构造函数就进行完整的初始化,并将该父类对象转化为子类对象。

52、With this strategy, each proper subclass has its own table. ─── 通过这种策略,每个子类都会拥有其自身的表。

53、If a class is both a subclass of and in the same package as the class with the protected member, then the class has access to the protected member. ─── 如果一个类既是包含受保护成员的类的子类,又与它在同一个包中,则该类可访问受保护的成员。

54、The pattern A lipoprotein subclass is the least atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype and the AB pattern carries an intermediate risk. ─── A型脂蛋白致动脉粥样化性最差;ab型的危害适中。

55、How do I subclass the Desktop Window ─── 制作桌面的子类

56、A handler is not overridable in a subclass, so you can add as many handlers as you like to an event and they will all fire. ─── 句柄在子类中是不可重写的,因此可以根据需要为事件增加多个会被触发的句柄。

57、A Deadlock Prevention Strategy for a Subclass of FMS ─── 一类柔性制造系统的死锁预防策略

58、Reservior micro structure is a small subclass on the oilfield structure because of fine distinction of the layers depth. ─── 储层微型构造是在总的油田构造背景上,储层顶底面的微细起伏变化所显示的小构造。

59、3. a large subclass of diapsid reptiles including: crocodiles; ─── 双窝类爬行动物的一个大的亚纲;包含鳄鱼;

60、Basis-Free Expressions for the Derivatives of a Subclass of Nonsymmetric Isotropic Tensor Functions ─── 一类非对称各向同性张量函数导数的不变表示

61、Use predefined classes for scene organisation if they suit or plug in your own subclass to gain full control over the scene organisation. ─── 可以使用预定义的类进行场景组织,或者插入您自己的子类以取得对于场景组织的完全控制。

62、Extend an existing View class or subclass with your own class. ─── 从现有控件类或其子类扩展你自己的类。

63、Cover-up investigation is a subclass of forceful investigation.Like enticing investigation, it is included in disguised investigations. ─── 卧底侦查是强制侦查中的一种,与诱惑侦查同属于化装侦查。

64、GORM supports configuration of Hibernate types via the DSL using the type attribute.This includes specifing user types that subclass the Hibernate org.hibernate.types. ─── As an example GORM还可以通过DSL的type属性来支持Hibernate类型,包括特定Hibernate的org.hibernate.types.

65、Therefore, plasma samples were sent to Dr Ronald Krauss, University of California at Berkeley, for the identification of participant LDL subclass patterns and their categorization into either the pattern A, AB or B phenotype. ─── 因此,血浆样品被送到Donald Kranss博士那里,他是伯克利加利佛尼亚大学的教授,样品用于鉴别参加者LDL分子类型,以及它们是A,AB或B哪类表现型。

66、A Subclass of Meromorphic P-Valent Functions with Positive Coefficient ─── 具有正系数的亚纯P叶函数的一个子类

67、Analysis of nested design with unbalanced subclass numbers ─── 不等重复系统分组试验设计分析

68、a large order of dicotyledonous plants of subclass Dilleniidae ─── 五桠果亚纲双子叶植物的一个大目

69、The previous bits, in combination, identify which requests/notifications are supported by a CommunicationsClass interface with the SubClass code of Abstract Control Model. ─── 原先的那些位,用来组合,作识别(请求/通知),这种支持是由带有抽象代码控制模块的通信类的接口提供。

70、Since an instance of a subclass is an instance of your superclass, you could find multiple instances of the singleton. ─── 由于子类的实例也是单例类的实例,所以可能出现多个单例实例并存的情况。

71、When a method accepts a superclass instance, yet uses the derived type of this instance to control its behavior, changes are required for the introduction of each new subclass. ─── 在以超类实例为参数的方法中,如果必须知道实例的具体派生类型时才能控制实例行为,那么在引入新的子类时就必然要修改超类的代码。

72、The largest subclass of dietary polyphenols is flavonoids, and it has been reported in the past that those who consume lots of flavonoids have a lower incidence of dementia. ─── 多酚的最大子类是类黄酮,之前的研究指出,大量食用类黄酮的人患上痴呆的几率较小。

73、Pain-sensing neurons, however, possess a subclass of voltage-gated sodium channels, known as the TTX-resistant type, that do not occur in the CNS. ─── 不过,痛觉受器却拥有一种特别的电位控制钠离子通道,称为河魨毒(tx)敏感型,而中枢神经系统里并没有这一型。

74、Any of various minute , chiefly freshwater crustaceans of the subclass Ostracoda, having a bivalve carapace. ─── 卢布克爵士最近指出,小型甲壳类中有几种较好的例子,可作为这一法则的说明。

75、Their Ig class and subclass were determined as IgG1 and IgG2a respectively. ─── 其抗体类别均为IgG ,亚类分别为IgG1和IgG2a .

76、If a class that is designed for inheritance is not serializable, it may be impossible to write a serializable subclass. ─── 如果一个专门为了继承而设计的类不是可序列化的,那么要编写出可系列化的子类几乎是不可能的。

77、On the other hand, it makes you write more code, and it is harder to re-use (because it is not a subclass). ─── 另一方面,它使您写更多代码,并且它是更难于重复利用(因为它不是子类)。

78、A subclass with explicit opacity components should override this method to return a color with the specified alpha. ─── 一个拥有不透明通道的子类需要重写这个方法来返回指定了透明值的颜色对象。

79、Two other refactorings, Push Down and Pull Up, move class methods or fields from a class to its subclass or superclass, respectively. ─── 还有两个重构工具,PushDown和PullUp,分别实现将类方法或者属性从一个类移动到其子类或父类中。

80、If you need to process a multi-page entry into a single form you can subclass ─── 如果需要把多页输入处理到一个表单,那么可以继承

81、A subclass constructor should first let the superclass constructor do that part of the initialization which turns plain memory into the superclass object. ─── 子类的构造函数应该首先让父类的构造函数来完成把空白记忆体开辟为父类对象的那部分初始化工作。

82、Reducing coupling between a subclass and its superclasses. ─── 减少了子类及其超类之间的耦合。

83、The following example shows how to subclass an instance of an edit control in a dialog box. ─── 下例显示了怎样子分类一个对话框中的编辑控件实例。

84、Using DDX is simple, but doesn't help us if we need to subclass a control that already exists. ─── 使用DDX很简单,但不帮助我们,如果我们需要一个控件子类已经存在的。

85、Several Inequalities about Certain Subclass of Analytic Functions ─── 关于某类解析函数的几个不等式

86、Any of various minute, chiefly freshwater crustaceans of the subclass Ostracoda, having a bivalve carapace. ─── 介形亚纲动物属介形亚纲的任一种体小的、主要生活于淡水中的甲壳纲动物,长有一对硬壳

87、a large order of dicotyledonous plants of subclass Dilleniidae. ─── 五桠果亚纲双子叶植物的一个大目。

88、disproportionate subclass numbers ─── 不等比例子类数

89、The table below lists the event subclass values for this event. ─── 下表列出了此事件的事件子类值。

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