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08-20 投稿


Argo 发音

英:[?ɑ?rɡo?]  美:[?ɑ?ɡ??]

英:  美:

Argo 中文意思翻译



Argo 短语词组

1、argo cycle ─── 阿尔戈循环

2、ale argo ─── 阿尔戈的

3、argo davos team ─── 阿尔戈达沃斯团队

4、argo prep argo ─── 准备

5、argo-pastoral economy ─── [法] 农牧经济

6、argo team Argo ─── 团队

7、argo tokyo ─── 阿戈东京

8、overgeared team argo mangalivre ─── 装备过度的argo mangalivre团队

9、argo director argo ─── 主管

10、argo io ─── 阿戈我

11、argo ai ─── 阿尔戈艾

12、Argonauta argo ─── [网络] 扁船蛸;二名法

13、overgeared team argo ─── 装备过度的团队argo

14、argo tea ─── 阿戈茶

15、argo e argo ─── 和

16、argo movie ─── 阿尔戈电影

Argo 相似词语短语

1、argol ─── n.[有化]粗酒石

2、Largo ─── n.缓慢曲;广板;adv.缓慢地;庄严地;宽广地;adj.缓慢的;庄严的;宽广的;n.(Largo)人名;(德、西、意、葡)拉尔戈

3、cargo ─── n.货物,船货;n.(Cargo)人名;(英、西)卡戈

4、Argo ─── n.南船座;Jason求取金羊毛所乘之船

5、argot ─── n.隐语;暗语;暗号;俚语;黑话

6、pargo ─── 段落

7、sargo ─── 小眼重牙鲷

8、Fargo ─── n.法戈(美国北达科他州东南部城市)

9、argon ─── n.[化学]氩(18号元素);n.(Argon)人名;(西、土、英)阿尔贡

Argo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In this sacred pine grove was to be seen the Argo, the ship of the Argonauts, dedicated to Poseidon as a memorial of the earliest enterprise at sea; ─── 在那神圣的松林中,人们能够看到献给波塞冬的阿尔戈英雄之船,它是波塞冬最早时期海上经历的纪念;

2、Evaluation and analysis of Mid-Depth currents of the equatorial pacific using ARGO float position information ─── 利用Argo浮标定位信息估算分析赤道太平洋中层流场状况

3、Numerical Calculation of Vertical Modes of Rossby Internal Wave for ARGO Station in the Mid-low-Latitude Pacific Ocean ─── 中、低纬太平洋ARGO测站Rossby内波垂直模态的数值计算

4、The next day, the Argo reached the Symplegades, which rose up out of the sea like two strong towers. ─── 翌日,阿格号到达有如两个坚固的塔一般矗立在海上的「怪二子岩」。

5、Argo Victor ─── 维克多· 阿尔戈

6、The Active Affect of Taking Part in the International ARGO Plan for Developing Ocean Technology in China ─── 国际ARGO计划对我们的启示

7、After over viewing the scientific goal and possible achievements of international ARGO plan, the article analyses the active affect of taking part in the plan for developing ocean technology in China, and the revelations from the plan. ─── 本文概述了国际 ARGO计划的科学目标和可能得到的成果 ,分析了参加 ARGO计划对我国海洋技术发展的牵动作用 ,阐述了 ARGO计划对我们的启示。

8、The ARGO Returns to Greece ─── 阿尔弋号回希腊

9、Argo (Arg) ─── 南船星座

10、This paper discusses the feature of ARGO float and its development in the future, and introduces the operational principle, structural design, communication, electric circuit and the sea trial of COPEX developed by China in detail. ─── 文章概述了国外 Argo浮标的特点及今后的发展状况 ,重点详细介绍了我国自行研制的 COPEX浮标的工作原理、结构设计、通讯、电路原理以及海上实验的情况。

11、Argo program ─── Argo计划

12、GIS software that support ARGO program can analysis a great lot of data in ocean. ─── 支持ARGO计划的地理信息系统平台能分析处理海量的海洋信息。

13、A Study on the Acquirability of Mid-Depth Current Information by the ARGO Float ─── 利用ARGO浮标提取中层海流信息研究

14、Global ARGO Floats and the Analyses of its Observation Data Stasus ─── 全球ARGO浮标及其观测资料状况分析

15、However, it is very difficult to examine changes of the sensitivity of the sensors equipped at the Argo floats, because it is difficult to understand their condition in the sea and the reliability of the data. ─── 如果对浮标所在洋区的状况不是很了解,很难判断 Argo 浮标电导率传感器的工作状态及盐度数据的可靠性。


17、The Global Argo System Construction and its Application ─── 全球Argo实时海洋观测网建设及应用进展

18、] Argo n. Jason ─── 求取金羊毛所乘之船;南船座

19、Although, by comparison, we've found that ARGO reliability is beyond compare and therefore few repairs are required. ─── 虽然,通过比较,我们发现,ARGO计划的可靠性无法比拟的,因此很少需要维修。

20、That's what Jennifer Argo and her colleagues say. she teaches business at the University of Albert. ─── 这是詹妮弗。阿狗和她的同事宣称的,詹妮弗在艾伯特大学教商业学。

21、Argo floats data ─── Argo浮标数据

22、ARGO Profiling Float Data Receiving, Processing and Distributing ─── Argo剖面浮标观测资料的接收、处理与共享

23、Progress of China ARGO Float ─── 我国Argo浮标的设计与研究

24、ARGO floats is a kind of measuring appliance for the special purpose of building the global ocean observation net. ─── ARGO浮标是用于建立全球海洋观测网的一种专用测量设备。

25、But the literature about the ARGO data structure and the method of reading ARGO data is less. ─── 但对ARGO数据结构进行分析和读取方法介绍的资料文献很少。

26、Introduction of the International Argo Information Center and Its Missions ─── 国际Argo信息中心及其承担的使命

27、The detector control system for the YBJ - ARGO experiment ─── 羊八井-ARGO实验的DCS监测系统

28、Simulation to ARGO detector array with Geant4 packages ─── 利用Geant4模拟ARGO阵列

29、Selection of Domestic Welding Wire for Argo Arc Welding in Application of Carbon Steel Pipeline in Petro-chemical Industry ─── 石油化工碳钢管线氩弧焊用国产焊丝的选择

30、argonautic adj. Argo ─── 号船员的

31、Global marine environment observation data (ARGO)and ARGOGIS ─── 全球海洋环境观测数据(ARGO)及ARGOGIS系统

32、The Test and Deployment of Argo Profiling Float ─── Argo剖面浮标的检测及其施放探讨

33、ZHU Guang-wen.Developing profiling drifter to help China join ARGO program [ J].Ocean Technology,2001, 20(2), 18-23. ─── [3]朱光文.发展剖面探测浮标技术,支持我国参与ARGO计划[J].海洋技术,2001,20(2),18-23.

34、Gilgamesh had for his companions, 50 oarsmen in the great ship, Argo, a constellation bordering Canis Major, where Sirius is found. ─── 吉尔伽美什拥有他的伴随者,50名oarsmen在南船座大船上,它是大犬星座旁边的星座,是天狼星被发现的地方。

35、Quality Control of Sound Velocity Profile Based on ARGO Measurements ─── 基于ARGO数据的声速剖面质量控制

36、ARGO Plan development ─── ARGO计划进展

37、Argo profiling buoys ─── Argo剖面浮标

38、Quality Control of Argo Data Based on Climatological T-S Relationship ─── 基于气候性温盐关系模型对Argo数据进行质量控制的研究

39、Utilizing ARGO Data to Improve the Prediction of ENSO and Short-term Climate Prediction of Summer Rainfall in China ─── 利用ARGO资料改进ENSO和我国夏季降水气候预测

40、Sensitivity of Cosmic Ray Knee Composition Seen by a Hadron Calorimeter Plus ARGO ─── 在羊八井设置KASCADE强子量能器研究宇宙线膝区成分

41、A study on an anticyclonic eddy east of Mindanao observed by an Argo profiling float ─── 棉兰老岛以东反气旋涡的Argo观测研究

42、In this sacred pine grove was to be seen the argo, the ship of the Argonauts, dedicated to Poseidon as a memorial of the earliest enterprise at sea ─── 在那神圣的松林中,人们能够看到献给波塞冬的阿尔戈英雄之船,它是波塞冬最早时期海上经历的纪念

43、An Analysis for the Operation Status of Argo Floats in the Global Oceans ─── 全球海洋中Argo剖面浮标运行状况分析

44、This paper makes a brief introduction of the high-accuracy GPS and ARGO positioning systems,and then describes the comparative test of GPs and ARGO. Finally a comparison is made between the two sets of data thuS obtained from the test. ─── 本文首先对高精度GPS和ARGO定位系统进行了简单介绍,进而提出了GPS和ARGO定位系统比对试验的内容,最后对测试数据进行了分析和比较。

45、in particular, to provide customers with various kinds of imported domestic Filter , such as: EPE, PALL, HYDAC, STAUFF, ARGO, INTERNORMEN, MAHLE, MP and so on. ─── 特别是为客户提供各种进口滤芯国产化,如:EPE、PALL、HYDAC、STAUFF、ARGO、INTERNORMEN、MAHLE、MP等。

46、Argo data ─── Argo资料

47、Assimilation of Argo float positions in the north western Mediterranean Sea and impact on ocean circulation simulations ─── 地中海西北部Argo漂浮物同化及其对海洋环流模拟的影响

48、Argo float ─── Argo浮标

49、Analysis of ARGO Data Structure and Its Method of Reading ─── ARGO遥感数据结构分析及快速读取方法

50、but the Argo, leaving the Colchian ships far behind, soon passed swiftly out of sight, and the angry king was left standing on the Colchian shore. ─── 然而,阿格号把可吉斯的船远远地抛在后头,快速地驶离视线,把愤怒激动的国王弃置在可吉斯的岸上而不顾。

51、Kirk and Spock return to the waters of Argo to investigate, whereupon they are captured by the sentient race of Aquans. ─── 寇克和史波克被宣告不可信赖并判死刑。

52、ARGO ATV. ─── Argo的亚视。

53、In this paper, the latest study information of ARGO plan is introduced, and the necessity and urgency for China to join the plan are analyzed. ─── 本文主要介绍了 ARGO计划的最新研究进展 ,并分析了我国参加 ARGO计划的必要性与紧迫性。

54、Enter keytool -list -keystore c: \ Argo \ security \ server.keystore -v from the command line. ─── 从命令行输入keytool - list - keystore c: \ argo \ security \ server . keystore—v。

55、Secondly at practice the relatively information defaulted in ARGO files is too much so that the west Pacific on 2000db is the main region, where we could reckon the credible current on mid-depth by the ARGO float. ─── 2)在实际浮标资料中缺省信息过多,以至主要在2000db西太平洋能提取可靠的中层海流信息。

56、The results on monitoring of natural temperature environment of YBJ ARGO hall ─── 对羊八井ARGO实验大厅自然温度环境的监测

57、The effect of reference dataset on calibration of Argo profiling float salinity data ─── 参考数据集对Argo剖面浮标盐度观测资料校正的影响

58、Insurance brokers will quote rates Insurance for all types of z argo and r Insurance sks. ─── 保险经纪人会开出承保各类货物的各种险别的费用。

59、Processing Method of ARGO Marine Satellite Observation Data and Its Application ─── ARGO海洋卫星观测数据处理方法及应用

60、The material available on Argo City was skimpy suspiciously skimpy ─── 有关阿尔格城的材料少得可怜,少得出奇。

61、Part of results from simulation to ARGO array using this program are also listed and studied. ─── 并给出了利用该程序所得到的有关ARGO阵列的性能的部分模拟结果 .

62、The mixed layer depth in the North Pacific as detected by the Argo floats ─── 浮子测定北太平洋混合层深度

63、The Development and Application of Visual Network Integration Platform of Argo Data ─── Argo数据的网络可视化集成平台开发及其应用

64、ARGO floats is a kind of measuring appliance for the special purpose of building the global ocean observation net. ─── ARGO浮标是用于建立全球海洋观测网的一种专用测量设备。

65、Seasonal temperature variation below the thermocline detected by Argo floats ─── 用Argo浮子测定的斜温层下面季节温度变化

66、Probing into the Conductivity Sensor Drift Problem of the ARGO Profiling Float ─── ARGO剖面浮标电导率传感器漂移问题探讨

67、We checked the Argo data in this area and got good results. ─── 结果表明,利用 Argo 浮标所在海区的气候学数据对 Argo 数据进行质控是比较有效的方法之一。

68、Garber currently stars in the Oscar-nominated film, Argo, and the new NBC series, Deception. ─── 加博目前还参演了奥斯卡提名电影《逃离德黑兰》,NBC系列,《致命陷阱》。

69、Wonderfull Argo Navis,dreamily Milky Way! ─── 因为真的是很漂亮.

70、Study of a Wide-sky-survey Method For ARGO Experiment ─── 羊八井ARGO实验实现普天寻源方法研究

71、ARGO Science Payload Mission Requirement, ARGO-REQ-0007, Issue NSPO March 24, 2006. ─── 环试工程组,环境工程与试验技术手册,中科院品保中心,民国82年。

72、Compared with the two additives,Argo 120 and Hypersperse AF 200UL,which are generally used in the RO system,the present one is more powerful and effective in scale inhibiting,dispersing,sterilizing and chlorine removing. ─── 与国内目前常用的进口添加剂Argo 12 0、HypersperseAF 2 0 0UL等比较表明 ,MZ - 10 10的螯合性能、分散性能、杀菌灭藻性能和除氯性能均等同于或优于进口添加剂

73、They came into the harbour at night, and anchored the Argo among trees and thick-growing bushes, where it would not be likely to be discovered. ─── 晚上他们驶入港口,把锚抛投到不易被发现的树木及丛生的灌木林中,系住阿格号。

74、Developing Profiling Drifter to Help China Join ARGO Program ─── 发展剖面探测浮标技术,支持我国参与ARGO计划

75、Inertial currents estimated from surface trajectories of ARGO floats ─── 来自ARGO浮子的地面轨迹估计惯性流

76、] argonaut n. Argo ─── 号的船员

77、Unless you sold the Argo's treasure twice... ─── |除非你卖了亚尔古宝藏两次...

78、pine grove wAS to be seen the argo, the ship of the Argonauts, dedicated to Poseidon AS a memorial of the earliest enterprise at sea. ─── 在那神圣的松林中,人们能够看到献给波塞冬的阿尔戈英雄之船,它是波塞冬最早时期海上经历的纪念。

79、argo lace tablecloth ─── 蓉城花边台布

80、Just then, the gentle bird came fluttering down from the blue sky, and lit on his shoulder, cooing and turning and spreading out its tail, as happy as if it knew that it had saved the Argo's crew. ─── 就在那时候,那只温和的小鸟从蔚蓝的天空,振翅俯下,在他的肩膀上停留,似乎知道牠救了阿格号的船员,而高兴地叫著,绕著圈圈飞翔,并把尾巴张得很开。

81、That's why Adair ARGO Sales is so very proud to present the finest ATVs anywhere. ─── 这就是为什么代尔ARGO计划销售的情况非常自豪地目前最优秀的全地形车的任何地方。

82、The progress state of ARGO experiment in Yangbajing Universe line monitoring station ─── 羊八井宇宙线观测站ARGO实验进展状况

83、Analysis of data Quality Control Process of the ARGO Profiling Buoy ─── ARGO剖面浮标数据质量控制过程剖析

84、Argonauta argo ─── n. 船蛸

85、That's what Jennifer Argo and her colleagues say. she teaches business at the University of Albert。 ─── 这是詹妮弗.阿狗和她的同事宣称的,詹妮弗在艾伯特大学教商业学。

86、The search vehicle Argo begins a two-hour descent to the hull of the Titanic in the North Atlantic Ocean. ─── 意译:发现泰坦尼克号图片。这搜寻车辆“阿格号”开始下降2小时到达泰坦尼克号的船体位于北大西洋

87、Insurance brokers will quote rates for Insurance ll types of Insurance argo and risks. ─── 这类险别的保险费率将根据货物种类而定。

88、Study on Seasonal Variations in the Tropical Indian Ocean Mixed Layer Depth Derived From Argo Float Data ─── 基于Argo浮标的热带印度洋混合层深度季节变化研究

89、The king went down to the shore with a great company of armed men, and sent some of his war galleys after the Argo; ─── 国王于是带领大批武装士兵来到海岸,并派遣几艘军船,追赶阿格号。


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