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08-20 投稿


tardiness 发音

英:['tɑ?d?n?s]  美:['tɑrd?n?s]

英:  美:

tardiness 中文意思翻译



tardiness 词性/词形变化,tardiness变形

副词: tardily |名词: tardiness |形容词比较级: tardier |形容词最高级: tardiest |

tardiness 同义词

delay | unpunctuality

tardiness 反义词


tardiness 短语词组

1、habitual tardiness ─── 习惯性迟到

2、tardiness va ─── 迟到va

3、tardiness loc ─── 迟到地点

4、tardiness and lateness ─── 迟到和 ─── 迟到

5、tardiness in ─── 迟到

6、tardiness defined ─── 迟到定义

7、tardiness log ─── 迟到日志

8、tardiness in rising ─── 上升迟缓

9、tardiness and carelessness ─── 迟到和粗心

10、tardiness 1 ─── 拖期1

11、tardiness define ─── 迟到定义

12、tardiness definition ─── 拖期定义

tardiness 相似词语短语

1、bardiness ─── 吟游诗人

2、sturdiness ─── n.坚固;强健,雄壮

3、barminess ─── 钡

4、hardiness ─── n.大胆;强壮;耐劳性;耐寒性

5、tartiness ─── 辛辣

6、tarriness ─── 迟钝

7、artiness ─── 艺术性

8、bandiness ─── 带状

9、starriness ─── n.满天星斗;星一样的闪烁;星形状

tardiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"And do you," said Valentine, "depend on me to stimulate the tardiness and arouse the memory of grandpapa?" ─── “而你,”瓦朗蒂娜说,“要靠我来督促爷爷,唤醒他的记忆吗?”

2、You are liable to pay a penalty of RM80 for the 1st absenteeism or tardiness for work. This amount will double for every subsequent offence. ─── 您第一次旷工/迟到,必须支付罚款马币八十零吉。这数额将随着每次重犯而加倍。

3、This tardiness is a symptom of two deeper problems. ─── 该机姗姗来迟兆示两个更深的问题。

4、single machine total weighted tardiness scheduling problem ─── 单机总加权调度问题

5、The Maximum Weighted Earliness Tardiness Problem with Different Due Window of Jobs ─── 工件存在不同交货宽容期的最大加权超前延误问题

6、My pet hate is tardiness. ─── 我最恨拖拉

7、Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Scheduling on Single Processor with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times to Minimize Maximum Tardiness ─── 序列相关Setup单机调度的最小化最大拖期分枝定界算法

8、10. My own tendency to be late was cured when some said that tardiness is the subtlest form of self-love and conceit. ─── 我自己爱迟到的坏毛病是让这样一句话给治好的:迟到是自私和傲慢的最微妙的表现。

9、Can you offer an explanation for your tardiness? ─── 你能够就你的延迟作出解释吗?

10、In this age of cell phones, every effort should be made to call ahead if tardiness of more than ten minutes is unavoidable, ─── 在现今这个行动电话普及的时代,如果避免不了要迟到超过十分钟以上,要尽可能先打电话通知,

11、total weighted tardiness ─── 总加权拖期

12、Sivrikaya-Serifoğlu, F. and Ulusoy, G.,“Parallel machine scheduling with earliness and tardiness penalties,”Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 26, No. 8, pp 773-787, 1999. ─── 张启明,平行机器在优先权及双重设置时间下之动态排程,国立台湾科技大学硕士论文,民国87年。

13、a piu' tardi! ─── 以后见!

14、Attendance policies with clear incentives and sanctions should be used to reduce the amount of time lost through student absenteeism and tardiness. ─── 应该使用具有清晰目的与支持的政策来减少因学生旷课和学习缓慢而导致的时间损失。

15、Decomposition heuristic algorithm for the total tardiness problem ─── 单机总误工问题的分解启发式算法

16、total tardiness ─── 总延误

17、Students are reporting lecturers who arrive late or skip class by texting a hotline set up to stamp out academic tardiness. ─── 学生们将会给热线发短信,举报上课迟到或跳课的教师,以制止学术怠慢。

18、Bi-backward Scheduling Algorithm for the Problem of Minimizing the Tardiness on a Single Processor ─── 单处理器最少延误问题的双逆向调度算法

19、Without and evidence to ruling out other methods, it is possible that other better and perhaps more economical way does exist to the reduction of absenteeism and tardiness. ─── 也无法让我们从中将吃早餐与孩子迟到早退联系起来。

20、"Sorry I'm late, but I got wasted last night" , would be an acceptable excuse for tardiness. ─── “对不起,我来迟了,我昨夜整夜失眠”,作为迟到的理由应该光冕堂皇。

21、A Scheduling Problem with Earliness Award and Tardiness Penalty ─── 一个超前有奖迟后受罚的排序问题

22、habitual tardiness ─── 习惯性迟到

23、He arrived late and excused his tardiness in a flimsy manner. ─── 他来晚了,而且还以薄弱的借口来辩解他的迟到

24、tardiness credibility ─── 拖期可信度

25、tardiness scheduling ─── 拖后调度

26、When Chris started high school, I started my habit of keeping track of his absences and tardiness on my calendar at home. ─── 克里斯开始上中学时,我就养成了在家用日历记录他的缺勤和迟到。

27、Algorithm for single machne schedule with sequence dependent setup to minimize maximum tardiness ─── 单机序列相关setup最小化最大拖期算法

28、Piu' tardi! ─── 回头再说!

29、10.Students must bring a note for a parent explaining any absence or tardiness. ─── 凡不到校上课或迟到的学生都必须带回请假条,本人必须向父母说明原因。

30、I’m going to report your tardiness. ─── 我要举发你的迟到。

31、I had been looking forward to it since October 1st and had not expected it to show up with such tardiness. ─── 我是从十月一日就开始盼着这雪了,没料到它竟如此姗姗来迟。

32、MDD Function in Single Machine Total Tardiness Problem ─── MDD函数在单机总误工排序问题中的作用

33、All jobs have common earliness cost and common tardiness penalty, but the window location with linear cost is a decision variable. ─── 公共交货期窗口大小给定但位置待定,由线性定位费用衡量;

34、With his tardiness carelessness and appalling good humor we were sore perplexed. ─── 他老是磨磨蹭蹭,马马虎虎,脾气又好得惊人,我们都对他毫无办法。

35、The Complexity of the Parallel Machine Scheduling about Tardiness ─── 关于延误时间的平行机排序问题的复杂性

36、material tardiness ─── 拖期

37、Habitual tardiness is irritating to the teachers. ─── 学生迟到习以为常令教师恼火。

38、earliness/ tardiness ─── 提前/拖期

39、People of German and Switzerland are even more time conscious than are people from the U.S. in fact, northern Europeans regard tardiness as a characteristic of an undisciplined person. ─── 实际上德国人和瑞士人比起美国人对时间是更加有意识,北欧人把迟到视为一个无纪律的人的特征。

40、Then, we consider an n-job, m-machine lot streaming problem in a flowshop with equal-size sublots where the objective is to minimize the total weighted earliness and tardiness. ─── 接著,我们考虑一个在n件工件及m部机器下,批量流在流程型工厂之排程问题,其目标是最小化总加权提早及延迟时间。

41、earliness and tardiness ─── 提前/拖期

42、Do we have the courage to ask whether our tardiness in finding solutions to structural and social co-ordination problems accounts in part for the severity of the financial co-ordination failure? ─── 我们是否有勇气问这样一个问题:在寻求解决结构性及社会协作问题上的行动迟缓,是否在一定程度上导致了金融协作的严重失败呢?

43、Isn't it a little too fussy to complain about the busy president's occasional tardiness? ─── 总统公务繁忙,偶尔迟到一次,何必兴师问罪?

44、She warned students that tardiness would not be tolerated in her school. ─── 她警告说,迟到在她的学校里是不可容忍的事情。

45、"She likes me. She'll let me get away with a little tardiness. Won't she? " ─── “她喜欢我。她会允许我有一些拖拉,不是吗?”

46、ATTENDANCE - Attendance and punctuality are an important part of learning. For chronic tardiness or cuts, parents will be contacted and referrals sent. ─── 出勤:准时上课是非常重要的。假如经常迟到和缺课,我会联络家长而且会要求教务处和顾问办公室帮助你。

47、Approximation Algorithm for the Total Tardiness Scheduling with Precedence Constraints ─── 带有前后约束的延误排序问题的近似算法

48、Tardiness is a growing "disease" in our profession these days, and many clients are already painfully aware of this trend. ─── 如今,在翻译领域,拖延时间的恶习呈增长的趋势,许多代理机构已经痛苦地体会到这种趋势。

49、weighted earliness and tardiness ─── E/T指标

50、And most of them will no doubt still be puzzled by Europe's tardiness in exploiting IT, given the ease with which ideas now travel. ─── 即使在目前这种思想交流的悠闲氛围中,他们中的大部分还是毫无疑问会对欧洲开发利用信息技术IT的缓慢行动感到吃惊。

51、This paper addresses a flow-shop scheduling problem with identical parallel machines at each stage (machine center) for minimizing the sum of the earliness and tardiness costs. ─── 摘要本论文强调一种在每一阶段(机器中心)具有平行机之流程式工作排程,求解最小化总提早及迟延成本之问题。

52、made a federal case out of our tardiness. ─── 因拖延而把事情弄大

53、She'll let me get away with a little tardiness. ─── 她会允许我有一些拖拉,不是吗?

54、mean tardiness ─── 动态调度

55、Disruption management for single machine scheduling with assignable due dates to total tardiness ─── 单机排序中带可分配工期的总误工问题的应急管理

56、S.-Algerian relationship.However, by late 2002, Algeria was publicly admonishing the United States for its tardiness in delivering on its promises of military equipment. ─── 但是,在2002年末,阿尔及利亚因为美国所承诺的军事装备推迟的事公开告诫美国。

57、Azizoglu, Meral; Kirca, Omer,“Tardiness minimization on parallel machines” International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.55, Issue 2, pp. 163-168. ─── 余淑惠、卢建光、傅佑璋、曾雯卿,染整工艺,1998年版,台北,专上图书,民国87年1月。

58、Fundamentally speaking, the accumulation of difficult employment in these years is caused by the slowness and tardiness of enterprise innovation and extension of core employment. ─── 从根本上说,这些年就业困难的积累是企业创新和核心就业扩展缓慢的严重滞后所导致的。

59、” A rush of guilt ran through me as I feebly confessed to my trip to the movie theater and the real reason for my tardiness. ─── 一阵强烈的内疚感涌上我的心头,我老实地交待了我去看电影的那一档事及迟到的原因。

60、Tardiness is considered bad form. ─── 拖拉被认为是一种不良行为

61、Abstract: A decomposition heuristic algorithm was developed to solve the single machine total tardiness problem. ─── 文章摘要: 为了解决单机总误工问题,提出了一种分解启发式算法。

62、No, tardiness is a minor offense, but if minor offenses accumulate, things became much more serious. ─── 不算,迟到只能算轻微的违规,但是如果将轻微的违规累积起来,事态就会变得严重得多。

63、I apologized for my tardiness in getting here. ─── 我为我来迟了表示歉意。

64、Tallying tardiness, he said Peruvians as a whole were annually late by 3 billion hours. That works out to over 107 hours of tardiness for every man, woman and child. ─── 在计算迟到的数据后,他说,秘鲁全国人民每年总共迟到30亿个小时,相当于每名男性、女性及儿童都迟到了逾107小时之久。

65、Gutierrez, who took office in January, has been frequently criticised by the media and political opponents for his habitual tardiness arriving as much as three hours late for appointments. ─── 古铁雷斯于今年1月当上总统后,就经常被媒体和反对人士指责不守时,而他迟到的最长时间达到3小时。

66、With his tardiness, careless and appalling good temper, we had nothing to do with him. ─── 磨磨蹭蹭,马马虎虎,脾气又好得惊人我们都对他毫无办法。

67、Pepita thinks it doesn't matter that she is always late, until she finally realizes how her tardiness affects other people and herself. ─── 图书性质:全价/非现货图书(想了解什么是非现货图书,请点击这里)

68、I explained that her tardiness was unacceptable and that other employees had noticed that she was walking in late every day. ─── 我告诉她,她的迟到是不能被公司接受的而且其他员工已经注意到她每天早上的晚到。

69、Abstract: To solve the no-wait flowshop scheduling problem to minimize total tardiness with rule scheduling methods, it is necessary to compute every job's complete time. ─── 中文摘要: 在使用规则调度方法求解无等待最小化总拖期流水车间调度问题时,前提是计算工件的完工时间。

70、Industrialization Tardiness: Difficulties of Digital CATV Development ─── 产业化沉缓:有线数字电视发展的困厄

71、tardiness of hair growing in infants ─── 发迟

72、But the firm's tardiness in providing extra staff and moving out lucrative shops to open more space for security lanes has added to the chaos and irritation. ─── 但是BAA行动缓慢,未能及时提供额外人手,并搬出利润丰厚的店铺以留出安全通道的空间,这些都加剧了机场的混乱状态和乘客的愤怒情绪。

73、I am certain to be chided for my tardiness. ─── 我看我肯定会被骂的。”

74、His legendary tardiness left audiences waiting for hours. ─── 他迟到是出了名的,让观众等了好几个小时。

75、Beijing could be forgiven for a little tardiness in getting up to speed on housing data. ─── 在熟悉了解住房数据方面北京表现出的一点迟延是可以原谅的。

76、Scheduling Jobs for a Common Due Window to Minimize Weighted Sum of Earliness and Tardiness Penalties ─── 宽容交货加权超前延误单机排序问题

77、In the business world, "time is money" and companies may fine their executives for tardiness to business meetings. ─── 在商业界,"时间就是金钱",公司也许会因经理人员未准时到会而罚其款.

78、tardiness of mensis ─── 初经迟延

79、Perhaps that is why the tardiness of my in-laws rankles me so. ─── 大概就是因为这个缘故,每次我的亲戚迟到,总惹得我火冒三丈。

80、My own tendency to be late was cured when some said that tardiness is the subtlest form of self-love and conceit ─── 我自己爱迟到的坏毛病是让这样一句话给治好的:迟到是自私和傲慢的最微妙的表现。

81、total tardiness scheduling ─── 延误问题

82、You tolerate your friend’s tardiness because you enjoy spending time with this friend. ─── 你容忍你的朋友迟到,因为你喜欢花时间与这位朋友。

83、Punctuality may not assure success but tardiness guarantees failure. ─── 准时的人未必成功,但不准时的人一定失败。

84、Students are reporting lecturers who arrive late or skip class by texting a hotline set up to stamp out academic tardiness . ─── 学生们将会给热线发短信,举报上课迟到或跳课的教师,以制止学术怠慢。

85、Identical parallel machine scheduling problems with family setup times are studied.A three-phase heuristic algorithm is developed to minimize the total earliness and tardiness. ─── 摘要 研究了优化目标为总拖后/提前时间最小化的并行机成组调度问题,提出了一种三阶段启发式近似求解算法。

86、Chiamero' piu' tardi. ─── 我稍后会再打来。

87、earliness and tardiness penalties ─── 提前延期惩罚

88、tardiness in motor development ─── 动作发展迟滞

89、10.Students must bring a note for aparent explaining any absence or tardiness. ─── 凡不到校上课或迟到的学生都必须带回通知条,本人必须向父母说明原因。

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