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08-20 投稿


alcoholizing 中文意思翻译



alcoholizing 词性/词形变化,alcoholizing变形


alcoholizing 相似词语短语

1、aerosolizing ─── v.(使)成气雾状喷洒,成气溶胶状喷洒

2、alchemizing ─── vt.使……变化;使……变质

3、alcoholicity ─── n.酒精含量

4、alcoholizes ─── vt.醇化;变成酒精;浸渍酒精中

5、alcoholization ─── n.[有化]酒精饱和;醇化作用

6、alcoholized ─── vt.醇化;变成酒精;浸渍酒精中

7、alcoholising ─── v.醇化;用酒精泡

8、alcoholize ─── vt.醇化;变成酒精;浸渍酒精中

9、actualizing ─── 实现,实施,实行(actualize的现在分词)

alcoholizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. ─── 不要空肚饮酒。

2、How can I persuade you to keep off alcohol? ─── 你怎么样才能不喝酒呢?

3、At 14 you aren't old enoughto buy alcohol. ─── 你才14岁,不到买酒的年龄。

4、The only way to get weight down is to keep off fattening food, and cut out alcohol altogether. ─── 减肥的唯一办法就是不吃使人发胖的食物,并彻底戒酒。

5、A miasma of stale alcohol hung around him. ─── 他身上老有股难闻的酒精味。

6、Produced from lauryl alcohol and methyl laurate. ─── 以硬酯醇及甲基棕榈。

7、There's too great a consumption of alcohol in China. ─── 在中国酒的消耗量太大了。

8、The rules of the club do not permit alcohol. ─── 俱乐部规定不许饮酒。

9、He has got an alcohol dependence. ─── 他有酒瘾。

10、You must lay off alcohol for a while. ─── 在一段时期内你必须禁酒。

11、Too much alcohol will spoil your health. ─── 喝过量的酒有损健康。

12、There's too great a consumption of alcohol in Britain. ─── 在英国酒的消耗量太大了。

13、Brain scans show alcohol abuse kills brain cells. ─── 大脑扫描结果表明酗酒能杀死脑细胞。

14、Her behaviour when under the influence of alcohol hardly goes with her high standards when sober. ─── 她酒醉时的行为与她清醒时的高雅品德几乎完全不相称。

15、She indulged herself too freely with alcohol. ─── 她过分贪杯。

16、At 14 you aren't old enough to buy alcohol. ─── 你才14岁, 不到买酒的年龄.

17、Alcohol is ( a ) taboo in this tribe. ─── 在这个部落酒是禁忌品。

18、They say that they do not need alcohol any more. ─── 他们说他们再也不需要酒精了。

19、Produced from stearyl alcohol and methyl palmitate. ─── 以硬酯醇及甲基二十二。

20、He has never tasted alcohol in his life. ─── 他从来没沾过酒。

21、Your tolerance level for alcohol degraded. ─── 你酒量变差了。

22、She drank a massive amount of alcohol. ─── 她喝了大量的烈性酒.

23、Alcohol is bad for your system . ─── 喝酒对身体有害.

24、Yet, alcohol ranks as one of the most widely abused drugs. ─── 但是酒精却属于最为广泛滥用的药物之一。

25、He's had a drop too much of alcohol to drink. ─── 他多喝了一杯酒, 醉了。

26、Containing or preserved in alcohol. ─── 含酒精的含有酒精的或保存在酒精中的

27、The hametz used for fermenting tobacco leaves can remarkably shorten the alcoholizing time and improve the quality of the tobacco leaves. ─── 本发明发酵剂用于烟叶发酵可明显缩短醇化时间、改善烟叶品质。

28、He walked in reeking powerfully of alcohol. ─── 他带着一身浓烈的酒气走了进来。

29、Jim's doctor advised him to forbear from alcohol. ─── 吉姆医生建议他尽量不喝酒。

30、He declaimed against the evils of alcohol. ─── 他慷慨陈辞,猛烈抨击酗酒的罪恶。

31、She drink a massive amount of alcohol. ─── 她喝了大量的烈性酒。

32、He decided to keep off alcohol after the accident. ─── 发生那次事故後,他决定不再饮酒。

33、Do you reckon you will give up drinking alcohol? ─── 你看你会戒酒吗?

34、If possible, you want to avoid alcohol. ─── 如有可能,你应避免饮酒。

35、It is the sugars that turn into alcohol. ─── 在这个过程中,葡萄的糖分转变成酒精。

36、He only drinks (alcohol) moderately. ─── 他喝酒不过量。

37、Shenever touches (ie drinks) alcohol. ─── 她向来滴酒不沾。

38、A person can die of alcohol poisoning. ─── 人会死于酒精中毒的。

39、With whom did you drink alcohol? ─── 你和谁一起喝酒?

40、Brandy of 90 proof is about 45% alcohol. ─── 九十度的白兰地约含酒精百分之四十五。

41、Harry is so addicted to alcohol that he'd sell his soul for a bottle of whisky. ─── 哈里如此沉溺于喝酒,结果他会为一瓶威士忌而出卖灵魂的。

42、He has a stomachache after drinking alcohol. ─── 他一喝酒胃就疼。

43、From then on he abstained from alcohol. ─── 从那时候起他就戒酒了。

44、He pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol. ─── 他对过量饮酒后驾车一事表示服罪。

45、To confuse or befuddle(the mind), as with alcohol. ─── 使糊涂使头脑不清晰或糊涂,如喝酒以后

46、It is illegal to sell alcohol to children. ─── 卖酒给儿童是违法的。

47、You believe that spilling beer is alcohol abuse. ─── 你相信洒了啤酒就是滥用啤酒。注:酒鬼觉得洒了啤酒是不可原谅的事。

48、No, thank you. I don't take alcohol. ─── 不,谢谢,我不喝酒。

49、More people are habituated to cigarettes than to drugs or alcohol in this country. ─── 在这个国家,更多的人习惯於抽烟,而不是吸毒或喝酒。

50、It is an offence to serve alcohol to minors. ─── 向未成年人提供含酒精的饮料是违法的。

51、What is your daily intake of calories [alcohol] ? ─── 你每天摄取的热量 [酒精量] 是多少?

52、Alcohol may not be consumed on the premises. ─── 场内不准饮酒.

53、Don't drink alcohol within three hours of bedtime. ─── 在睡前三小时内不要饮酒。酒精会干扰你的睡眠。

54、He keeps from alcohol and tobacco. ─── 他烟酒不沾。

55、You are sick, go easy on the alcohol. ─── 你病了,少喝点儿酒吧。

56、He is addicted to alcohol. ─── 他嗜好喝酒。

57、To over dose on drugs, alcohol, etc. ─── 吃太多药,酒精等。

58、He was advised to reduce his alcohol consumption. ─── 他被劝告减少饮酒。

59、His brain was muddled with alcohol. ─── 他因酗酒而头脑昏昏沉沉。

60、The demon of alcohol haunted him his entire life. ─── 他的一生为酒这个恶魔所缠扰。

61、Do not smoke or drink too much alcohol. ─── 不吸烟或过量饮酒。

62、A medication that is incompatible with alcohol. ─── 一种不能与酒同时服用的药物

63、She drowned her trouble in alcohol. ─── 她将她的麻烦淹没在酒精里。

64、He vowed never to drink alcohol again. ─── 他发誓说再也不喝酒了。

65、The doctor advised Jim to lay off alcohol . ─── 医生建议吉姆停止喝酒。

66、He is now fighting his addiction to alcohol. ─── 他现在正努力戒酒。

67、Clean well the scratch with alcohol. ─── 可以用酒精把那个擦痕去掉。

68、He tried to soak out the alcohol in a hot bath. ─── 他试图用热水浴把酒精泡掉。

69、Too much alcohol is detrimental to your health. ─── 太多的酒精对你的身体有害。

70、In the US whiskey of 90 proof is 45% alcohol. ─── 在美国,九十标准强度的威士忌就是含有百分之四十五的酒精。

71、He never touches alcohol. ─── 他从不沾酒。

72、Do you reckon you'll give up drinking alcohol? ─── 你看你会戒酒吗?

73、He reeked of alcohol. ─── 他身上有酒的臭味。

74、You need to take an alcohol test. ─── 你没有通过酒精测试,我必须带你回警局。

75、No alcohol may be consumed on the premises. ─── 场区内禁止饮酒。

76、Produced from stearyl alcohol and methyl behenate. ─── 可按客户要求生产。

77、Alcohol lowers resistance to illness. ─── 含酒精饮料会削弱对疾病的抵抗能力。

78、A scented liquid made of alcohol and various fragrant oils. ─── 古龙水由酒精或多种香油制成的有香味的液体

79、Intoxicated, especially with alcohol. ─── 喝醉了酒醉酒,尤指酒精导致

80、His doctor advised him to steer clear of alcohol. ─── 医生建议他不要喝酒.

81、Alcohol lessens resistance to diseases. ─── 含有酒精的饮料会减弱对疾病的抵抗力。

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