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08-20 投稿


capito 中文意思翻译



capito 短语词组

1、barbus capito ─── 巴布斯明白了

2、capito vs swearengin comprende ─── 与swearengin

3、capito r6 ─── 理解r6

4、capito connect ─── 了解连接

5、capito one .com ─── 了解one.com

6、capito wv ─── 了解wv

7、capito in italian ─── 意大利语理解

capito 相似词语短语

1、capitano ─── n.(Capitano)人名;(意)卡皮塔诺

2、capitols ─── n.美国国会大厦;(美国)州议会大厦

3、capitanos ─── 国会议员

4、capacitor ─── n.[电]电容器

5、capita ─── n.头数(尤指牲口);n.(Capita)人名;(西、意)卡皮塔

6、capital ─── n.首都,省会;资金;大写字母;资本家;adj.首都的;重要的;大写的;n.(Capital)人名;(法)卡皮塔尔

7、capitol ─── n.美国国会大厦;(美国)州议会大厦

8、capias ─── n.(旧时)拘票,逮捕证

9、capiz ─── 卡皮斯

capito 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"We are very excited to see the Fiesta competing not only at the Pikes Peak Hill Climb, but also at the X Games in LA,” said Jost Capito, director of Ford Global Motorsport Business Development. ─── “我们非常高兴地看到,嘉年华的竞争不仅在派克峰山攀升,而且在X比赛在洛杉矶表示,”乔斯特卡皮托,主任福特全球汽车业务发展。

2、“The pandas were agitated and pacing,” recalled Pamela Capito, 60, a member of a 12-person American tour group visiting the reserve. ─── “熊猫四处走动,显得很焦虑。”60岁帕玛拉?卡皮托回忆说,他是来自美国的12人旅行团中的一员,来这里的保护区旅游。

3、That's what we do here. Ha capIto? ─── 我们就是做这个的懂了吗?

4、Eumeces capito, A New Reptilia Record of NeiMongol ─── 内蒙古爬行纲动物一新记录种黄纹石龙子

5、si ma io non ho capito a cosa serve! ─── 注册使用这个实用工具把您和朋友联系起来。

6、Oryzomys capito ─── n. 大头稻鼠

7、"We'd like to," said Capito, "but the base car isn't homologated for North America and that's too costly a job to carry out just for a niche vehicle like the RS. ─── "我们想要说,“卡皮托”,但基础并不汽车冻结在北美,这是太昂贵的工作进行公正的特殊车辆,如遥感.

8、Measurement and Analysis on the Features of the Morphology of Barbus capito conocephalus kessler ─── 大鳞鲃形态特征测量与分析

9、Barbus capito ─── 大鳞鲃

10、9 、“We were all really looking forward to it,” said Ms. Capito, who lives in Lakeport, Calif. ─── “我们都很期待。”来自加利福利亚,雷克波特的凯皮特女士说。

11、Certe notti la radio che passa NEIL YOUNG sembra avere capito chi sei. ─── 某些夜里,收音机飘过李尔扬的歌,仿佛他懂得你是谁。

12、Yes, this was revealed by the director of Ford Team RS, Mr.Jost Capito, in a recent interview made by Evo Magazine. ─── 是的,这表明所所长福特RS工作组上下,乔斯特卡皮托先生,在最近的一次采访中提出埃沃莫杂志。

13、Rep. Capito Questioned About Her Role on Page Board ─── 众议员对她的角色石龙质疑董事会页

14、Eumeces capito ─── n. 黄纹石龙子

15、A Study on Habit of Eumeces capito ─── 黄纹石龙子生活习性的观察

16、Scorzonera capito ─── n. 棉毛鸦葱

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