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08-20 投稿


chelerythrine 发音


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chelerythrine 中文意思翻译



chelerythrine 短语词组

1、chelerythrine toxicity ─── 白屈菜红碱毒性

2、chelerythrine extract ─── 白屈菜红碱提取物

3、chelerythrine candida albicans ─── 白屈菜红碱 ─── 白色念珠菌

4、chelerythrine chloride ─── 氯化白屈菜红碱

5、chelerythrine wikipedia ─── 白屈菜碱维基百科

chelerythrine 相似词语短语

1、erythrite ─── n.[矿物]钴华;赤藻醇;赤丁四醇

2、phycoerythrins ─── n.[生化]藻红蛋白

3、everything ─── pron.每件事物,(有关的)一切,万事;形势,情况;最重要的东西;n.(Everything)(印、美、澳)艾维辛(人名)

4、celery pine ─── 芹菜松

5、phycoerythrin ─── n.[生化]藻红蛋白

6、hemerythrin ─── n.(美)[生化]蚯蚓血红蛋白

7、celery pines ─── 芹菜松

8、chondrophorine ─── 软骨素

9、erythrina ─── n.刺桐属,刺桐;龙牙花

chelerythrine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Chelerythrine;Streptococcus mutans;Hydrophobicity;Adherence; ─── 白屈菜红碱;变形链球菌;疏水性;黏附;

2、chelerythrine methanolate ─── 白屈菜红碱甲醇物

3、Chelerythrine ( CHE ) ─── 白屈菜红碱(CHE)

4、Keywords Radix Zanthoxyli nitidii;HPLC fingerprint;Alkaloides;Nitidine chloride;Chelerythrine;Quality assessment; ─── 两面针;HPLC指纹图谱;生物碱;氯化两面针碱;白屈菜红碱;质量评价;

5、Effect of Chelerythrine on cell surface hydrophobicity and adherence of Streptococcus mutans ─── 白屈菜红碱对变形链球菌表面疏水性及黏附作用的影响

6、Chelerythrine chloride ─── 灯盏花素乙

7、Effect of PKC antagonist-chelerythrine on mouse pancreatic secretion stimulated by cholecystokinin ─── PKC拮抗剂对缩胆囊素刺激下的小鼠胰腺腺泡淀粉酶分泌的影响

8、Keywords Chelerythrine;Streptococcus mutans;Glucosyltransferase;Water-insoluble glucan; ─── 白屈菜红碱;变形链球菌;葡糖基转移酶;水不溶性多糖;

9、Establish the method of HPLC for the determination of the content of Chelerythrine. ─── 2.白屈菜红碱的含量采用HPLC法测定。

10、Proliferation inhibition and apoptosis induction of chelerythrine in human gastric carcinoma BGC823 cells ─── 白屈菜红碱对人胃癌BGC823细胞的增殖抑制和凋亡诱导作用

11、Keywords RP-HPLC;macleaya microcarpa(Maxim) fedde;sanguinarine;chelerythrine; ─── 高效液相色谱法;小果博落回;血根碱;白屈菜红碱;

12、Keywords Caries;Chelerythrine;Adhesion;Streptococcus mutans;Acidogenicity Glucosyltransferase;Water-insoluble glucan; ─── 龋病;白屈菜红碱;粘附;变形链球菌;产酸;葡萄糖基转移酶;水不溶性多糖;

13、Rapid inhibitory effect of chelerythrine on acetylcholine induced current in PC12 cells ─── 白屈菜赤碱对PC12细胞乙酰胆碱诱发电流的快速抑制作用

14、Keywords chelerythrine;proliferation inhibition;apoptosis;human gastric carcinoma BGC823 cells; ─── 白屈菜红碱;增殖抑制;凋亡诱导;人胃癌BGC823细胞;

15、Keywords chelerythrine;LC-MS;plasma concentration determination; ─── 白屈菜红碱;LC-MS;血药浓度测定;

16、An efficient refined method with help of macroporous resin can be used to isolate the sanguinarine and chelerythrine from the other alkaloids. ─── 脂将血根碱和白屈菜红碱同其它生物碱分开。这个方法有较大。

17、Methods: PBMC was incubated with rhCSa, PMA, Chelerythrine, CalphostinC, Dequalinium for 24 hours, the IL-8 in the supemate was detected by ELBA. ─── 方法:将PBMC分别与rhC5a、PMA、Cheleythrine、 Calphostin C、Dequalinium孵育24 h,取上清用法测定IL-8。

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