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08-20 投稿


equilibria 发音

英:[?i?kw??l?bri?; ?ekw??l?bri?]  美:[?i?kw??l?br??]

英:  美:

equilibria 中文意思翻译



equilibria 短语词组

1、equilibria continuum ─── 平衡连续体

2、heterogeneous equilibria ─── 非均相平衡

3、equilibria cbd ─── 平衡cbd

4、liquid-solid equilibria ─── [机] 固-液平衡

5、quaternary phase equilibria ─── [机] 四相平衡

6、solid-liquid equilibria ─── [机] 固一液平衡

7、equilibria psychological services ─── 平衡心理服务

8、equilibria seminyak ─── 精浆平衡

9、competiog equilibria condition ─── [机] 竞争平衡条件

10、phase equilibria ─── [机] 相平衡

equilibria 词性/词形变化,equilibria变形

原型:equilibria 名词复数形式:equilibria

equilibria 常用词组

phase equilibria ─── 相平衡

equilibria 相似词语短语

1、equilibrists ─── n.走绳索者;表演平衡特技的杂技表演师

2、equilibrate ─── vi.平衡;相称;vt.使平衡;与…平衡

3、equilibrant ─── n.平衡;平衡力;平衡状态

4、equilibrist ─── n.走绳索者;表演平衡特技的杂技表演师

5、equilibriums ─── n.平衡(均衡;相称;平均)

6、nonequilibria ─── 非平衡

7、equilibrity ─── 平衡

8、disequilibria ─── (尤指经济上的)不平衡;失调;不平衡数额(disequilibrium的变形)

9、equilibrium ─── n.均衡;平静;保持平衡的能力

equilibria 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ice possesses a lower equilibrium vapour pressure than water. ─── 冰具有比水低的平衡蒸汽压。

2、Keywords: supercritical fluid, consistency test, theoretical model, phase equilibria. ─── 关键词:超临界流体、一致性测试、理论模式、相平衡。

3、Recent researches and applications of mixing rules which used in cubic equation of state for phase equilibria are reviewed and analyzed. ─── 对立方型状态方程中所使用的混合规则及其在相平衡计算中的应用状况做了综述分析。

4、At the injection well both a gas and a liquid phase are present at equilibrium. ─── 在注入井中,气相和液相都处于平衡状态。

5、It is a refinement of the Nash equilibrium concept. ─── 它是纳什均衡概念的一种精炼。

6、How to find Nash Equilibrium in a ZeroSum Game? ─── 如何在一个零和博弈中找到纳什均衡?

7、Calculation of solid-liquid adsorption equilibria is of great significance for the design of adsorption separation processes. ─── 固液吸附平衡计算对于吸附分离设计具有重要意义。

8、She lose her usual equilibrium and shout at him angrily. ─── 她一反常态,向他愤怒地叫喊。

9、Standard feedback control and delay feedback control are employed to stabilize the system to an unstable equilibria. ─── 利用标准反馈控制与时滞反馈控制实现系统不稳定平衡点的镇定。

10、Recent researches and applications of mixing rules which used in cubic equation of state for phase equilibria are reviewed and analyzed. ─── 对立方型状态方程中所使用的混合规则及其在相平衡计算中的应用状况做了综述分析。

11、He discovers true poise and equilibrium. ─── 他明白了什么是真正的平静和平衡。

12、The Function and Error settings are only used for Stochastic User Equilibrium. ─── 函数和误差设置仅仅用在随机用户平衡模型中。

13、There could be multiple equilibria in institutions, with no tendency for market forces to select the one that was best. ─── 在制度中存在多重的均衡,没有趋势使得市场可以选择最好的一个。

14、In general, games need not have unique Nash equilibrium. ─── 一般来说,博弈未必只有唯一均衡。

15、Finally we also discussed an example where the maximum entropy principle was not the equivalent of other genetic equilibria. ─── 事实上,要想将这种一致性推广到迁移、突变、随机漂变和近亲交配等群体,则不见得正确。

16、We compare equilibria of our model to a full-information case and derive conditions under which equilibrium wages are distorted upward. ─── 我们将我们模型的均衡与完全信息实例进行了比较,得到了均衡工资向上扬起的情况。

17、To be in or come into equilibrium. ─── 平衡在或进入平衡状态

18、He upsets her equilibrium, her way of life. ─── 他打破了她的平衡,她的生活方式。

19、Characteristics of Trip Modal Equilibria under Different Conditions? ─── 不同条件下出行方式平衡模型及特性分析

20、Human development upsets the delicate equilibrium of the ecosystem. ─── 人类的发展破坏了生态系统微妙的平衡。

21、Through use of tra arent overlays solutio to acid and base equilibria can be obtained rapidly . ─── 使曲线明显重迭,可迅速得到酸和碱平衡的分解。

22、Equilibria of ideal gases. ─── 平衡态理想气体的平衡态。

23、A compositional model usually performs a lot of phase equilibrium calculations. ─── 在油气藏的组分模型中,需要进行大量的相平衡计算。

24、Contribution to a thermodynamic database and phase equilibria calculation for low activation Ta-containing steels. ─── 低活化含钽钢的热工水力学数据库和相平衡计算的作用…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。

25、A class of games that have multiple equilibria can be labeled coordination games. ─── 一类具有多重均衡的博弈被称为协调博弈。

26、She never did recover her equilibrium after her husband's tragic death. ─── 丈夫惨死后, 她再也没能恢复心境的平静。

27、To constitute or induce equality, equilibrium, or balance. ─── 变得相等,变得均衡、平衡

28、Optima and equilibria aubin j. P. ─── 优化与均衡。

29、An oxidation - reduction reaction;oxidation - reduction equilibrium. ─── 一氧化还原反应,氧化还原平衡

30、What about phase equilibria? ─── 那对于相平衡呢?

31、He sat down to try and recover his equilibrium. ─── 他坐了下来,努力恢复平静。

32、The ice thickness distribution map was obtained by hydrostatic equilibrium. ─── 依据流体静力学平衡原理构建Amery冰架的冰厚度图,结合冰雷达测厚数据,获得了海洋冰的空间分布。

33、Keynes demonstrated that equilibrium was likely in another situation also. ─── 凯恩斯证明在其它条件下也可能达到均衡。

34、Applications of Mixture Thermodynamics to VLE Phase Equilibria; Minimum Work of Separation, etc. ─── 38混合物热力学在VLE相平衡中的运用;最少工作量分离,等等。

35、To the case we just did, of chemical equilibria. ─── 和我们刚刚做的化学平衡的例子。

36、The question of stability of an equilibrium is very important. ─── 一个平衡点的稳定性问题是非常重要的。

37、Most condensation reactions are equilibria. ─── 大多数的缩合反应是平衡反应。

38、What is the equilibrium level? Probably near where it is or slightly lower. ─── 什么是平衡水平?可能是接近现在水平或者稍低一些。

39、Then the pendulum boom and the pendulum are in equilibrium in any position. ─── 则摆杆和摆在任何位置都处于平衡状态。

40、The existence conditions of helical equilibrium are discussed as a special configuration of the rod. ─── 作为特殊的平衡状态,讨论杆的螺旋线平衡的存在条件。

41、A fluid in equilibrium cannot sustain shear forces, and it can sustain only very small forces of tension. ─── 平衡于状态中的流体,经受不住切力,只能经受非常小的张力。

42、Daniels: pp. 162-163, and 166-169 (Bukharin on Peasant Policy, Equilibrium). ─── 和166-169(关于布哈林的农业政策、均衡)。

43、At equilibrium the resultant of all external forces vanish . ─── 在平衡时,所有外力的合力为零。

44、If the cooling at the surface is less than the heat added, the temperature will rise until an equilibrium is reached. ─── 如果在表面变冷失去的热量小于所加给的热量,温度将会上升直至达到一个平衡状态。

45、A gas in thermal equilibrium has particles of all velocities. ─── 处于热平衡的气体,其粒子有一切速度。

46、Another is equilibrium problems on local compact cone . ─── 二是局部紧锥上的一类平衡问题;

47、Through use of transparent overlays solutions to acid and base equilibria can be obtained rapidly . ─── 使曲线明显重迭,可迅速得到酸和碱平衡的分解。

48、In DnL there is also a hardcore mode for the most daring of all, for the player with an original equilibrium for death. ─── 在黑暗与光明有着最前卫的核心模式,对玩家来说,应当有接受死亡的平静心理。

49、A device that brings about and helps maintain equilibrium. ─── 平衡器可以帮助达到平衡或保持平衡的装置

50、The absorption isotherms are equilibrium equations. ─── 吸附等温线是平衡方程式。

51、He lost his equilibrium and fell into the lake. ─── 他失去平衡,跌进湖里。

52、To bring into or maintain in a state of equilibrium. ─── 使平衡:进入或保持一种平衡状态。

53、A new mixing rule for the PR equation of state is proposed to predict vapor-liquid equilibria at high pressures. ─── 为了预测高压汽液平衡,提出了PR方程新的混合规则。

54、He achieved a state of equilibrium . ─── 他达到了一个平衡的状态。

55、Which structure coordinates posture, balance, and equilibrium? ─── 下列哪一个部位负责统合姿势和平衡?

56、The number of thermodynamic variables, such as temperature and pressure, required to specify a state of equilibrium of a system, given by the phase rule. ─── 变化,变异相律提供的,要求详述某一系统的平衡状态的热力学变量数目,如温度和压力

57、It is interpreted as a condition necessary for an equilibrium level of national income. ─── 它被看作是均衡的国民收入水平的一个必要条件。

58、The objective of this course is to introduce you to the role of government in markets where competitive equilibria "fail. " ─── 本课程的目标是要介绍给您在市场的竞争平衡“失灵”时政府的角色。

59、Modern microeconomics is about supply, demand, and market equilibrium. ─── 即是因為它建築在供給與需求這兩根支柱上。

60、Criticism of equilibrium conditions just set out is based upon two considerations. ─── 对于刚才所述的均衡条件的批评考虑到两点理由。

61、Any disturbance to the body's state of equilibrium can produce stress. ─── 对身体平衡状态的任何干扰都可能产生压力。

62、The judgment rules of the thermal equilibrium and the backfire are presented. ─── 对模拟退火算法进行了改进,给出了“热平衡”和“回火”的相应判定准则。

63、Conditions for equilibrium between homogeneous parts of a mass. ─── 均质部分间的平衡条件。

64、The equilibrium product was identffied as Ca_3As_2 with SEM-EDX. ─── =-3.00。 1560、1600℃的平衡实验是在Ca_3As_2饱和的二元渣系中进行的,分别测得lgK=9.754和9.299。

65、Core And Equilibrium Of A Large Economy Brand W.H. ─── 大经济中的核和均。

66、It will disappear in proportion, as life gains in equilibrium. ─── 一旦生活取得平衡,它就将按比例地逐步消失。

67、Some melt carry-over improves the wetting and equilibrium growth conditions. ─── 在其中携带一点熔体会改善浸润情况和平衡生长条件。

68、Foundation of the theory of general equilibrium balasko y. ─── 一般均衡理论基础。

69、It is quite easy through external actions to depart from equilibrium and form less probable arrangements. ─── 外界的作用不难使系统偏离平衡状态而呈现出可见性较小的排列。

70、If the spray water is recirculated until equilibrium conditions exist. ─── 如果喷淋水不断循环直到稳定状态。

71、She lost her usual equilibrium and shouted at him angrily. ─── 她一反常态,向他愤怒地叫喊。

72、The Nasrifar-Moshfeghian(N-M) equation of state(EOS) was evaluated and applied to predict the vapor-liquid equilibria(VLE) of mixtures in this work. ─── 从热力学出发对Nasrifar-Moshfeghian(N-M)两参数立方形状态方程进行评价,并将其应用到混合物的汽液相平衡计算中.

73、Carbon equilibrium in Larix gmelinii forest and impact of global change on it. ─── 兴安落叶松林碳平衡和全球变化影响研究。

74、Also, on the basis of this knowledge, chemical equilibria can be predicted theoretically with great accuracy. ─── 同时,根据这种知识,还能够很精确地在理论上预言化学平衡。

75、It is at reservoir in porous media proceed to condensate gasses system phase equilibria, which attracts attentions of reservoir engineers. ─── 凝析油气体系相平衡是在储层多孔介质中进行,多孔介质中凝析油气相变是凝析气藏开发研究者关注的主题。

76、Standard feedback control and delay feedback control are employed to stabilize the system to an unstable equilibria. ─── 利用标准反馈控制与时滞反馈控制实现系统不稳定平衡点的镇定。

77、Equilibrium is the product of an axiomatic system. ─── 均衡观念是公理系统的产物。

78、He can't maintain enough equilibrium to ride a bike. ─── 他骑自行车不能保持平衡。

79、Three equilibrium structures (A, B and C) was found. ─── 其中结构A和B以H_2O作为质子授体,结构C以PH_3作为质子授体,结构A较结构B和C分别稳定6.52kJ/mol和8.18kJ/mol.

80、An influence or force tending to produce equilibrium; counterpoise. ─── 平衡力趋向于产生平衡的影响或力量; 平衡、均衡

81、The equilibrium equations determine the prices which will be established in given conditions. ─── 均衡方程式决定将在即定条件下建立的价格。

82、After 15 years, they tended to be close to equilibrium. ─── 15年后,两个过程接近平衡。

83、There is an equilibrium distribution relationship between DIPE and isopropanol. ─── 产物异丙醇和二异丙基醚间存在平衡分布。

84、But the equilibrium of fears may not last. ─── 但这种恐惧的平衡可能不会持久。

85、An increase in temperature at constant pressure will shift the equilibrium to the right. ─── 在恒压下升高温度就会使平衡朝右移动。

86、Alright. The last topic is, so far we've seen equilibria where you had things that were well mixed. ─── 最后要说的一点,我们到现在说的,都是所有物质很好地混合时的。

87、This article puts forward the technology of loading equilibria using KSG. ─── 对邮件过滤网关提出负载均衡技术的实现方法。

88、It is often difficult to find a proper equilibrium between stability and variability. ─── 在稳定性和变化性之间通常很难找到适当的平衡。

89、Adsorbed pesticide is in equilibrium with that dissolved in the water film around the soil particle. ─── 吸附农药与溶解在土壤颗粒周围水膜中的农药平衡。

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