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08-20 投稿


buoy 发音

英:[?bu?i]  美:[b??]

英:  美:

buoy 中文意思翻译





buoy 网络释义

n. [水运] 浮标;浮筒;救生圈;航标vt. 使浮起;支撑;鼓励n. (Buoy)人名;(柬)贝

buoy 常用词组

mooring buoy ─── 系泊浮筒;系船浮筒

life buoy ─── 救生圈;救生衣

buoy 词性/词形变化,buoy变形


buoy 短语词组

buoy up

1. 使浮起; 使漂起

His life jacket buoyed him up.


2. 使振作

They were buoyed up by hopes of success.


1、conical buoy ─── [建] 锥形浮(标)

2、buoy dues ─── [经] 浮筒捐

3、buoy failure report ─── [机] 浮标损坏报告

4、spar buoy n. ─── 柱形浮标

5、breeches buoy n. ─── 裤形救生圈

6、acoustic buoy un. ─── 声浮标;音响浮标 [网络] ─── 声响浮标

7、position buoy ─── 雾中拖标

8、gong buoy ─── 号角浮标

9、buoy up ─── 使浮起, ─── 使不下沉, ─── 使在空中飘浮

10、nun buoy n. ─── 纺锤形浮标

11、radio buoy ─── [电] 无线电浮标

12、bell buoy ─── 装钟浮标

13、acetylene buoy ─── [机] 乙炔浮

14、can buoy ─── [机] 罐形浮标

15、cable buoy ─── [电] 电缆浮标

16、quarantine buoy ─── [法] 检疫锚地浮标

17、life buoy ─── 救生圈

18、buoy bogie ─── [机] 浮筒车

19、navigational buoy ─── [法] 航行浮标

buoy 相似词语短语

1、bubby ─── n.乳房

2、boy ─── n.男孩;男人;n.(Boy)(美、印、法、荷)布瓦(人名)

3、buffy ─── adj.喝醉了的;淡黄色的

4、buddy ─── n.伙伴,好朋友;密友;小男孩;vi.做好朋友,交朋友;n.(Buddy)人名;(英)巴迪

5、busy ─── adj.忙碌的;热闹的;正被占用的;vt.使忙于;n.(Busy)人名;(匈)布希;(法)比西

6、buoys ─── n.[水运]浮标;救生圈(buoy的复数形式);v.支撑;使浮于水面(buoy的第三人称单数)

7、bury ─── vt.埋葬;隐藏;n.(Bury)人名;(法)比里;(英、西)伯里;(德、意、罗、波、捷、匈)布里;(俄)布雷

8、bufos ─── 告密者

9、buy ─── vt.购买;买得起;获得;贿赂;相信;n.购买;所购的物品;合算的东西;n.(Buy)(法)比伊(人名)

buoy 习惯用语

1、buoy up ─── 使浮起, 使不下沉; 使在空中飘浮 ─── 支持, 振作, 鼓舞

buoy 特殊用法

1、radio buoy ─── 无线电浮标

2、globe buoy ─── 球形浮标

3、can buoy ─── 罐形浮标

4、special-purpose buoy ─── 专用浮标

5、outer buoy ─── 港外浮标

6、bell buoy ─── 钟浮标

7、marker buoy ─── 标志浮标

8、hurricane monitoring buoy ─── 监视飓风用的浮标

9、obstruction buoy ─── 障碍物浮标, 沉船浮筒

10、channel buoy ─── 水道浮标

11、whistle buoy ─── 鸣哨浮标

12、quarantine buoy ─── 检疫浮筒

13、Monster buoy ─── 搜集天气数据浮船

14、acetylene buoy ─── 乙炔浮标

15、station buoy ─── 【航海】标位浮标

16、mooring buoy ─── 系泊浮筒

17、parachute weather buoy ─── 空投气象浮动站

18、position buoy ─── 指示浮标

19、cask buoy ─── 桶形浮标

20、river buoy ─── 江河浮标

21、winter buoy ─── 冬季浮标

22、fairway buoy ─── 航标

23、finishing buoy ─── 终点浮标

24、radar buoy ─── 雷达浮标

25、archorage buoy ─── 系泊浮筒

26、conical buoy ─── 锥形浮(标)

27、centre buoy ─── 中心浮标

28、cable buoy ─── 水底电缆浮标

29、anchor buoy ─── (下)锚(浮)标

30、radio-beacon buoy ─── 无线电信标浮标

31、combination buoy ─── 组合浮标

32、danger buoy ─── 危险浮标

33、gas buoy ─── 气灯浮标

34、swallow buoy ─── 燕形浮筒

35、breeches buoy ─── 【船】裤形救生圈

36、automatic meteorological oceanographic buoy ─── 海洋气象自动浮标站

37、wreck(warking) buoy ─── 沉船浮标

38、keg buoy ─── 捕鱼用木桶浮标

39、automatic sounding buoy ─── 自动音响[发声]浮标

40、lighted sound buoy ─── 灯光音响浮标

41、pillar buoy ─── 柱形浮标

42、entrance buoy ─── 进口浮标

43、telegraph buoy ─── 电缆浮标

44、sound buoy ─── 声响浮标

45、inside buoy ─── 内侧标

46、gong buoy ─── 号角浮标

47、sounding buoy ─── (声音)探测浮标

48、oceanographic-meteorological buoy ─── 海象-气象浮标

49、approach buoy ─── 进口浮(标)

50、ice buoy ─── 抗冰浮标

51、nun buoy ─── 纺锤型浮标

52、fog buoy ─── 雾标

53、ring buoy ─── 救生圈

54、fish net buoy ─── 渔网浮标

55、mark buoy ─── 航向浮标

56、outfall buoy ─── 河口浮标

57、isolated danger pole buoy ─── 孤立障碍物柱形浮标

58、bar buoy ─── 浅滩指示浮标

59、replenishment buoy ─── 补给浮标

60、acousticbuoy ─── 音响浮标

61、spar buoy ─── 圆柱浮标

62、dredging buoy ─── 疏浚浮标

63、dan buoy ─── (小)浮标(白天挂旗, 夜间悬灯)

64、lighted buoy ─── 发光浮标

65、junction buoy ─── 航道汇合浮标

66、farewell buoy ─── 告别浮标

67、sea buoy ─── 海界浮标

buoy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That is why Silver Lake is seeking to bring in at least one partner to help buoy a bid, one of the people briefed on the matter said. ─── 一位知情人称,正因为这个原因,银湖正在寻找至少一位伙伴,以在交易方面提供助力。

2、She was penalized to circle the mark once more for hitting the No. 3 buoy. ─── 他因碰撞3号浮标而被判罚再多绕该标一周。

3、The native Buoy set of events is fairly rich and allows you to send events from any widget to any other objects, picking and choosing the events you care about. ─── Buoy本身的事件集相当丰富,且允许您挑选自己感兴趣的事件,从任何小部件向其他对象发送事件。

4、I would see she was a drowning woman searching for buoy desperately, if i have look close. It's fortunate to her that she found one. ─── 如果我更加近距离的观察一下,我就会看到她是一个即将溺水的拼命寻找救生圈的女人。对她来说,很幸运的是,她找到了一个。

5、The paper introduced the concept and the function of honeycomb and buoy in ner floating roof,compared the design and structure,prospected the market developing trend,and proposed some su ggestions. ─── 对浮筒式内浮顶与蜂窝式内浮顶的功能、结构等方面进行了比较,提出发展趋势和市场前景。

6、Under the scorching sun, an old man sat by the bank staring at the buoy on the river. From dawn to dusk he still got nothing in his hands. ─── 烈日下,一老翁坐在岸边,两眼一动不动的盯着河面的浮标,从日出到日落,依然两手空空,老翁却怡然自得,乐在其中。

7、a buoy with a round bottom and conical top. ─── 底部圆形顶部圆锥形的浮标。

8、We tried to throw a life buoy. She could not grab it. ─── 我们试着扔救生圈给她,但是她抓不住。

9、Development of Inland River New-Type Buoy ─── 内河新型单船标的研制开发

10、Northern 3 - The lighted buoy was reported damaged and unlit in August and December. ─── 北航3-此燈浮標於8月及12月期間遭損毀,航標燈熄滅。

11、a buoy with a round bottom and conical top ─── 底部圆形顶部圆锥形的浮标

12、Okay, I just wanna make sure you can keep it between the navigational beacon. -Between the buoy's, I'm good. ─── 好的,我只想确定你会保存在远航的灯塔之间。在灯塔之间,我会很好。

13、Electrical equipment monitors the power the buoy generates. ─── 电子设备监测浮标的发电情况。

14、Place a pull buoy between your legs. ─── 在两腿之间放一块划水板。

15、Temporarily replaced by lighted buoy ─── 临时替用灯浮

16、In this article, developer and writer Peter Seebach takes a look at what Buoy does and why it works, using a simple fractal UI program. ─── 在本文中,开发人员兼撰稿人Peter Seebach,用一个简单的fractal用户界面程序,介绍了Buoy可以做什么、为什么这么做。

17、Oil skimming epuipments currently used in China contain tube type , belt ttype , buoy type and mop type, etc. ─── 当前在国内试用的浮油回收设备有管式、带式、浮筒式等等。

18、A buoy marked the entrance to the anchorage. ─── 停泊处的入口有一个浮标作标记。

19、Do you see the red conical buoy ahead? ─── 你看见前面那个红色椎形浮标了吗?

20、Groaner: a whistling buoy. ─── 呻吟者:一个鸣哨浮标。

21、He saw the buoy floating above the Inchcape Rock. ─── 他看到印奇角礁石上那浮动的浮标。

22、As she looked out of the window she saw a buoy in the water that she had never seen before. ─── 她朝窗外望去,看到湖面上漂着一个以前从没见过的救生圈。

23、Drifiting buoy is an expendable instrumet,is of small-scale easy deployment,It continuous works inforseveral months to two Years for various purposes. ─── 其体积小,便于投放,按照不同的使用目的可连续在海上工作几个月到两年。

24、To buoy house prices the package includes a rescue plan for distressed mortgages more generous than anything previously mooted. ─── 为了防止房屋价格的继续下滑,措施将比预期更有力地对处于危难中的抵押物进行挽救。

25、But we must buoy up, is enduring the tribulation, goes forward unceasingly. ─── 但我们必须重新振作起来,忍受着磨难,不断前进。

26、Take a life buoy with you when you go swimming. ─── 下午去游泳的时候把救生圈带上。

27、Grab a pull buoy and your Finis Swimmer's Snorkel. ─── 夹紧你的浮块和您的换气管。

28、Life is like a buoy, nothing can make it sunk. ─── 人生犹如一支浮标,任何风浪也无法使它沉没。

29、emergency buoy release mechanism ─── 应急浮标释放机构

30、At turns, everybody bunches up as close to the buoy as they can. ─── 在转弯的地方,大家都尽可能往浮标的地方挤。

31、You can take pilot at NO.5 Fairway Buoy. ─── 你船可在5号航道浮筒上引航员。

32、The Buoy documentation discusses the differences between the Swing event model and the Buoy event model in some detail, and the reasons for those differences. ─── Buoy的文档详细讨论了Swing事件模型与Buoy事件模型的差异,以及这些差异的原因。

33、Now that you had the so big gourd, why not use it as buoy to tie on your waist.It was much prettier than sheepskin raft. ─── 你有这么大的葫芦,何不考虑用它来做渡河的浮漂,将之系在腰间,比起羊皮筏子要好看多了。

34、Pass pendant line, shackle and buoy to anchor handling vessel. ─── 将抛锚短索、卸扣浮标吊给起锚船。

35、No suitable buoy is available today. ─── 今天并无合适系泊浮泡腾空。

36、A buoy near where Simpson was floating registered an average water temperature of about 80 degrees this week, said National Weather Service forecaster Robert Ballard. ─── 一艘出租渔船在周五早发现了她。她已经脱水,皮肤被晒伤。辛普森在医院接受了治疗并已出院。

37、Conania, Scemaia e Nethaneel suoi fratelli, e Hashabia, Jeiel e Jozabad, capi dei Leviti, dettero ai Leviti, per i sacrifizi della Pasqua, cinquemila capi di minuto bestiame e cinquecento buoi. ─── 乐意献祭于是约西亚送出绵羊羔和山羊羔共三万只,还有公牛三千头,给所有在场的人民作逾越节的祭牲;这些都是取自王的财产。

38、Temporarily replaced by unlighted buoy ─── 临时用无灯浮标替代

39、The speedboat had struck a buoy, but it continued to move very quickly across the water. ─── 快艇撞上了一个浮标,但它仍在水面上快速行驶着。

40、Why will the pilot boat meet the m/v BERLIN at H18 light buoy?Why did the BERLIN call QINGDAO pilot station? ─── 引水站告知,由于港外强风和大浪,引水船不能上你船,请到18灯标处和引水船相会;

41、The mooring force on buoy is calculated in use of the catenary"s theory and B-Spline functions fitting, then the motion equation is solved in time domain. ─── 具体方法是通过悬链线理论和B样条拟合求得浮筒所受的锚链力,然后求解结构的时域运动方程得到结构物的运动响应和锚泊系统的内部应力。

42、They are amongst the unsung heroes of this war, and everything possible to lighten their tedium and buoy up their morale should be done. ─── 彼辈亦属此次战争中无名英雄之列。凡足减轻其烦闷,振奋其精神之一切可能措施均应一一采取。

43、The buoy floated back and forth in the water. ─── 浮标在水里漂来漂去。

44、The M.V. “XXXX” sailing down stream collided with the said barge sailing up stream near No.30 buoy of Huangpu River in Shanghai Harbor. ─── 如:“XXXX”轮在上海港黄浦江第30号浮筒附近顺流而下时与逆流而上的该驳发生了碰撞。

45、What makes the life buoy move? ─── 什么东西使救生圈移动?

46、The speedboat had struck a buoy,but it continued to move very quickly across the water. ─── 快艇撞上了一个浮标,但它仍在水面上快速行中驶着。

47、If you ve found the larger UI tool kits intimidating, Buoy is a viable alternative. ─── 如果觉得较大的UI工具包太可怕,那么Buoy是个不错的选择。

48、And the ship can not be separated from the sea buoy course, companies also can not be separated from the development of strategic positioning and corporate strategic planning. ─── 大海航船离不开航标和航向,企业发展同样也离不开企业战略定位和战略规划。

49、National Data Buoy Development Project ─── 国家数据浮标发展计划

50、When a mouse button goes down, Buoy sends a new ─── 在按下鼠标按钮时,通过

51、To see how the tool kits compared, I decided to use that same program to put Buoy through its paces. ─── 为了看出工具包之间的对比情况,我决定使用Buoy来构建这同一个程序。

52、Research of A Kind of Buoy Location Method ─── 一种浮标定位方法研究

53、Dahn line From a surface buoy a vertical drop line is positioned alongside underwater pinnacles in depths to 2,500 m. ─── 延绳钓法将主钓鱼线绑上无线电鱼标(浮筒),并主(干)绳以一定间距布放带鱼钩之子绳。

54、Keep the buoy on port side! ─── 保持该浮筒在左舷!

55、As such, Dean Barker obtains a slight advantage and rounds the buoy first with a 14 second advance allowing them to lead down the second leg under spinnaker. ─── Dean Barker凭借微弱的优势,领先14秒率先绕过了第一个浮标,随即立刻展开球帆,开始了第一个顺风航段的航行。

56、The boat was lowered. Strong arms soon rowed it to the Inchcape Rock. Then the robber, with a heavy axe, broke the chain that held the buoy. ─── 小船放下去了,水手们强壮的手臂立刻把船划到了印赤克得岩礁。于是那些海盗,用了一柄极大的斧头,砍断了那绑住浮标的链条。

57、Keep the buoy on starboard side! ─── 保持该浮筒在右舷

58、Due to vsl's main engine out of control after departure, MV "Ocena Star" had to drop anchor at buoy No.9 under the escort of tug and overhaul the main engine. ─── “海洋之星”轮开航时由于主机失控,不得不在拖轮的护航下到9#锚地抛锚检修。

59、You boy s, race to oy" title="buoy">buoy. ─── 你们比赛看谁先游到浮标那儿。

60、Any kinds of PVC product could be repaired by the glue.Could be used for Waterbed , tube, Airbed, buoy, floating boat, raincoat, rain shoes and oter plastic products..etc. ─── 功能:本修补胶为免贴皮料高级修补胶水,可直接修补在任何PVC类之产品上,修补水床、水管、空气床、游泳圈、浮船、雨衣、雨鞋、充气玩具等PVC制品修补方式简单.

61、A design of electronic buoy based on the layered linked DSP technology. ─── 一种基于分层级连DSP阵列技术的电子浮标设计。

62、You can use empty oil barrels to buoy up the boards so that you can get across the river. ─── 你可以用空油桶把木板托起来,这样你就能过河了。

63、Data buoy is the most frequent applied alternatives on the measurement of oceanographical data. ─── 中文摘要资料浮标观测波浪具有不受水深限制的特点,是波浪现场观测最主要也是最常用的方式。

64、It is shown that the system is simple with fast data processing speed and meets the requirements of the measurement of the buoy movements. ─── 实测证明,该测量系统模型简单、三维重构速度快,能满足浮体测量使用要求。

65、County officials said the increased revenue from the cigarette tax would buoy the local economy. ─── 县政府的官员称,通过征收香烟税增加财政收入,这将会拉动当地的经济。

66、S. fell 20.3 percent to 741 vehicles, but strong sales in China and the Middle East helped buoy sales to record levels. ─── 在美国的销售额下降百分之3月20日至741辆,但销售强劲,在中国和中东的帮助浮标销售创纪录水平。

67、large automatic navigational buoy ─── 大型自动导航浮标

68、Northern 4 - The lighted buoy was reported damaged and unlit in April and June. ─── 北航4-此燈浮標於4月及6月期間遭損毀,航標燈熄滅。

69、Yokohama. This is Orehaven Pilot. You can take pilot at Fairway buoy at 1800 hours local time. ─── 当地时间1800时你可以在航道浮标接引航员。

70、He had reminded all of us that a tightly knit network of family and friends can buoy you, if you ever should need it. ─── 他提醒我们大家,一个紧密结合在一起的,由家庭和朋友组成的群体,无论何时都可以在你需要时,鼓励你度过难关。

71、Mooring Buoy B20 - The lighted buoy was reported damaged and unlit in February. ─── 繫泊浮泡B20-此燈浮標於2月期間被發現損毀,航標燈熄滅。

72、Victoria - The lighted buoy was reported damaged and unlit in January. ─── 維多利亞-此燈浮標於1月期間遭損毀,航標燈熄滅。

73、In 2005, she lost her tail after getting caught in the buoy line of a crab trap and was forced to rely on her human rescuers to survive. ─── 2005年,它缠在一张捕蟹网的浮标线上,然后就失去了尾鳍,靠着救援人员才活了下来。

74、One obvious difference is that Buoy mostly combines the notions of containers and layout managers; each type of container knows how it likes to do layout. ─── 一个明显的区别是Buoy几乎组合了容器和布局管理器的概念;每种容器类型都知道自己如何布局。

75、Adamasta Rock NW - The lighted buoy was reported damaged and unlit in April. ─── 北長洲石西北-此燈浮標於4月期間遭損毀,航標燈熄滅。

76、You allowed the Ertix River to open the way for me and the Yellow River to buoy me up; you allowed the Heilongjiang to carry me to its broad delta and put me on the path of my new life. ─── 你让额尔齐斯河为我开道,你让黄河托浮着我,你让黑龙江把我送向那辽阔的入海口,送向我人生的新旅程。

77、It can be programed to produce all kinds of light character in accordance with IALA or GB4696-84(China State) standard.It is suitable for the seashore beacon and buoy. ─── 可编码产生各种闪光灯质(符合IALA或国家标准GB4696-84),广泛应用于岸标和浮标。

78、Euphoria ahead of the summer Olympics, should help buoy the markets, yet after the games, analysts warn sentiment can turn, possibly dampening one of the biggest market bull runs in China's history. ─── 北京奥运来临之前的幸福感兴许能支持市场的利好走势,但在奥运之后,分析师提醒人们形势会发生改变,可能会减缓中国证券史上几波最大的牛市行情。

79、To see how the tool kits compared, I decided to use that same program to put Buoy through its paces. ─── 为了看出工具包之间的对比情况,我决定使用Buoy来构建这同一个程序。

80、Conclusion show that the ideal mining transporting system is obtained by installing buoy along the under part of the transporting pipe. ─── 从计算结果的比较分析可知:在输送管道下端安装浮体,得到了一种十分理想的采矿系统;

81、The Buoy documentation is pretty good, and the simplicity really helps. ─── Buoy的文档相当好,而它的简单性确实有帮助。

82、When you swim in the sea,try to push a life buoy into the water. ─── 当你在水里游泳时,尝试一个救生圈压进水里。

83、buoy to be rounded by sportsboat ─── 供赛艇绕过的浮标

84、The speedboat had struck a buoy, ─── 快艇撞上了一个浮标,

85、The paper describes the characteristics, principle, force analysis, design of the two points underwater buoy mooring system, and its configuration with moored tankers. ─── 主要描述两点水下浮筒系泊系统特点、作用原理、受力分析及与系泊油轮的匹配,该系统各部件尺寸的选择。

86、He seized a piece of wreckage;this would buoy him up till rescue came. ─── 他抓住一块破船板;这可以使他在遇救前不致沉没。

87、Exposed location single buoy mooring ─── 外港单浮筒系泊

88、Chrysler LLC could benefit, too, because a Europeanized American car market would buoy its strategy of selling cars co-designed with Italian auto maker Fiat SpA, should that alliance come to pass. ─── 克莱斯勒(ChryslerLLC)也同样可以从中受益。如果克莱斯勒与菲亚特(FiatSpA)的结盟能通过审批,那么美国汽车市场的欧洲化将有利于克莱斯勒销售它与菲亚特联合设计的汽车。

89、Enjoin to say: "After you put the buoy a paragraph small to be apart from, overtook put again. ─── 并嘱咐说:“你把救生圈放一小段距离后追上了再放。”

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