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glossy 发音

英:[?ɡlɑ?si]  美:[?ɡl?si]

英:  美:

glossy 中文意思翻译



glossy 网络释义

adj. 光滑的;有光泽的

glossy 词性/词形变化,glossy变形


glossy 短语词组

1、glossy tongue ─── [医] 光滑舌, 默勒氏舌炎

2、Splendid Glossy Starling ─── 光彩夺目的星 ─── 光

3、Principe Glossy Starling ─── 普林西比Glossy Starling

4、glossy luster ─── 光泽 ─── 光泽

5、Meves's Long-tailed Glossy Starling ─── 梅夫斯的长尾GlossyStarling

6、Swainson's Glossy Starling ─── 斯文森的GlossyStarling

7、glossy skin ─── [医] 亮滑皮, 滑泽皮

8、glossy lid ─── 有光泽的盖子

9、glossy-haired ─── [网络] 有光泽的头发

10、shinney glossy hosiery youtube shinney ─── 光泽丝袜youtube

11、glossy play ─── 光鲜的游戏

12、glossy slime ─── 有光泽的粘液

13、glossy finish ─── 有光泽感亮面处理

14、glossy bird cartoons ─── 光泽鸟卡通

15、glossy snake ─── [脊椎动物]一种夜行发光的蛇(Arizona elegans)

16、glossy-coated ─── [网络] 外表光滑的

17、glossy version ─── 光泽版

18、glossy-furred ─── [网络] 光滑的

19、glossy varnish ─── [涂料]亮漆

glossy 常用词组

glossy surface ─── 光泽面;光亮表面

glossy paper ─── 釉纸;光泽纸;光面纸

glossy 相似词语短语

1、gloss. ─── n.光彩;用以产生光泽的物质;光泽涂料;假象;注释;v.注释;(古)曲解;掩盖;使光彩;n.(Gloss)(美、俄、英)格洛斯(人名)

2、glossary ─── n.术语(特殊用语)表;词汇表;专业词典

3、glossa ─── n.舌;[昆]中唇舌

4、glossae ─── n.舌,中唇舌(glossa的复数)

5、lossy ─── adj.有损耗的

6、flossy ─── adj.丝棉似的;迷人的;轻软的

7、glossily ─── adv.光滑地

8、gloss- ─── n.光彩;用以产生光泽的物质;光泽涂料;假象;注释;v.注释;(古)曲解;掩盖;使光彩;n.(Gloss)(美、俄、英)格洛斯(人名)

9、gloss ─── n.光彩;用以产生光泽的物质;光泽涂料;假象;注释;v.注释;(古)曲解;掩盖;使光彩;n.(Gloss)(美、俄、英)格洛斯(人名)

glossy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He gave the cabinet a finish to make it appear glossy. ─── 他对这个柜子抛光,以使它显得很有光泽。

2、Her designer clothes were from the pages of a glossy fashion magazine. ─── 她的名师设计的服装取材于一份精美的时装杂志。

3、Ingredients: aloe extract, glossy ganoderma extract, hyaluronic acid, whitening factor, arbutin, melanin inhibitor etc. ─── 成份:芦荟提取液、灵芝提取液、透明质酸、多美白、熊果苷、色素生皮抑制剂等。

4、Semidouble dark blue pansy/pink fantasy. Dark green, glossy, scalloped/red back. Small standard. ─── 半重瓣堇型花,深蓝色底有白色喷点。深绿色叶,叶面光滑,贝壳型叶型,红色叶背。比标准小一点的体型。

5、Lustrousness:tin coating is glossy and not easy to change color. ─── 具有光泽:纯锡镀层有光泽不易变色。

6、With perfect glossy high transparent, little small hole and high brightness. ─── 光泽亮丽,平整度好,针少,透明性好。

7、Medium green, plain, heart-shaped, glossy, hairy, serrated. Standard. ─── 中绿色心型叶,平坦叶面光滑多毛,锯齿叶缘。标准型。

8、Rare small evergreen of northern Florida,its glossy green leaves have an unpleasant fetid smell when crushed. ─── 佛罗里达北部罕见的小型常绿树种,亮绿色叶挤压后散发恶臭。

9、A glossy cotton or rayon and wool fabric. ─── 仿羊驼呢有光泽的棉或人造丝和羊毛混纺织物

10、Use Glossy Photo Paper for computers, and ensure the Quality of the print job is set at its highest setting. ─── 使用相片纸打印,以保证打印工作的品质设定在最高的设定。

11、Medium-dark green, quilted, glossy, wavy. Standard. ─── 中到深绿色波浪叶,叶脉向上气状突起,叶面光滑。标准型。

12、The shoe also features a glittery glossy panel that covers the midsole body of the sneaker. ─── 她说: 联考名额还那麽多,我总要把机会都试过了,才能甘愿。

13、Varnish is the glossy protective layer applied to wooden furniture and other surfaces. ─── 清漆是用于木质家具和其他表面的光滑的保护层。

14、It was then that he began to take photographs, carrying his portfolio tirelessly around glossy magazine offices. ─── 他就是从那时开始摄影的,还抱着自己的作品集不厌其烦地往返于光鲜亮丽的杂志编辑部。

15、Her eyes turned glossy with new tears. "No, " she said, her voice wavering, "and I'm not a lesbian. Are you? " ─── 眼泪又来了,她的眼睛变得亮晶晶的。“我没有,”她说,声音颤抖着,“我也不是拉拉。你是吗?”

16、Single purple ruffled. Medium green, ovate to round, plain, glossy, hairy. Standard. ─── 单瓣深紫色皱折花。中绿色近圆型叶,叶面平坦光滑多毛。标准型。

17、Our cat has glossy black fur. ─── 我们的猫的毛皮又黑又亮。

18、First the owner approached, holding a large glossy game-bird as if asking me to stroke it before I ordered it to eat. ─── 首先,这里的老板走了过来,抓着一只羽毛油亮的禽鸟,仿佛是要我在下锅之前摸一摸它。

19、Do not use glossy paper, lens paper, cloth, etc. clean the nozzle surface? ─── 不要用面纸、镜片纸、布等擦拭喷嘴表面。

20、The treated surface is unfading, non yellowing and glossy. ─── 处理后表面洁净、不失光、不褪色、不泛黄。

21、Single white bell/purple-blue center. Light green, longifolia to heart-shaped, hairy, glossy, serrated. Miniature. ─── 单瓣铃铛花,白色底,中心为蓝紫色。亮绿色叶,长型到心状型叶,叶面光滑多毛,锯齿叶缘。迷你型。

22、The beautiful glossy coat of the cat shone as it lay in sunlight. ─── 小猫躺在太阳光下时.她那美丽光滑的毛闪闪发光。

23、Fabrics made with velveteen, karyotyp skinpass of glossy wear resistance. ─── 平绒的布面绒毛平整,光泽好,耐磨性好。

24、Single burgundy sticktite/ white frilled edge. Medium green, pointed, glossy, hairy, scalloped/ red back. Standard. ─── 单瓣不掉落的葡萄酒色花,白色折边。中绿色尖尾扇型叶,叶面光滑多毛,红色叶背。标准型。

25、Light green, glossy, wavy/light red back. Miniature. ─── 亮绿色叶,叶面光滑,微有波浪,亮红色叶背。迷你型。

26、Dark green and glossy leaf, thick and white petiole, good plant shape, heat tolerance, good quality. ─── 叶色深绿、叶柄洁白且宽厚、外型美观、耐热、品质佳。

27、She wears two glossy black braids. ─── 她的两条辫子油黑发亮。

28、LacquerA glossy, resinous material, such as the exudation of the lacquer tree, used as a surface coating. ─── 天然漆一种用作表面涂层的光滑的树脂般的物质,如漆树的分泌物。

29、In the beginning, they thought the Glossy 15 gene only gave corn seedlings a waxy coat. ─── 开始时,他们认为光鲜15基因只是让玉米幼苗有光洁的外表。

30、The sun shining on her glossy hair, gave it a metallic luster, and it was difficult to say what was the color , dark bronze or black. ─── 阳光照在她光泽的头发上,给它涂上一层金属似的光彩。很难说出它究竟是颜色,是深褐色,黑色。

31、The glossy window twinned his image. ─── 光洁的玻璃映射出他的影像。

32、The silcrete found at archaeological sites was glossy with a fine grain and a reddish color. ─── 在南非的考古地点发现的硅结砾岩很光滑,带有细致的颗粒,呈红颜色。

33、It is very glossy, shiny hair," Redken stylist Kaz Amor said. "If you look at Gwyneth (at the Oscars), the hair was moving. ─── 如果留意一下参加奥斯卡颁奖典礼的格温妮丝,你会发现她的头发很具动感,并不是那种呆板、笔直的直发。”

34、Their glossy barks are a faint light green with hazy silver spots. ─── 它的皮,光滑而有银色的晕圈,微微泛出淡青色。

35、A glossy, resinous material, such as the exudation of the lacquer tree, used as a surface coating. ─── 天然漆一种用作表面涂层的光滑的树脂般的物质,如漆树的分泌物

36、Single dark violet-blue ruffled. Medium green, ovate, glossy, hairy, serrated. Standard. ─── 单瓣深紫蓝色折边花。中绿色叶,叶面光滑多毛,锯齿叶缘。标准型。

37、Glossy white lacquered cabinetry and low profile hardware keep this kitchen sleek and modern. ─── 10、光亮的瓷质表面和设计简单的用具,让这个厨房保持现代感。

38、The silcrete found at archaeological sites was glossy with a fine grain and a reddish color. ─── 在南非的考古地点发现的硅结砾岩很光滑,带有细致的颗粒,呈红颜色。

39、Single white and blue bell. Medium-dark green, glossy, serrated girl foliage. Semiminiature. ─── 单瓣蓝白色铃铛花。中到深绿色,叶面光滑,锯齿叶缘的白脉叶。半迷你型。

40、Lip. Lip shows more wrinkles and glossy spots. In order to ease the control, I created separate mapping to be applied. ─── 嘴唇:唇部皱纹和光泽处较多。我单独制作了唇部的贴图,以使得唇部的表现更加容易控制。

41、Chemical Composition in the Fruit of Glossy Privet. ─── 女贞子化学成分的初步研究

42、The surface of Eggs was smooth and glossy. ─── 卵表面光滑无特殊结构。

43、Heated over a fire pit, the silcrete flaked and took on a glossy red color. ─── 他们将硅结砾岩放在一个点了火的坑洞上烧制,直至岩石变为富有光泽的红色然后再捶打成薄片。

44、Some cart tops are glossy finished wood. ─── 一些推车的搁板是光滑的木制品。

45、Old World stork that is glossy black above and white below. ─── 东半球鹳,羽毛底层黑色,表层是闪亮的黑色。

46、It is beyond the mark to present glossy to show fat, possible stimulation must grow dark sore. ─── 呈现油光便显示过分油腻,有可能刺激得长暗疮。

47、The essay studied the extraction of red pigment from the fruits of glossy privet and its physicochemical properties. ─── 对女贞果红色素的提取及性质进行了研究。

48、Jo: Tabloid newspapers and glossy magazines. ─── 她成为了英国小报的常客。

49、Half its stock-in-trade is glossy paperbacks. ─── 一半的现货的是光面的平装本。

50、Semidouble medium pink ruffled pansy. Dark green, spooned, quilted, glossy, serrated/ red back. Large. ─── 半重瓣中粉红色折边堇型花。深绿色光滑的茶匙型叶,叶脉向上气状突起,有锯齿叶缘,叶背红色。大型。

51、A glossy fabric made from cotton and worsted or cotton and mohair. ─── 亮光薄呢由棉花和绒线或棉花和马海毛编织而成的光亮织物

52、There are a lot of glossy, hype-intensive bad HTML books out there, and distressingly few good ones. ─── 市面上有一大堆的封面精美,宣传得天花乱坠的糟糕的HTML书籍,不幸的是很少有好的。

53、He tickled gently at its glossy carapace, but the stubborn beetle would not budge. ─── 他轻轻地搔着甲虫光滑的壳,但这只固执的甲虫就是不动。

54、Glossy Colourful Buttons. Feel free to change anything you want. PSD File. ─── 七彩光泽按钮。随意改变任何你想要的。PSD文件。

55、This car was glossy black, sleek, and pretty, but it was still just a car to me. ─── 尽管这辆车色泽黑色透明,车身线条流畅,非常漂亮,但它说到底也只是一辆车。

56、She has sleek and glossy hair. ─── 她有着一头乌黑油润的秀发。

57、Light green, small, round, thin, glossy, soft, velvety, tightly bunched/ pale back;randomly curved petioles. ─── 亮绿色小而圆的薄叶,叶面光滑柔软,植株紧密,浅色叶背,叶柄常有弯曲。

58、It's transparent, glossy and does not pollute fuel oil. ─── 具有透明、有光泽、不会沾污燃料油等特点。

59、A common European crow(Corvus corone) having glossy black plumage. ─── 乌鸦;大乌鸦;秃鼻乌鸦;寒鸦;红嘴山鸦;鹊;松鸦。

60、A black enamel or lacquer used to produce a durable glossy finish. ─── 亮漆,假漆用来制作持久的、有光泽的罩面漆的瓷漆或油漆

61、Internal surfaces continue the original material palette of linoleum, oak and glossy paint. ─── 内墙面装饰沿用了原有建筑的材料,并用油毡、橡木板和光滑鲜艳的涂料加以搭配。

62、Their Shang Se is bordering on scarlet, foliaceous copy divide evenly is exhibited glossy black. ─── 它们的汤色近于深红,叶底匀展乌亮。

63、The furniture is covered with horse-hair woven in alternate dull and glossy stripes. ─── 几张沙发和椅子,上面包的马鬃布满是一条条忽而暗淡忽而发光的纹缕。

64、Some views of the device. . . it is all made of plastic, with glossy on the front, chromed in the middle and velvety in the rear. ─── 有些意见装置…这是所有的塑料制成的,具有光泽的正面,铬在中东和天鹅绒般的后方。

65、Carrion crow:a common European crow (Corvus corone) having glossy black plumage. ─── 小嘴乌鸦:一种普通的欧洲乌鸦(小嘴乌鸦),有光滑的黑色羽毛。

66、Glossy, silky, with a shimmering shine. ─── 使得头发亮泽,柔滑,以闪烁光芒。

67、The crowning of Steven Gerrard as Football Writers' Player of the Year is celebrated in a new glossy magazine. ─── 为庆祝杰拉德当选为本年度英超最佳球员,官方推出一本金装版的杰拉德杂志。

68、His black hair fine as floss silk, hung in glossy curls about his round dimpled face. ─── 他圆圆的脸蛋上有一对酒窝,头上覆盖着一圈圈光滑,鬈曲、细如绢丝的黑发。

69、Her hair was thick, glossy and in tiptop condition. ─── 她头发浓密、有光泽且发质一流。

70、Single light pink ruffled. Dark green, ovate to round, glossy, serrated/some red back. Standard. ─── 单瓣亮粉红皱折花。深绿色近圆型叶,叶面光滑,锯齿叶缘,有些红色叶背。标准型。

71、Medium green, spooned, quilted, glossy, serrated/red back. Large. ─── 中绿色汤匙型叶,叶脉凹凸,叶面光滑,锯齿叶缘,红色叶背。大型。

72、VRayMtl with fog and glossy refraction was incorrect. ─── 带有雾和光滑折射的vr材质会是不正确的。

73、Satin finish white laquer, oak body and aluminum legs give this table a diverse finish of glossy satin and matte metal. ─── 以绸缎制成白色绾带,橡木制的桌身以及铝制的桌角都赋予了这张桌子一个不同形象:既有绸缎般的光滑,又有金属的粗糙感。

74、Medium green, heart-shaped, glossy, hairy, wavy, scalloped. Large. ─── 中绿色心状贝壳型波浪叶,叶面光滑多毛。大型。

75、A vast pelt of glossy white fur with head intact and fangs bared in a frozen snarl, it dominates the room. ─── 一块宽大光亮发白的毛皮遗留着完好无缺的熊头,露出的白牙可以让人看到它的狂啸,它充塞着整个房间。

76、It lends an elegant shimmery look and glossy luster to an array of cosmetic and personal care products. ─── 它适合优雅的外观和光泽闪烁光彩一系列的化妆品和个人护理产品。

77、CDs would be far cheaper to produce without the glossy packaging. ─── 如果没有那些花哨的包装,CD 的生产成本会低得多。

78、In front, the coachman's glossy black hat looked like a lump of the same sticky substance, poised above the hearse. ─── 太阳晒得柏油爆裂,脚一踩就陷进去,留下一道亮晶晶的裂日。

79、The foliage is glossy, larger than gooseberry, lobed, scentless and resists mildew. ─── 叶面光亮,是大于鹅瓣,方洪和抗白粉病.

80、It has glossy silver outside and velvety inside. ─── 它是我的好友送的一份可爱的礼物。

81、Medium finish:Medium finish,apply to soft material clenaing bur,glossy grind. ─── 中磨:中研削,适用于软材质去毛边,细磨.

82、It nourishes and whitens the skin, making skin fresh, fine and glossy greatly. ─── 令肌肤达到养颜美白、舒爽、细腻、亮泽的极佳效果。

83、Many wooden boxes are painted, and you can pick glossy ink or matte ink. ─── 很多木盒都是油漆的,您可以用亮光漆和哑光漆。

84、Medium green, plain, ovate to pointed, glossy, hairy, scalloped. Standard. ─── 中绿色圆到一般型平坦叶,叶面光滑多毛,贝壳叶缘。标准型。

85、She casually paged through a glossy magazine as she waited. ─── 当她等待时,她漫不经心地翻阅一本流行(时尚)杂志。

86、On the lower levels glossy, highly reflective finishes maximise the natural light available. ─── 在较低水平光滑,高反射率的完成尽量使用自然光。

87、Light-medium green, heart-shaped, soft, smooth, glossy, velvety/light back. ─── 亮到中绿色心型叶,叶面柔软平整光滑,亮的叶背。

88、Medium green, quilted, glossy, wavy, serrated/ red back. Large. ─── 中绿色波浪叶,叶面光滑,叶脉向上气状突起,锯齿叶缘,红色叶背。大型。

89、A glossy magazine has lots of pictures of fashionable clothes and is printed on good quality paper. ─── 一本载有许多时装照片的杂志是用带有光泽的优质纸印制的。


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