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08-20 投稿


retted 发音

英:[?r?t?d]  美:[?r?t?d]

英:  美:

retted 中文意思翻译




retted 短语词组

1、retted hemp how to ─── 脱胶大麻怎么做

2、retted defined ─── 重新定义

3、retted definition ─── 重新定义

retted 词性/词形变化,retted变形

动词第三人称单数: rets |动词过去分词: retted |动词现在分词: retting |动词过去式: retted |

retted 相似词语短语

1、letted ─── let的过去式及过去分词的异体

2、-etted ─── 已删除

3、aretted ─── aretted

4、-retted ─── v.将(亚麻,麻)沤软;浸水(使)柔软;n.(Ret)(美)雷特(人名)

5、fretted ─── adj.焦躁的;腐蚀的;附有弦马的;v.烦躁;侵蚀;耗损(fret的过去分词)

6、netted ─── adj.网状的;用网捕获的;v.赚,得到(net的过去分词)

7、petted ─── v.宠爱;爱抚;亲吻(pet的过去式和过去分词)

8、jetted ─── adj.用黑色大理石装饰的

9、betted ─── v.打赌(bet的过去式和过去分词)

retted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Job Functions: Develop, manage, unite and lead the sales team to reach and excel the sales targetDevelop and ret...... ... ─── 公司名称:深圳市永丰嘉龙物流有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-4-10

2、In aplastic anemia patients (7 cases) RET# decreased and HFR increased moderately. ─── 再生障碍性贫血 (AA)患者的ret #重度减低 ,HFR中度增高。

3、Job Duties:- To grow and develop a portfolio of commercial banking customers in order to maximize the Bank‘s ret...... ... ─── 公司名称:汇丰银行(中国)有限公司工作地点:湖南省长沙市发布时间:2009-5-28

4、The study of the expression of laminin gene and RET gene in Hirschsprung's disease by TR-PCR ─── 先天性巨结肠层粘连蛋白基因及RET基因的表达研究

5、standard test method for measurement of shives in retted flax ─── 浸渍亚麻中亚麻皮测量的标准试验方法

6、franskmændene demonstrerede, da OL-flammen blev båret igennem Paris. nu slår kineserne tilbage. ─── 就在奥林匹克火炬传递到巴黎的时候,法国人举行了游行示威。现在中国人进行反抗了。

7、manhood a struggle;old age a ret. ─── Youth is a blunder,搞笑名言名语;

8、The outcome was the Ret Guard. ─── 其结果就是红卫兵的出现。

9、Study on the Stress Profile in RET ─── 可靠性强化试验应力剖面的研究

10、During early days after exposure,an increase in WBC,decrease in lymphocyte count,RET and absolute RET were observed,HFR and IRF were zero. ─── 2例ARS患者WBC在受照后初期一过性升高,淋巴细胞计数明显下降,RET和RET绝对数降低,HFR和IRF均为0。

11、Keywords multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A;pheochromocytoma;medullary thyroid carcinoma;RET proto-oncogene;mutation; ─── 多发性内分泌腺瘤病2A型;嗜铬细胞瘤;甲状腺髓样癌;RET原癌基因;突变;

12、But the dia betic retinopathy screening is far from adequate. The importance of diabetic ret inopathy screening is not addressed. ─── 但是目前在中国对糖尿病视网膜病变的筛选还远远不够。

13、RET Wartime Aircraft Activity Reporting System Retrievals ─── 战时飞机活动报告系统检索

14、Unused memory cells following the BELL&RET command are considered free. ─── 在电铃&浸水使柔软指令之后的不用记忆单元是考虑过的免费。

15、Hemoglobin (Hb), Hematocrit (Hct) , Red Blood Cell(RBC), reticulocyte counts (Ret), total leucocyte (WBC), Neutrophil counts(ANC), Platelet count (Plat) were measured before and every week after the treatment. ─── 两组早产儿均于治疗前、治疗后每周取静脉血测定Hb、红细胞压积(Hct)、Ret,白细胞总数(WBC)、中性粒细胞绝对值(ANC)、血小板计数(P lat);

16、That is one of the main reasons why a group would want to take a Ret pally over another dps class. ─── 我要告诉你们那样是不对头滴!

17、Are we going to nerf Ret? ─── 我们惩戒丁会被削弱吗?

18、1 Lake FRTribe AEMcAleer Ret al.Mixed allergic bronchopulmonary fungal disease due to pseudallescheria boydi and aspergillus.Thorax199045:489-492. ─── 3昭明乔秉善张涛等.变态反应性支气管肺霉菌病的临床表现和免疫特点.中华医学杂志199171:492.

19、Elizabeth MacAllister, Ret'd. ─── 发件人: "Col.

20、HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... a fully epic geared Ret Pally wont even consider using Blood. ─── 哈哈哈哈...一个全身紫色惩戒装的圣骑士根本不会考虑用血圣印。

21、Su yir knw ret pers? ─── 你认识那个人吗?

22、Anatomical ret roperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy (ARA) was developed on the basis of the advanced clinical anatomical study of retroperitoneal organs and structures. ─── 摘要解剖性后腹腔镜肾上腺切除术是在进一步研究后腹腔解剖结构的基础上发展起来的种新技术。

23、RET mutations were more frequent in patients who had bigger tumors (P = .02) and in patients who had lymph node metastases (P

24、The results suggest that the mutation of the RET proto-oncogene may have a high freqency in Chinese patients with HD, especially the heterozygous point mutation.And HD has the heredity tendency. ─── 实验表明中国先天性巨结肠人群存在著RET基因突变,且以杂和性点突变为主,HD具有一定的遗传性。

25、Rearrangements and mutations involving the RET(Rearranged During Transfection) proto-oncogene have been implicated closely in the papillary thyroid carcinoma(PTC). ─── 原癌基因重排及突变与甲状腺乳头状癌(PTC)密切相关,它在调节细胞增殖、迁移、分化过程中具有重要意义。

26、resolution enhancement technique (RET) ─── 分辨率增强技术

27、Immunohistochemical study of Ret protein in Hirschsprung's disease and allied Hirschsprung's disorder ─── 先天性巨结肠与巨结肠同源病的Ret蛋白免疫组织化学研究

28、Photo mask;Resolution enhancement technology (RET);Phase shift mask (PSM);OFF-axis illumination (OAI);Design for manufacturability (DFM ─── 关键词:光罩;解像度增进技术;相移图罩;偏轴发光;可制造性导向设计

29、Keywords Hirschsprung disease;RET proto-oncogene;Single nucleotide polymorphisms;Cell-adhesion molecules;Fibroblast growth factors receptors;Immunohischemistry; ─── 先天性巨结肠症;RET原癌基因;基因多态性;细胞粘附分子;成纤维细胞生长因子受体;免疫组织化学;

30、Keywords Medullary thyroid carcinoma RET proto-oncogene Mutation; ─── 关键词甲状腺髓样癌;RET原癌基因;突变;

31、Keywords multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2;hyperparathyroidism;medullary thyroid carcinoma;pheochromocytoma;RET;gene mutation;gene diagnosis; ─── 多发性内分泌腺瘤2型;甲状旁腺功能亢进;甲状腺髓样癌;嗜铬细胞瘤;RET;基因突变;基因诊断;

32、But while broken bones can be painful, there they are generally not life (ret). life-threatening. ─── 但是,当断裂的骨头还能有疼痛感,它们一般是不会威胁到生命的。

33、We qt. subj. cfmn on sharp aircondition tyrol ah22 - - biff at l530/unit cif len shpt within 5 wk. aft ret dr l.c. ─── 以我方的确认为条件,现对提洛尔AH22--BIFF型夏普空调器报价,到伦敦CIF价每台530英镑。连同接货订单,信用证五周内装船。

34、Resolution enhanced technology (RET) ─── 分辨力增强技术

35、Mutations of RET proto-oncogene in Hirschsprung's disease and its allied disorders ─── 先天性巨结肠与其同源病的RET基因突变的研究

36、Practice of the Timbering of Composite Top - Tray Drift Anchored Cable Ret Cord ─── 复合顶板沿空巷道锚梁网索支护实践

37、Thus we must realize the innovation in marketing idea,enterprise scales,management,technology and service in ret... ─── 为此,零售业必须实现营销理念创新、企业规模创新、管理创新、技术创新和服务创新。

38、I've done all my arenas as ret. ─── 我在竞技场中也是用惩戒天赋。

39、Keywords Hirschsprung s disease;Gene;RET;Allied disorders of Hirschsprung s disease; ─── 关键词巨结肠;先天性;RET基因;先天性巨结肠同源病;

40、It's more than I can ret. ─── 我吃不了那么多。

41、results are already in %eax so we can just return movl %ebp, %esp popl %ebp ret ;;Optimized tail-call optimized_function: ...... ─── 使用它们有一些限制:当函数返回到进行调用的函数时,后者一定不能依赖于仍在栈中的参数列表。

42、DISCUSSION RET using for primary neuralgia is easy and shortcut for operation, high efficiency, and that can treat repition. ─── [讨论]射频温控热凝术治疗原发性三叉神经痛具有操作简便、快捷、疗效可靠及可重复治疗等特点。

43、During early days,WBC,lymphocyte count,RET and absolute RET are related to radiation dose. ─── 受照初期WBC、淋巴细胞计数以及RET和RET绝对数等与受照剂量有关。

44、A Pedigr ee Study of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Caused by Mutation of RET Proto-oncogene. ─── RET原癌基因突变致甲状腺髓样癌一个家系的研究

45、Development of the General-Purpose Type Arm Flat Car for Railway Crane with Ret ractable Arm ─── 伸缩臂式铁路起重机通用型吊臂平车的研制

46、Where we are worried is how much damage Ret can do up front.It's also Holy damage, which isn't a big deal when you're considering a fully sundered mob, but can turn into a lot of damage in PvP. ─── 我们担心的是惩戒丁的伤害是不是过强.惩戒丁的伤害是神圣伤害,神圣伤害对怪物没什么作用,但是在PVP中缺能造成大量伤害。

47、The degumming property and the quality index of retted fiber are analyzed. ─── 分析了罗布麻脱胶前后胶质的变化和精干麻的品质指标。

48、Reliability Enhancement Testing (RET) ─── 可靠性强化试验

49、The RET instruction opcode always generates a near return. ─── RET指令操作码总是产生一个近的返回。

50、3 Brott TBroderick J,Kothari Ret al.Early hemorrhge growth in patients with ineracerebral hemorrhage[J].Stroke199728(1):1?5. ─── 1夏一鲁谢鹏董为伟.原发性高血压性脑出血的早期血肿扩大[J].中华神经科杂志199932(3):183?185.

51、Analysis of ret Gene Site- directed Mutation and Its Effect ─── ret基因体外定点突变及其突变效应分析

52、Advances of RET oncogene activation in papillary thyroid carcinoma ─── 原癌基因RET与甲状腺乳头状癌关系的研究进展

53、3 yrs working experience in buying / trading office for hand tools -Experience of European,USA,Middle east, ret...... ... ─── 公司名称:金华市华易五金工具有限公司工作地点:浙江省金华市发布时间:2009-6-13

54、Abstract Objective: To investigate the mutation of RET Proto-oncogene in sporadic Hirschsprung's disease (HD) in Chinese population. ─── 摘要目的:明确中国散发先天性巨结肠症是否有原癌基因RET突变。

55、Also, RET mutations were found to be correlated with the persistence of the disease (both biochemical and metastatic). ─── 并且,该研究发现RET基因突变与疾病的持续时间有相互关系(兼顾生化指标和转移病灶)。

56、The technologies using the halogen-free flame retardants in pl astics were reviewed.The future trend for developing halogen free flame ret arda nts was pointed out. ─── 对无卤化阻燃剂的阻燃技术进行了综述,指出未来无卤化阻燃技术的研究方向。

57、Results:The total effective rate of RET was 96%for COPD patients,the total effective rate of IC was 87%for expectorating sputum. ─── 58例慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)患者进行呼吸电刺激训练,55例排痰困难患者进行干扰电治疗。

58、ret? The boss's secretary just told me he's leaving for another job. She told me not to tell anybody else, so keep it under your hat. ─── 你能保密吗?我们老板的秘书刚刚告诉我老板要上别处去工作了。他的秘书叫我不要对任何人说,所以你得保密呀!

59、When the retted straw is dried, the fibre bundles shrink away from the brittle woody sore. ─── 当烘干时被浸泡的秸杆,光学纤维束纤维丛收缩远离易碎的木质的痛处。

60、Associations between genetic polymorphisms in RET and risk of Hirschsprung's disease in a Chinese population ─── RET基因功能性单核苷酸多态与先天性巨结肠风险

61、For the assembly and final release of DSM and subwavelength designs, it is essential to clean up IP, making it compatible with the mask-making grid before the MDP and RET phase of the design. ─── 对DSM的装配和最终发布及亚波长设计,整理IP,在MDP和RET相位设计前使其与掩模制造栅格兼容是重要的。

62、Load does not repeat if you press RET again after using it. ─── 在你执行load之后按下回车键,它并不会重复执行。


64、If I can read 1200 angry posts from Ret pallies today, you can blow off some inane gloating from warlocks or warriors. ─── 假如我今天看了1200个惩戒骂娘帖,你可以看到一些术士和战士的毫无意义的、空洞的窃喜。

65、O rogue deu stealth e o ret resolveu me bater desarmado... aquilo foi a gota. ─── rogue用潜行,ret对我用了缴械。。。。

66、Keywords contact oxidation;reusing to ret;wastewater; ─── 接触氧化;回用沤麻;废水;

67、The resulting program may have no more than 100 commands including exactly one BELL&RET command, being always the last one. ─── 产生的程序可能有只达完全地包括一个电铃&浸水使柔软指令的100个指令,总是一个最后的。

68、We ret we are unable to accept your proposal. ─── 很遗憾我们不能接受贵方的建议。

69、We didn't want to nerf Ret TO THE GROUND BABY only to discover that the weapon problem was causing 90% of it. ─── 我们还不行把惩戒丁削弱到渣,只是发现装备才是他过于强大的根本。

70、Interesting - but I'm a bit baffled as to how that would work!Ret. ─── 出于验证的需要,请键入您在下图中看到的字符或点击辅助功能图标后所听到的数字。

71、The other possible ways to find the good value was to look at the code structure.. We were doing a Call routine, therefore we must have an instruction to do a RET. ─── 另一种可能的方式是找到查看代码结构的正确值。我们做一个调用程序,因此我们需要指令完成返回。

72、We qt. subj. cfmn on sharp aircondition tyrol ah22--biff at l530/unit cif len shpt within 5 wks. aft ret dr l.c. ─── 以我方的确认为条件,现对提洛尔AH22--BIFF型夏普空调器报价,到伦敦CIF价每台530英镑。连同接货订单,信用证五周内装船。

73、Clouds fly so high at the rise of the wind so grand;I ret ... ─── 大风歌 Song of Grand Wind 刘邦 by Liu Bang 大风起兮云飞扬, 威加海内兮归故乡, 安得猛士兮守四方!

74、Specialy made for Italian ret... ─── 手动发条;所在地: 荷兰, Amsterdam;

75、You should not, generally, be nearly as concerend about the Prot's ability to self-heal or the Ret's ability to tank you. ─── 一般来说,你不应该去关心防护的自我治疗能力或者惩戒的坦克能力。

76、Keywords RET gene;PHOX2B gene;Hirschsprung's disease;polymorphism;haplotype;neuronal intestinal dysplasia;pathology;enterocolitis;immunohistochemistry;neuroendocrine vesicle; ─── 先天性巨结肠;单核苷酸多态性;RET基因;PHOX2B基因;单倍型;肠神经元发育不良;病理;小肠结肠炎;免疫组化;神经内分泌囊泡;

77、CD55, CD59, CD34, RET% and NALP may act as the most sensitive indices in early diagnosis of AA-PNH and PNH, and have a close correlation with their prognosis. ─── CD55、CD59、CD34抗原表达率以及RET%、NALP可作为PNH及AA-PNH早期诊断最敏感指标,同时与预后转归密切相关。

78、Amazing price! Wholesale name brand shoes,clothes and handbag,etc. We are a large wholesaler and ret... ─── [男女鞋包]便宜各式名牌运动鞋,手提包,风衣,夹克等出售...

79、We determined the relationship between RET and coronary atherosclerosis as measured by CT detectable coronary artery calcium (CAC). ─── 我们通过CT检测了冠状动脉中钙含量从而了解了视网膜病(RET)和冠状动脉硬化之间的关系。

80、“You have been disconnected from the remote computer you dialed.Verify the Baud Rate setting and ret... ─── 在拨号时,会发生如下的错误提示信息,请问可能是什么原因引起的,应该如何解决?

81、The main products are 100%cotton flame retardant fabric,CVC flame ret... ─── 发布者:轩利伟所在地:河南新乡市行业:纺织、皮革职位:经理工作年限:一年以上

82、Ret; Return to Original App Entry Point ─── 以子程序返回形式返

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