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gallstone 发音

英:[?ɡ??lsto?n]  美:[?ɡ??lst??n]

英:  美:

gallstone 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 胆石


gallstone 网络释义

n. [病理] 胆石

gallstone 词性/词形变化,gallstone变形


gallstone 短语词组

1、gallstone flush ─── 胆结石

2、silent gallstone ─── [医] 隐性胆石

3、gallstone pain ─── 胆石痛

4、gallstone relief ─── 胆结石缓解

5、gallstone colic ─── [医] 胆石绞痛

6、gallstone complications ─── 胆结石并发症

7、gallstone passing ─── 胆结石通过

8、gallstone ileus ─── 胆石性肠梗阻

9、gallstone sound ─── [医] 胆石探子

10、gallstone treatment ─── 胆结石治疗

11、gallstone symptoms ─── 胆结石症状

gallstone 相似词语短语

1、goldstone ─── n.金星玻璃;嵌有黄铜粉的茶色玻璃;n.(Goldstone)人名;(英)戈德斯通

2、gravestone ─── n.墓碑,墓石

3、gallstones ─── n.胆结石(gallstone的复数形式)

4、marlstone ─── n.硬质的泥灰岩

5、eaglestone ─── n.牡丹石上的凝结小球

6、chalkstone ─── n.[病理]痛风石;[病理]白垩块

7、millstone ─── n.磨石;重担

8、hailstone ─── n.冰雹;n.(Hailstone)人名;(英)黑尔斯通

9、grapestone ─── n.葡萄子,葡萄核

gallstone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Instrumental analysis;Gallstone;Element analysis;Composition analysis; ─── 仪器分析;胆结石;元素分析;组分分析;

2、Keywords Biliary tract neoplasms;Gallstone disease;Tea consumption;Case-control study; ─── 关键词胆道肿瘤;胆石症;饮茶;病例对照研究;

3、Conclusions There may have some connection between anaerobic infection and gallstone formatio... ─── 专性厌氧菌感染具有病史长,抗菌治疗效果差的特点。

4、Definition: Cow-bezoar is the dried gallstone of Bos taurus domesticus Gmelin (Fam.Bovidae). ─── 本品为牛科动物牛 Bos taurus domesticus Gmelin 干燥的胆结石。


6、acute gallstone pancreatitis ─── 急性胆源性胰腺炎

7、Keywords sterol carrier protein 2(SCP2);cholesterol saturation index(CSI);gallstone formation; ─── 固醇载体蛋白2;胆固醇饱和指数;胆石形成;

8、Methods 35 cases of patients with gallstone were chosen as group A,and 25 cases with gallbladder polypi as group B,and 30 cases of healthy people accepted heath examination as group C. ─── 方法随机选择胆囊结石患者35例作为A组,胆囊息肉样变患者25例作为B组,正常体检者30例作为C组。

9、After the gallstone had fallen back into the gallbladder, decompressing the right portal vein, CT showed the liver to be normal. ─── 在胆结石退回胆囊之后,由于门脉右支压迫的缓解,CT显示肝脏灌注正常。

10、Yo-Yo Dieting Ups Men's Gallstone Risk ─── 忽胖忽瘦增加男性胆结石风险

11、Methods A synchronic bacterial culture and drug sensitivity test were carried out on 48 patients with gallstone pancreatitis. ─── 方法对48例胆源性胰腺炎患者的胆囊黏膜和胆总管胆汁进行同步细菌培养和药物敏感试验。

12、2、Molecular Genetic Evidence of Bacteria in Gallstone by Polymerase Chain Reacton; ─── 2、胆囊结石核心细菌基因片段的表达及其相关研究;

13、surgical removal of the gall bladder (usually for relief of gallstone pain). ─── 为消除结石病而进行的切除胆囊的手术。

14、Objective To explore the relationship between the mRNA expression of ABCG5 and ABCG8 in gallbladder mucosa and cholesterol gallstone disease (GS). ─── 目的探讨ABCG5和ABCG8基因在胆囊黏膜中的表达与胆固醇结石病的关系。

15、Methods A control study was performed to compare two cirrhotic groups:25 cases with gallstone(gallstone group),30 cases without gallstone(control group). ─── 方法:采用病例对照研究法,25例肝硬化合并胆石症患者为胆石组,30例肝硬化无胆石症患者为对照组。

16、Keywords LiDanLing medicine;pigment gallstone;bile components; ─── 利胆灵;胆色素结石;胆汁成分;

17、I'm passing a gallstone as we speak. ─── 说话这当口我还在排胆结石!

18、Case-control study on the risk factors of gallstone disease among the metallurgy workers ─── 冶金行业职工胆石病危险因素的病例对照研究

19、L-form bacteria should be considered when using antibiotics, because L-form bacteria have close relationship with the prognosis of gallstone pancreatitis. ─── 在使用抗生素的同时应考虑到L型细菌的存在,这对胆源性胰腺炎的预后具有重要意义。

20、Objective To evaluate the role of L-form bacteria in the development of gallstone and cholecystitis. ─── 目的探讨L型细菌在胆囊结石、胆囊炎发病中的意义。

21、The HLA antigens of 81 patients with gallstone were typed and compared with 130 cases in healthy control group. ─── 对81例胆石症患者的HLA抗原进行了检测,并以其抗原频率和130位健康人群的抗原频率进行了比较分析。

22、Objective To evaluate the optimal timing of operation for severe gallstone pancreatitis(SGP). ─── 探讨重症胆源性胰腺炎(SGP)的最佳手术时机。

23、Objective To analysis of reasons of misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis for gallstone by B-ultrasound. ─── 目的总结B型超声诊断胆囊结石的漏误诊情况,探讨提高诊断符合率的有效方法。

24、Method: Analysis on reviewing the presurgical & postsurgical nursing treatment of 280 cases gallbladder polypus,gallstone & chronic cholecystitis Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy from 2005 to 2007. ─── 方法:回顾分析从2005年至2007年280例胆囊息肉、胆结石、慢性胆囊炎腹腔镜胆囊切除术术前、术后护理体会。

25、Natural Gallstone Incidence in TianJin and Investigation of Affliction Factors of Cholelithiasis ─── 天津自然人群胆石发病率普查与胆石症易患因素的研究

26、Inflammation and coagulation activation are associated with gallstone formation in golden hamsters ─── 炎症和凝血活化亢进在仓鼠胆囊胆固醇结石形成中作用的实验研

27、Treatment Analysis of 34 Cases of Acute Fatal Pancreatitis Due to Gallstone ─── 急性重症胆石性胰腺炎34例治疗分析

28、Gallstone and non-gallstone patients show a sharp distinction in their BSI(P

29、Therefore, the dissolution of gallstone, as a non-surgical treatment is one of important subject of clinical medicine. ─── 因此,作为非手术疗法的溶石法成为临床医学研究的课题之一。

30、Gallstone diseases are old disease entities, it yet remains the most prevalent disease affecting the biliary system. ─── 摘要胆石症虽然是一个古老疾病,但仍然是胆道疾病中最常见。

31、Piperine may prevent the formation of cholesterol gallstone through inhibiting the lithogenic role of APN. ─── 以上结果表明胡椒碱主要通过降低肝APN的表达及胆汁APN酶的活性 ,抑制APN的促成石作用而预防胆固醇结石的形成。

32、Objective:To evaluate the features of laparoscopic chelecystectomy (LC) for elderly patients with gallstone. ─── 目的:探讨老年胆囊结石患者腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)的特点。

33、The application of laparoscopic cholecystectomy with low pressure pneumoperitoneum for high risk patients with gallstone. ─── 低压气腹腹腔镜胆囊切除术在高危胆囊结石患者中的应用。

34、From all over the world, cholesterol gallstone is the main gallstone. ─── 从全世界范围来看,胆囊结石主要为胆固醇结石。

35、Endoscope assisted microincision cholelithotomy in the treatment of gallstone: a report of 86 cases ─── 内镜辅助下经微小切口行胆囊取石术治疗胆囊结石:附86例报告

36、Objective: To investigate the changes of the interdigestive migrating motor complex (MMC) of the small intestine and bile acid in the bile, and their effects on the gallstone during its formation. ─── 摘要目的:研究结石形成中,小肠消化间期移行性复合波(MMC)与胆汁中胆汁酸的变化对胆结石形成的影响。

37、The golden syrian hamster is an excellent experimental animal for cholelithiasis model for both cholesterol gallstone and pigment gallstone. ─── 叙利亚金黄地鼠是研究两类胆石形成的良好实验动物之一。

38、Objective To survey carboxypeptidase E(CPE) mRNA expression by cDNA microarray and real-time PCR in the liver of patients with cholesterol gallstone(CGS),and to reveal the role of CPE in the formation of CGS. ─── 目的:利用基因芯片和实时定量聚合酶链反应(real-time PCR)分析胆囊胆固醇结石病人肝脏中羧肽酶E(carboxypeptidase E,CPE)的mRNA表达,探讨CPE与胆囊胆固醇结石形成可能相关的分子机制。

39、surgical removal of the gall bladder (usually for relief of gallstone pain) ─── 切除胆囊的手术(常为消除结石病痛)

40、Method Apo A1 and B in serum and bile were measured by double-antibody ELISA method.The relationship between apo A1, B and lipid in serum and bile and its effect on gallstone formation were analyzed. ─── 方法采用双抗体夹心ELISA方法测定血清与胆汁中的载脂蛋白A1、B,并用常规生化方法测定血清与胆汁中的酯类含量,分析载脂蛋白A1、B与血清及胆汁酯类的关系及对胆石形成的影响。

41、To investigate the role of the serum bile acid,cholesterol and calcium in the pathogenesis of gallstone. ─── 探讨血清胆汁酸、胆固醇及血钙浓度在胆石形成中的作用。

42、Keywords Cholelithiasis;Magnetic treatment;Gallstone excreting soup; ─── 关键词胆石症;磁疗;排石汤;

43、Keywords old people s gallstone;treatmene of TCM;preserve the feminine and soften the liver;therapeutic application; ─── 关键词老年胆石症;中医药疗法;养阴柔肝;治疗应用;

44、Methods:Clinical datas of 25 cases with gallstone and choledocholith were analysied. ─── 方法:回顾分析25例胆囊结石合并胆总管结石患者的临床资料。

45、Objective To detect bile anaerobic bacteria and their actiones in patients with gallstone. ─── 目的探讨不同种类厌氧菌在结石性胆囊胆汁中的分布及其临床价值。

46、Abstract: Fetal gallstone or cholelithiasis is the gallstone,sludge,or echogenic foci in the gallbladder often detected prenatally by ultrasound during prenatal testing. ─── 摘要: 胎儿胆囊结石是胎儿期胆囊内发现结石、泥沙或回声光团,常在孕妇产检行超声检查时偶然发现。

47、Methods A synchronic bacterial culture and drug sensitivity test were carried out on 48 patients with gallstone pancreatitis. ─── 方法对48例胆源性胰腺炎患者的胆囊黏膜和胆总管胆汁进行同步细菌培养和药物敏感试验。

48、Objective:To discuss the optimal opportunity of operation for gallstone pancreatitis(GP). ─── 目的:探讨胆源性胰腺炎(GP)的最佳手术时机。

49、The aim was to explore the possible lithogenic role of aminopeptidase N (APN) in experimental gallstone formation in rabbits with high cholesterol diet. ─── 为研究大鼠高胆固醇饮食时 ,肝脏氨肽酶N(APN)在实验结石形成中可能的结石发生作用 ,采用 1.2%胆固醇饮食 4周 ,诱发新西兰兔胆囊结石形成 .

50、Objective:To explore the feasibility and value of placing drainage-tube by laparoscopy to treat acute gallstone pancreatitis. ─── 目的:探讨腹腔镜置管冲洗治疗急性胆源性胰腺炎的可行性和应用价值。

51、CONCLUSION The effect of fever on biliary elements plays an important role in the gallstone formation in guinea pigs. ─── 主题词发热;胆汁/代谢;胆红素/代谢;胆结石/病因学;蛋白质类/代谢

52、At present, gallstone basic principle is still the treatment of gallbladder surgery. ─── 目前胆囊结石的基本治疗原则仍是胆囊摘除术。

53、Ball-valve gallstone syndrome ─── Ball-value胆石综合征

54、SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: The role of early endoscopic intervention, in the treatment of acute gallstone pancreatitis, remains controversial. ─── 主要的背景数据:急性胆源性胰腺炎的早期内镜干预治疗仍有争论。

55、To determine the changes of gastrointestinal migrating motor complex(MMC)during the early stage of cholesterol gallstone formation. ─── 探讨胆固醇结石形成早期胃肠移行性复合运动(MMC)变化。

56、Coffee has several metabolic effects that could reduce the risk of gallstone formation. ─── 咖啡具有几种可降低胆石形成的代谢作用。

57、Method A retrospective analysis was conducted in 714 cases of gallstone treated with choledochoscopic operations. ─── 方法对714例以术中胆道镜治疗胆道结石的临床病例进行分析和总结。

58、1 Clavien PA, Richon J, Burgan S, et al. Gallstone ileus. Br J Surg, 1990;77(7):737-742 ─── 2周浩庚.胆石性肠梗阻13例分析.中华消化杂志,1993;13(1):54(沈伟明沈翠英赵云才王建华

59、Objective To study the relationship between the bacterial spectrum difference of gallbladder mucosa and choledochus bile and clinical prognosis of gallstone pancreatitis. ─── 摘要目的探讨胆囊黏膜与胆总管胆汁的菌谱差异性与胆源性胰腺炎临床预后的关系。

60、It was rumoured that he was suffering from gallstone. ─── 听说他得了胆结石病。

61、gallstone forceps for infant ─── 小儿胆石钳

62、It is suggested that abnormal cholesterol metabolism plays an important role in gallstone formation. ─── 提示胆固醇代谢的异常变化在胆囊结石中起作用。

63、Objective To discuss diagnosis and surgical management of chronic gallstone Pancreatitis(CGP). ─── 目的 探讨慢性胆源性胰腺炎(ChronicGallstone Pancreatitis CGP)的诊断和外科处理。

64、The sera of 46 cases with gallstone and 32 cases with chronic gastritis were collected and analysed for bile acid、cholesterol and calcium by biochemical instrument. ─── 用生化检测仪分别测定46例胆石症患者和32例慢性胃炎患者的血清胆汁酸、胆固醇及血钙浓度,并进行比较。

65、Study on gallbladder emptying function in the asymptomatic gallstone patients. ─── 无症状胆囊结石病患者胆囊排空功能的研究。

66、Study on gallbladder emptying function in the asymptomatic gallstone patients. ─── 无症状胆囊结石病患者胆囊排空功能的研究。

67、Keywords Gallstone;Lipid metabolism;Bile lecithin and total bile acid and mucin;DanFuShu capsule; ─── 关键词胆腑舒胶囊;胆囊胆固醇结石;脂代谢;卵磷脂;总胆汁酸;黏蛋白;

68、Experimental study of bear bile in prevention of cholesterol gallstone of guinea pigs ─── 熊胆预防豚鼠胆囊胆固醇结石的实验研究

69、Objective: To observes the tui an yun jing yi (TAYJY) intend the Chinese herbal medicine the pai shi soup cure the curative effect of the gallstone. ─── 摘要目的:观察推按运经仪合自拟中药排石汤治疗胆石症的疗效。

70、To explore the variation law of serum estradiol (E_2) level in patients with gallstone (GS) and gallbladder carcinoma (GBC). ─── 本文探讨胆囊结石及胆囊癌患者血清E_2水平的变化规律,研究雌性激素在胆囊成石及胆囊癌变过程中的作用。

71、The Analyse on Drug Use and Treat Way of Gallstone Inpatients of Different Medical Security System ─── 不同医疗保障制度胆石症患者药物及治疗方式分析

72、in distinction of the wall of gallbladder, gallstone disappeared and small intestinal obstruction. ─── 胆囊结构消失和原有胆囊内结石消失;小肠梗阻。

73、removal of gallstone through an incision in the gallbladder. ─── 切开胆囊取出结石的手术。

74、Keywords Women;Gallstone disease;Obesity;Serum lipid; ─── 女性;胆石病;肥胖;血脂;

75、The infrared spectra (IRS) of the gallstone are compared with IRS of standard compound sample. ─── 比较标准化合物样品的红外光谱,分析人体胆结石的成分。

76、Drugs for Gallstone Formation and Their Special Notes in the Use ─── 影响胆结石形成的药物及其使用注意事项

77、removal of gallstone through an incision in the gallbladder ─── 切开胆囊取出结石的手术

78、Methods Then indexes of blood lipid and protein in 204 cases of gallstone patients were measured and analysed by statistical software SPSS. ─── 方法采用SPSS软件包对204例胆囊结石患者的血清脂质和蛋白测定值进行统计分析。

79、Abstract:Objective To detect the leptin levels in bile,combined with a variety of clinical factors to explore its relationship with gallstone. ─── 摘要:目的 检测瘦素在胆汁中的含量,并结合多种临床因素探讨其与胆结石的关系。

80、Objective: to explore the treatment of the gallstone caused perforation. ─── 目的:探讨胆囊结石引发穿孔的治疗方法。

81、Gallstone diseases have multiple clinical pictures.The successful management requires a multidisciplinary approach under the close cooperation of surgeons, radiologists and endoscopists. ─── 总之,胆石症的临床表微是极多样化的,唯有在肝胆外科医师,放射科医师和内视镜医师充分的合作下,以多方面的考量治疗,才能很成功完美的治疗胆石症。

82、Aim: To investigate CT findings of gallstone ileus and to discuss the value on diagnosis. ─── 目的:探讨胆石性肠梗阻CT表现及其诊断价值。

83、Methods The radioimmunoassay technique to detect the group without cholecystolithiasis,a simple gallstone group(n=25 cases)in the leptin levels in the bile,were analyzed statistically. ─── 方法 应用放射免疫技术,检测正常组,单纯胆结石组(每组各25例)中瘦素在胆汁中的含量,进行统计学分析。

84、The result indicated that the method can confirm the principal ingredients of the human gallstone quickly and effectively. ─── 结果表明:本法能快速有效地确认胆结石样品中的主要成份。

85、To determine the changes of gastrointestinal migrating motor complex(MMC)during the early stage of cholesterol gallstone formation. ─── 探讨胆固醇结石形成早期胃肠移行性复合运动(MMC)变化。

86、Methods The hand-assisted laparoscopic splenectomy was performed in 3 patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpera and 2 with schistosomial cirrhosis, splenomegaly, hypersplenism and gallstone. ─── 方法用手助技术完成5例腹腔镜脾切除术,其中原发性血小板减少性紫癜3例,血吸虫性肝硬化、脾肿大及脾功能亢进伴胆囊结石2例。

87、Objective To investigate the expression and distribution of scavenger receptor class B type I(SR-BI) in the mucosa of patients with cholesterol gallstone,and analyze their relationship. ─── 目的探讨SR-BI在胆囊胆固醇结石病人胆囊粘膜中的表达和分布,了解其与胆固醇结石发病之间的关系。

88、In 100 patients with gallstone,blood glucose,insulin were measured and BT-PABA test,Amino acid consumption test were made. ─── 对100例胆囊结石患者行血糖、胰岛素、胰功肽和氨基酸消耗试验等检测。

89、Objective: To impreve positive rate of baritecta detetion in bile from patients with gallbladder gallstone by means of measuremeut of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of bacteria using molecular biolgi-cal procedures. ─── 目的:为探索提高胆囊结石患者胆汁细菌检出阳性率,从分子生物学水平研究胆囊结石胆汁细菌脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)。

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