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08-20 投稿


pilaster 发音

英:[p??l?st?r]  美:[p??l?st?(r)]

英:  美:

pilaster 中文意思翻译



pilaster 网络释义

n. 壁柱,半露方柱

pilaster 短语词组

1、pilaster shelf ─── 壁柱架

2、pilaster capital ─── 皮拉斯特首都

3、pilaster is ─── 壁柱是

4、pilaster pronunciation ─── 壁柱发音

5、pilaster-strip ─── 皮拉斯特条纹

6、pilaster face ─── 半露柱面部

7、pilaster side ─── 半露柱边

8、pilaster strips ─── 壁柱条

9、pilaster strips and clips ─── 壁柱条和夹子

10、pilaster mass ─── 皮拉斯特质量

11、pilaster definition art ─── 壁柱定义艺术

pilaster 词性/词形变化,pilaster变形


pilaster 相似词语短语

1、spiraster ─── n.螺星

2、piaster ─── n.比索(埃及、西班牙、墨西哥的硬币单位)

3、pilasters ─── n.壁柱,半露方柱

4、pilastered ─── 壁柱

5、pinaster ─── n.南欧海松(等于Pinuspinaster或clusterpine)

6、disaster ─── n.灾难,灾祸;不幸

7、blaster ─── n.导火线,爆裂药;爆破工

8、diaster ─── n.双星期(指有丝分裂的);双星体(等于anaphase)

9、plaster ─── n.石膏;灰泥;膏药;vt.减轻;粘贴;涂以灰泥;敷以膏药;使平服;n.(Plaster)人名;(英、德)普拉斯特

pilaster 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Stationary slewing crane Pilaster jib crane ─── 壁柱式旋臂起重机

2、Behind the factory I found a broken plaster mould with a beautiful Chinese decoration which became part of a “leg” as well as a clay pilaster mould. ─── 在工厂后面,我发现了一个坏掉的带有美丽的中国装饰图案的模具,这个图案成为“腿”的一部分,还发现了一个陶泥璧柱模具。兵马俑启发我做一个微型的军队。

3、The validity and rationality of interaction coefficient of pilaster are examined by experiments. ─── 最后,通过试验验证该系数提出的合理性。

4、pilaster face ─── 半露柱面部

5、Determination on space length of enclosure pilaster ─── 围墙壁柱间距的确定

6、battered pilaster ─── 斜面壁柱

7、pilaster capital ─── 壁柱帽

8、Experiment research on the shear performance of brick wall with pilaster reinforced by GFRP ─── GFRP复合材料加固带壁柱砖墙抗剪性能试验研究

9、The pilaster and the wall between windows were strengthened with the enclosure steel method. ─── 加固壁柱和窗间墙采用外包钢加固法,加固屋面梁采用粘钢加固法。

10、The pilaster and the wall between windows were strengthened with the enclosure steel method.Roof beams were strengthened with the sticking steel method. ─── 对旧建筑进行加层扩建可以扩大建筑面积,增加建筑物的使用功能,同时又基本不增加土地使用面积,是缓解建筑用地紧张的有效途径。

11、recessed pilaster ─── 壁龛柱

12、giant pilaster ─── 巨型壁柱

13、In each case I have allowed the pilaster half the base diameter of the enclosing column. ─── 在所有状况下,自己让壁柱显露直径的一半。

14、"Pilaster: In Classical architecture, a shallow rectangular column built into a wall and projecting slightly beyond it. It has a capital and base and conforms to one of the orders." ─── 壁柱:古典建筑中,龛入墙面的扁矩形截面柱,并略微突出于墙面。它有顶端和底部,并根据柱式中的一种来建造。

15、pilaster of Broca ─── 股骨粗线

16、large, heavy stone usually set on the top of a column or pilaster to support an arch or a lintel. ─── 一块巨大、沉重的石头,通常放在柱子或壁柱顶端以支撑穹顶或过梁

17、There are double windows on the upper storeys combined arches with highly articulated voussoirs that spring from pilaster to pilaster. ─── 整座建筑充分体现了一种严格按照比例均匀布局的特点,令人感到肃穆威严,整齐和谐。

18、"Pilaster: In Classical architecture, a shallow rectangular column built into a wall and projecting slightly beyond it. ─── 壁柱:古典建筑中,龛入墙面的扁矩形截面柱,并略微突出于墙面。

19、Experimental Research on Out-of-Plane Performance Capacity of GFRP Strengthened Brick Walls with Pilaster ─── GFRP加固带壁柱砖墙平面外受荷性能试验

20、A physician who lived diagonally across the street from the family offered to let them live in his home, which was called the Pilaster House because of its decorative columns. ─── 父亲将他们的房子做了抵押,以便向一个朋友贷款,当贷款还不上后这个债主占了抵押物。

21、From the roof the rainwater is brought down in downpipes, located between concrete pilaster strips. ─── 在外墙的扶壁混凝土柱之间设置了雨水管。

22、strip pilaster ─── 狭条扁柱

23、pilaster strip ─── 壁柱无帽壁柱

24、pilaster side ─── 半露柱边

25、counter pilaster ─── 对立壁柱

26、enclosure pilaster ─── 围墙壁柱

27、The superimposed pilaster strips are continued in a network of white concrete pathways that surrounds the entire building and lets it grow together with its location. ─── 白色混凝土网状小径延续了叠加壁柱结构,并环绕了整个建筑物,使其与所处的地点融为一体。

28、An experimental study on the seismic performance of brick masonry walls with pilaster reinforced by GFRP ─── GFRP复合材料加固带壁柱砖墙抗震性能试验研究

29、brick masonry wall with pilaster ─── 带壁柱砖墙

30、The validity and rationality of interaction coefficient of pilaster are examined by experiments. ─── 最后,通过试验验证该系数提出的合理性。

31、pilaster wall ─── 带壁柱墙

32、A pilaster supporting an arch. ─── 支持拱的壁柱

33、pilaster base ─── 壁柱基础

34、Pilaster: In Classical architecture, a shallow rectangular column Built into a wall and projecting slightly Beyond it. ─── 壁柱: 古典建筑中,龛入墙面的扁矩形截面柱,并略微突出于墙面。

35、"Pilaster: In Classical architecture, a shallow rectangular column Built into a wall and projecting slightly Beyond it. ─── 壁柱: 古典建筑中,龛入墙面的扁矩形截面柱,并略微突出于墙面。

36、pilaster block ─── 壁柱块半露柱块

37、"Capital:In architecture, the crowning member of a column , pier, pilaster, or other vertical form, providing a structural support and transition for the horizontal member (entablature) or arch above. ─── 柱头:建筑中,柱子、墩、壁柱等的顶部,在结构上支承其上的梁、额枋、檐部或拱等构件。

38、pilaster mass ─── 短壁柱

39、Experimental Research on Out-of-Plane Performance Capacity of GFRP Strengthened Brick Walls with Pilaster ─── GFRP加固带壁柱砖墙平面外受荷性能试验

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