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antiepileptic 中文意思翻译



antiepileptic 短语词组

1、antiepileptic medicine ─── 抗癫痫药

2、antiepileptic moa ─── 抗癫痫moa

3、antiepileptic (drug) ─── [化] 抗癫痫药

4、antiepileptic vpa ─── 抗癫痫药

5、antiepileptic list ─── 抗癫痫列表

6、antiepileptic meds ─── 抗癫痫药物

7、antiepileptic drugs ─── [医]抗癫痫剂

8、antiepileptic means ─── 抗癫痫药

9、antiepileptic concussion ─── 抗癫痫脑震荡

10、antiepileptic aed ─── 抗癫痫药

11、antiepileptic drug ─── [化] 抗癫痫药

antiepileptic 相似词语短语

1、antiplastic ─── adj.阻止成形的,妨碍愈合的

2、antipyretic ─── adj.退热的;n.退热药

3、epileptic ─── adj.患癫痫的;癫痫引起的;n.癫痫病患者

4、antiemetic ─── adj.止呕吐的;n.止吐剂,抗吐剂

5、antipoetic ─── adj.反传统作诗法的

6、antiseptic ─── adj.防腐的,抗菌的;非常整洁的;n.防腐剂,抗菌剂

7、postepileptic ─── adj.癫痫后的

8、antiepilepsy ─── 抗癫痫

9、antiepileptics ─── 抗癫痫药

antiepileptic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Progress in the Antiepileptic Mechanism Research of Ketogenic Diet Treatment ─── 生酮饮食的抗癫疒间机制研究进展

2、Keywords antiepileptic;phenobarbital;adverse drug reaction; ─── 抗癫痫药;苯巴比妥;药物不良反应;

3、Antiepileptic drug serum concentration analysis: Retrospective study of 357 children's cases ─── 回顾性分析357例次小儿抗癫痫药物血药浓度

4、Method Thorough examination about hypoparathyroidism for cause-unknown epileptic patients who were treated by routine antiepileptic treatment with unfavorable response. ─── 方法对原因不明、常规治疗无效的所谓“癫痫”和其它神经精神临床表现患者进行有关甲旁低的全面检查。

5、As with all other antiepileptic drugs, the REMS also addresses the risk for suicidality associated with the class. ─── 与其他抗癫痫药相同,REMS也阐明了与疾病相关的自杀风险。

6、Keywords Antiepileptic drugs;Cognition;Apoptosis;Neurotrophins;Neurogenesis;Mossy fiber sprouting;Enriched environment; ─── 抗癫痫药;认知功能;凋亡;神经营养物质;神经发生;苔藓纤维发芽;丰富环境;

7、METHODS To retrospect the monitoring of the blood concentration of antiepileptic drugs(phenobarbital、carbamazepine、phenytoin sodium)in epileptic patients. ─── 方法回顾分析我院抗癫痫药物(苯巴比妥、卡马西平、苯妥英钠)的血药浓度监测数据。

8、Keywords Antidepressive Agents;Antiepileptic Agents;Neuropathic Pain;Pain;Mechanism;Drug Therapy; ─── 抗抑郁药;抗癫痫药;神经病理性疼痛;疼痛;机制;药物疗法;

9、Interactions and combination rationale of new antiepileptic drugs with traditional antiepileptic drugs ─── 新型抗癫痫药之间及其与传统抗癫痫药的相互作用和机制

10、Antiepileptic drugs as a cause of worsening seizures ─── 抗癫痫药物加重儿童癫痫发作的临床研究

11、We used a novel EEG-based measurement (the Awake Maintenance T ask, AMT) to determine whether patients on chronic antiepileptic drugs(AED) therapy had impaired ability to maintain wakefulness. ─── 用一种新构建的脑电图检查方法在控制条件下探讨长期接受抗?药治疗是否削弱了癫?病人维持觉醒的能力.

12、Improvement of mental disability in epileptic patients induced by tuberous sclerosis with antiepileptic therapy ─── 抗癫痫治疗对结节性硬化致癫痫患者智能改善的作用

13、Clinical characteristics and follow-up study of antiepileptic drug hypersensitive syndrome ─── 抗癫药过敏综合征临床特点及随访研究

14、Keywords antiepileptic drugs;cognition;immature rats;immature brain;rats;morphology;mechanism; ─── 抗癫痫药;认知;幼鼠;未成熟脑;大鼠;形态学;机理;

15、Manoj Babu MK.Simultaneous separation and quantitation of four antiepileptic drugs-a study with potential for use in patient drug level monitoring.J Pharm Biomed.Anal.2004Feb 4;34(2) :215-24 ─── 冯埃生,邹汉法,汪海林等,影响高效液相色谱/挥发激光散射检测器性能基本因素的考察.药物分析杂志,1996,16(6):414

16、Oxcarbazepine is the second antiepileptic drug.The latest investigations show that it has effective treatment for neuropathic pain. ─── 奥卡西平是第二代抗癫癎药物,近年来的研究显示,它还具有较好的镇痛作用。

17、Neotype antiepileptic drugs ─── 新型抗癫痫药

18、METHODS: Two hundred and eighteen patients with refractory epilepsy were all treated with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). ─── 方法 :2 18名癫痫病人 ,均为用过各种抗癫痫药物治疗效果不佳的难治性癫痫 ;

19、Keywords Epilepsy Thyroid hormone Antiepileptic drugs(AEDs); ─── 癫痫;甲状腺激素;抗癫痫药物;

20、Retrospect to determination of the serum concentrations to antiepileptic drugs in the first affiliated hospital of Sun Yat-Sen university ─── 我院抗癫痫类药物血药浓度监测回顾

21、Patients who are currently taking antiepileptic medicines should not make any changes without first talking to their health care provider. ─── 病人如果没有首先同他们的健康保健人员会谈是不会改变当前服用药物的。

22、Keywords Drop pill;Epilepsy;Antiepileptic drugs Spikenard;White pepper; ─── 滴丸;癫痫;抗癫痫药;甘松;白胡椒;

23、This is the only antiepileptic treatment currently available in an orally disintegrating formulation. ─── 这是当前仅有的口腔崩解形式药物用于抗癫痫治疗。

24、Keywords Children;Antiepileptic drugs;Analysis of drug use;Tendency prediction; ─── 儿童;抗癫痫药;用药分析;趋势预测;

25、He noted that suicide ideation for patients with bipolar disorder who were taking an antiepileptic agent was "a very unusual outcome. " ─── 他注意到构想自杀观念对于服用抗癫痫药物的双相患者来说是“非常罕见”。

26、AIM: To investigate the changes of antiepileptic drug (AED) serum concentrations and its clinical significance in children. ─── 目的:探讨小儿抗癫药物(AED)治疗过程中血药浓度的改变及其临床意义。

27、Keywords Epilepsy;Neuropsychology;Antiepileptic drugs(AEDs);Cognitive function; ─── 癫痫;神经心理;抗癫痫药物;认知功能;

28、antiepileptic (drug) ─── [化] 抗癫痫药

29、Monitoring serum concentration of antiepileptic drugs and the relationship between it and curative effect in children with epilepsy ─── 抗癫癎药物的血药浓度监测与疗效的关系

30、Traditional Chinese antiepileptic medicine ─── 抗癫痫“中药”

31、Clinical and pathological analysis in one case of antiepileptic drug hypersensitivity syndrome ─── 抗癫痫药高敏综合征临床及病理分析

32、infants and young children on the metabolism of antiepileptic drugs may be very slow, resulting in accumulation of drug poisoning. ─── 婴幼儿对抗癫痫药的代谢可能非常慢,因而造成药物蓄积中毒。

33、Epidemiological Survey on Epilepsy in Rural Residents of Ningxia and on Tentative Treatment Effectiveness With Single Antiepileptic Drug-Luminal ─── 宁夏吴忠农村人群癫痫流行病学抽样调查和单一鲁米那治疗的研究

34、The transdermal plaster has antiepileptic action and the advantages of appreciable curative effect, stabilized quality, higher safety, ease in application, and less side effects. ─── 本发明可以在规定时间内持续稳定释放药物,具有疗效明确、质量稳定、安全性好、使用方便、副作用小的优点。

35、Antiepileptic drug hypersensitive syndrome ─── 抗癫痫药高敏综合征

36、Lithium salt and antiepileptic drugs are extensively used as mood stabilizers.Drug interactions may be generated in the physiological disposition while multiple drugs jointing. ─── 目前广泛使用的心境稳定剂包括锂盐与抗癫病药物,而多药联用就有可能在药物体内过程的各环节发生相互作用。

37、Levetiracetam (Lev) is a novel orally active antiepileptic drug, structurally unrelated to other antiepileptics and with an entirely unique preclinical profile. ─── 摘要左乙拉西坦是一种新型的口服抗癫痫药物,与其他抗癫痫药物的结构不同,具有全新的抗癫痫机制。

38、With antiepileptic drug (AED) treatment, symptoms gradually resolved in all patients. ─── 在抗癫痫药物(aed)的治疗后,所有患者的症状逐步缓解。

39、With a single antiepileptic drug, can achieve good results who do not have the combination therapy. ─── 单用一种抗癫痫药,能取得良好的效果者,就不必进行联合用药。

40、Keywords Topiramate;Epilepsy;Partial seizure;Antiepileptic drug;Self - control test; ─── 托吡酯;癫癎;部分性发作;抗癫癎药物;自身对照试验;

41、Methods Of 86 patients with PTE treated in our department from January 2000 to March 2006, 65 only received antiepileptic drugs(AEDs) treatment and 21 received operations treatment besides AEDs treatment. ─── 方法我科自2000年1月到2006年3月收治86例外伤性癫痫患者,均常规给予抗癫痫药物治疗,其中手术治疗21例。

42、CGZMT has a positive antiepileptic effect,and its effect on generalized tonic-chronic seizures is better than that on absence seizures. ─── CGZMT有肯定的抗疒间 性 ,对强直 阵挛性发作疗效优于失神发作 ,无明显毒副作用。

43、Comparative study on cognitive function in traditional antiepileptic drug and topiramate treatment for the patients with newly diagnosed epilepsy ─── 托吡酯与传统抗癫痫药对新诊断癫痫患者认知影响的比较性研究

44、Blood levels monitoring of antiepileptic drug in epileptic children with "pure Chinese medicine" ─── 口服"纯中药"患儿的抗痫西药血浓度监测

45、Keywords antiepileptic drug;secondary hyperparathyroidism;bone mineral density; ─── 抗癫痫药;继发甲状旁腺功能亢进;骨密度;

46、The antiepileptic drugs are the main method to control the seizure. The AEDs is effective to the 80% of patients. ─── 应用抗癫痫药物(antiepileptic drugs,AEDs)治疗一直是控制癫痫发作的主要手段,运用AEDs约有80%新诊断患者的癫痫发作能得到控制或明显减少。

47、Background: Non-antiepileptic drugs have been used in trigeminal neuralgia management since the 1970s. ─── 背景:二十世纪近八十年代以来非抗癫痫药物开始用于治疗原发性三叉神经痛。

48、Antiepileptic drugs ─── 抗癫痫剂

49、Keywords Epilepsy;Antiepileptic drugs;Therapy; ─── 癫痫;抗癫痫药物;治疗;

50、Keywords antiepileptic agents;plasma concentration;sodium phenytoin;phenobarbital;carbamazepine;sodium valproate; ─── 抗癫癎药;血药浓度;苯妥英钠;苯巴比妥;卡马西平;丙戊酸钠;

51、The purpose of this registry is to collect additional information about the safety of antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy. ─── 这种登记的目的在于收集更多的怀孕期间使用抗癫痫药物安全性相关信息。

52、Keywords epilepsy;antiepileptic drugs;therapeutic drug monitoring;adverse effects; ─── 癫痫;抗癫痫药物;治疗药物监测;不良反应;

53、In some scenarios (eg osteoporosis) these effects are intended; in others (eg rickets osteomalacia secondary to antiepileptic drugs) potentially adverse side effects of medications on bone may occur. ─── 在一些病例中(如骨质疏松)这些作用是意料中的;而在另外一些病例中(如佝偻病、继发于抗癫痫药物应用的骨软化症等),骨代谢药的潜在副作用可能就会出现了。

54、The gabapentinoid group of drugs, gabapentin and pregabalin, appear to be the most eidence-based of the antiepileptic drugs for treating DPN. ─── 加巴喷丁类药物加巴喷丁和普瑞巴林看来是最有循证医学证据的治疗DPN的抗癫痫剂。

55、The change of immunological function and effects of antiepileptic on immunological function in chidren with primary epilepsy ─── 癫癎患儿免疫功能的改变及抗癫癎药对免疫功能的影响

56、Keywords Antiepileptic drug/adv eff;Valproate/adv eff;Glucose;Insulin/blood;Body massive index;Insulin resistance index; ─── 抗癫痫药/副作用;丙戊酸钠/副作用;血糖;胰岛素/血液;体重指数;胰岛素抵抗指数;

57、The Study of antiepileptic drags affect function of study and memery on rats ─── 抗癫痫药物对大鼠记忆和学习功能影响的研究

58、Conclusion: Our data indicate that not only the neurons but also the astrocytes in the NTSs play a very important role in the process of the antiepileptic mechanism during VNS. ─── 提示孤束核内星形胶质细胞形态功能的改变在VNS抑制癫痫发作及治疗其他神经系统疾病过程中起了重要作用。

59、The relationship between serum carbamazepine concentration and its antiepileptic effect and adverse reactions ─── 卡马西平血药浓度与抗癫痫作用及不良反应的关系

60、There are15 epileptic patients without taking antiepileptic rugs in the no n-AEDs group and 30 health childrenin control group. ─── 初诊癫痫尚未开始服药的15名患者为非AEDs组。 30名健康儿童为正常对照组。

61、Keywords Antiepileptic drugs;Lamotrigine;Epilepsy;Quality of life; ─── 传统抗癫痫药物;拉莫三嗪;癫痫;生活质量;

62、Keywords Disease model;Animal;Coriaria lactone;Antiepileptic drug;Drug resistance.; ─── 疾病模型;动物;马桑内酯;抗药性;

63、The serum drug concentrations of patients treated with combination of drugs were significantly higher than those treated with single antiepileptic (P

64、The antiepileptic activity of Lev was assessed in a number of animal models ereated for investigation of epileptic seizures. ─── 多种动物模型显示左乙拉西坦具有抗癫痫特性。

65、Keywords epilepsy;seizure;antiepileptic drug; ─── 癫癎;发作;抗癫癎药;

66、The pharmacokinetic profile of Lev closely approximates the ideal characteristics expected of an antiepileptic drug, with good bioavailability, linear and time-invariant kinetics, minimal protein binding, and least metabolism. ─── 左乙拉西坦几乎具备了较好的抗癫痫药物的所有药动学特性:生物利用度高、线性曲线、低蛋白结合率、无肝酶诱导作用。

67、Prophylactic use of antiepileptic drugs is not recommended, and potential interactions between antiepileptic and chemotherapeutic agents persuades against the use of enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs. ─── 抗癫痫病的药物与化疗剂之间存在潜在的交互作用,不推荐预防性使用抗癫痫病的药物。

68、He noted that suicide ideation for patients with bipolar disorder who were taking an antiepileptic agent was “a very unusual outcome. ─── 他注意到构想自杀观念对于服用抗癫痫药物的双相患者来说是“非常罕见”。

69、antiepileptic agent ─── 抗癫痫药

70、Serum prolaction (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) levels were measured by RIA in 110 epileptic patients who were treated with antiepileptic drugs (AED) to probe into effect of AED on secretions of PRL and GH. ─── 利用RIA 法测定了应用抗癫痫药物(AED) 治疗的94 例癫痫患者血清中催乳素(PRL) 、生长激素(GH) 水平, 以探讨AED对PRL、GH分泌的影响。

71、Traditional antiepileptic drugs ─── 传统抗癫痫药

72、Lewis Holmes, director of the North American Antiepileptic Disease Pregnancy Registry, based at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. ─── 其的主要根据来源于波士顿曼彻斯特医院。

73、Oxcarbazepine is a new antiepileptic drug that has been approved for the treatment of partial onset seizures and generalized tonic-clonic seizures. ─── 奥卡西平是一种治疗癫痫部分发作和全身强直阵挛性癫痫发作的新药。

74、Eidence from placebo-controlled studies has shown that opioids, antiepileptic and antidepressant drugs together with capsaicin are effectie for alleiating DPN. ─── 来源于安慰剂对照研究的证据表明类罂粟碱、抗癫痫药、抗抑郁药物和辣椒碱可有效地改善DPN。

75、It is estimated that 30% epileptic patients fail to achieve good control with antiepileptic drugs(AEDs) treatment. ─── 大约30%的癫痫患者在应用抗癫痫药物后不能获得有效控制。

76、Effect of Antiepileptic Drug on Bone Mineral Density in Adult Epileptic Patients ─── 抗癫痫药对成人骨密度的影响

77、Multidrug-resistance proteins preent the access of antiepileptic drugs into brain parenchyma, which partly explains why seizures are frequently refractory to treatment. ─── 多向耐药的蛋白质阻碍了抗癫痫药物进入脑实质,这也在一定程度上解释了为什么癫痫发作常常很顽固。

78、After antiepileptic drug withdrawal during remission, relapse rate was 79.9% overall, and it was 93.6% for patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. ─── 在不发病期间的止吐剂药物撤回以后,复发比率是佔全部发病机率的的79.9%,并且有93.6%的机率属于少年肌肉癫痫病患。

79、Despite having newly approved antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), about 30% of patients are refractory to the treatment. ─── 在过去的20年中,尽管不断有新的抗癫痫药(AED)投入临床应用,但仍有20-30%为难治性癫痫,且增加死亡率、致残率和社会家庭经济负担。

80、To report 6 cases of antiepileptic drug hypersensitive syndrome of children and to review literature and to summarize its clinical characteristics ─── 儿童抗癫痫药高敏综合征6例临床报告及文献复习

81、Keywords Epilepsy;Acetone extract from stellera chamaejasme(AESC);Carbamazepine(CBZ);Maginesium valproate(VPM);Antiepileptic drug; ─── 癫痫;瑞香狼毒丙酮提取物(AESC);卡马西平(CBZ);丙戊酸镁(VPM);抗癫癎药;

82、Seizures of posttraumatic epilepsy may aggravate the brain dysfunction due to primary trauma, and surgical treatment often yields good effect and lessens the toxic and adverse effect of antiepileptic drugs. ─── 创伤性癫痫发作会加重原创伤引起的神经功能障碍,外科治疗均能取得良好效果并可减轻药物的毒副作用。

83、METHODS: One hundred and one patients were divided into three groups. Group A(n=31) patients received topiramate with enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), such as carbamazepine, phenobarbital and phenytoin. ─── 方法 :A组 (n =31)托吡酯与酶诱导剂AEDs合用 ;

84、A marked antiepileptic effect was observed during stimulation of periaqueductal gray of midbrain and N. accumbens. ─── 电刺激中脑导水管周围灰质及伏隔核有显著制痫作用。

85、Methods 48 patients with DRPS received verapamil add-on therapy more than 6 months from Jan 2001 to Jan 2005 in addition to the medication of existing antiepileptic drug. ─── 方法对48例难治性部分性发作患者(男28例,女20例,年龄14~56岁)进行维拉帕米添加治疗的开放性自身对照研究,原服用的抗癫痫药种类和剂量不变。

86、Compared with traditional antiepileptic carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine shown an improved tolerability, a reduced propensity to cause liver enzyme induction and auto-induction. ─── 与传统抗癫痫药物相比,奥卡西平有不良反应少、自身诱导及对肝药酶的诱导作用小等优点。

87、OBJECTIVE To search compounds which have antiepileptic activity. ─── 目的寻找具有抗癫痫作用的化合物。

88、Keywords Antiepileptic drugs;Neuropathy;Demyelination;Oxidative Stress;Antioxidants; ─── 抗癫痫药;神经病;脱髓鞘;氧化应激;抗氧化剂;

89、6 Morselli PL. Clinical pharmacology of Antiepileptic Drugs[J ] . Springer Ver-lae Berlin ,1975 ,166. ─── 5黄圣凯,韩可勤1生物等效性评价的几种方法[J]1中国临床药理学杂志,1993,9(1):43

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