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08-20 投稿


abide 发音

英:[??ba?d]  美:[??ba?d]

英:  美:

abide 中文意思翻译




abide 常用词组

abide by ─── 遵守;信守;承担…的后果

abide in ─── 安住

abide by the law ─── 遵守法律

abide 短语词组

abide by

1. 遵守; 信守

She will abide by her promise.


2. 承担……的后果; 承受

You must abide by the results of your mistakes.


1、abide by one ─── 遵守其中一条

2、abide by sth ─── 遵守某事

3、abide by the rules ─── 遵守规则

4、abide by her faith ─── 遵守她的信仰

5、abide withme ─── 冷杉

6、abide by contact ─── [经] 遵守合同

7、abide at ─── 住在…

8、abide film ─── [机] 阳极膜

9、abide in ─── 安住<旧>在…居住[逗留]

10、abide by the law ─── 遵守法律

11、abide by the rules of the school ─── 遵守学校的规章制度

12、abide by the agreement ─── 遵守协议

13、abide bythe traffic rules ─── 遵守交通规则

14、abide with ─── 和…同住

15、abide on ─── 坚持

16、to abide by sth ─── 遵守(法律/协议/诺言/决定), 坚持(意见), 承担

17、abide for ─── 遵守

18、abide by ─── 遵守; 信守; 忠于(某人); 接受

19、abide by discipline ─── 遵守纪律

abide 词性/词形变化,abide变形


abide 反义词

start | leave

abide 同义词

bear | sustain | brook | be | take | reside | remain | stay | suffer | prevail | dwell | accept | stand for | withstand | stick out | continue | support | obey | put up |tolerate | stand | bide | endure | digest | wait | stomach | put up with

abide 习惯用语

1、abide by... ─── 遵守(法律、契约、诺言等); 坚持原来的意见等; 信守(原则、诺言等) ─── 承担(后果等); 忍受(不愉快的事)

abide 相似词语短语

1、aide ─── n.助手;副官;侍从武官;n.(Aide)人名;(葡)艾德

2、abided ─── vt.忍受,容忍;停留;遵守;vi.持续;忍受;停留

3、abider ─── 守旧者

4、amide ─── n.氨基化合物;酰胺

5、bide ─── vt.等待;面临;禁得起;vi.等待;居住

6、abode ─── n.住处;营业所;v.遵守;停留;忍受(abide的过去分词)

7、abides ─── vt.忍受,容忍;停留;遵守;vi.持续;忍受;停留

8、aside ─── adv.离开,撇开;在旁边;n.旁白;私语,悄悄话;离题的话;prep.在…旁边

9、azide ─── n.[无化]叠氮化物

abide 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As you persevere you will learn to expect that the fear and the presence of God can abide with you through all the day. ─── 当你这样保持下去的时候,你就要学习存敬畏的心活在神面前,并盼望整天都继续在这种情形里。

2、They should continue to abide by what has been agreed on. ─── 他们将继续遵守已达成的协议。

3、In conclusion, a good citizen should abide by traffic regulations. ─── 例:总而言之赂好国民应该遵守交通规则。

4、The two teams agreed to abide by the referee's decision. ─── 两个队都同意服从裁判的裁决。

5、Abide by the law in all our activities. ─── 在所有的活动中都遵纪守法。

6、Both parties shall abide by the contractual stipulations. ─── 双方的一切活动都应遵守合同规定。

7、Foreigners in China shall abide by Chinese law. ─── 外国人在中国应遵守中国的法律。

8、You'll have to abide by the consequences. ─── 你得承担后果。

9、You' ll have to abide by the referee' s decision. ─── 你得遵从裁判的决定.

10、Abide with me a while longer. ─── 和我在一起多呆一会。

11、In the traditional Chinese families,peoples abide by filial piety. ─── 在传统的中国家庭里,人们恪守孝道。

12、Both parties must implement and abide by it. ─── 双方必须执行与遵守合同的规定。

13、You'll have to abide by (ie accept) the referee's decision. ─── 你得遵从裁判的决定。

14、Sixteen more nations have agreed to abide by its terms. ─── 另外还有十六个国家已表示同意遵守该条约的各项条款。

15、You must abide by the results of your terrible mistakes. ─── 你必须承担后你恶行的后果。

16、You will have to abide by the consequences . ─── 你必将承担其后果。

17、Californians and New Englanders abide by the same federal laws. ─── 加利福尼亚人和新英格兰人遵守同样的联邦法律。

18、Whois database for failure to abide by these terms of use. ─── Whois数据库对不遵守这些使用条款。

19、Opposition leaders were wondering about whether she would abide by the election results if they went against her. ─── 反对党领袖怀疑,如果选举结果对她不利的话,她是否会甘拜下风。

20、He couldn't abide the thought of being cooped up in an office. ─── 一想到关在办公室里工作,他就觉得受不了。

21、They have got to abide by the rules. ─── 他们必须要遵守规定。

22、They will have to abide by the inevitable. ─── 他们将不得不承受那不可避免的结果。

23、At last luck seemed to settle and abide with Joe. ─── 后来乔好像非常走运。

24、Please abide with me a while longer. ─── 中文翻译:请再和我多呆一会儿。

25、The gardeners' tidy souls could not abide the gold and green and russet pattern on the grass. ─── 园丁们的清洁习惯容不得草地上那片金黄色、绿色、红褐色织成的图案。

26、Strictly Abide by Campus Traffic Rules; Put an End to Campus Accidents. ─── 严格遵守安全驾驶承诺杜绝校园交通事故发生。

27、You must abide by the results of your mistakes . ─── 你必须忍受你的错误所带来的后果。

28、A good housekeeper can not abide dirt. ─── 一个好的家庭主妇受不了灰尘。

29、They would abide in the summer house. ─── 他们可以居住在夏宫。

30、How can you abide such a person? ─── 你怎么能屈从于这样的人?

31、Whoever you are, you must abide by the law. ─── 不管你是谁,都要守法。

32、Ripely fast give can you arrive abide by justice? ─── 圆通速递能到遵义吗?

33、Any subject abide by its commitments and promissory estoppel. ─── 任何主体信守自己的承诺及允诺后不得翻供。

34、He must abide by the contract. ─── 他必须信守合同。

35、The little rabbit came in-side to abide. ─── 兔子进去安然停留在木屋。

36、Content must be legal and abide by TOS. ─── 内容必须在法律和遵守服务条款。

37、God’s presence will not abide where there is defilement and sin. ─── 上帝绝不会居住在有罪和污秽之处。

38、You two will have to abide by the inevitable. ─── 你们两个人不得不承受那无可幸免的事。

39、You'll have to abide by the rules of the club. ─── 你必须遵守俱乐部的规定。

40、He swore to abide by this principal. ─── 他郑重保证恪守这一原则。

41、The soldiers should abide by military discipline. ─── 军人应遵守军规。

42、Once you make a promise, you must abide by it. ─── 一旦你许诺,你必须遵守你的诺言。

43、He sternly criticizes students who don't abide by the rules. ─── 他对不遵守纪律的学生进行了严肃的批评。

44、Aliens who conduct religious activities within Chinese territory shall abide by Chinese laws and regulations. ─── 外国人在中国境内进行宗教活动,应当遵守中国的法律、法规。

45、Tullow said the company would abide by the local tribunal's decision. ─── 图洛石油表示,自己将接受当地税务法庭的裁定。

46、You'll have to abide by the rules of the club. ─── 你必须遵守俱乐部的规定。

47、Both parties will abide by the contract. ─── 双方均应遵守契约。

48、A good housekeeper cannot abide dirt . ─── 一个好的家庭主妇绝不容有灰尘存在。

49、He cannot abide to stay in one position for long. ─── 他无法忍受长久待在同一职位。

50、I shall abide by the laws of China and school regulations. ─── 在中国期间,遵守中国的法律和学校的规章制度。

51、Besides, the business contact between the company and the bank shall abide by related rules of the bank. ─── 另外,本公司与银行之间的业务往来,必须遵守银行的有关规定。

52、You must abide by the contract. ─── 你必须遵守合约。

53、Nevertheless, we must respect and abide by the Club's decisions. ─── 但是,我们必须尊重和遵守俱乐部的决定.

54、Having made our decision, we must abide by it. ─── 做出决定之后,我们就得遵守。

55、They abide in a remote village. ─── 他们住在一个偏远的村子里。

56、It is all part of a pattern that sees fashion plunder tradition, while those who abide by the old rules look on in horror. ─── 这些都是时尚改造传统的表现之一,而那些守旧之人则惊恐地看着这一切。

57、You must abide by the company policy. ─── 你必须遵守公司的政策。

58、I can't abide people who can't make up their minds. ─── 我无法容忍下定不了决心的人。

59、He said he'd abide by all possible consequences. ─── 他说他将承担一切可能的后果。

60、If you join the club, you must abide by its rules. ─── 你参加这个俱乐部就得遵守其规章。

61、There will be no trouble as long as you abide by the rules. ─── 他只要遵守这些规章制度就不会碰到麻烦。

62、She did not abide by the terms of the agreement. ─── 她没有遵守协议的条款。

63、ABide by Party discipline; do not pursue liberalism. ─── 坚持党的纪律,反对自由主义

64、Both sides must abide by the contract faithfully. ─── 双方必须严守合同。

65、You will be successful if you abide by the principle of success. ─── "如果你遵守成功的原则,你将会成功。 "

66、To handle an invalid contrac must abide by the principle of restitution. ─── 处理无效合同应当遵循恢复原状的原则。

67、They pledged that they would abide by the rules. ─── 他们保证遵守规定。

68、For goodness' sakes, Lucy Marian, speak up! I can't abide children who mumble. ─── 乖乖!露西?玛丽安,讲大声一点!我最讨厌小孩子说话咕咕哝哝的。

69、You must abide by your promise. ─── 你必须坚守你的承诺。

70、Abide, friend, your mother bided till you were born. ─── 坚持啊朋友,母亲善坚持,你方能出世。

71、the governor owes me more than a few favors, and I think he might just abide by my wishes in such an event. ─── 州长欠我的情不算少,在这样一件事上,他也许会听我的。

72、Understand and abide by rule during work. ─── 了解并遵守工作相关的法律法规。

73、But to abide still in the flesh, is needful for you. ─── 但存留在肉身内,对你们却十分重要。

74、Slacking is the one thing he cannot abide. ─── 做事磨洋工是他容忍的一件事。

75、He will abide by his promise. ─── 他会遵守诺言的。

76、He promises to abide by the decision of the court. ─── 他答应遵守法院的裁决。

77、The verb"abide"is construed with the preposition"by". ─── 动词abide与介词by连用。

78、The only thing he can not abide is slacking. ─── 唯一使他无法忍受的事就是懒懒散散。

79、You must abide by what you have said. ─── 你说话要算数。

80、They also have to abide by their own professional ethics. ─── 他们也必须遵守相关的专业操守。

81、You have to abide by the referee's decision. ─── 你必须遵从裁判员的决定。

82、But how many truly abide by this principle? ─── 但有多少人真正地遵守这一原则呢?

83、Do you always abide by traffic regulations? ─── 你总是遵守交通规则吗?

84、"Abide with me" (Henry Francis Lyte). ─── “跟我住吧” (亨利·弗朗西斯·莱特)。

85、How could they abide each other? ─── 他们两人怎么能相安无事呢?

86、You must abide by the results of your mistakes. ─── 你必须承受因你的错误所造成的後果。

87、Men pass away, but their deeds abide. ─── 人总是要死,但是,他们的业绩永存。

88、How could they abide each others? ─── 他们怎能彼此受得了?

89、You must abide by the rules of the game. ─── 你必须遵守游戏规则。

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