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08-20 投稿


Anjou 发音

英:[[??n?d?u:, ɑ:???u:]]  美:[[??n?d?u, ɑ???u]]

英:  美:

Anjou 中文意思翻译



Anjou 短语词组

1、anjou blanc ─── 安州白

2、anjou essential oil ─── 安居精油

3、anjou oil reviews ─── 安州石油评论

4、anjou sausage ─── 安居香肠

5、Maine-Anjou ─── [网络] 绵茵安琼;曼安茹牛

6、anjou pear recipe ─── 安居梨配方

7、anjou pear ─── 皮革天使

8、anjou essential oils ─── 安居精油

9、anjou france ─── 法国天使

Anjou 相似词语短语

1、-jou ─── n.(Jou)人名;(法)茹

2、ancon ─── n.肘;[建]肘托

3、acajou ─── n.腰果;桃花心木

4、angon ─── 安贡

5、anion ─── n.阴离子

6、anno ─── adv.在……年

7、Anjou ─── n.昂儒(法国西部旧州名)

8、angor ─── n.极为痛苦;绞痛;咽峡炎;n.(Angor)人名;(刚(布))安戈尔

9、banjos ─── n.班卓琴(banjo的复数形式)

Anjou 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、5.We got into an open barouche at the station and started on a brisk trot for the rendezvous;there was still a half bottle of Anjou left which we polished off as we rode along. ─── 我们在火车站搭上一辆四轮马车快速赶往约会地点,在车上我们边走边喝光了剩下的半瓶安如葡萄酒。

2、"The thousands of varieties include Bartlett (By far the most widely grown), Beurre Bosc, and Beurre d'Anjou." ─── 其数以千计的品种包括巴特利特梨(至今最广泛种植者)、博斯克梨和安茹梨。

3、House of Anjou ─── 安茹王朝

4、A city of western France east-northeast of Nantes. Of pre-Roman origin, Angers was the historical capital of Anjou. Population, 136,038. ─── 法国西部一城市,位于南次东北偏东。建立在罗马时代以前,曾是安茹的历史都城。人口136,038。

5、Lime, melon and Anjou pears intermingle with sweet and tropical fruits such as fig and kiwi to create this delightfully refreshing wine. ─── 青柠,蜜瓜,梨子的芬芳,与无花果,奇异果等热带水果的芳香混合交融而成此款怡人提神的葡萄酒。

6、We were in fine fettle, drinking Anjou all the way to the coast. ─── 我们精神振奋,一路喝着安如葡萄酒来到海边。

7、We were in fine fettle, drinking Anjou all the way to the coast. ─── 柯林斯给了我们一个酒吧的地址,我们就在那儿见面。

8、The results showed that Stakrimson, Bartlett -Max red 4n and Anjou -Golumbia red should be worth grown as the excellent varieties of different seasons developing in Weibei Shaanxi and same area. ─── 结果表明,红星、4n红巴梨和哥伦比亚红安久综合性状优良,可早、中、晚熟期配套在陕西渭北及同类地区发展。

9、In the West his most dangerous enemy was Charles of Anjou, who became King of Sicily. ─── 在西方,他最危险的敌人是安琼的查尔斯,他现在是西西里的国王。

10、And the count of Anjou needed a crown, as he was an ambitious and accomplished knight, but only a younger brother of the king. ─── 而安久伯爵需要一个王位,因为他是个雄心勃勃且有才华的骑士,但仍就只是个国王的弟弟。

11、Of or relating to the historical region and former province of Anjou, France. ─── 安茹省的法国历史上前安茹省地区的或与其相关的

12、ahistorical region and former province of northwest France in the Loire River valley. Ruled by the powerful counts of Anjou in the early Middle Ages,it was annexed to the French crown lands by Louis XI in the1480's ─── 安茹,法国罗亚尔河谷的一个历史故地,曾是法国西北的一个省。中世纪早期由掌权的安茹伯爵统治,15世纪80年代被路易十一并入法国王室领地

13、No one in Anjou had better hearing or could speak the local dialect more clearly than the wily winegrower ─── 在安育地区,对当地的土话懂得那么透彻,讲得那么清楚的,谁都比不上这狡狯的葡萄园主。

14、Of or relating to the House of Anjou, especially as represented by the Plantagenet kings of England descended from Geoffrey, Count of Anjou(died1151). ─── 金雀花王朝的,安茹王朝的安茹王朝的或与其有关的,尤指安茹伯爵杰弗里(死于1151年)的后代,英格兰金雀花王朝各国王所代表的安茹王朝

15、Subsequently lost all autonomy, subject to the House of Anjou who ruled the territory from 1245 until 1482, when the region fell under the rule of King Louis XI of France, being annexed in 1486. ─── 后来失去了所有的自主权,但众议院的安茹谁统治的领土从1245年到1482年时,该地区属于法治的国王路易十一的法国,正在所附的1486年。

16、And the count of Anjou needed a crown, as he was an ambitious and accomplished knight, but only a younger brother of the king. ─── 而安久伯爵需要一个王位,因为他是个雄心勃勃且有才华的骑士,但仍就只是个国王的弟弟。

17、A city of western France east-northeast of Nantes. Of pre-Roman origin, Angers was the historical capital of Anjou . Population, 136, 038. ─── 翁热法国西部一城市,位于南次东北偏东。建立在罗马时代以前,曾是安茹的历史都城。人口136,038

18、Pointed shoes originated in France, reportedly the invention of a Count of Anjou who wished to hide his deformed hooves. ─── 指出鞋起源于法国,据说发明的计数安茹谁想掩饰他的变形蹄。

19、A historical region and former province of northwest France south of Normandy. United with Anjou in1126, it passed to England when Henry Plantagenet became king in1154. Maine reverted to the French crown in1481. ─── 缅因法国历史上西北部的一个地域和以前省份,位于诺曼底以南。1126年和安茹统一,当金雀花王朝的亨利于1154年成为国王时它被划归英国。缅因于1481年回归法国国王的统治

20、This dry, aromatic eau de vie is made from the fermented mash of William, Bartlett and Anjou pears. ─── 这款生命之水采用发酵的香梨酿造,它叫什么名字?

21、Would you like to try a little Anjou? ─── 来一点安如葡萄酒怎么样?

22、In the West his most dangerous enemy was Charles of Anjou, who became King of Sicily . ─── 在西方,他最危险的敌人是安琼的查尔斯,他现在是西西里的国王。

23、Henry, on the other hand, had secured the southern borders of Anjou, and at a single stroke had elevated his status from duke of Normandy and pretender to the English throne, to major European player. ─── 而亨利呢,既确保了安茹南部边界的安稳,也以这一下兰花拂穴手让自己顿时从诺曼底公爵的位置扶摇直上,乃至觊觎英格兰王位,甚至在欧罗巴的舞台上也能大展宏图。

24、The chalky soil around Saumur produces the famous Anjou wines. ─── 围绕索米尔的含白垩土壤出产著名的安茹葡萄酒。

25、Margaret of Anjou ─── 安珠玛格利特

26、United with Anjou in1126, it passed to England when Henry Plantagenet became king in1154. Maine reverted to the French crown in1481. ─── 1126年和安茹统一,当金雀花王朝的亨利于1154年成为国王时它被划归英国。

27、Anjou pear ─── 冬梨

28、Lime, melon and Anjou pears intermingle with sweet and tropican fruits such as fig and kiwi to create this delightfully refreshing wine. ─── 青柠,蜜瓜,梨子的芬芳,与无花果,奇异果等热带水果的芳香混合交融而成此款怡人提神的葡萄酒。

29、United with Anjou in 2', it passed to England when Henry Plantagenet became king in 54.Maine reverted to the French crown in 48. ─── 2'年和安茹统一,当金雀花王朝的亨利于54年成为国王时它被划归英国。

30、United with Anjou in1126, it passed to England when Henry Plantagenet became king in1154.Maine reverted to the French crown in1481. ─── 1126年和安茹统一,当金雀花王朝的亨利于1154年成为国王时它被划归英国。

31、A historical region and former province of northwest France in the Loire River valley.Ruled by the powerful counts of Anjou in the early Middle Ages, it was annexed to the French crown lands by Louis XI in the1480's. ─── 安茹法国罗亚尔河谷的一个历史故地,曾是法国西北的一个

32、Anjou cow ─── 安茹牛{法国}

33、As he saw it, he held England by indisputable right of blood, and he held Normandy and Anjou by that same right but as a vassal of the French king. ─── 如他所示,英格兰是无可争议的自家领地,诺曼底和安茹也一样是其根本,但对于法王却仅仅是一个臣子。

34、Of or relating to the House of Anjou, especially as represented by the Plantagenet kings of England descended from Geoffrey, Count of Anjou (died 5). ─── 金雀花王朝的,安茹王朝的:安茹王朝的或与其有关的,尤指安茹伯爵杰弗里(死于5年)的后代,英格兰金雀花王朝各国王所代表的安茹王朝

35、He rummages around in the kitchen a while and then cames back to the studio with a bottle of Anjou. I have to sit up and down a glass with him. ─── 他在厨房里翻腾了一阵,带着一瓶安如葡萄酒回到工作室里来,我只好坐起来和他干一杯。

36、Red D'Anjou ─── 红安久

37、A historical region and former province of northwest France south of Normandy. United with Anjou in 1126,it passed to England when Henry Plantagenet became king in 1154. Maine reverted to the French crown in 1481. ─── 法国历史上西北部的一个地域和以前省份,位于诺曼底以南。1126年和安茹统一,当金雀花王朝的亨利于1154年成为国王时它被划归英国。缅因于1481年回归法国国王的统治。

38、A passably large air-hole, probably the man-hole in the Rued'Anjou, furnished a light that was almost vivid. ─── 有一个出气洞相当大,大概是昂儒街的洞眼,射进了一道几乎闪亮的光。

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