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08-20 投稿


controverts 发音

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controverts 中文意思翻译



controverts 短语词组

1、controverts meaning ─── 有争议的意思

2、controverts def ─── 争议定义

3、controverts means ─── 争议意味着

controverts 词性/词形变化,controverts变形

动词第三人称单数: controverts |动词现在分词: controverting |动词过去式: controverted |形容词: controvertible |动词过去分词: controverted |

controverts 相似词语短语

1、controversy ─── n.争论;论战;辩论

2、controvertist ─── 争论者;好争论者

3、controverses ─── 有争议的

4、controverted ─── v.否认,驳斥;就……展开争论

5、controvertists ─── 争论者;好争论者

6、controverter ─── 反对者

7、controvert ─── v.否认,驳斥;就……展开争论

8、controverse ─── 有争议的

9、introverts ─── 内向型人格

controverts 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It seemed as if his first instinct on hearing a proposition was to controvert it, so impatient was he of the limitations of our daily thought. ─── 当他听到一种意见仿佛第一反应就是要推翻它,他对于我们日常思想的局限就是这样难以容忍。

2、Blog, a type of we-media, with the drastic increasing number and unclarity responsibilities, give a chance for people to controvert and have factional set-up. ─── 博客人数的剧增、网络媒体具体职责的尚不明确,让博客这样一个自媒体有了拉帮结派大战乱的可能。

3、This article controverts this point of view, and argues from various angles that Lee Kuan Yew 's cultural identification has been consistent but not the opposite. ─── 本文认为,这种观点值得商榷,并从不同角度阐述了李光耀的文化认同是一贯性而非断裂性。

4、With the deepening realization about education and P.E, however, the setting-up exercises' contents, formalities in the past even up to now have been controverts and puzzlement. ─── 但随着人们对教育、体育认识的深入,对过去乃至目前课间操的内容、形式既有争论也有困惑。

5、People always make themselves more persistent to what they believe after controvert. (Zhuangzi said: “it is no use of controvert. ─── 十之八九,争论的结果是双方比以前更相信自己绝对正确。(庄子曰:“辩之无益。”)

6、I shall have to controvert one or two ideas that are almost universally accepted. ─── 我要反驳一两个几乎是公认的观点。

7、But G says more directly: ‘It’s just Shih-Da night market, nothing special!!’Based on the passion to the culture, I still want to controvert his argument. ─── 不过基于对文化的热情,我还是很想反驳,因为有这些人用这些方法保留或唤起人们对城市韵味的记忆。

8、Economic world of shallow controvert the government competition ability that term bottom ─── 浅议经济全球化条件下的政府竞争力

9、These two schools controvert against each other in domestic and foreign countries. ─── 无论在国内还是在国外,都存在着这两种马克思哲学诠释理论的激烈争论。

10、Firstly, controverts some opinions on the basis of predecessors" inappropriate judgements on SiMaXiangRu"s personality; ─── 本章根据辞赋写作的不同时间和作者思想的变化,将他的辞赋创作分为前后两个时期。

11、* To controvert your theory will require much time but it is essential that we disprove it. ─── *为了反驳你的理论将需要多少时间,但至关重要的是,我们推翻它。

12、He controverts her point in this discussion. ─── 他在这次讨论中反驳她的观点。

13、2.The statement of the last witness controvert the evidence of the first two. ─── 最后一个证人的陈述反驳了前两人的证词。

14、749. controvert : oppose with arguments; ─── 749 。反驳:反对的理由;

15、controvert v. ─── 否认;反驳;

16、How to bring up singleton arrouse many controverts. ─── 怎样培养好独生子女在中国引发了许多辩论。

17、For the passion to the culture, I still want to controvert his argument, because we really need these people to do something to protect or remind us the memory of the city. ─── 喔、不行,我快吐了,尤其是看到这篇描写师大夜市(韩小姐称之为南村落)的文章,人与人之间对同一件事物的认知落差真的可以大到很夸张。

18、1. People always make themselves more persistent to what they believe after controvert. (Zhuangzi said: “it is no use of controvert. ─── 比时间流失更可怕的是机会的流失,比机会流失更可怕的是梦想和信心的流失。(应了那句教诲,一个人别人打不倒,只有自己倒。)收藏指正

19、People always make themselves more persistent to what they believe after controvert. (Zhuangzi said: "it is no use of controvert. ─── 比时间流失更可怕的是机会的流失,比机会流失更可怕的是梦想和信心的流失。(应了那句教诲,一个人别人打不倒,只有自己倒。)

20、In my opinion, the more abusive they are, the better; Anyway no amount of abuse can controvert the three points I've dealt with ─── 我看越骂越好,我讲的这三条总是骂不倒的。

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