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08-20 投稿


epiglottis 发音

英:[,ep?'gl?t?s]  美:[,?p?'ɡlɑt?s]

英:  美:

epiglottis 中文意思翻译



epiglottis 网络释义

n. [解剖] 会厌;喉头盖

epiglottis 短语词组

1、infrahyoid epiglottis ─── 舌骨下会厌

2、epiglottis folds ─── 会厌皱襞

3、epiglottis vallecula ─── 会厌

4、epiglottis symptoms ─── 会厌症状

5、epiglottis blocked ─── 会厌阻塞

6、epiglottis bacteria ─── 会厌菌

7、cushion of the epiglottis ─── [医] 会厌垫(喉腔内)

8、epiglottis definition ─── 会厌定义

9、epiglottis tissue ─── 会厌组织

epiglottis 词性/词形变化,epiglottis变形

名词复数: epiglottises |形容词: epiglottal |

epiglottis 相似词语短语

1、diglottic ─── 双乐图

2、epiglottises ─── n.[解剖]会厌;喉头盖

3、aryepiglottic ─── 杓会厌的

4、proglottis ─── n.节片

5、epiglottal ─── 会厌的

6、epiglottic ─── adj.会厌的

7、glottis ─── n.[解剖]声门

8、pilotis ─── n.(多层建筑的)底层架空柱;n.(Piloti)人名;(意)皮洛蒂

9、epiglottides ─── n.会厌;喉头盖(epiglottis的变形)

epiglottis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They found the superior structures (aditus laryngis) particularly primitive, with a voluminous epiglottis covered by the pendular velum. ─── 他们发现高级结构,特别是原始人的,与大量的会厌软骨是被摆动的软颚所覆盖。

2、Epiglottis carcinoma ─── 丝裂活化蛋白激酶

3、epiglottis retractor ─── 会厌拉钩

4、Anterior surface of epiglottis ─── 会厌前面

5、Hyoidectomy and anastomosis of cricoid cartilage and base of tongue (epiglottis) overcame the two shortcomings and had good effects. ─── 舌骨盖在环状软骨上口易造成新喉口狭窄引起拔管困难。

6、cushion of epiglottis ─── 会厌垫

7、epiglottis fissure ─── 会厌全裂开

8、Anterior epiglottis ─── 前会厌

9、First off, the closing of the epiglottis prevents the nitrogen gas from escaping, so it is forced into your body instead. ─── 要是照这个逻辑....是不是吞下去憋半秒钟之后做打嗝那个动作并且张嘴...就可以利用气化压力从嘴里高速喷出液氮呀....

10、The Application of Epiglottis and Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Periost Valves on Repairing laryngo tracheal Stenosis ─── 会厌及胸锁乳突肌肌骨膜瓣修复喉气管狭窄

11、The application of epiglottis and cervical anterior muscle to laryngeal reconstruction ─── 应用会厌部分下移和颈前带状肌行喉重建术

12、The ideal methods to lighten aspiration and increase decannulation rate are hyoidectomy and anastomosis of cricoid cartilage and base of tongue (epiglottis). ─── 切除舌骨行环舌根(会厌)吻合术是减轻误咽、提高拔管率的理想方法。

13、The application of epiglottis in laryngeal function reconstruction after partial laryngectomy ─── 会厌在喉部分切除喉功能重建术中的应用

14、The larynx side of epiglottis in vocal area glottis appeared gray and rufous puffiness with the shape of corpora mammillaria or polypoid hyperplasia,pathologic findings were hollow and concavity c... ─── 结论:本病病变范围大,复发率高,预防的关键是及早发现及治愈孕妇尖锐湿疣,以减少新生儿接触的机会。

15、They found the superior structures (aditus laryngis) particularly primitive, with a voluminous epiglottis covered by the pendular velum. ─── 他们发现高级结构,特别是原始人的,与大量的会厌软骨是被摆动的软颚所覆盖。

16、Cut through the windpipe, the jugular, the epiglottis, the hyoid, the tongue. ─── 的气管,她的颈静脉她的会厌,她的舌骨,她的舌头。

17、Conclusion: Epiglottis is one of the ideal material in laryngoplasty after the partial laryngectomy. ─── 结论:会厌是喉部分切除喉成形术理想的修复材料之一。

18、Congenital atresia of epiglottis ─── 先天性会厌闭锁

19、Excision of lesion of epiglottis ─── 会厌病损切除术

20、Posterior epiglottis ─── 后会厌

21、Keywords Epiglottis;acute;Treatment outcome;Case report; ─── 会厌炎;急性;治疗结果;病例报告;

22、Keywords Epiglottis Bi-pedical strap muscular flap Throid perichondrium Laryngectomy; ─── 会厌;双蒂带状肌瓣;甲状软骨膜;喉切除术;

23、forceps for level the epiglottis, punch ─── 会厌提起咬切钳

24、Result: Pharyngodynia happened in all 95 cases;dysphagia,in 81 cases;epiglottis abscess,in 9 cases;tracheotomy by guttur obstruction,in 2 cases. ─── 结果:95例均有咽痛,81例有吞咽困难,发生会厌脓肿9例,咽喉梗阻而行气管切开2例。

25、In some cases, such as when the swollen epiglottis blocks the windpipe, a tracheostomy may be performed. ─── 在某些情况下,例如当会厌肿胀,阻塞气管,气管切开术可能会被执行。

26、congenital fissure of epiglottis ─── 先天性会厌裂

27、Vallecula of epiglottis ─── 会厌谷

28、Mucous membrane of epiglottis ─── 会厌粘膜

29、epiglottis holder ─── 持会厌器

30、Excision of epiglottis ─── 会厌切除术

31、1.If you cannot see the vocal cords or epiglottis after positioning the laryngoscope blade, you have probably inserted the blade too far or have not placed the blade precisely in the midline. ─── 如果在调整好喉镜窥视片位置后,不能观察到声带或会厌,可能是由于窥视片插入太深或未能将其精确地放置于正中线所致。

32、tubercle of epiglottis ─── 会厌结节

33、Treatment of glottis cancer with glottis reconstruction by epiglottis laryngoplasty ─── 会厌下移一期重建声门治疗声门癌

34、abrasion of epiglottis ─── 会厌擦伤

35、abscess of epiglottis ─── 会厌脓肿

36、cushion of the epiglottis ─── [医] 会厌垫(喉腔内)

37、epiglottis interrupt ─── 会厌截断术

38、"The tongue pushes liquid or chewed food mixed with saliva into the pharynx. Reflex takes over as the soft palate rises to close off the nasal cavity; the larynx rises and the epiglottis covers the trachea, interrupting Breathing." ─── 舌推动液体或咀嚼食物与唾液混合后进入咽,然后发生反射,软颚上升堵塞住鼻腔,喉升高,会厌盖住气管,阻断呼吸。

39、Keywords Pharyngeal neoplasms;Pyriform sinus;Epiglottis;Surgical prodecure;operative; ─── 咽肿瘤;梨状窝;会厌;外科手术;

40、Repair of epiglottis ─── 会厌修复术

41、Reconstruction oflarynx by the epiglottis cartilage was performed in 42patients after partial laryngectomy.RESULTS The totaldecannulation rate was 92.9 %. ─── 结果患者术后喉功能恢复良好,总拔管率为92.9%,所有患者均于出院前拔除鼻饲管,发音可接受率为88.1%,3年、5年生存率分别为84.6%、77.1%。

42、epiglottis depressor ─── 会厌压迫器

43、Congenital anomaly of epiglottis ─── 先天性会厌异常

44、Study of reserving unilateral arytenoid cartilage to improve voice quality in supracricoid partial laryngectomy with anastomosis of cricoid cartilage, base of tongue and epiglottis ─── 环状软骨上喉部分切除环舌根会厌吻合术保留一侧杓状软骨手术方法及发声的观察

45、The patient's symptoms and a cherry-red swollen epiglottis, which was seen during intubation and a neck CT (which was done later) confirmed the diagnosis of acute epiglottitis. ─── 病人的症状、插管时所见到的肿胀、樱桃红般的会厌,以及后来颈部电脑断层检查,确定了急性会厌炎的诊断。

46、Heartbeat, mouth closed, epiglottis subsidence, cervical spine should not move, there are respiratory secretions. ─── 心跳,口腔紧闭,会厌下陷,颈椎不能动,呼吸道内有分泌物。

47、bifid epiglottis ─── 会厌分叉

48、So... what can shred an epiglottis and make muscle disappear? ─── |那么...什么会撕裂会厌 并且让肌肉消失?

49、agenesis of epiglottis ─── 会厌发育不全

50、So, the classroom instruction must be reformed, must let the children move , otherwise they study on the epiglottis . ─── 所以,课堂教学必须改革,必须让孩子们动起来,否则他们就会厌学。

51、The part of the pharynx between the soft palate and the epiglottis. ─── 口咽的位于软腭和食道之间的咽的一部分

52、"It has three connected sections: the nasopharynx, at the Back of the nasal cavity; the oropharynx, in the Back of the oral cavity down to the epiglottis (a flap of tissue that closes off the larynx during swallowing);" ─── .它有三个相连的部分:鼻咽,位于鼻腔的后部;口咽,位于口腔的后面,直到会厌(吞咽时封闭喉的一组织瓣);

53、They had assumed the receptors would be restricted to the tongue, soft palate, upper oesophagus and epiglottis. ─── 他们本来想当然地以为味道感受器只局限在舌头,软腭,上食管和会厌中。

54、Randomized Controlled Clinical Study on Effect of Pushing Epiglottis Cartilage in Treating Infant Functional Vomiting ─── 董氏指压法治疗婴儿吐乳症随机对照临床研究

55、cyst of epiglottis ─── 会厌囊肿

56、The serious food with can affect people normal or phonate, besides the mucous membrane inside the lip, happen possibly also on tongue and epiglottis mucous membrane. ─── 严重的会影响人们正常的饮食或发声,除了唇内黏膜之外,在舌头和会厌黏膜上也可能发生。

57、Glottis epiglottis plays the role of the protective cover. ─── 会厌起着声门的保护盖作用。

58、Methods: Reconstruction of larynx by the epiglottis cartilage was performed in 32 patients after partial laryngectomy. ─── 方法:行喉部分切除术后用会厌软骨行喉成形术32例。

59、In order to preserve the total or partial laryngeal function of voice and deglutition,epiglottis was pulled downward after a total excision of the tumor to reconstruct the anterior or anterior-lateral wall of the residual laryngeal cavity. ─── 结果 :在彻底切除喉癌后 ,下移会厌修复残存喉腔的前壁或侧前壁 ,患者恢复了全部或部分 (发声、吞咽保护 )喉功能并保留了会厌的全部或部分功能。

60、Hemorrhages of the epiglottis and larynx appear to vary with the conditions under which the disease is observed. ─── 会厌和喉头的出血因观察疾病时的条件不同而异。

61、Lublinski's epiglottis holder ─── 卢布林斯基(氏)持会厌器

62、Conclusion Treating infant functional vomiting by pushing epiglottis cartilage is an easy and effective management without any side effect. ─── 结论董氏指压法是治疗婴儿吐乳症的有效方法,操作简便,无毒副作用。

63、Because some spaces exist between cricoid cartilage, base of tongue and epiglottis, aspiration is likely to occur. ─── 以往把环状软骨吻合固定在舌骨体下面,由于环状软骨与舌根会厌之间夹着舌骨有较大空隙易发生误咽。

64、Hydrops was found in lingual surface mocosa of epiglottis in all these patients and abscess of epiglottis developed in 2,and laryngemphraxis in 1 and tracheotomy was carried out. ─── 语言含糊不清21例,伴呼吸困难29例,会厌舌面黏膜均有不同程度的充血水肿,其中发生会厌脓肿2例,因喉梗阻而行气管切开1例。

65、In betwixt the two openings comes the so-called epiglottis, an organ capable of being drawn over and covering the orifice of the windpipe communicating with the mouth; ─── 在两个开口中间,就是所谓的会厌软骨,一个能够抬起并且覆盖连接嘴巴的气管入口的器官。

66、fissure of epiglottis ─── 会厌裂

67、OBJECTIVE To study the feasibility andthe surgical techniques of the epiglottis laryngoplasty inpartial laryngectomy for glottic carcinoma. ─── 目的探讨会厌喉成形术的可行性及手术方法。

68、Direct laryngoscopy with stripping of epiglottis ─── 直接喉镜检查伴会厌剥脱术

69、Application of epiglottis in laryngeal reconstruction ─── 喉癌患者喉部分切除后会厌在喉重建中的应用

70、Leaf of epiglottis ─── 会厌叶

71、Atypical lipoma in tongue and epiglottis: 2 cases report and review of literature ─── 舌及会厌非典型性脂肪瘤2例并文献复习

72、Keywords Laryngeal Neoplasms;Epiglottis;Reconstrctive Surgical Procedures;Laryngectomy; ─── 喉肿瘤;会厌;修复外科手术;喉切除术;

73、thermal burn of epiglottis ─── 会厌热灼伤

74、Keywords Chronic hypertrophic laryngitis;Epiglottis Stasis-Expelling Decoction; ─── 慢性肥厚性喉炎;会厌逐瘀汤;

75、Application of epiglottis in repair of vertical partial laryngectomy for pyriform sinus carcinoma ─── 会厌在梨状癌窝行梨状窝及喉垂直部分切除术缺损修复中的应用

76、Reichert's epiglottis retractor ─── 赖歇特(氏)会厌拉钩

77、Cut through the windpipe, the jugular, the epiglottis, the hyoid, the tongue. ─── |她的气管,她的颈静脉 她的会厌,她的舌骨,她的舌头.

78、Keywords The person welcomes the hole seal-off therapy;Acute epiglottis inflammation; ─── 人迎穴封闭疗法;急性会厌炎;

79、So, the classroom instruction must be reformed, must let the children move , otherwise they study on the epiglottis. ─── 所以,课堂教学必须改革,必须让孩子们动起来,否则他们就会厌学。

80、The application of bi-pedical strap muscular flap with throid perichondrium and epiglottis in the reconstruction of larynx function after partial laryngectomy ─── 会厌及双蒂甲状软骨膜带状肌瓣一期喉功能重建

81、The sensory inneraton of the larynx from the epiglottis and arytenoids through the ocal cords is ia the SLN. ─── 会厌、杓状软骨、声门感觉支配神经为喉上神经;

82、The epiglottis is a leaf shaped cartilaginous structure located behind the hyoid bone and root of the tongue. ─── 会厌是叶子形状的软骨结构位于舌头的舌骨和根。

83、Conclusion Treating infant functional vomiting by pushing epiglottis cartilage is an easy and effective management without any side effect. ─── 结论董氏指压法是治疗婴儿吐乳症的有效方法,操作简便,无毒副作用。

84、stalk of epiglottis ─── 会厌软骨茎

85、Conclusion: Epiglottis is one of the ideal material in laryngoplasty after the partial laryngectomy. ─── 结论:会厌是喉部分切除喉成形术理想的修复材料之一。

86、Schmidt's punch forceps for level the epiglottis ─── 施密特(氏)会厌提起咬切钳

87、Because some spaces exist between cricoid cartilage, base of tongue and epiglottis , aspiration is likely to occur. ─── 以往把环状软骨吻合固定在舌骨体下面,由于环状软骨与舌根会厌之间夹着舌骨有较大空隙易发生误咽。

88、Withdrawing the blade gradually in the midline will often allow the epiglottis or larynx to drop into iew. ─── 慢慢地在正中线退出窥视片,经常可以使声带或会厌跃然出现于视野中。

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