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08-20 投稿


fanatical 发音

英:[f?'n?t?k?l]  美:[f??n?t?kl]

英:  美:

fanatical 中文意思翻译



fanatical 短语词组

1、fanatical games ─── 狂热的游戏

2、fanatical basketball apk ─── 狂热篮球apk

3、fanatical basketball games apk ─── 狂热篮球运动apk

4、fanatical football ─── 狂热的足球

5、fanatical pursuit ─── 狂热的追求

6、fanatical monster mystery bundle ─── 狂热的怪物神秘捆绑包

7、fanatical basketball ─── 狂热的篮球

8、fanatical car driving simulator ─── 狂热的汽车驾驶模拟器

9、fanatical followings crossword ─── 狂热跟随纵横填字游戏

10、fanatical basketball game ─── 狂热的篮球比赛

11、fanatical criminal ─── 狂热的罪犯

12、fanatical payment refused ─── 狂热的付款被拒绝

13、fanatical coupon code ─── 狂热的优惠券代码

14、fanatical coupons ─── 狂热的优惠券

fanatical 词性/词形变化,fanatical变形

副词: fanatically |名词: fanaticalness |

fanatical 相似词语短语

1、fanatic ─── n.狂热入迷者;狂热分子,盲信者;adj.狂热的;盲信的

2、venatical ─── 脉序的

3、lunatical ─── 疯子

4、fanatics ─── n.狂热者;盲信者(fanatic的复数)

5、antical ─── adj.位于另一个部分之上的

6、fantasticals ─── 好极了

7、fantastical ─── adj.奇异的,虚构的

8、agnatical ─── adj.男系亲属的(agnatic的变形)

9、fanatically ─── adv.盲信地;狂热地

fanatical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cup sponsors Coca-Cola and adidas figure to increase spending in the U.K. market as fanatical football fans follow the fortunes of the national team. ─── 世界杯赞助商可口可乐和阿迪达斯将增加在英国市场的投入,因为狂热的球迷们将密切关注国家队的命运。

2、” Tom asked.“Another fanatical religious faction has taken hostages at the embassy. ─── ”汤姆问,“又有一个狂热的宗教派别在大使馆扣押了人质。

3、He became a fanatical Anglophile. ─── 他变成了一个狂热的亲英者。

4、Toyota Motor has always been fanatical about frugality, and for many years that was good for both the company and its customers. ─── 丰田汽车一直以来都执着于朴素节俭的风格,这也使得公司本身以及顾客都受益良多。

5、In situations where label promotion seems necessary, a fanatical purist like me would just create a new branch, which is a topic I will discuss in the next chapter. ─── 在标签升级看来很重要的情况,一个狂热的纯粹主义者希望我创建一个新的分支,我会在下一章讨论这个主题。

6、He is a fanatical fan of Mozart. ─── 他是一名莫扎特音乐的狂热爱好者。

7、Elephants are fanatical about the grey bark of Marulas and - when they occur at high densities - can eliminate entire communities of these valuable trees through destructive ring-barking. ─── 大象非常喜欢马鲁拉树的棕色树皮,当这种破坏性的剥皮行为频繁进行时,这种珍贵的树木就会被成片的毁掉。

8、From acquaintance to love, our experience with the initial fanatical passion, and together overcome the difficulties. ─── 从相识到相爱,我们一起经历了最初狂热的激情,一起克服种种困难。

9、He looks like a backwoods relative, fanatical and narrow-minded ─── 他看上去像是从乡下来的一个亲戚,思想狂热而狭隘,

10、An apparition of Mary is said to have occurred in Donglu in 1900 when local Catholics were fighting off an assault by members of the fanatical Boxer cult trying to destroy their church. ─── 据说1900年当地天主教抵抗狂热的义和团对他们教堂的攻击时,圣母玛利亚的幻影曾出现在东路。

11、David and Victor immediately went to the place she said, the results of a group of fanatical been kidnapped by the cult followers. ─── 大卫和维克多立刻前往她所说的地点,结果却被一伙狂热的邪教信徒所绑架。

12、You always dream of becoming a football star or proficient in the streets of the most fanatical football people? ─── 你总是梦想着成为一个足球明星或是精通最狂热的街头足球的人吗?

13、Fanatical, you might say. ─── 他往四周瞅了瞅。

14、It's not enough to stand on this record, because we are dealing with the most ruthless, fanatical leaders that the world has ever seen. ─── 光看历史是不够的,因为我们应对的是最无情、最盲信的领导人,是世人从未见过的。

15、The pursuit of recogn ition for their own sake, an almost fanatical love of justice and the quest for personal independence form the traditional themes of the Jewish people, of which I am a member. ─── 为自身而追求认同,这是一种近乎狂热的正义之爱,也是一种从犹太人传统主题中寻找个人独立的执著。我本人就置身其中。

16、Fanatical attention to consistency and detail ─── 无比关注细节和连贯

17、He looks like a backwoods relative, fanatical and narrow-minded.We are left in no doubt that Oliphant approves of the developments in Canada. ─── 他看上去像是从乡下来的一个亲戚,思想狂热而狭隘,毫无疑问,我们得到的印象就是奥列芬特支持加拿大的这一决定。

18、She's fanatical about healthy eating. ─── 她对健康饮食着了迷。

19、Some Vanguard investors are fanatical about only indexing. ─── 一些Vanguard投资者对指数产品情有独锺。

20、Egypt fell almost without resistance to the new conquerors, who, full of a fanatical belief in the sufficiency of the Koran, wiped out the vestiges of the book-copying industry of the Alexandria Library. ─── 埃及差不多没什么反抗就陷落到新征服者手中。 这些征服者对《古兰经》的效能充满狂热的信仰,他们彻底摧毁了亚历山大图书馆书本复制业的残留部分。

21、A fanatical is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject! ─── 一个专心致志的人不会改变决心,也不会改变自己的追求!

22、Most were referred to the athletes is one of Yao Ming, his fame in China in the sports world is no Pimi, pursued with fanatical fans. ─── 最多被提及的运动员之一是姚明,他的名望在中国运动世界中是无可披靡的,拥有狂热追捧的球迷。

23、The reception of Donne in the west has undergone a glorious period in the 17th century, a hibernation period in the 18th, a resuscitation period in the 19th and a fanatical period in the 20th century; ─── 多恩在西方的接受经历了17世纪的辉煌期、18世纪的冬眠期、19世纪的复苏期和20世纪的狂热期;

24、And they have to aim at controlling these sound with fanatical but selfless authority. ─── 他们的目标是运用融入了无私的热情的指挥者的权利来控制这些声音。

25、"My friend, Crawley, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr Lane's Radical Progressive Party." ─── 我的朋友克劳莱一向是莱恩先生激进党的狂热反对者。

26、The allied attitude towards snipers was hard on the western front, it was due to these kind of events the German snipers fought so fanatical. ─── 在西线,由于这些顽固的德军狙击手造成的巨大伤亡,盟军官兵对他们的态度可以说是冷酷无情的。

27、My friend, Crawley, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lane's Radical Progressive Party. ─── 我的朋友 Crawley 一直是 Lane 先生激进党的一名狂热反对者。

28、“Although our artillery and mortar fire was poured into the ranks of the fanatical SS men, it was ultimately rifle fire that stopped them. ─── “尽管我们大炮和迫击炮倾泻到疯狂的党卫军士兵队列中,最终还是步枪火力才阻止住他们。

29、I stopped for gas again at the next opportunity, almost fanatical in my intent to NOT run dry again. ─── 我停下来的天然气再次在下次有机会,我几乎狂热的意图无法运行干一次。

30、All this portion of Bundelcund, which is little frequented by travellers, is inhabited by a fanatical population, hardened in the most horrible practices of the Hindoo faith. ─── 上本德尔汗德这一整块地区,以前都是人迹罕至的地方,现在这里住着一些具有狂热宗教信仰的教族,他们在当地还保留着那些最可怕的教规。

31、You see, that same fear that makes him get up in the morning to earn a few bucks is the fear that is causing him to be so fanatical about you going to school." ─── 实际上,他恐惧,所以每天去上班挣钱; 为作担心,所以热衷于让你去上学。

32、The villains are most of the apes, especially the fanatical, human-hating General Thade. ─── 当中的大部分人猿都是坏蛋,而尤以哪位憎恶人类的疯狂将军塞德为首。

33、“He must not stay in Constantinople any longer,” murmured the fanatical Muslim clergy who convinced the authorities to exile Him to the town of Adrianople. ─── 巴哈欧拉立刻接受了巴孛的信息,成为祂的最热忱的信徒之一。可悲的是,那些利欲熏心的波斯统治者们开始非常野蛮和残酷地迫害巴孛的信徒。

34、A fanatical anti-smoker, he has been described by his biographer, Christopher Frayling, as "a gentle kind of guy who won't eat red meat." ─── 他强烈反对吸烟,他的传记作家克里斯托弗 - 弗雷林把他描绘成“一个连瘦肉都不吃的善心人。”

35、"Fanatical fundamentalism is the response to this anxiety and its omnipresence makes us aware that of vast changes taking place in our ever-shrinking world. ─── 假如,我是说假如,批评基督教教义的一方秉承理性讨论的精神,你还会认为他们是故意挑起彼此的纷争吗?===答:我不会。

36、2008 smart phone market has hit an unprecedented situation, not just Apple's sales, almost every smartphone will be a user's fanatical pursuit. ─── 2008年智能手机市场出现了空前火爆的局面,不仅是苹果公司热卖,几乎每一款智能手机都会受到用户的狂热追捧。

37、Proust's fanatical admirers, of whom I am one, can read every word of his REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST with interest. ─── 普鲁斯特的狂热信徒们(我即其中之一)都会兴趣盎然地把他的《往事的回忆》一字不漏地读下去哩。

38、Ylaya: If I had known the rebels had such charm the siege would have been raised more rapidly. But what of Isabel's fanatical troops? ─── 伊拉娅:要是我得知叛军会如此着魔地围攻你们就会更快一些把我的部队纠集起来。但是伊莎贝尔的狂热军队怎么样了?

39、You will find the community of squash players to be committed to the game, sometimes fanatical about it, and generally interested in helping out new converts to the game. ─── 壁球运动是一项技术和体力的锻炼,它需要一生来学习和提高掌握这项运动的技巧和策略。

40、has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lane's Radical Progressive Party. ─── 一直是莱恩先生的激进党的强烈反对者。

41、He has tried to conciliate the elite economic interests, and joke about the fanatical fringe they are stirring up. ─── 他试图调解精英经济的种种利益,并对右翼搅和起来的狂热论调加以调侃。

42、He was a Royalist, fanatical and severe. ─── 他成了保王派,狂热而冷峻。

43、a convinced and fanatical pacifist. ─── 信仰坚定的、热心的和平主义者。

44、Why did the framers, fanatical property types that they were, reject the claim that creative property be given the same rights as all other property? ─── 为什么立宪者们狂热的支持财产权制度,却不肯给创造性财产与其他一般财产同样的权利?

45、a fanatical interest in football ─── 对足球入迷

46、The team flew straight home after a 5-0 victory over Singapore in front of another fanatical crowd. ─── 在新加坡狂热球迷面前5比0大胜新加坡,利物浦马上飞回利物浦。

47、Predominantly unmarried males in their twenties, according to a Michigan State University study on fanatical users of the game. ─── 根据密西根州立大学对狂热游戏迷的一项研究,他们主要是二十多岁的未婚男性。

48、2.My friend, Crawley, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr Lane's Radical Progressive Party. ─── 我的朋友Crawley一直是Lane先生激进党的一名狂热反对者。

49、In such a primitive fanatical movement, people forget the state of the individual, immersed in the state of ecstasy. ─── 在这种原始狂热的运动中,人们忘却了个体的状态,沉浸在迷狂的状态。

50、You can become susceptible to fanatical religious or social beliefs. ─── 你可以变得容易受到狂热的宗教或社会信仰的影响。

51、Excessive or fanatical patriotism; chauvinism. ─── 强烈的爱国精神;沙文主义

52、That who shows fanatical worship to that actor has been crowded into his dressing room doorway ─── 对那位演员表示崇拜的狂热者们挤进了他的化妆室门口。

53、During the long decades that followed, Phobos secretly assembled a fanatical cult devoted to her. ─── 在接下来的数十年间,佛伯斯秘密地聚集了一群忠诚于她的狂热教徒。

54、With his insurance salesman dad rarely speaking and his appliance-obsessed mom rarely shutting up, Tye is fanatical about the piano and takes to constantly tapping out rhythms. ─── 他的保险业务员父亲几乎不说话、而他的家电迷母亲却老是说不停,热衷于钢琴的小铁则是以手指不停的敲出音律。

55、He knew that at least this fanatical and faithful follower, and his family, would stick by him to the end. ─── 他知道,至少这位狂热忠实的追随者和他的家属是愿意跟他到底的。

56、His enemies are fanatical about their beliefs (check) ─── 他的敌人们对他们的信仰是狂热的。(没错)

57、” “Right Islam” was not fanatical. ─── “真正的伊斯兰教”不是极端狂热的。

58、has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lane's Radical Progressive Party. ─── 一直是莱恩先生的激进党的强烈反对者。

59、An ardent or fanatical adherent of a religion. ─── 信徒热情的或狂热的宗教追随者

60、In 1589 Henry was himself assassinated by a fanatical Jacobin friar. ─── 1589年被雅各宾修道院一个狂热的修士刺死。

61、a political unit with extreme and fanatical views. ─── 有极端的和狂热的观点的政治集团。

62、He's fanatical about football. ─── 他对足球着迷。

63、They were fanatical Marxist communists. ─── 他们是狂热支持马克思主义的共产主义者。

64、Without the ability to what-if, The Battle of 73 Easting simulation is a very expensive and fanatical documentary. ─── 如果没有提出“如果”的能力,这个东73公里处战役的模拟,就只不过是一个非常昂贵的引人入胜的纪录片而已。

65、The majority come from the ranks of warriors, but an occasional fanatical bard or member of some other class is not unheard of. ─── 半数以上的雄鹰骑士都来自战士类职业,不过偶尔也会有狂热的诗人或是其他职业加入。

66、When speaking, you tend to be very insistent or even fanatical about your point of view, which will either utterly convince your listeners or repel them completely. ─── 当讨论的时候,你对于自己的观点态度坚决甚至有些狂热,不过还好,这不仅会说服你的听众,还会击退那些异议。

67、?A Fanatical obsession with proper spelling, grammar and hyphenation in Chinese and English language. 2. ─── 2.对中英文编写程序和连字符有浓厚兴趣;

68、It is ok to adopt a controversial stance, but avoid a fanatical or extreme stance. ─── 可以采取具争议性的立场,但尽量避免提出极端的看法。

69、yet there is a primitive wildness in her which shows in her courage, in her almost fanatical reasoning, and in her sudden, unaccountable strength in moments of crisis. ─── 整个地来看她,她似乎是一个水晶,只能给男人精神的安慰,她的明亮的前额表现出深沉的理解;

70、He was fanatical about tidiness. ─── 他非常注意整洁。

71、My friend, Patrick, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lane's Radical Progressive Party. ─── 我的朋友帕特里克一直是莱恩先生的激进党的强烈反对者。

72、“They must be neither provocative nor supine, neither fanatical nor excessively liberal, in their exposition of the fundamental and distinguishing features of their Faith. ─── “在讲解信仰的基本原则和特征时,我们既不可带有挑衅意味,亦不可消极顺应;

73、Manchester United's players were at the centre of a security scare in China yesterday when a pitch invasion by up to 800 fanatical supporters forced them to cut short an open training session in Guangzhou. ─── 昨天中国广州,上,800名狂热球迷球员涌入曼联的公开训练球场,导致训练被迫缩短和曼联球员们处于安全恐慌中.

74、knights are fighters or brutes with a fanatical devotion to the God-king and their city, though eagle knights can come from any class. ─── 大多数雄鹰骑士是狂热信仰神王和他们故土的战士或蛮战士,虽然任何职业都可以成为雄鹰骑士。

75、He looks like a backwoods relative, fanatical and narrow-minded. ─── 他看上去像是从乡下来的一个亲戚,思想狂热而狭隘。

76、The Leibstandarte troops trapped inside put up fanatical resistance, launching counterattack after counterattack against Red Army troops battling through Berlin's city centre. ─── “警卫旗队”的部队决定在那里做最后的抵抗,向攻入柏林市中心的苏军展开了一次次的反扑。

77、5, boys and girls are very fanatical about rock and roll. ─── 5、少男少女们对摇滚乐十分狂热。

78、Most fans at the screening were fanatical about Bafana Bafana's efforts,even though the flags and painted faces of a home match were not as evident. ─── 尽管不能够像在本土一样,用挥舞国旗和脸涂颜色等方式来为国家队助威,但是大多数南非球迷对于球员们的奋力拼搏还是表现出了高昂的热情。

79、He is a fanatical hunter. ─── 他是个著了迷的猎手。

80、He was surpassed by his siblings in skill at arms, and in a desperate attempt to win power and respect he pledged himself to the most fanatical arm of Alaric's new church. ─── 他在武艺上被兄弟们远远超过,在绝望地追求力量和尊敬的过程中他投身于埃拉瑞克的新教中最狂热的部队。

81、He was so fanatical about the aroma of his cigars that he brought his cigar humidor from his Ohio home to the White House. ─── 他对雪茄的芳香如此着迷,以至于要把他的雪茄盒从俄亥俄州的家中带到白宫。

82、They can also become fanatical moralists, opposing anything that contradicts their view of the world.But they are also widely known for their generosity of nature. ─── 他们也可能成为狂热的道德家,反对任何违背他们的世界观的事。

83、After fierce fighting against fanatical resistance from the Japanese, the Americans took the island, a pattern that was to be repeated elsewhere through the Pacific. ─── 在对日本人的疯狂抵抗进行猛烈攻击之后,美国人占领了小岛,这一模式将会在整个太平洋的其它地方一再出现。

84、Mr Dalio's philosophy turns out to be a fanatical, fundamentalist version of the American dream. ─── 雷蒙德的哲学是美国梦狂热的原教旨主义版本。

85、Standing in marked contrast to the intolerant savagery of other religions, Buddhism is neither fanatical nor dogmatic--so say its adherents. ─── 佛教徒们说,与其他宗教让人不可容忍的残酷相反,佛教不推崇武断和狂热。

86、She' s fanatical about keeping fit. ─── 她如醉如痴地注重健美.

87、Whether today's announcement will appease some of the more fanatical devotees of the" third secret" mystery is unclear. ─── 今天的宣称是否会平息一些“第三个秘密”的狂热信徒,似乎并未明朗。

88、Over the first few years of his rule as Primarch of the Night Lords, his legion utterly destroyed traces of heresy with the fanatical thoroughness of witch hunters. ─── 在最初的几年间,他的军团在战斗修女的帮助下完全的摧毁了异教徒的信仰。

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