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08-20 投稿


lessening 发音

英:[?lesn??]  美:[?lesn??]

英:  美:

lessening 中文意思翻译




v.变少( lessen的现在分词 ); 减少(某事物)

lessening 短语词组

1、lessening cold symptoms ─── 减轻感冒症状

2、lessening means ─── 减少手段

3、lessening of ─── 减少

4、lessening meaning ─── 减少意义

5、lessening meaning in hindi ─── 印地语意义的弱化

6、lessening def ─── 减少def

7、lessening sail ─── 缩帆

8、lessening of prejudice ─── 减轻偏见

9、lessening strategy ─── 减少策略

10、lessening crossword ─── 减少纵横字谜

11、gradually lessening ─── 逐渐减少

12、lessening economy ─── 经济衰退

13、lessening time ─── 减少时间

14、lessening tinnitus ─── 耳鸣减轻

15、lessening of competition ─── 减少竞争

lessening 反义词

raise |increase

lessening 同义词

extenuate | subside | condense | constrict | truncate | out | mitigate | deduct | thin out | narrow | weaken | ease | modify | lower | moderate | decimate | soothe | attenuate | alleviate | shorten | dwindle | abate | depress | fail | quell | ebb | deplete | fade | wane | abbreviate | abridge | relax | take away | mollify | tail off | short | melt | waste away | diminish | melt away | shrink | taper | retrench | clip | pare | ease off | stem | scale | wither | minimize | slacken | let up | curtail | decay | lighten | minify | contract | take | shrivel | temper | fade away | underestimate | relieve | waste | subtract | languish | allay |decrease | soften | erode | reduce | bate | silence | appease | cut short | away | die down | thin | assuage | palliate | loosen | decline | cut | fall

lessening 词性/词形变化,lessening变形

动词过去式: lessened |动词第三人称单数: lessens |动词现在分词: lessening |动词过去分词: lessened |

lessening 相似词语短语

1、listening ─── v.听;听从;注意听;留神地听;听着,听好(listen的现在分词);n.倾听

2、lowsening ─── 低沉的

3、loosening ─── n.松散,放松;v.使…松开(loosen的ing形式)

4、glistening ─── adj.闪亮的;闪耀的;白花花的;v.反光,闪耀(glisten的现在分词形式)

5、unessencing ─── 无谓的

6、lessoning ─── n.教训;课;vt.教训;上课

7、freshening ─── v.使洁净,使宜人;添加液体于(饮料)中;(风)增强变冷;去盐,淡化咸味;(母牛)产犊并开始泌乳(freshen的现在分词)

8、leavening ─── n.发酵;酵母;引起渐变的因素;v.发酵;影响;渐变(leaven的ing形式);adj.发酵的

9、lessonings ─── 莱索宁

lessening 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The absurdity of a religious practice may be clearly demonstrated without lessening the number of persons who indulge in it. ─── 一个宗教礼仪的荒谬,可从沉迷其中人数居高不下,清楚的得以证明.

2、Mary: I knowinging. But reason your sudden interest in lessening your salt in get? ─── 玛丽: 这我清楚. 但你为啥突然想递减盐的摄取量?

3、While He does not palliate sin, nor lessen the sense of guilt, He seeks not to condemn, but to save. ─── 他并不袒护罪恶,不减轻人对自己罪恶的感悟。但他不是要定人的罪,而是要救人。

4、It especially was curative effect to eliminate and lessen anisometropia. ─── LASIK术后近视眼患者裸眼远近距离立体视觉有一定的改善,尤其是LASIK对消除或减轻屈光参差有良好的疗效。

5、Garlic is supposed to lessen the risk of heart disease. ─── 人们认为大蒜能够低心脏病的危险性。

6、Therefore, "the goal of common morality is to lessen the amount of harm suffered by those protected by it". ─── 因此,“普遍道德的宗旨即减少在其保护之下的人们受到的损害”。

7、And the enterprise virtual operations can contribute to lessening the venous obstacles in obtaining the information resources. ─── 反之企业实施虚拟化经营,有助于弱化或减少信息资源在获取中所存在的各种障碍。

8、To lessen the pain, some people chose to relinquish all responsibility. ─── 为了减少痛苦,有些人选择放弃所有责任。

9、The thing about lessening your need for approval is that you have give up both positive and negative approval. ─── 减少你对于他人认可的重视是你需要放弃正面或是负面的看法。

10、The pain was already lessening. ─── 疼痛正在减轻.

11、They are doing everything possible to lessen tensions between the two nations. ─── 他们正在尽一切可能缓和两国之间的紧张局势。

12、To reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; lessen. ─── 减少,降低使在数量、程度或强度上减少;减轻

13、Humor has us bear our burdens, lessen our tension, overcome our frustration, relax ourselves and make life easier. ─── 幽默有助于我们承受负担,减缓压力,战胜失败,放松自我,使生活更加轻松.

14、They believe it helps cure diseases. A piece of ice can help lessen the pain. This cream will help stop the bleeding. ─── 他们相信洗咖啡浴有助于治疗疾病。一块冰块有助于减轻疼痛。这药膏有助于止血。

15、At this point, you would attempt to find ways to prevent this failure or at least lessen its severity or impact. ─── 在这个时候,你会想要找出避免失效或至少减轻严重度冲击的方法。

16、The principle of faith is to lessen words and to increase deeds. ─── 巴哈依教。

17、The theanine could also extend the time of memory so as to significantly lessen themistakes. ─── 可延长记忆获得障碍小鼠在跳台中首次错误的出现时间,减少错误次数。

18、Helpful to augment efficiency, lessen dealing Costs, promote exchanging amount are its economic feature. ─── 其深刻的经济义理表现为有助于效益的提高,减少交易费用,提高成交量。

19、Students suggested to reduce the number of BBQ sites so as to lessen the pollution problems. ─── 同学亦建议减少公园内的烧烤场地,因烧烤活动经常为公园带来各种污染。

20、She upbraided herself for the sentiment, but could not overcome or lessen it. ─── 她为这种感情而自责,但她既不能抑制也不能减少这种感情。

21、To lessen or attempt to lessen the magnitude or seriousness of, especially by providing partial excuses. ─── 减轻缩小或努力缩小重要或严重的程度,尤指为了提供偏心的借口

22、Surface or local warming-up of specific limbs will result in earlier fatigue and will also lessen work output. ─── 仅对特定某肢体的表面或局部的准备活动会过早产生疲劳,而且还会削弱训练效果。

23、He wanted to get the upper hand by lessening the achievements of his rivals. ─── 他想用贬低对手成就的方式来占上风。

24、But all that does not lessen his importance as a pioneer. ─── 不过,所有这一切并不贬低他开辟新途径的研究者的功绩:

25、But health campaigners fear that the details will lessen any impact theban might have. ─── 但是推崇健康生活的人们担心,很多细节问题会削弱禁令的效果。

26、However, there are ways to lessen the financial burden. ─── 不过,有些方法可以减轻财政负担。

27、Still, there is relief over the lessening of tensions. ─── 但这种箭拔弩弓的局势还是有所缓和的.

28、Its a rooted crusher and the proportion of lessening and making cubic is very high. ─── 它是一种根深蒂固的破碎机和比例减少,使立方米是非常高的。

29、For lessening the damage to corn caused by flooding, ridged culture is usually adopted in southern Taiwan.Two rows are planted on each ridge. ─── 为减轻玉米涝害,台湾南部地区常采用垄作方法种植玉米。

30、Moreover, Jianru's illness can even lessen a little of my own feeling of self-condemnation. ─── 并且剑如病,还可以减少点我从前自怨自艾的烦恼。

31、To lessen the force, strength, purity, or brilliance of, especially by admixture. ─── 削弱减小强度、浓度、纯度或变淡,尤指搀和

32、And the IMF still hopes to lessen the need for import controls. How do IMF operations work? ─── 国际货币基金组织还希望减少控制进口的需要。国际货币基金组织是如何进行工作的?

33、The peace talk lessen the tension of the two nations. ─── 和平谈判降低了两国之间的紧张关系。

34、I had early labor from the third month, and was told that I had to stay in bed to lessen the chance of losing Noah. ─── 从怀孕的第三个月起我就有早产的迹象,医生让我卧床以减少失去小诺亚的可能。

35、Mary: I know. But why your sudden interest in lessening your salt intake? ─── 玛丽: 这我知道. 但你为什么突然想减少盐的摄取量?

36、In Dutch hospitals, compulsory insurance covers even the most expensive treatments, lessening such fears. ─── 在荷兰的医院,强制保险甚至覆盖了最昂贵的治疗手段,这减轻了伦理学家的担心。

37、AS we grow old ,many aspects of brain are unuseful,like lessen memory,slower logistic,and so on. ─── 呵呵,有什么分享的,发消息给我啊,让这里更新得更快。

38、That 's the reason they are call lesson , because they lessen from day to day . ─── 其所以被称为lesson(功课)的理由,是因为日见其lesson(减少)。

39、Its appearance is a grand burst of upholster building, so it enormous lessen the carriers' working strength. ─── 它为劳动者极大的减轻了劳动强度,最大地创造了经济效益;

40、Do you know how to set manifdder on the lessen or enlarge pattern? ─── 你知道怎么将复印机设定在缩印(放大)模式上吗?

41、Sedimented institutions worsen the bias by lessening choice, interest, and participation. ─── 通过减少人们的选择权、利益和参与,陈腐的制度让这一倾向更加恶化。

42、Evidence show that, whether design a functioned method is the critical step of lessening course. ─── 种种迹象表明:能否设计出行之有效的国有股减持方式成为整个国有股减持的关键.

43、Prune birch, beech and maple trees after a hard frost to lessen sap flow. ─── 樺樹,山毛櫸和楓樹應在結霜之後修剪,以减少樹液的流失.

44、She walked east along Van Buren Street through a region of lessening importance, until it deteriorated into a mass of shanties and coal-yards. ─── 她顺着凡布仑街朝东走,经过一个不太热闹的区域,后来变成大批的矮屋和煤栈。

45、Won’t that lessen the excitement though? ─── 不过 这样兴奋感不就会减少吗?

46、The membrane operational modes are of great importance to a satisfied filtrate fluxand lessening membrane fouling. ─── 膜组件运行操作方式对获得稳定的膜通量,延缓、降低膜污染至关重要.

47、The significance of using thin type circular diamond sawblade is to reduce cutting width,thus lessening stone resources waste. ─── 使用薄型金刚石圆锯片的意义在于减小切缝宽度,从而降低石材资源浪费。

48、Some drugs lessen a person's sensibility. ─── 一些药物会减低一个人的敏感度。

49、Take some aspirin for(ie to lessen the pain caused by)your headache. ─── 你头痛吃点阿司匹林吧.

50、No lessening prosthesis, prosthesis dislocation , postoperative infection, nerve damage or periprosthesis fractures occurred. ─── 所有患者均无感染 、 经损伤和假体周围骨折,无假体松动 、 位等并发症.

51、Lessening Impacts When Campfires Are Used. ─── 低冲击的生造营火.

52、Nonetheless, he states clearly that there is a limit in lessening people's economic burden, where the interest of the ruler should be ensured. ─── 但他明确表示,减轻人民的经济负担是有限度的,这个限度就是统治者的根本利益要得到保证。

53、The talks have resulted in a lessening of suspicion. ─── 谈话消减了彼此的怀疑.

54、To lessen the chances of injury to the gelding, I made sure we were in an area where the ground was soft. ─── 为了教训并下下马威,我必需确定我们所在的区域,其地面是柔软的。

55、An important way to reduce NCDs is to focus on lessening the risk factors associated with these diseases. ─── 减少非传染性疾病的一个重要方式就是将重点放在减少与这些疾病有关的危险因素方面。

56、Most people, in fact, favor the lessening of prejudice. ─── 大多数人们,实际上支持偏见的减少。

57、To lessen in intensity; temper. ─── 使强度减轻;调和

58、If severe enough, the condition can lessen the amount of oxygen available to brain cells. ─── 如果病情过于严重,可能减少大脑细胞氧的含量。

59、Osaka feels a lot like Taipei, lessening the problem of adjustment. The photo shows a street scene in Osaka. ─── 大阪的感觉和台北类似,台商较无环境适应问题。图为大阪街头一景。

60、I could strengthen you with my mouth, And the solace of my lips could lessen your pain. ─── 伯16:5但我必用口坚固你们、嘴消解你们的忧愁。

61、The flexibility of a man's muscles will lessen as he becomes old. ─── 人老了肌肉的柔韧性将降低。

62、Doctor: I can lessen your inconvenience by making you an immediate denture. ─── 医生:我会为您做一副暂时的假牙来解决这个问题。

63、Diminish, lessen, subside, reduce, curtail The rain did not abate the crowd's enthusiasm for the baseball game. ─── 下雨并没有消减观众看棒球比赛的热情。

64、"I think this notion that somehow there is any lessening of that special relationship is misguided. ─── “我认为,有关这种特殊关系减弱的提法多少是被误导了。

65、So however much he earned, she spent it, her demands growing and lessening with his income. ─── 祥子挣多少, 她花多少, 她的要求随着他的钱涨落.

66、He wanted to get the upper hand by lessening the achievements of his rivals. ─── 他想用贬低对手成就的方式来占上风.

67、He never believes in divine requital.If it did work, he reasons, how come troubles never lessen in the world? ─── 他从不相信因果报应11,如果那样,这世上麻烦事不就少多了?

68、The contract should be in writing in order to lessen the chances for misunderstanding and future disagreement. ─── 合伙合同应是书面形式的,以减少误解和将来可能发生的争执。

69、The herb has also shown promise in lessening the effects of diabetic retinopathy, a degenerative eye disease that affects people with diabetes. ─── 山桑子对于因糖尿病而引致视觉衰退的视网膜病亦非常有效。

70、The weeks went by and the cat's sorrow seemed to be lessening. ─── 日子一周周过去,小猫的悲哀似乎也渐渐减轻.

71、The drop in capacity is caused by the lessening amount of refrigerant mass moved through the compressor at one time. ─── 加热能力的降低是由压缩机中一次流过的致冷剂质量的减少所致。

72、To lessen peer(group) pressure,many schools require their students to wear uniforms. ─── 为减少来自同龄群体的压力,许多学校要求学生们穿校服.

73、He was already exhausted, and then we should lessen his misery rather than disappoint him. ─── 他已经很疲惫了。我们应该减轻他的痛苦,而不是让他失望。

74、It tends to lessen inequality among countries and increase it within them. ─── 全球化减少国与国之间的贫富差距,但是却加剧了一个国家内部的不均衡现象。

75、That 's the reason they are called lesson, because they lessen from day to day . ─── 其所以被称为lesson(功课)的理由,是因为日见其lessen(减少)。

76、Its a rooted crusher and the proportion of lessening and making cubic is very high. ─── 它是一种根深蒂固的破碎机和比例减少,使立方米是非常高的.

77、At last, the author wants to prove that ESOP can bring many satisfactory results for State-owned shares lessening. ─── 并由此提出员工持股计划在当前对国有股减持可实现一举多赢效果的结论。

78、While lessening the material consumption,the cost of production is reduced,ensuring that the equipment runs steadily and chronically. ─── 在节约物耗的同时,降低了生产成本,保障了装置长周期平稳运行。

79、I wish something would happen to puncture her ego, ie lessen her conceit. ─── 她自以为是, 我希望让她碰个钉子.

80、A violation can occur even if there is no lessening of competition between the acquiring and the acquired firm. ─── 即使没有削弱兼并和被兼并厂商之间的竞争,也可能构成触犯法令。

81、They should consciously be aware of their tendency to discard anything that doesn't agree with their values, and work towards lessening this tendency. ─── 对自身偏于无视任何与他们的价值观不符合的事物这一倾向,他们应当有所认识,并努力削弱这种倾向。

82、They have made great effort to lessen the noise of planes . ─── 他们尽力减小飞机的噪音。

83、We should be able to lessen the damage to the city here. ─── 在这里我们必须能够减少对这个城市的损坏。

84、But some are likely to lessen competition. ─── 但也存在一些可能弱化竞争的合并。

85、A lessening or stopping of pain, worry etc. When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief. ─── 头痛时服用一片阿斯匹林能止痛。

86、The CCA elasticity is lessening with age increasing. ─── CCA壁弹性随年龄增加而降低;

87、"As a localized treatment, it might lessen the pain and perhaps ease this very painful disease," said Alexeev. ─── “作为一种局部治疗,它也许可以减轻疼痛,缓解这种极其痛苦的症状。”阿莱克谢耶夫说。

88、But she said it did lessen her desire to eat cabbages! ─── 但她说,却使她不太愿意吃卷心菜了。

89、Most people, in fact, favor the lessening of prejudice. ─── 事实上,大多数人都赞成减少偏见。

90、You must be frank with me, if you wish to secure my good opinion, and lessen the risk of inconvenience to yourself. ─── 你必须对我老老实实,如果你希望我替你说好话,而减轻你的不便。

91、This did not lessen the enthusiasm of Eurosceptics for bashing the document. ─── 但是这也不减少欧洲怀疑论者对这个文件进行批评的兴趣。

92、That's the reason they are called lesson,because they lessen from day to day. ─── 其所以被称为lesson(功课)的理由,是因为日见其lessen(减少)。

93、A colorless reducer (magnesia in linseed oil) used to extend lithographic inks and lessen their color strength. ─── 中义减色剂,使平版油墨容易延展并降低色强度。

94、It has important functions of capital structure optimization, owned stock lessening and modern incentive system promotion. ─── 然而,股份回购在优化资本结构、国有股减持和推进现代激励机制方面都具有现实意义.

95、Malolactic fermentation is vital to lessen the wine's acidity. ─── 乳酸发酵是至关重要的减少葡萄酒的酸度。

96、Coming back here didn't lessen my confusion and pain. ─── 回来之后我的困惑和苦恼并没有减轻。

97、The surgeon could only do a shunting operation to lessen the headaches that would occur when the tumor grew big. ─── 外科医生只能为她做一导管手术帮她在肿瘤增大时减少头痛。

98、I know. But why your sudden interest in lessening your salt intake? ─── 这我知道. 但你为什么突然想减少盐的摄取量?

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